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This paper aims to report ways of integrating health literacy into occupational therapy practice. Health literacy is defined as the ability to access, understand, evaluate, and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain, and improve health in various settings over the life-course. A scoping study of the scientific and grey literature on health and, specifically, occupational therapy and health promotion was done from 1980 to May 2010. Five databases were searched by combining key words (i) “health literacy” with (ii) “rehabilitation”, “occupational therapy”, or “health promotion”. Data were extracted from 44 documents: five textbooks, nine reports, and 29 articles. The literature on health literacy needs enhancing in both quantity and quality. Nevertheless, six ways of integrating health literacy into occupational therapy practice were identified (frequency; %): occupational therapists should (i) be informed about and recognize health literacy (27; 61.4), (ii) standardize their practice (10; 22.7), (iii) make information accessible (37; 84.1), (iv) interact optimally with clients (26; 59.1), (v) intervene (29; 65.9) and (vi) collaborate to increase health literacy (21; 47.7). Since health literacy can directly impact on intervention efficacy, further studies are needed on how to integrate health literacy into occupational therapy practice.  相似文献   

Background: Time use is a defining interest within occupational therapy and occupational science. This is evident through the range of contributions to the disciplinary knowledge base. Indeed it has been suggested that time-use methods are amongst the most established research techniques used to explore aspects of human occupation. However, the extent and nature of such activity in occupational therapy and occupational science has not been examined to date. Aim: This study sought to map the extent and nature of time-use research in occupational therapy and occupational science journals and the extent to which studies explored the relationship between time-use and health. Method: A scoping review method was used. Results: Sixty-one studies were included. Scandinavian countries contributed the largest number of studies (n = 16, 26%). While time-use diaries were used most frequently (n = 30, 49%) occupational therapists and occupational scientists have developed a range of data-collection instruments. Forty-nine studies (80%) focused on time-use in clinical or defined population sub-groups. Ten studies (16%) included an empirical examination of the relationship between time-use and health. Conclusion: Future research should examine time-use and health amongst well populations across the lifespan and in different parts of the world.  相似文献   

The aim of this qualitative study was to identify and analyse the experiences of Swedish local health authority occupational therapists with regard to their participation in, and the implementation of, research. Data were collected from three focus-group interviews, with five different occupational therapists in each. The interviews were taped and transcribed and thereafter analysed using broad coding. One core category-"feeling professionally competent"-emerged, comprising three subcategories: "perceiving congruence between research and practice", "having the necessary skills", and "making a contribution". Feeling professionally competent embraces the occupational therapists' definition and delimitation of their professional domain and the obligations related to this. It also embraces the perception of having the skills necessary for participating in research projects and implementing research findings in a scientific manner. The implementation of research was not only perceived as contributing to the knowledge base of the profession, but personal gains could also be made. The knowledge gained from this study can help in the development of strategies to promote the integration of research in local authority occupational therapy practice. This is necessary; otherwise the occupational therapy provided will be based on the knowledge and perceptions of individual professionals, rather than on state-of-the-art knowledge gained through research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We sought to better use qualitative approaches in occupational health research and integrate them with quantitative methods. METHODS: We systematically reviewed, selected, and adapted qualitative research methods as part of a multisite study of the predictors and outcomes of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among hospital workers in two large urban tertiary hospitals. RESULTS: The methods selected included participant observation; informal, open-ended, and semistructured interviews with individuals or small groups; and archival study. The nature of the work and social life of the hospitals and the foci of the study all favored using more participant observation methods in the case study than initially anticipated. CONCLUSIONS: Exploiting the full methodological spectrum of qualitative methods in occupational health is increasingly relevant. Although labor-intensive, these approaches may increase the yield of established quantitative approaches otherwise used in isolation.  相似文献   

Given the startling number of job-related illnesses and injuries which occur every year, occupational health and safety, a hitherto neglected topic, deserves significant attention in the school health education curriculum. Youngsters need to be exposed to this field before they become indifferent or callous toward diseases and accidents in the workplace and while the opportunity still exists to weight health and safety considerations in selecting a career. In addition, when students take up regular employment, they cannot rely on industry, government, or organized labor to protect them fully from occupational illnesses and accidents; they must possess the skills and attitudes necessary to safeguard themselves. Occupational health and safety education in the schools can focus on general awareness, skill development, and job-specific information. The field can be easily and appropriately integrated with a number of current health education topics. Examples of integration are provided for eleven typical areas of a school health education curriculum.  相似文献   



To determine whether integrating antiretroviral therapy (ART) into antenatal care (ANC) and maternal and child health (MCH) clinics could improve programmatic and patient outcomes.


