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Volume flow (J v), potential difference (), shortcircuit current (i 0) and electrical resistance (R) were measured simultaneously across bovine tracheal epithelium in vitro. Under basal conditions, with no applied hydrostatic or osmotic pressure gradient (P=0, =0), no spontaneousJ v was observed. was 31±2 mV (lumen negative),i 0 161±8 A cm–2 andR 202±9 cm2,n=50. When a was applied, by adding 20–80 mM sucrose into the medium bathing either the luminal or the serosal side of the tissue, a linear relationship was found between andJ v toward the lumen or toward the serosa. The apparent hydraulic conductivity (apparentL p) was 4.6–4.910–6 cm s–1 atm–1. Histamine 10–4 M did not induce any spontaneousJ v under basal conditions and had no effect oni 0 nor onR. However, histamine caused a 100% increase inJ v elicited by sucrose gradients. It was concluded that histamine exerts a selective action on the hydraulic conductivity of bovine tracheal epithelium. Experiments using H1-receptors antagonists (diphenhydramine, dimetindene, chloropyramine) and H2-antagonists (cimetidine, metiamide) or a H2-agonist (impromidine) showed that the increase ofL p induced by histamine was mediated via H2-receptors.Supported by the Swiss National Foundation (SNF), grant no. 3.5880.79  相似文献   

Sodium is absorbed in considerable amounts across the ruminal epithelium, whilst its transport is strongly interrelated with the permeation of chloride and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). However, regulation of ruminal Na+, Cl-, and SCFA absorption is hardly understood. The present study was therefore performed to characterize the influence of cAMP on sodium and sodium-coupled transport mechanisms in short-circuited, stripped ruminal epithelia of sheep. Elevation of intracellular cAMP concentrations by theophylline (10 mM) or theophylline in combination with forskolin (0.1 mM) significantly reduced mucosal-to-serosal sodium transport, leading to a reduction of net transport. The theophylline- or theophylline-forskolin-induced reduction of sodium transport was accompanied by a decrease in chloride net transport but revealed no effect on propionate flux. Short-chain fatty acids stimulated Na+ transport but their stimulatory effect was almost completely blocked by theophylline-forskolin. In solutions with and without SCFAs, the inhibitory effect of 1 mM amiloride on sodium transport was strongly reduced after theophylline-forskolin pretreatment of the tissues. Blocking the production of endogenous prostaglandins by addition of indomethacin (10 microM) led to a theophylline-sensitive stimulation of unidirectional and net fluxes of sodium. The findings indicate that apical, amiloride-sensitive Na+-H+ exchange and/or basolateral Na+-K+-ATPase can effectively be blocked by cAMP, leading to a decrease in sodium and chloride transport. In the ruminal epithelium, cAMP is a second messenger of prostaglandins, which are released spontaneously under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Klebsiella pneumoniae on the bioelectric properties of canine cultured tracheal epithelium was examined. LPS decreased short-circuit current (Isc), and its effects on Isc were reduced when Isc was inhibited by amiloride and indomethacin. We speculate that LPS may selectively inhibit Na+ absorption through the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by airway epithelium.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the influence of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) on ion transport processes in mouse tracheal epithelium. RT-PCR experiments revealed expression of the α3, α4, α5, α7, α9, α10, β2, and β4 nAChR subunits in mouse tracheal epithelium. In Ussing chamber recordings of mouse tracheae, apically applied nicotine (100 μM) induced a dose-dependent increase of the transepithelial short-circuit current (EC(50): 14.6 μM). The nicotine-induced effect (I(NIC)) was attenuated by mecamylamine (25 μM, apical) and methyllycaconitine (1 μM, apical). The nAChR agonist 1.1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperatinium iodide (DMPP) (100 μM) revealed apical and basolateral location of the receptors. I(NIC) was not affected by the sodium channel inhibitor amiloride (10 μM, apical) or the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator inhibitor CFTR(inh)-172 (20 μM, apical) but was reduced by the chloride channel inhibitor 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (100 μM, apical), the Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) cotransporter inhibitor bumetanide (200 μM, basolateral), the potassium channel inhibitor Ba(2+) (5 mM, basolateral), and 4.4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2.2'-disulfonate (100 μM, apical), indicating a contribution of Ca(2+)-activated chloride channels and potassium channels. Removal of extracellular Na(+) (apical) or Ca(2+) (apical) did not influence I(NIC) but reduced the DMPP effect. Experiments with the Ca(2+)-ionophore A23187, a mix of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine and forskolin, or the inositol-1,4,5-triphospate (IP(3)) receptor inhibitor 2-aminoethyl-diphenyl-borinate (75 μM, apical) decreased I(NIC), indicating a nicotine-mediated increase of intracellular Ca(2+) and cAMP levels involving the IP(3) signaling pathway. These findings indicate the activity of Ca(2+)-permeable nAChRs and alternative metabotropic pathways by nAChR activation that mediate Cl(-) and K(+) transport in tracheal epithelium.  相似文献   

