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We used an in vitro opsonophagocytic killing assay to measure the functional activity of antibody directed at the mucoid exopolysaccharide (MEP) antigen expressed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from cystic fibrosis patients. Rabbit antibodies raised to purified MEP were able to mediate phagocytic killing in the presence of human peripheral blood leukocytes and a low level (final concentration, 0.3%) of fresh normal human serum as a complement source. No bacterial killing was observed when peripheral blood leukocytes, antiserum, or complement was omitted. Specificity of the antibody for the MEP antigen was shown by adsorption and inhibition assays. Affinity-purified antibody to MEP also mediate phagocytic killing. These data indicate that antiphagocytic properties attributable to MEP can be overcome by specific antibody.  相似文献   

Although the mucoid form of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) is largely responsible for the progression of lung disease in cystic fibrosis (CF), the relationship between factors relating daily-care regimes to mucoidy acquisition are as yet poorly investigated. Fifty-two CF patients registered at the CF centre of Dijon, France, were retrospectively evaluated from the date of Pa colonization either to the first -positive sputum culture for mucoid Pa (n = 26) or to the last culture in which the Pa remained non-mucoid (n = 26). All clinical, pathological and therapeutic events were recorded. The association between the parameters collected and mucoid transition of Pa was assessed in a Cox model with time-dependant covariables. The mean follow-up was 4.7 ± 4.3 years. Three independent parameters were associated with the higher risk of mucoid transition of Pa: persistence of Pa in sputum (OR 7.89; p <0.01), use of inhaled bronchodilators (OR 3.40; p = 0.04), and the use of inhaled colimycin (OR 4.04; p = 0.02). Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae or Streptococcus pneumoniae in sputum was associated with a lower risk (OR 0.24; p < 0.01). Mucoid transition of Pa was associated with variables that reflected the severity of both lung disease and Pa colonization. Although they do not lead to prophylactic measures, these results corroborate the need to avoid Pa persistence.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that antibodies to Pseudomonas aeruginosa mucoid exopolysaccharide (MEP) can be divided into two types on the basis of their functional activity. One type is able to mediate opsonic killing in conjunction with leukocytes and complement, and the other type is not. We investigated, in mice, the properties of this antigen associated with elicitation of opsonic killing antibody. We found that smaller-sized material (Kav = 0.26), which has been tested as a human vaccine, elicited opsonic killing antibody in mice at low doses (1 to 10 micrograms) and at doses of greater than or equal to 40 micrograms, only nonopsonic killing antibody was produced. A similar dose effect was seen with heat-killed mucoid P. aeruginosa cells. After immunization with high doses of this MEP or the heat-killed cells, the mice were refractory to induction of opsonic killing antibody no matter what dose of MEP was used as a booster. In contrast, a larger-molecular-weight preparation (Kav = 0.05) elicited opsonic killing antibody over a wide dose range (1 to 400 micrograms). Additionally, 50 micrograms of the larger-sized preparation could overcome the suppression induced by 50 micrograms of the smaller material. Suppression elicited by 50 micrograms of the smaller material could be adoptively transferred to nonimmune mice with the T-cell fraction of spleen cells. These results indicate that both molecular size and dose are critical determinants for eliciting opsonic killing antibody to mucoid P. aeruginosa after immunizing with MEP.  相似文献   

Ecology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The occurrence of various Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains in the sputum of 15 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) was monitored over periods ranging from 2 to 60 months. Isolates of P. aeruginosa were typed by four different techniques, namely serotyping, active and passive pyocin typing, and phage typing. The maximum number of different serotypes found in the patients was three (one serotype in nine patients; two serotypes in five patients; three serotypes in one patient). Pyocin and phage typing showed no marked differences between strains of the same serotype in individual patients. Exacerbations of chronic respiratory infection were not associated with changes in the sputum flora, the composition of P. aeruginosa strains in which remains constant over long periods in patients with CF.  相似文献   

