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基层计划生育技术服务人员生殖健康咨询能力建设思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生殖健康咨询是新时期计划生育技术服务工作的一项重要内容。加强计划生育技术服务人员生殖健康咨询能力建设是维护育龄群众身心健康、促进避孕节育措施的落实、有效推动人口和计划生育工作深入开展的重要保障。笔者就当前基层计划生育技术服务人员在生殖健康咨询能力建设方面存在的问题,应采取的对策措施提出粗浅的看法和建议。  相似文献   

《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》(原刊名:国外医学计划生育/生殖健康分册)是由国家卫生部主管的《国际医学》系列期刊之一,是由天津市医学科学技术信息研究所主办的国内外公开发行的国家级学术刊物。《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》主要报道国内外生殖健康/计划生育领域以及相关学科的最新研究动态和进展,及时反映临床、教学、科研成果。紧密结合生殖健康/计划生育领域的研究热点和难点问  相似文献   

目的对广州市流动人口及计划生育服务人员进行生殖健康服务满意度调查与分析,为进一步提高流动人口生殖健康服务水平提供建议。方法采用完全随机的方法,在2006年对广州市八个城区的2565名流动人口进行问卷调查,获得有效问卷2473份;对计划生育服务机构人员进行专题调查。结果超过60%的流动人口对宣传教育服务、生殖健康检查服务、计生办环境、计划生育工作人员服务态度等方面的生殖健康服务评价都非常满意或满意。各区对流动人口和户籍人口生殖健康服务的人员和财政投入存在显著区别。基层计划生育工作人员对同事关系融洽度、工作条件、能力发挥和奖励机制等满意度高(P<0.05);而对提升机会、培训机会和流动人口配合度等三方面满意度较差(P<0.05)。结论加大对流动人口的投入,使其获得与户籍人口相等的待遇;增加计划生育服务人员的培训机会,从而提高其服务技术水平,有利于完善流动人口生殖健康服务体系。  相似文献   

俞芳 《药物与人》2014,(9):410-410
生殖健康咨询师作为一种新职业,是指在生殖健康领域为个人、家庭或群体提供计划生育、母婴保健等方面的信息,开展生殖健康教育,监测生殖健康水平,帮助制订生殖保健促进计划并协助落实的人员。在当前人口计生工作转型时期,设立生殖健康咨询师新职业,建立相应的职业资格证书制度,是人口计生队伍职业化建设的重大突破,对于人口计生队伍职业化体系的形成具有重大历史意义和现实意义。昌吉州人口计生系统从2011年开始进行生殖健康咨询师培训试点工作,2012年自治区人口计生委提出“十二五”期末实现系统内生殖健康咨询师通过率达到60%的目标。在此,本人结合昌吉州人口计生队伍现状对昌吉州生殖健康咨询师队伍建设有如下几点思考。  相似文献   

摘要的主要功能是:⑴使读者了解论文的主要内容。现代科技信息浩如烟海,读者检索论文题名后是否会继续阅读论文的其他部分,主要就是通过阅读摘要来进行判断。⑵为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或数据库对摘要可以不作修改(或稍作修改)而直接利用,从而避免他人写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺甚至错误。随着全文检索光盘的出现,期刊上网,摘要吸引读者和介绍文章内容的功能越来越明显。  相似文献   

摘要的主要功能是:⑴使读者了解论文的主要内容。现代科技信息浩如烟海,读者检索论文题名后是否会继续阅读论文的其他部分,主要就是通过阅读摘要来进行判断。⑵为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或数据库对摘要可以不作修改(或稍作修改)而直接利用,从而避免他人写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺甚至错误。随着全文检索光盘的出现,期刊上网,摘要吸引读者和介绍文章内容的功能越来越明显。  相似文献   

<正>本刊为国家卫生和计划生育委员会主管,国家人口计生委科研所主办,中国计划生育杂志社承办的国家级综合指导类科技期刊。读者对象为从事计划生育/生殖健康科学研究、技术服务、科技管理以及相关学科工作者。1本刊欢迎下列稿件1.1人口计划生育科技理论研究及经验介绍,如职业化建设、人口管理和信息化建设.技术服务机构改革与发展探索等。1.2计划生育/生殖健康科技领域基础及应用研究论著,国内外相关技术服务新理论、新进展的文献综述和专题讲座。1.3与开展计划生育/生殖健康技术服务相关的新方法、新技术及其理论分析和临床经验总结,相关内容包括:避孕药具、不孕及不育症、辅助生殖技术、出生缺陷干预、男性及女性生殖健康系统疾病、中老年生殖保健等。1.4与本刊办刊宗旨和报道方针相符的其他各类稿件。  相似文献   

《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》(原刊名:国外医学计划生育/生殖健康分册)是由国家卫生部主管的《国际医学》系列期刊之一,是由天津市医学科学技术信息研究所主办的国内外公开发行的国家级学术刊物。《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》主要报道国内外生殖健康/计划生育领域以及相关学科的最新研究动态和  相似文献   