Microelectrodes were used to measure the potential difference (psi m) across the mucosal membrane of epithelial cells lining the villi of isolated Aplysia californica intestine. In substrate-free NaCl seawater medium psi m was -55.1 +/- 1.2 mV. The cell interior was negative relative to the mucosal bathing solution. Intracellular K+ activity, determined in the absorptive cells with single-barreled liquid ion-exchanger microelectrodes, was 383 +/- 15 mM. Since the calculated K+ equilibrium potential exceeds the membrane potential, K+ is accumulated by the intestinal absorptive cell. Intracellular Na+ activity (aiNa) was also determined in the intestinal cells of Aplysia with single-barreled liquid ion-exchanger microelectrodes and was 17.2 +/- 2.5 mM. aiNa was much less than that predicted by the electrochemical equilibrium value for Na+ across the mucosal membrane. From these data the steady-state transapical Na+ and K+ electrochemical potential differences were calculated. Serosal ouabain abolished net sodium absorption as determined by flux measurements. These results are consistent with the operation of a basolateral Na+ - K+ pump.  相似文献   

Epithelia are physiologically exposed to osmotic stress resulting in alteration of cell volume in several aspects of their functioning; therefore, the activation of 'emergency' systems of rapid cell volume regulation is fundamental in their physiology. In this review, the physiological response to osmotic stress, particularly hypertonic stress, was described in a salt-transporting epithelium, the intestine of the euryhaline teleost European eel. This epithelium is physiologically exposed to changes in extracellular osmolarity and represents a good physiological model for functional studies on cellular volume regulation, permitting the study of volume regulated ion transport mechanisms in a native tissue. An absorptive form of the cotransporter, homologue of the renal NKCC2, localized on the apical membrane, was found in the intestine of the euryhaline teleost European eel. This cotransporter accounts for the luminal uptake of Cl-; it operates in series with a basolateral Cl- conductance and presumably a basolateral electroneutral KCl cotransport and in parallel with a luminal K+ conductance. The ion transport model described for eel intestine, based on the operation of an absorptive luminal Na+-K+-2Cl-, is basically the same as the model that has been proposed for the thick ascending limb (cTAL) of the mammalian renal cortex. This paper focuses on the role of Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport in the responses to hypertonic stress in the eel intestine and the role of cytoskeleton (either actin-based or tubulin based) is discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possibility that the mitochondria-rich (MR) cells participate in sodium and proton transport, when the frog skin epithelium is bathed on its apical side with solutions of low Na+ concentration, by comparing transport rates with morphological observations (MR cell number and MR cell pit surface area). Frogs were adapted to various salinities or the isolated skins were treated with the following hormones, deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), arginine vasotocin (AVT) and oxytocin in order to modify the transport of sodium and hydrogen ions. Adaptation of the frogs (either 3–4 days or 7–10 days) to distilled water, NaCl (50 mmol/l), KCl (50 mmol/l) or Na2SO4 (25 mmol/l) solutions modified the Na+ transport rate and the morphology of the epithelium. The highest Na+ transport rates were found for the animals adapted to the Na+ free solutions and were correlated with an increase in the total MR cell pit-surface area (number of MR cells x individual cell pit-surface area). The KCl adaptated group showed the largest increase in sodium and proton transport and also presented a metabolic acidosis as reflected by plasma acidification (pCO2 increase and HCO 3 decrease). Proton secretion and sodium absorption were also found to be stimulated by either serosal DOCA addition (10–6 M) or during acidification of the epithelium by serosally applied CO2. Na+ transport was enhanced by AVT (10–6 M) or oxytocin (100mU/ml) when the skin was bathed on its apical side with a high Na+ containing solution (115 mmol/l), whereas these hormones did not exert any effect on Na+ transport when the apical solution was low in Na+ (0.5mmol/l). It is concluded that MR cells play a key role in Na+ and H+ transport through the frog skin epithelium when bathed on its apical side with a low Na+ containing solution. Distinct pathways for sodium transport through two cell types (MR cells and granular cells) are proposed depending on the Na+ concentration of the solution bathing the apical side of the epithelium.  相似文献   