Direct electron microscopic examination of postmortem lung material from cystic fibrosis patients infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa has shown that these bacterial cells form distinct fiber-enclosed microcolonies in the infected alveoli. Similar examination of bronchoscopy material from infected cystic fibrosis patients showed that the fibres of the enveloping matrix are definitely associated with the bacterial cells. The fibers of the extracellular matrix stain with ruthenium red and are therefore presumed to be polyanionic. When mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa were recovered from cystic fibrosis patients and grown in a suitable liquid medium, they were found to produce large microcolonies whose component cells were embedded in a very extensive matrix of polyanionic fibers that could be stabilized by reaction with antibodies to prevent collapse during the dehydration steps of preparation for electron microscopy. When these mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa were used to produce pulmonary infections of rats by the agar bead method, the infected alveoli contained large fiber-enclosed bacterial microcolonies. We conclude that the cells of P. aeruginosa that infect cystic fibrosis patients form microcolonies that are enveloped in a fibrous anionic matrix and that these microcolonies can be duplicated in in vitro cultures and in animal model systems.  相似文献   

The mucoid exopolysaccharide of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is thought to confer antiphagocytic properties on mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa, thus allowing them to persist in the respiratory tract. It has also been speculated that the mucoid exopolysaccharide may be the adhesin for mucoid strains, but proof is lacking. We studied the role of the mucoid exopolysaccharide in adherence of mucoid strains in competitive experiments with purified mucoid exopolysaccharide, by measuring the binding of 14C-labeled mucoid exopolysaccharide to injured tracheas and testing whether an antibody against the major epitope of the mucoid exopolysaccharide inhibits adherence of these organisms. Our data show that the purified mucoid exopolysaccharide increased the adherence of four of the mucoid strains tested (by 50 to 300%; P less than 0.001) instead of inhibiting adherence. Radiolabeled mucoid exopolysaccharide bound much better to injured tracheal cells than to normal tracheal cells (P less than 0.001), and antibody against the antigen of strain 2192, the strain from which mucoid exopolysaccharide was prepared, inhibited the adherence of four of five mucoid strains but not the strain lacking this antigen. This antibody also failed to inhibit a nonmucoid revertant from strain 2192, which was previously shown to be inhibited by pili. These data strongly support the thesis that the mucoid exopolysaccharide is the adhesion for mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Objective   To determine persistence and variability of colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients over long time periods, and to look for possible cross-colonization.
Methods   In total, 469 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were obtained from 30 patients during the period from April 1994 to April 1996. The sources were mainly sputum and a few deep throat swabs. All grown strains dissimilar in macromorphology were processed separately. Typing with PFGE was carried out by contour-clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis. Genomic DNA was subjected to the rare-cutting restriction enzyme Spe I. For pyocin typing, the procedure described by Fyfe was applied.
Results   After typing with PFGE, we observed 40 restriction profiles. Eighteen different pyocin types were found. The most frequent pyocin type was type 3, followed by types 1 and 5. Twenty-two patients were persistently colonized by one clone specific and different for each patient, and four were co-colonized by a second clone also different for each of these patients. Cross-colonization had apparently been rare in the cystic fibrosis center of Leipzig.
Conclusions   Typing with PFGE is well suited for detailed investigations of colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients. Pyocin typing can provide additional information for epidemiologic purposes.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for flagellum type (a or b) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was used to detect serum immunoglobulin antibodies in 98 random outpatients and 14 colonized cystic fibrosis patients. Antibodies were detected to both types of flagella in addition to M-2 lipopolysaccharide. Titers to both flagellar antigens (FlAg) were 10 to 100 times higher in cystic fibrosis patients than in random outpatients of a comparable age group. Mean antibody titers against b-type FlAg were 454 for outpatients (ages newborn to 21 years), whereas the mean titer for cystic fibrosis patients (ages 6 to 21 years) was 51,520. Titers against a-type FlAg were generally lower, with mean outpatient titers of 68 and mean cystic fibrosis patient titers of 34,323. Differences were also seen in antibody titer against M-2 lipopolysaccharide, but these differences did not correspond to M-2 FlAg titers. In 98 random outpatients (ages newborn to 86 years), FlAg titers generally increased with age. To demonstrate further specificity of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for flagellum antibody, Western blots were performed with selected high-titer cystic fibrosis patient sera. Sera that had a high titer (greater than 25,600) for b- or a-type FlAg showed a corresponding reactive band. These results demonstrate that flagellum antibodies are produced in humans in response to P. aeruginosa infection.  相似文献   

