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In this paper we describe a programme for developing nursing care for patients with myocardial infarction (MI) and report some results of a study in which applicability and effectiveness of this programme were evaluated. To investigate how the programme influenced nursing practice, nurses' readiness (knowledge, skills, motivation, accountability) to provide care for MI patients was followed for 2 years. Data for the evaluation were collected by questionnaires from three categories of nurses, by analysing nursing documents before and 1 and 2 years after the programme started, and by keeping a continuous diary. This programme made an impact on many variables that measure changes in nursing practice and nurses' readiness to provide care. The implications of this programme for nursing practice, research, education and administration are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 了解临床护士身体评估技术的应用现状,为提高身体评估质量提供可靠依据.方法 采用自行设计的身体评估能力调查问卷,对国内6省市医院的护理人员进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷1115份.结果 在171个身体评估项目中4.0%为经常使用的评估项目,19.3%较常使用,76.7%偶尔才会用到;身体评估技术的应用频率与主观需求、地域、文化程度、医院级别呈正相关,与职称、年龄、工作时间呈负相关.结论 区域、医院级别和学历是导致评估技术发展不平衡的主要因素,专科医院和专科病房的身体评估及技术亟待规范.
Objective To understand the application status of physical assessment in clinical nurses. Methods Using self-designed physical assessment skills questionnaire to investigate nurses in six provinces of China, 1115 questionnaires were valid. Results There were 171 items in this questionnaire,4.0% of them were used regularly, 19.3% used frequently, 76.7% used occasionally. The result of Spearman correlation showed that there was positive correlation between the frequency of physical assessment skills and the subjective needs of nurses, regional, educational background, hospital level. There was also negative correlation with title, age and seniority. Conclusions The main factors lead to imbalance development of physical assessment skills are regional, hospital-level and education background; the assessment skills of specialist hospitals and wards need to be standardized immediately.  相似文献   

AIM: In New Zealand, the physical assessment of a patient has traditionally been the domain of the medical profession. As a country implementing advanced practice roles, with an expectation that both nurse practitioners and registered nurses will use physical assessment skills, the relevancy of physical assessment for each scope of practice has currency. The aim of this literature review was to discover what could be learnt from the experiences of Western countries that already incorporate physical assessment skills into nurses' health assessment. FINDINGS: Nurses in the USA, and more recently Canada and Australia, readily incorporate physical assessment skills into their nursing practice as a component of health assessment. The international literature identified that any change to the nurse's role in health assessment, to include physical assessment skills, requires strategies that involve the regulatory, educational and practice components of nursing. CONCLUSION: Nurses and other health professionals must perceive that this role expansion will improve health outcomes for the diverse populations accessing health care. Teaching physical assessment skills within a holistic health model will enable nurses to contribute a more comprehensive health assessment to the planning and monitoring of people's health care.  相似文献   

[目的]对护理实习生进行护理软技能培训,提高其综合素质和就业竞争力.[方法]采用对照研究,比较在临床实习中加入护理软技能培训前后两组护生出科理论、操作、综合测评成绩及病人对护生的满意度、护生差错及投诉发生率.[结果]两组护生在出科时理论、操作、综合测评成绩及病人对护生的满意度和护生差错、投诉发生率比较差异均有统计学意义(Ρ<0.05或P<0.01).[结论]通过对护生进行护理软技能培训,可以有效地提高护生的综合素质,减少差错和投诉,提高病人对护生的满意度.  相似文献   

目的:探讨五年制高职护理专业护理技能教学与临床护理实践的差异,并进行分析,提出促进护理技能教学贴近临床实践的可行性策略。方法:采用自编调查问卷,对三所五年制高职护理专业学校的250名护生进行横断面调查。结果:护理技能教学与临床护理在医嘱处理、铺备用床、分娩护理等19项常用护理技术比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);差异主要表现在操作场景、用物准备、护理对象、操作方法、操作步骤5个方面,其中操作场景、用物准备和护理对象差异较大。结论:目前护理技能教学与临床实践的差异较大,各项操作差异程度和差异环节不同;建议采取优化护理教师队伍建设、改革教学方法、加强临床教学基地建设、增加课间见习和集中见习、统一护理技术操作考核标准等举措,以促进护理技能教学贴近临床实践。  相似文献   

Aims and objectivesThis review examines the current evidence of the effectiveness of the use of video or video podcast technology produced either commercially or in-house in developing nursing students' confidence in clinical skills for practice.BackgroundThe ability of graduates to provide safe, quality, nursing care is the core of any nursing education curriculum. Developing teaching and learning strategies to enhance skills development and confidence is challenging for educators, particularly with contemporary and diverse student populations requiring student-centred, technology-enhanced learning.DesignAn integrative review framework.Review methodsA systematic search was conducted using the following eight databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, ProQuest, PubMed, ERIC, Scopus, EMBASE, and Google Scholar. Selection criteria included: published in English, involving undergraduate nursing students, measuring confidence in relation to skills development, and using video or video podcasts.ResultsFour studies met the inclusion criteria, with six themes identified. Four themes emerged: Pedagogy; Skills performance and competency; Student satisfaction and confidence in relation to skills development; Technical constraints. Two additional themes related to the impetus for introducing video podcasts: first, time as an institutional, curricular, and academic/student challenge; and second, meeting the generational needs of students.ConclusionThis review demonstrates that video technology teaching methods and traditional teaching methods used in conjunction with each other create the most positive learning environment. Although video technology methods provide a flexible teaching option for the contemporary student population, developing and delivering videos in a clinical skills program need to be conceptualised within an appropriate pedagogical approach to ensure a purposeful and meaningful learning experience. Whilst student confidence was embedded within other evaluations, it is not clearly reviewed or understood; therefore, further research is required in this area.  相似文献   

