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BACKGROUND: District nurses are frequently involved in the care of patients immediately prior to death and could therefore provide support to bereaved relatives. However, little is known about nurses' views on bereavement support or their actual involvement. AIMS OF THE STUDY: To survey a representative sample of district nurses to ascertain their current practice and perceived role in supporting bereaved people and to identify factors that influence their practice. DESIGN AND METHOD: A self-completed postal questionnaire was distributed anonymously to 522 district nurses in the central southern coastal area of Britain. It comprised five sections: interest in and education about bereavement; a Likert scale to measure nurses' views about bereavement care; information about the practice with which the nurse had links; bereavement care provided by the practice; and demographics. RESULTS: A 62% response rate was achieved following two reminders. Sixty-nine per cent reported having an interest in bereavement support. Logistic regression modelling identified older age of the nurse and district of employment as the best predictors of interest in bereavement, and older age of the nurse, district of employment and higher level of academic qualification (having a diploma or degree) as the best predictors of active follow-up bereavement visiting. Ninety five percent of district nurses believed their role should involve visiting bereaved relatives/carers of patients they have nursed, but only 19% believed they should visit bereaved people when the deceased was not their patient. CONCLUSIONS: Older age, higher qualifications and district of employment among district nurses were associated with greater interest in bereavement and more proactive care of bereaved people. The findings of this survey have important implications for the training, continued education and the extended role of the nurse in bereavement support.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceptions and experiences of formal carers, working in three different geographical locations in the south of England, in accessing primary health care for people with learning disabilities. The sample included six multidisciplinary, community learning disability teams and 11 managers of small homes for residents who had learning disabilities. Data were collected through focus group and individual semistructured interviews. Levels of collaboration between primary health care groups and the community learning disability teams and the managers of small homes were assessed. Questions were focused upon the importance of primary health care and the key care provider within the community setting. Although some good experiences were recorded, the overall levels of collaboration were poor. Health care was perceived as very important by all of the respondents. The general practitioner (GP) as the coordinator of health care was perceived as the normal model within our health care system but the majority of respondents questioned the effectiveness in relation to their own experiences of accessing health care for people with learning disabilities. The relocation of this role to the learning disability nurse was perceived as a possible solution.  相似文献   

The aim of the study to examine a six-year development of the panorama of contacts and diagnoses at Södra Sandby Health Centre, where care teams had been introduced, and then to compare this development with that of the rest of the Dalby primary care district, where there were no care teams.

In Södra Sandby the number of contacts with general practititioners (GPs) increased between 1984 and 1989 by 8% more than expected from the increase in staff, while the number of contacts with district care (district nurses and assistant nurse) increased by 62% more than expected. The corresponding figures for Dalby were 1% and 34%, respectively. The total proportion of the population visiting GPs in Södra Sandby during 1989 was 54%, and in Dalby 58%. The corresponding figure for district care in Södra Sandby was 40%. The proportion of contacts for which no appointment was made in advance decreased in Södra Sandby from 45% in 1984 to 22% in 1989. The corresponding figures for Dalby were 61% and 64%.

This study did not find any verification for the fear that the organization of care teams would lead to a reduction in the number of contacts, e.g. on account of the frequency of meetings and conferences. The nurses seemed to retain their independent role, with the population contacting them in their surgeries or the nurses visiting them at home.  相似文献   

Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) has been shown to improve patient outcomes, cost efficiency, and health professional satisfaction, and enhance healthy workplaces. We determined the attitudes of primary care physicians and nurses towards IPC and factors facilitating IPC using a cross-sectional study design in Singapore. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire, based on the Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration (JSAPNC), was distributed to primary healthcare physicians and nurses working in National Healthcare Group Polyclinics (N = 455). We found that the mean JSAPNC score for physicians was poorer than that for nurses (50.39 [SD = 4.67] vs. 51.61 [SD = 4.19], respectively, mean difference, MD = 1.22, CI = 0.35–2.09, p = .006). Nurses with advanced education had better mean JSAPNC score than nurses with basic education (52.28 [SD = 4.22] vs. 51.12 [SD = 4.11], respectively, MD = 1.16, CI = 0.12–2.20, p = .029). Male participants had poorer mean JSAPNC score compared to females (50.27 [SD = 5.02] vs. 51.38 [SD = 4.22], respectively MD = 1.11, CI = 0.07–2.14, p = .036). With regression analysis, only educational qualification among nurses was independently and positively associated with JSAPNC scores (p = .018). In conclusion, primary care nurses in Singapore had more positive attitudes towards IPC than physicians. Among nurses, those with advanced education had more positive attitudes than those with basic education. Greater emphasis on IPC education in training of physicians and nurses could help improve attitudes further.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine referrals of nurse practitioners providing primary healthcare (PHC NPs) to better understand how PHC NPs collaborate with other healthcare professionals and contribute to interprofessional care. The analysis is based on the data from a survey of 378 PHC NPs registered in Ontario, Canada in 2008. Overall, 69% of PHC NPs made referrals to family physicians (FPs) and 67% of PHC NPs received referrals from FPs. Almost 50% of PHC NPs had bidirectional referrals between them and FPs. Eighty-nine percent of PHC NPs made referrals to specialist physicians. Bidirectional referrals between PHC NPs and social workers and mental health workers were common in family health teams and community health centers. Patterns of referrals (bidirectional, unidirectional and no referrals) between PHC NPs and FPs, social workers, mental and allied health workers in various practice settings indicate development of collaborative relationships between PHC NPs and other healthcare professionals and reflect the influence of practice models on delivery of interprofessional care. These findings are discussed in light of the development of NPs' role and integration of PHC NPs in the Ontario healthcare system. Implications for policy changes and future research are also suggested.  相似文献   

Migraine is a prevalent primary headache disorder characterized by episodic attacks. It affects more than 1 billion people worldwide. Because of its episodic nature and varying symptomology, migraine is often underdiagnosed and undertreated in the primary care setting. Migraine is often disabling, and the negative burden of migraine impacts financial, socioeconomic, and personal aspects of the client’s life. Several treatments are available for acute migraine attacks, including a few novel medications. The management of migraine is complex and involves both acute treatment and prevention. Ultimately, accurate assessment, diagnosis, and collaboration lead to a more optimal course of treatment and management.  相似文献   

hägglund d . (2009) Journal of Nursing Management  18, 225–233
District continence nurses’ experiences of their continence service in primary health care Aim The aim of the present study was to describe district continence nurses’ experiences of providing continence services in primary care. Background It has been stated that there is too little research on the experiences of district care nurses who provide continence services. Method Twenty-two district continence nurses answered a written questionnaire containing three open-ended main questions. A qualitative content analysis method was used to analyse the texts. Results The district continence nurses’ feelings of maintaining their professionalism were promoted by scheduled patient encounters, patients who participate in assessment of urinary incontinence (UI) and functioning teamwork. The opposite situation, nurses’ feelings of having a lesser degree of professionalism, was associated with not having scheduled patient appointments, patients not participating in assessment of UI and lack of teamwork. Conclusions The district continence nurses lacked the authority to start nurse-led continence clinics because of the lack of collaborative teamwork, an organization that did not enable nurse-led scheduled appointments and nurses’ limited view of their own profession. Implications for nursing management Primary health care managers and policy-makers need to provide an environment that enables interprofessional collaboration so that nurses’ skills can be used to advance patient services; such initiatives could enable district continence nurses to reach their full potential.  相似文献   