We evaluated in vitro the functional role of mucoid exopolysaccharide (MEP) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in blocking antibiotic-induced and polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)-mediated pseudomonal killing. The serum-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates used were mucoid strain 144MR and its nonmucoid revertant, strain 144NM. By timed kill curves, early bacterial effects of amikacin against mucoid strain 144MR were substantially less than those observed with nonmucoid strain 144NM; this effect was reversible with enzymatic hydrolysis of MEP of strain 144MR by alginase. Also, early tobramycin uptake (15 to 30 min) by mucoid 144MR cells was less than that seen with nonmucoid strain 144NM; pretreatment of 144MR cells with alginase substantially enhanced early tobramycin uptake compared with untreated 144MR cells (P = 0.08). In strain 144NM (but not in strain 114MR) there was a notable postantibiotic leukocidal enhancement effect manifested by increased nonopsonic killing following brief exposure of these cells to supra-MIC amikacin; pretreatment of strain 144MR with alginase rendered these cells more susceptible to amikacin-induced postantibiotic leukocidal enhancement. Similarly, direct PMN-mediated nonopsonic killing of mucoid strain 144MR was significantly less than that observed with strain 144NM (P less than 0.05); pretreatment of 144MR cells with alginase rendered this strain equal to strain 144NM in susceptibility to nonopsonic killing. In addition, exogenous sodium alginate or extracted MEP of strain 144MR interfered with effective nonopsonic killing of strain 144NM by PMNs. Studies also indicated that mucoid strain 144MR was phagocytosed significantly less well than its nonmucoid mate (P less than 0.00001), an effect reversed by pretreatment of the mucoid cells with alginase. These data confirm that P. aeruginosa MEPs functionally decrease the uptake and early bactericidal effect of aminoglycosides in vitro and interfere with effective PMN-mediated nonopsonic phagocytosis and killing of mucoid strains.  相似文献   

Growth and exoproduct production were examined with sputum from patients with respiratory diseases serving as the growth substrate for mucoid strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Mucoid strains are uniquely common to chronic respiratory infections of CF patients. The mucoid colonial morphology of P. aeruginosa is due to the biosynthesis of the exopolysaccharide alginate. Alginate-producing (Alg+) strains utilized CF sputum for growth and high yields of alginate; however, sputum from patients with other respiratory diseases produced comparable results. Analysis of CF sputum medium indicated that amino acids and small peptides were major substrates for P. aeruginosa in respiratory secretions. Cultures of Alg+ strains in CF sputum medium were inhibited in growth and reduced in alginate yields by a low concentration (1 mM) of D-mannose, suggesting therapeutic applications. The rates of growth of two Alg+ strains in CF sputum medium were found to be slightly lower compared with their respective spontaneous Alg- mutants, indicating that the mucoid phenotype does not enhance the ability of P. aeruginosa to utilize respiratory secretions. At all stages of growth in CF sputum medium, two Alg+ strains produced lower yields of protease than did their respective Alg- mutants. When seven Alg+ strains of CF origin were compared with their respective Alg- mutants, the Alg+ phenotype correlated with reduced yields of extracellular proteases. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that mucoid strains of P. aeruginosa are more suited to chronic rather than to acute respiratory infections in that reduced yields of proteases temper the level of damage to the lungs and result in a reduced infiltration of phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

In patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) prevention of lung infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is of major importance. Principles to achieve this goal include vaccination, immediate use of antibiotics in patients newly colonized with the pathogen, and hygienic measures. The purpose of this review is to discuss recent developments in this context.  相似文献   