1. The aim of nurses assisting elders with eating is to maintain the resident's existing abilities or recover, as much as possible, lost abilities. 2. The findings of this study indicated that nurses did not understand the importance of sitting while feeding elderly residents. 3. More than one quarter (28%) of the nursing staff surveyed were unable to identify age-related changes that may increase the possibility of choking.  相似文献   

Today a new generation of nurses with different cultural insights and a deeper appreciation of human life and values are developing a sensitivity for culturally appropriate individualized care. Although literature on clinical approaches in cultural diverse situations is mushrooming, relatively few theories on transcultural nursing provide a systematic method for comprehensive nursing assessment, which is necessary for both the nursing practitioner and the researcher to provide appropriate nursing care tailored for each client. Below an outline of the areas that need to be assessed when working with clients from multicultural populations.  相似文献   

在护生进入临床实习前进行基础护理技能操作的强化训练,使护生进一步熟悉操作程序,规范操作过程,提高操作的正确性,为尽快适应临床护理工作奠定基础。1对象及方法1.1研究对象选取我院准备进入临床实习的2001级护理本科护生共30名,全部是女生。1.2方法在进入临床实习前集中对临床常用基础护理操作进行训练,训练前让每位护生随机抽取一项操作进行考核,3d训练结束后再以同样的方法进行考核(考核的评分标准一致),所获得的数据输入SPSS软件进行配对样本t检验,数据以均数±标准差表示,P<0.05被认为差异有统计学意义。2结果强化训练前考核成绩76.…  相似文献   

Nursing models are invaluable in the direction they provide for nursing practice, education and research The growth and development of the nursing profession is enhanced when its practice is guided by nursing theory Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings is appealing to nursing because of its open-systems perspective and focus on holistic and individualistic care Rogers' model is utilized to develop a nursing assessment tool that may be used in a variety of situations The Rogerian-based assessment tool is used to gather data from a postpartum mother experiencing the challenges of her first newborn Problems incurred while developing and utilizing the tool are discussed Rogers' model is shown to be practical and effective in this case study  相似文献   

BackgroundClinical skill assessment via Objective Structured Clinical Assessment (OSCA) has many challenges for undergraduate nursing students. These include high levels of anxiety that can compromise performance during the assessment, inconsistency with assessor reliability and is inconsistent with clinical skills performance in the real world. The implementation of a Video Assessment of Clinical Skills (VACS) that integrates formative feedback may be a way to address the challenges posed by OSCA assessment.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to examine the acceptability, utility, and nursing student satisfaction with a formative feedback strategy – the Video Assessment of a Clinical Skill (VACS).DesignA cross sectional survey.SettingsUndergraduate Bachelor of Nursing degree students from a large Australian University.ParticipantsThird year undergraduate nursing students (final year) enrolled in a Bachelor of Nursing Program.MethodsParticipants were recruited via purposive sampling. A pre-survey (prior to VACs assessment) and post-survey (after VACS assessment) were completed. This paper reports on the open-ended responses in the post-survey that explored students' insights and perceptions into formative feedback and its impact on their learning for the VACS assessment.ResultsA total of 731 open-ended responses were analysed with findings being organised into 3 major themes; (i) Flexibility and reflexivity, (ii) Editing and repeated attempts, and (iii) Working together.ConclusionsVideo Assessment of a Clinical Skill has demonstrated good utility, acceptability, and satisfaction among undergraduate nursing students.  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经内科运用支架式教学在实习护生临床沟通能力中的应用效果。 方法采用方便抽样法选取淄博市某医学院校在A医院神经内科实习的20名护生为干预组,实习期间在传统带教基础上采用支架式教学开展沟通技能培训,同时选取同校在B医院神经内科实习的20名护生为对照组,采用传统带教模式,实习时间为2个月。在干预前后同时进行沟通能力测评和沟通技能自信问卷调查。 结果 实习2个月后,干预组临床沟通能力明显好于对照组(t=4.763,P<0.01)。干预组沟通自信得分高于对照组(t=2.184,P<0.05)。 结论 支架式教学模式能有效提高实习护生的临床沟通能力和沟通自信心。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨改革提高护理本科生临床技能的方法与途径.[方法]查找目前护理本科生临床技能教学中存在的问题,设立对照组与试验组,对照组采用传统的课堂与实验室模拟教学,试验组在传统教学的基础上,组织学生利用课余时间到临床案例实训练习.[结果]试验组2009年、2010年第1学期各专业课平均学分绩点高于对照组.[结论]学生在学习中早接触临床、多接触临床,结合临床实际案例学习,能提高护理本科生的临床技能.  相似文献   

Joseph AC 《Urologic nursing》1999,19(3):195-6, 201
The development of the nursing clinical practice guideline was methodically structured to create a research-based guideline to assist nurses in caring for bladders of neurologically impaired individuals. The rigor with which it was developed is reflected in the end product.  相似文献   

The amount and complexity of information nurses are expected to manage continues to increase exponentially. Support has grown for integrated curriculum approaches that include appropriate content on the use of a variety of information formats and instruction using resource-based and process methods. Such teaching-learning approaches demand a major shift in educational paradigms and encompass resource-based learning, undergraduate research, service learning, inquiry learning, and problem-based learning. The implementation of an integrated curriculum promises advanced information skills, access, and use of available evidence to support clinical decision making and a foundation for lifetime learning. In this article, we argue that for information literacy to be enhanced, collaboration between teaching faculty and librarians must be fostered in meaningful ways. We report on the rationale of an integrated curriculum, changes to nursing education, and obstacles to the development and application of advanced information skills that exist within higher education and clinical settings.  相似文献   

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