正摘要的主要功能是:(1)使读者了解论文的主要内容。现代科技信息浩如烟海,读者检索论文题名后是否会继续阅读论文的其他部分,主要就是通过阅读摘要来进行判断。(2)为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或数据库对摘要可以不作修改(或稍作修改)而直接利用,从而避免他人写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺甚至错误。随着全文!检索光盘的出现,期刊上网,摘要吸引读者和介绍文章内容的功能越来越明显。可以这样说,摘要质量的高低,直接影响着  相似文献   

摘要的主要功能是:(1)使读者了解论文的主要内容。现代科技信息浩如烟海,读者检索论文题名后是否会继续阅读论文的其他部分,主要就是通过阅读摘要来进行判断。(2)为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或数据库对摘要可以不作修改(或稍作修改)而直接利用,从而避免他人写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺甚至错误。随着全文检索光盘的出现,  相似文献   

The final report of The Commission on Population Growth and the American Future presents a significant redefinition of the relationship between health and population policy, by highlighting the points of common interest between those seeking a more rational health system, those seeking rapid reduction in population growth, and the contribution each group can make to the realization of common objectives. Slower population growth can provide the opportunity to devote resources to improving the quality of life rather than merely coping with its quantity. The Commission proposes a large number of social, economic, educational and health policies and programs for action by federal, state and local governments, and the private sector. The Commission recommends a national policy and voluntary program to reduce unwanted fertility, to improve the outcome of pregnancy, and to improve the health of children. Such a policy would consist of: 1) expansion of the federal family planning project grant programs; 2) elimination of legal restrictions on access to contraceptive information; 3) liberalization of abortion laws; 4) payment by public and private health financing mechanisms of the full cost of health services related to fertility; 5) increased federal investment in fertility related research; 6) elimination of administrative restrictions on availability of voluntary sterilization; 7) development of educational programs on family planning, family life, sexuality, and population dynamics; 8) development of programs to train the required medical and paramedical personnel. The Commission has added a potent demographic justification to the health and welfare rationales upon which proposals to improve the control of fertility and the provision of fertility-related health services have been based. Health workers and health institutions will continue to bear a central responsibility for action programs to reduce unwanted fertility and slow down population growth. The added demographic justification for expansion of fertility control and fertility related health programs provides an opportunity secure support for efforts to bring about a more rational health system from those whose primary concern is population growth.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization works in health related aspects of human reproduction, family planning, and population dynamics with an emphasis on the integration of family planning services with basic health services and the strengthening of those services. It is also involved in research, training, health and medical education, and promotion of nursing, midwifery and health auxiliaries. WHO is the central agency responsible for the coordination of internal assistance to family planning programs and it aids in there evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the experience of various institutions in integrating a reproductive health awareness (RHA) approach into different health, school and community-based programs. RHA, an educational approach that evolved from the Institute's client empowerment approach to natural family planning and fertility awareness, is based on helping women and men to participate actively in their own family planning and reproductive health care by developing skills in self-observation, communication and self-advocacy. In addition to providing the Institute with an avenue for responding to the Cairo and Beijing mandates, RHA has also provided a means to introduce family planning, particularly natural methods of family planning, into programs and institutions. RHA has continued to evolve and strengthen during the process of field testing its contributions to existing reproductive health programs.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, the U.S. government has supported population and family planning programs in Third World countries, on the grounds that rapid population growth impairs the ability of those countries to develop economically; family planning programs contribute to fertility decline; and such programs help improve the health of mothers and children. Although the United States remains the largest single donor of funding for international population programs, its support has weakened during the eight years of the Reagan administration and patterns of funding for those programs have changed substantially. Since the 1960s, however, contraceptive use has increased in the Third World and fertility has fallen substantially. The decline has been uneven, though--considerable in some countries, moderate in others but very small in many. The performance of family planning programs around the world has varied widely, and questions remain as to what, if anything, can be done to increase success. For the future, three aspects of population and fertility control in developing countries merit special attention: the supply of contraceptive commodities going to family planning programs; the maintenance and strengthening of the family planning infrastructure; and the need to examine the policy implications of differing patterns of fertility and population growth for national development and individual well-being.  相似文献   

Population programs have rapidly expanded in the past 10 years with a massive surge in attention, funding and innovation. Developing countries increasingly insist that population planning be intimately related to general development planning. At present, family planning services need to be further integrated with other developmental processes such as health and education. A new approach to population programs that will emphasize team work at the local level will help to solve the future problems in the field of population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few evaluations of school health programs measure academic outcomes. K-12 education needs evidence for academic achievement to implement school programs. This article presents a systematic review of the literature to examine evidence that school health programs aligned with the Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) model improve academic success. METHODS: A multidisciplinary panel of health researchers searched the literature related to academic achievement and elements of the CSHP model (health services, counseling/social services, nutrition services, health promotion for staff, parent/family/community involvement, healthy school environment, physical education, and health education) to identify scientifically rigorous studies of interventions. Study designs were classified according to the analytic framework provided in the Guide developed by the Community Preventive Services Task Force. RESULTS: The strongest evidence from scientifically rigorous evaluations exists for a positive effect on some academic outcomes from school health programs for asthmatic children that incorporate health education and parental involvement. Strong evidence also exists for a lack of negative effects of physical education programs on academic outcomes. Limited evidence from scientifically rigorous evaluations support the effect of nutrition services, health services, and mental health programs, but no such evidence is found in the literature to support the effect of staff health promotion programs or school environment interventions on academic outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Scientifically rigorous evaluation of school health programs is challenging to conduct due to issues related to sample size, recruitment, random assignment to condition, implementation fidelity, costs, and adequate follow-up time. However, school health programs hold promise for improving academic outcomes for children.  相似文献   