Henle's loops of surface nephrons in rat kidneys were perfused orthogradely with various solutions of different compositions, while the stop-flow pressure (SFP) was monitored in the early proximal tubulus as a measure of the tubuloglomerular feedback response. Modified Ringer solution or iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl, KC1, LiCl, RbCl, choline-Cl, and Na-acetate used to perfuse Henle's loop led to significant SFP decrease indicating an intact operation of a tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism. Increased rates with isoosmotic solutions of sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate and mannitol did not yield SFP alterations. In order to estimate intratubular sodium and chloride concentration at the macula densa during Ringer-, LiCl-, choline-Cl-, and Na-acetate perfusion, early distal tubular fluids were collected at low and high perfusion rates, corresponding to an absent or a maximal feedback response. Analysis was performed by microflame photometry and microchloride titration. The results showed that there does not exist a common threshold for the early distal sodium or chloride concentration at which the feedback starts to operate. We conclude that the intraluminal signal at the macula densa, initiating a tubuloglomerular feedback response is not necessarily coupled to a single ion species. Either an unspecific ion transfer or more passive events of ionic interaction with the macula densa cells might operate as the initiating step in the feedback loop.  相似文献   

Apical membrane potential (Va), voltage divider ratio (f), transepithelial potential (Vt) and transepithelial resistance (Rt) were measured in isolated sheep tracheal epithelium. Individual membrane resistances and electromotive forces were calculated by a method described in the text. Whereas Va hyperpolarized and fa increased in tissues acutely exposed to amiloride or benzamil, the values for these parameters in tissues bathed for 1 h with mucosal benzamil (0.38 microM) were not significantly different from those found in control tissues. Circuit analysis revealed a higher value for both apical and basolateral membrane resistances in the benzamil-treated tissues. These results suggest a decrease in the basolateral potassium conductance secondary to the initial decrease in the apical sodium conductance, thereby ensuring that the electrical driving force for other ions across the apical membrane is restored to normal in the face of a hyperpolarizing perturbation to the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Using the abdominal ganglion cells of Aplysia, we analyzed the effects of various enzymes and chemical modification reagents on the acetylcholine (ACh)-induced responses of the excitatory (Na+ -dependent) and inhibitory (Cl- -dependent) types. (1) Phospholipase A (2 mg/ml) caused no appreciable effects on either type of response. (2) Phospholipase C (2 mg/ml) markedly depressed both types of response. These suggested that the phosphoryl group of the phospholipid is an important site related to the binding of ACh, common to both types of ACh-receptors. (3) Carboxypeptidase A (10 mg/ml) caused no observable effects on either type of response. (4) Carboxypeptidase B (10 mg/ml) depressed the inhibitory type of response without affecting the excitatory one. (5) Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (1 mM) also depressed the inhibitory response without affecting the excitatory one. These findings (4, 5) suggested that the Cl- -channel in the inhibitory ACh-receptor complex includes a C-terminal lysine which may play an active role in the movement of Cl- across the receptor membrane. (6) L-Leucine aminopeptidase (1 mg/ml) depressed the excitatory response without altering the inhibitory one. (7) p-Nitrothiophenol (1 mM)-also depressed the excitatory response without affecting the inhibitory one. These findings (6, 7) suggested the presence of a certain N-terminal amino acid near a glutamate or aspartate residue within a molecular moiety of Na+ -channel included in the excitatory ACh-receptor complex.  相似文献   

Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter has been suggested to contribute to active intracellular Cl- accumulation in neurons at both early developmental and adult stages. In this report, we extensively characterized the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter in primary culture of cortical neurons that were dissected from cerebral cortex of rat fetus at embryonic day 17. The Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter was expressed abundantly in soma and dendritic processes of cortical neurons evaluated by immunocytochemical staining. Western blot analysis revealed that an approximately 145-kDa cotransporter protein was present in cerebral cortex at the early postnatal (P0-P9) and adult stages. There was a time-dependent upregulation of the cotransporter activity in cortical neurons during the early postnatal development. A substantial level of bumetanide-sensitive K+ influx was detected in neurons cultured for 4-8 days in vitro (DIV 4-8). The cotransporter activity was increased significantly at DIV 12 and maintained at a steady level throughout DIV 12-14. Bumetanide-sensitive K+ influx was abolished completely in the absence of either extracellular Na+ or Cl-. Opening of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-activated Cl- channel or depletion of intracellular Cl- significantly stimulated the cotransporter activity. Moreover, the cotransporter activity was elevated significantly by activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate ionotropic glutamate receptor via a Ca2+-dependent mechanism. These results imply that the inwardly directed Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter is important in active accumulation of intracellular Cl- and may be responsible for GABA-mediated excitatory effect in immature cortical neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of the Cl- channel blocker, NPPB (5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate), on the transport of Na+ and Cl- in the descending colon of the rat were studied in the Ussing chamber. In control tissue, NPPB administered at the mucosal side of the epithelium increased the short-circuit current (Isc) and inhibited the unidirectional mucosa-to-serosa fluxes of Na+ and Cl-. In HCO3- - or Cl- -free media for in the presence of SITS (4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid), this increase in Isc caused by mucosal NPPB was not observed. The serosal administration of NPPB was without effect. Mucosal NPPB (10(-4) mol l-1) decreased the forskolin-induced increase in Isc by only about 60%. However, the activation of the serosa-to-mucosa flux of Cl- caused by forskolin was inhibited completely. NPPB decreased the mucosa-to-serosa fluxes of Na+ and Cl- reduced additionally by forskolin. Serosal NPPB decreased Isc and FNasm, but had no effect on FNams or FClmas. In HCO3- -free buffer the increase in Isc induced by forskolin was inhibited completely by NPPB. The inhibition of Cl- secretion by NPPB fits well with the capacity of the drug to block Cl- channels. For the inhibition of neutral NaCl absorption two sites of action are discussed: an interaction with the Cl-/HCO3- exchanger or an interference with the extrusion of Cl- through the basolateral membrane.  相似文献   

Urea transport across dog intestinal mucosa in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

To characterize the action of histamine on ion transport across the airway mucosa, we measured the electrical properties of cultured tracheal epithelium from dogs by Ussing's short-circuited technique in vitro. The addition of histamine to the submucosal side increased short-circuit current (Isc), whereas mucosal addition of histamine had no effect. The histamine-induced increase in Isc was dose-dependent with the maximal increase from the baseline value and EC50 being 4.4 +/- 0.5 microA/cm2 and 10(-6) M, respectively. We also tested the effects of pharmacological blocking agents on the histamine-induced Isc increase. The effect of histamine on Isc was partially inhibited by pretreatment of cells with amiloride, furosemide and diphenylamine carboxylate. Furthermore, the effect of histamine was inhibited by pyrilamine, but not by cimetidine. To determine the contributions of several intracellular second messenger systems to the histamine-induced increase in Isc, we studied the change of Isc by pretreatment of cells with indomethacin, mepacrine and H-7. The increase in Isc produced by histamine was inhibited by indomethacin and mepacrine but not H-7. These results suggest that histamine stimulates both Cl secretion and Na absorption and may affect the subsequent movement of water across the airway epithelium through the activation of submucosal H1-receptor probably involving prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

The action of acetylcholine (ACh) on sheep tracheal epithelium has been investigated. ACh increases transiently the short-circuit current (ISC). The same response is obtained in tissues in which the apical membrane has been permeabilized with amphotericin B in the presence of a potassium gradient. Microelectrode studies show that the majority of tracheal epithelial cells depolarize as the apical fractional resistance decreases on application of ACh. These results, together with the finding that bumetanide decreases the initial ACh-induced ISC increase, are consistent with an initial activation by ACh of apical Cl channels and basolateral K+ channels. Following the initial increase, ISC declines to values lower than in control conditions both in untreated and in amphotericin-permeabilized tissues, suggesting that the basolateral K+ conductance falls during this phase. The late decrease in ISC induced by ACh is significantly reduced in tissues pretreated with amiloride, suggesting that the apical Na+ channels are also involved in this response. ACh abolishes the net Na+ absorption by decreasing the mucosal to serosal Na+ flux. This effect is possibly a result of a down-regulation of apical Na+ channels and basolateral K+ channels.  相似文献   