Opinions about district nurses prescribing The aim of this study was to investigate the opinions of district nurses (DNs) and general practitioners (GPs) about nurse prescribing in Sweden in order to elucidate similarities and differences, and relate different opinions to background and psychosocial working factors. In a questionnaire about psychosocial working conditions, seven statements about DNs prescribing were included. The questionnaire was sent to 554 DNs and 566 GPs with a participant rate of 83%. On all items as well as on the total score DNs rated more positively compared with GPs. Amongst the DNs a positive opinion was related to a traditional primary care organization, age < 50, good social support at work, and high workload. A positive opinion amongst GPs was associated with working in a traditional primary care organization, being male GP, and a good social support at work. In a multiple regression analysis, occupation and organization were independently associated with the total score. The result shows a strong professional solidarity amongst GPs and seems to be based on concern about the profession rather than patient care.  相似文献   

Since 1994 district nurses (DNs) in Sweden have been permitted to prescribe drugs from a limited list. This reform has met severe resistance from doctors and the opinions of general practitioners (GPs) and DNs have differed in many aspects. The aim of this study was to gain deeper understanding of the different opinions about DNs' prescribing and to explore the impact of the reform on primary care. Six focus group interviews were conducted, four with DNs and two with GPs. Data analysis revealed six categories, which were condensed into two dimensions. The dimensions were individual prerequisites, with the categories responsibility and knowledge, and organizational prerequisites, with the categories distribution of work, climate of co-operation, resistance and economic considerations. District nurses were very positive towards prescribing and had gained new knowledge through the compulsory training course and via discussions with pharmacists. Because of the responsibility required for prescribing, some nurses had introduced systems for self-monitoring. Prescribing was seen as a natural part of the nursing process. All interviewees could describe periods of resistance against the reform, and the head of the health centre was a key person for attitudes at the workplace. The DNs found the nurse prescribing reform very positive. They experienced a strengthening of professionalism and also thought that the reform was a natural development. Negative attitudes and opinions offset the positive feelings. The resistance that had appeared in the beginning had now turned into silent acceptance.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim was to investigate whether perceptions of electronic nursing documentation and its performance differed because of primary health care management. BACKGROUND: Success in leading people depends on the manager's personality, the context and the people who are led. Close proximity to clinical work, with manager and personnel sharing the same profession, promotes the authority to carry out changes. METHODS: This study comprised a postal questionnaire to district nurses and an audit of nursing records from two primary health care organizations, one with a uniprofessional (nursing) organization, and one with multidisciplinary health care centres with general practitioners and/or another profession as managers. RESULTS: Uniprofessional nurse management increased district nurses' positive perceptions of nursing documentation but did not affect documentation performance, which was inadequate regardless of management type. CONCLUSIONS: Positive perceptions of nursing documentation are bases for further development to a nursing documentation including a holistic view of the patient.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences in caring for gravely ill and dying patients outside special palliative care settings. Tape-recorded qualitative interviews were conducted with a total of nine nurses in primary home care, community care and hospitals. The interviews were analysed according to phenomenological methodology, which resulted in the three common structures: ambition and dedication, everyday encounters, and satisfaction/dissatisfaction. In the 'everyday encounters' structure, the following key constituents emerged: responsibility, cooperation, experience and knowledge, feelings, and time and resources. The results describe the nurses' high ambitions to give dying patients and their relatives high-quality care. Despite this, they experienced greater or lesser degrees of dissatisfaction because of insufficient cooperation, support, time and resources. They experienced satisfaction through contact with patients and relatives, functioning collegial cooperation, and the knowledge, experience and personal growth the care had given them. The results indicate that nurses need the resources such as time, improved methods of communication and cooperation as well as more support in order to give quality palliative care and achieve satisfaction with the outcome. The need for discussion about the conditions for giving palliative care outside the hospices and other special palliative care settings is also elucidated.  相似文献   