Patients with cystic fibrosis have a high prevalence of mucoid, alginate-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa that causes chronic infection of the mucosal surface of the lungs. We developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) for determination in serum of immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG antibodies to alginate purified from P. aeruginosa and an ELISA for detection of IgA antibodies to a polyvalent P. aeruginosa standard antigen. Absorption experiments indicated that the assays were antigen and antibody specific and had analytical variations that ranged from 7 to 19%. Serum samples from 207 patients with cystic fibrosis, 100 healthy children, and 94 healthy adults were examined. The patients responded to P. aeruginosa infection with early IgA and IgG antibody responses that were significantly higher than in controls and noncolonized patients. Analysis of paired serum samples showed that infected patients had an increase in specific IgG and IgA antibodies that was significantly higher than in noncolonized patients. The serological data were analyzed for correlation with clinical condition; poor lung function was significantly associated with increased levels of IgA and IgG antibodies to P. aeruginosa alginate and to the standard antigen and with a relative excess of IgA antibodies to the standard antigen compared with IgA antibodies to P. aeruginosa alginate. The assays showed high predictive values if positive, but a negative test did not exclude infection, and the ELISAs should not be used for diagnostic purposes. Mucoid strains were present initially in the sputa of 28 of 54 infected patients with paired serum samples. These patients had a significant increase in anti-alginate antibodies, but it was not different from the increase seen in patients infected only with nonmucoid strains. Therefore, alginate may also be produced in vivo by nonmucoid P. aeruginosa. The study showed that early formation of IgA and IgG antibodies to P. aeruginosa alginate did not prevent development of chronic infection and that P. aeruginosa-specific IgA antibodies correlate with poor lung function.  相似文献   

Chronic lung infection with mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the major pathologic feature of cystic fibrosis. Previous studies suggested that a failure to produce opsonic antibody to the mucoid exopolysaccharide (MEP; also called alginate) capsule is associated with the maintenance of chronic bacterial infection. Provision of MEP-specific opsonic antibodies has therapeutic potential. To evaluate the ability of MEP to elicit opsonic antibodies, humans were immunized with two lots of MEP vaccine that differed principally in molecular size. Lot 2 had a larger average MEP polymer size. Both vaccines were well tolerated, but lot 1 was poorly immunogenic, inducing long-lived opsonic antibodies in only 2 of 28 vaccinates given doses of 10 to 150 micrograms. In contrast, at the optimal dose of 100 micrograms, lot 2 elicited long-lived opsonic antibodies in 80 to 90% of the vaccinates. The antibodies elicited by both lots enhanced deposition of C3 onto mucoid P. aeruginosa cells and mediated opsonic killing of heterologous mucoid strains expressing distinct MEP antigens. These results indicate that the polymers of MEP with the largest molecular sizes safely elicit opsonic antibodies in a sufficiently large proportion of vaccinates to permit studies of active and passive immunization of cystic fibrosis patients against infection with mucoid P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Production of mucoid exopolysaccharide by planktonic, chemostat-derived, and adherent Pseudomonas aeruginosa 579 bacteria was separately monitored for 7 days by using a lacZ-algD promoter-reporter gene and assays of total carbohydrate and metabolic activity. Mucoid exopolysaccharide production was transiently elevated following adherence but declined to planktonic levels by day 7.  相似文献   

The locus responsible for mucoid colony morphology in five independent clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from cystic fibrosis patients have been transferred by means of pM060-mediated conjugation to the genetically characterised strain P. aeruginosa PAO. Genetic mapping has shown that in all five strains the locus is on the chromosome between 89' and 94', although it is not possible to say that the same locus is involved in each case. The way is now open for a more detailed genetic analysis of the loci responsible for mucoid colony morphology.  相似文献   