The regulation of ion transport in bovine tracheal epithelium was studied in vitro. In the absence of exogenous midifiers of ion transport, average values for transepithelial electrical potential difference (t), short-circuit-current (I sc) and tissue resistance (R t) were 35.4 mV (lumen negative), 5.4 Eq·h–1·cm–2 and 187 ·cm2 respectively; net Cl secretion (3.2 Eq·h–1·cm–2) and net Na absorption (1.3 Eq·h–1·cm2) accounted for 82% of theI sc. Amiloride reduced (1) andI sc, and increasedR t. The values of (t),R t andI sc obtained following addition of theophylline, epinephrine or prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) were not different from control values. Theophylline aldo did not alter Na and Cl fluxes but it increased tissue cAMP content 3-fold. Indomethacin did not affect (t) but it increasedR t and net Na absorption, and decreasedI sc and net Cl secretion; it did not significantly reduce tissue cAMP. When added to indomethacin-treated tissues, epinephrine restoredI sc,R t and Na and Cl fluxes to control levels and increased tissue cAMP 3-fold. Similary, when PGE1 was added to indomethacin-treated tissues,I sc andR t were restored to control levels.We conclude that: (1) bovine tracheal epithelium, like its canine counterpart, absorbs Na and secretes Cl; the two tissues differ, however, in two ways: the spontaneous rate of Na absorption is higher in bovine trachea and the spontaneous rate of Cl secretion cannot be further increased in bovine trachea by secretagogues; (2) Cl secretion and Na absorption in bovine trachea are normally regulated by endogenous prostaglandins; (3) although cAMP may mediate changes in ion transport, a strict correlation between tissue cAMP content and Na and Cl transport rates is not evident; and (4) Na absorptive and Cl secretory rates are reciprocally related suggesting that both processes are present in the same cells.  相似文献   

An energy-rich diet leads to enhanced ruminal Na(+) absorption, which is associated with elevated plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels and an increased number of IGF-1 receptors in rumen papillae. This study examined the in vitro effect of IGF-1 on Na(+) transport across the rumen epithelium of hay-fed sheep, in which the IGF-1 concentration in plasma is lower than in concentrate-fed animals. At concentrations ranging from 20 to 100 μg l(-1), serosal LR3-IGF-1, a recombinant analogue of IGF-1, rapidly (within 30 min) stimulated the mucosal-to-serosal Na(+) flux (J(ms)Na) and consequently the net Na(+) flux (J(net)Na). Compared with controls, J(net)Na increased by about 60% (P < 0.05) following the serosal application of LR3-IGF-1 (20 μg l(-1)). The IGF-1-induced increment of J(ms)Na and J(net)Na was inhibited by mucosal amiloride (1 mmol l(-1)). Neither IGF-1 nor amiloride altered tissue conductance or the short-circuit current of the isolated rumen epithelium. These data support the assumption that the stimulating effect of serosally applied IGF-1 on Na(+) transport across the rumen epithelium is mediated by Na(+)-H(+) exchange (NHE). A further study was performed with cultured rumen epithelial cells and a fluorescent probe (BCECF) to estimate the rate of pH(i) recovery after acid loading. The pH(i) of isolated rumen epithelial cells was 6.43 ± 0.15 after butyrate loading and recovered by 0.26 ± 0.02 pH units (15 min)(-1). Application of LR3-IGF-1 (20 μg l(-1)) significantly increased the rate of pH(i) recovery to 0.33 ± 0.02 pH units (15 min)(-1). Amiloride administration reduced the recovery rate in both control and IGF-1-stimulated cells. These results show, for the first time, that an acute effect of IGF-1 on Na(+) absorption across rumen epithelium results from increased NHE activity. Insulin-like growth factor 1 is thus important for the fast functional adaptation of ruminal Na(+) transport via NHE.  相似文献   

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