The authors systematically searched PubMed, Embase, African Index Medicus and LiLACS for randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort studies, or retrospective cohort studies comparing outcomes in ANC or MCH clinics that had and had not integrated ART. The outcomes of interest were ART coverage, ART enrolment, ART retention, mortality and transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


Four studies met the inclusion criteria. All were conducted in ANC clinics. Increased enrolment of pregnant women in ART was observed in ANC clinics that had integrated ART (relative risk, RR: 2.09; 95% confidence interval, CI; 1.78–2.46; I2: 15%). Increased ART coverage was also noted in such clinics (RR: 1.37; 95% CI: 1.05–1.79; I2: 83%). Sensitivity analyses revealed a trend for the national prevalence of HIV infection to explain the heterogeneity in the size of the effect of ART integration on ART coverage (P = 0.13). Retention in ART was similar in ANC clinics with and without ART integration.


Although few data were available, ART integration in ANC clinics appears to lead to higher rates of ART enrolment and ART coverage. Rates of retention in ART remain similar to those observed in referral-based models.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the human and monetary costs of occupational injury and illness, occupational health care has focused more on treatment than prevention, and prevention is not part of many clinical occupational health practices. This represents a failure of occupational health care to meet the health care needs of the working patients. METHODS: MEDLINE searches were conducted for literature on occupational medical treatment and the prevention of occupational injury and illness were reviewed to for linkages between prevention and treatment. Policy discussions which identify examples of programs that integrated prevention and treatment were included. RESULTS: Although examples of the integration of clinical and preventive occupational health services exist, there are challenges and barriers to such integration. These include inaction by clinicians who do not recognize their potential role in prevention; the absence of a relationship between the clinician and an employer willing to participate in prevention; economic disincentives against prevention; and the absence of tools that evaluate clinicians on their performance in prevention. CONCLUSIONS: Research is needed to improve and promote clinical occupational health preventive services.  相似文献   

Though there has been a considerable expansion of interest in the health literacy concept worldwide, there has also been criticism that this concept has been poorly defined, that it stretches the idea of "literacy" to an indefensible extent and more specifically, that it adds little to the existing concerns and intervention approaches of the better established discipline of health promotion. This paper takes as a starting point the expanded model of health literacy advanced by Nutbeam (2000) and addresses these concerns by interrogating the concept of "critical health literacy" in order to draw conclusions about its utility for advancing the health of individuals and communities. The constituent domains of critical health literacy are identified; namely information appraisal, understanding the social determinants of health, and collective action, and as far as possible each are clearly delineated, with links to related concepts made explicit. The paper concludes that an appreciation of work undertaken in a range of different disciplines, such as media studies, medical sociology, and evidence-based medicine can enhance our understanding of the critical health literacy construct and help us understand its usefulness as a social asset which helps individuals towards a critical engagement with health information. There is some evidence that aspects of critical health literacy have indeed been found to be a resource for better health outcomes, but more research is needed in this area, both to develop quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluating health literacy skills, and to offer convincing evidence that investment in programmes designed to enhance critical health literacy are worthwhile.  相似文献   

目的了解7~14岁低龄青少年看护人及初中生本人有关青春早期性生殖健康素养现况水平及潜在影响因素。方法采用多阶段抽样的方法,对上海市4个区1 603名中、小学生看护人和964名初中生本人分别进行青春早期性生殖健康素养问卷评价,同时询问家庭社会经济状况和学生成长相关信息。结果被调查看护人和初中生的青春早期性生殖健康素养总体得分均在70分左右;初中生本人得分和各维度得分也大多与其看护人得分呈正相关(均P < 0.01)。初中生看护人的得分明显高于小学生看护人,分别为72分和70分(P < 0.01);影响看护人得分的因素包括子女性别、户籍、文化程度、职业及核心家庭人均月收入。初中女生得分明显高于男生,分别为68分和66分(P=0.006);影响其健康素养得分的因素还包括父亲的文化程度。结论中、小学生看护人和学生本人对于青春早期性生殖健康素养有较大的提升空间,此研究结果可为面向青少年和看护人的青春早期性生殖健康教育提供本底水平数据。  相似文献   

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