Once mucoid (alginate-producing) strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa have become established in the respiratory tracts of cystic fibrosis patients they can rarely be eliminated by antibiotic treatment alone; we have investigated, in an in vitro biofilm system, the putative role of co-administration of alginate lyase with antibiotic. Biofilms were maintained in continuous flow culture in a medium resembling sputum from CF patients. Antibiotics and/or alginate lyase were added to some of the cultures. Biofilms of two mucoid CF strains of P. aeruginosa were, in most cases, not eradicated by a one-week course of treatment with 64 microg/ml of gentamicin; the same concentration of gentamicin, under the same conditions, led to the apparent elimination of all biofilms of non-mucoid derivatives of these strains. When alginate lyase and gentamicin were administered together the apparent elimination of mucoid bacteria from biofilms was achieved, whereas the mucoid bacteria in most control biofilms treated only with gentamicin persisted. Ceftazidime treatment of biofilms was more effective against those containing the non-mucoid strains than those with mucoid strains. These studies support the view that co-administration of antibiotics with alginate lyase, which degrades the exopolysaccharide produced by mucoid strains of P aeruginosa, might benefit CF patients by increasing the efficacy of antibiotic in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

Alginates from nine mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis were purified by repeated ethanol precipitation, nuclease digestion, anion-exchange chromatography, dialysis, and lyophilization. Uronic acid constituted 72% of the dry weight when mannuronolactone was used as the internal standard in the carbazole-borate assay for uronic acids. The average degree of acetylation was 16%, and the ratio of mannuronic acid to gluluronic acid was 4.7. No homopolymeric blocks of guluronic acid were found when analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Contaminating proteins were denatured by heating, and during purification the content of protein relative to alginate fell from 566 to 0.9%. The content of lipopolysaccharide was 0.012%. No immunological or biological activity was attributable to the protein or lipopolysaccharide content as estimated by immunoblotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and a neutrophil chemotaxis assay. Rabbits were hyperimmunized with P. aeruginosa alginates and alginate from the seaweed Laminaria hyperborea, and an ELISA that detected alginate-specific antibodies was developed. Antibodies to P. aeruginosa alginate were detected by ELISA in 1:4,000 dilutions of serum from patients with cystic fibrosis with chronic P. aeruginosa lung infection. The serological cross-reactions between serum from the nine patients with cystic fibrosis and the corresponding P. aeruginosa alginates were investigated and showed considerable heterogeneity. This finding indicates that P. aeruginosa alginate from more than one P. aeruginosa strain should be used in serological tests. There was no serological cross-reactivity between P. aeruginosa and Laminaria hyperborea alginate in either rabbits or patients with cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

The temporal appearance of extracellular proteases produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was analyzed by pH 9 and pH 4 polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. Ammonium sulfate precipitates of culture supernatants from various stages of growth revealed a time-dependent increase in number and amount of proteolytically active proteins. One mucoid P. aeruginosa clinical isolate and its derived nonmucoid variant, as well as two other nonmucoid variant P. aeruginosa strains (all from cystic fibrosis patients), showed similar production of five differently migrating proteases (P1 to P5, numbered according to increasing net negative charge) in pH 9 PAGE and one protease in pH 4 PAGE. P2, P3, and P5 increased to maximum concentrations at 24 to 48 h, decreasing thereafter, whereas P4 continued increasing even at 83 h, and P1 fluctuated. P3 was identified as an elastase. P2 was possibly composed of polypeptide chains bridged by disulfide bonds, since without reduction it migrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE as a single protein, and with reduction it migrated as three protein bands. Two-dimensional PAGE revealed multiple molecular weight species within protease-positive bands in pH 9 gel strips. Isoelectric focusing gave a pattern of protein separation that correlated with two-dimensional PAGE analysis. Thus, greater heterogeneity of active proteases than previously reported has been demonstrated in all P. aeruginosa clinical isolates studied by sensitive two-dimensional PAGE analysis.  相似文献   

Fecal isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was observed in 8 of 10 patients with cystic fibrosis who at the time of sampling also exhibited colonization of the respiratory tract. In contrast, P. aeruginosa cells were isolated at low frequency (9.1%) from the stools of 44 patients with cystic fibrosis with no previous history of chronic colonization. The results of this study suggest that the gastrointestinal tract is not a significant chronic reservoir of P. aeruginosa prior to pulmonary colonization.  相似文献   

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