Family planning is a highly important component of good preventive medicine. It is well established that health is significantly affected by the social and economic setting of an individual family and the society in which they live. Since a nation's social and economic development is affected by rapid population growth, voluntary family planning plays an important role in helping less developed countries fulfill their legitmante development aspirations. Family planning also is more directly related to health, particularly that of mothers and children since risk of childbearing is highly related to the number and timing of births. Soical and economic development with concomitant advances in levels of education, sanitation, and the availability of preventive and curative health measures is highly determinative of morbidity and mortality rates. Insofar as voluntary family planning programs contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the efforts of the developing countries to bring about social and economic advancement, family planning has a role in bringing about conditions conducive to better health. For possibly half the world's populations, only marginal health care services are available. Rapid population growth hinders further development of these services by impending capital formation, by rapid expansions in the size of the labor force, by slowing improvements in literacy and acquisition of needed technical skills, and by annually adding about 70 million new health care consumers to that portion of the world's population which resides in the less developed countries. Rapid urbanization places an additional burden on health care systems as over use of under capacity water supply and sewage treatment systems results in breakdowns. Infant death rates are the result of multiple direct and indirect factors which interact. Thus, infant mortality often closely reflects broad social, economic, and environmental conditions. The cause of infant death in the 3rd world is usually infectious disease, but behind direct causes are important factors relating to the social environment. The number of children a women bears in her life, the age at which she begins and completes this childbearing, and the interval between births, all significantly impact on her health. The most partical way to affect these health risks is through family planning. Empirical evidence from family planning programs and survey research show that a large unmet demand for family planning exists.  相似文献   

This article begins with a discussion of the motivation for fertility reduction and related population policies. Next, it identifies the two major approaches to evaluating these policies in the population ethics literature: the individualistic approach and the international approach. Each approach is then characterized according to the kinds of policies evaluated, the ethical principles that are most prominent, and the major conclusions drawn. Major empirical gaps in the population ethics literature are identified, and pertinent social science issues concerning the effectiveness of family planning programs, the socioeconomic determinants of fertility, and the interpersonal or community determinants of fertility are discussed. Finally, these issues are linked with the United Nations World Population Plan of Action to identify ethical questions that warrant detailed scrutiny.  相似文献   

The consensus achieved at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) signaled a move away from discussing population issues in the context of demographic targets, toward global recognition that the problems associated with rapidly growing human populations are part of a broader human development agenda. Devoid of demographic targets, the ICPD program of action instead challenges countries to change their approach to population programs, family planning, and reproductive health. World Fertility Survey and Demographic and Health Survey data indicate a high level of unwanted fertility in almost all countries covered. The lack of availability or inaccessibility of family planning services is but one reason why there is so much unmet need. There would be greater uptake of family planning if services were planned with community involvement and oriented toward clients, offering them real choices and paying more attention to them as individuals and their overall circumstances. That expansion in concept and of services is at the core of the Cairo agenda. A number of countries around the world have started taking steps to broaden existing family planning and related programs to include other reproductive health information and services. Mexico and India are examples of two developing countries which are making program and structural changes in order to implement the ICPD recommendations, while most African countries have welcomed the approach and are looking for technical and resource help for implementation.  相似文献   

Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, there has been increased attention to high-quality and rights-based family planning, but these concepts have been difficult to measure. Perhaps due to an intellectual history intertwined with population control, contemporary family planning programs and researchers often use (modern) method use as a primary marker of success, with indicators focusing narrowly on contraceptive use and fertility. This results in a fundamental misalignment between existing metrics and the stated family planning goals of promoting reproductive health and rights. This report describes the rationale for a novel family planning indicator called “contraceptive autonomy” and proposes a methodology for measuring this concept at the population level. Defining contraceptive autonomy as the factors necessary for a person to decide for themself what they want in relation to contraception and then to realize that decision, this indicator divides the contraceptive autonomy construct into subdomains of informed choice, full choice, and free choice. By acknowledging that autonomous nonuse is a positive outcome,aiming to maximize contraceptive autonomy rather than use could help shift incentives for family planning programs and reduce some common forms of contraceptive coercion, as our measurement approach is realigned with our focus on high-quality rights-based care.  相似文献   

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