Aims. This qualitative study explored the experiences of two groups of clinical nurse specialists – continence advisors and tissue viability nurses – working in primary care in the UK. In particular, the study focused on how clinical nurse specialists’ relationships with other health‐care professionals had an impact on their role. Background. Clinical nurse specialists are recognized worldwide as having expertise in a given field, which they use to develop the practice of others. Additionally, clinical nurse specialists share many of the characteristics of entrepreneurs, which they use to develop services related to their speciality. However, little research has been conducted in relation to clinical nurse specialists’ experiences as they attempt to diversify nursing practice. Design/methods. An ethnographic approach was adopted comprising many elements of Glaserian grounded theory. Data were collected via participant observation and face‐to‐face interviews with 22 clinical nurse specialists. Findings. Services provided by clinical nurse specialists were not static, clinical nurse specialists being the main drivers for service developments. However, clinical nurse specialists encountered difficulties when introducing new ideas. Given their role as advisors, clinical nurse specialists lacked authority to bring about change and were dependent on a number of mechanisms to bring about change, including ‘cultivating relationships’ with more powerful others, most notably the speciality consultant. Conclusions. The UK government has pledged to ‘liberate the talents of nurses’ so that their skills can be used to progress patient services. This study highlights the fact that a lack of collaborative working practices between health‐care professionals led to clinical nurse specialists being constrained. Relevance to clinical practice. Health‐care organizations need to provide an environment in which the entrepreneurial skills of clinical nurse specialists may be capitalized on. In the absence of an outlet for their ideas regarding service developments, clinical nurse specialists may remain dependent on the mechanisms witnessed in this study for some time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and analyse nursing documentation based on an electronic patient record (EPR) system in primary health care (PHC) with emphasis on the nurses' opinions and what, according to the nursing process and the use of the keywords, the nurses documented. The study was performed in one county council in the south of Sweden and included 42 Primary Health Care Centres (PHCC). It consisted of a survey, an audit of nursing records with the Cat-ch-Ing instrument and calculation of frequencies of keywords used during a 1-year period. For the survey, district nurses received a postal questionnaire. The results from the survey indicated an overall positive tendency concerning the district nurses' opinions on documentation. Lack of in-service training in nursing documentation was noted and requested from the district nurses. All three parts of the study showed that the keywords nursing interventions and status were frequently used while nursing diagnosis and goal were infrequent. From the audit, it was noted that medical status and interventions appeared more often than nursing status. The study demonstrated limitations in the nursing documentation that inhibited the possibility of using it to evaluate the care given. In order to develop the nursing documentation, there is a need for support and education to strengthen the district nurses' professional identity. Involvement from the heads of the PHCC and the manufactures of the EPR system is necessary, in cooperation with the district nurses, to render the nursing documentation suitable for future use in the evaluation and development of care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: (1) To determine the acceptability of the Royal College of General Practitioner Guidelines to small samples of nurses, General Practitioners and acute back pain patients, (2) to determine what additional roles for nurses in the management of acute back pain in primary care might be acceptable to these samples, (3) to evaluate the responses of General Practitioners, nurses and patients to a suggested service model based on the RCGP Guidelines, (4) to identify opportunities for and barriers to the further development of such models and to obtain the appraisal of the above by an external group of assessors. METHODOLOGY: Using a qualitative design the pilot study included Primary Care (General Practitioners, Practice Nurses and Patients) with the main outcome measures as: appraisal questionnaires (for RCGP Guideline), qualitative content analysis of focus group narratives, and appraisal of process and outcomes by an external panel. RESULTS: Attitudes towards the RCGP guidelines were positive, but professionals and patients alike did not think their recommendations could be implemented with the current service provision in primary care. There was criticism by professionals of the capacity for a nurse-led service within practices. Access to chiropractors, osteopaths and/or specialist physiotherapists in National Health Service primary care was raised as a need by both groups. All members of the Advisory Panel approved the processes for the recruitment of participants, focus group questions and analysis. DISCUSSION: Barriers to implementation of the RCGP Guideline and to a nurse-led acute back pain service in general practice, were illustrated. These mainly relate to grossly inadequate capacity to deal with multidimensional patient needs, allowing progression to chronic pain states and much higher health care costs. There was a strong desire to include a different group of professionals in primary care. We recommend a local needs assessment and consideration of a national strategy for the implementation of the RCGP Guideline in primary care.  相似文献   

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