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目的探讨应用营销策略提高急诊患者满意度的方法和效果。方法将内部营销、外部营销及互动营销的营销理论,结合急诊工作特点,应用于急诊科护理管理。结果患者满意率由实施前90.42%提升至实施后96.61%,差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01);护患纠纷与投诉由实施前3例次将为零。结论采用护理营销策略能提高护理服务质量和患者满意率,减少护患纠纷。  相似文献   

目的成立爱心服务队.提高患者满意度。方法从全院25岁以下护士中择优选择20名护士成立爱心服务队.对9个住院病区提供爱心服务.免费为患者理发、剃须等。结果爱心服务实施后患者满意度显著高于实施前(P〈0.01)。结论成立爱心服务队,有效利用护理人力资源.可最大程度满足患者需要.提高患者满意度。  相似文献   

成立爱心服务队提高患者满意度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 成立爱心服务队,提高患者满意度.方法 从全院25岁以下护士中择优选择20名护士成立爱心服务队,对9个住院病区提供爱心服务,免费为患者理发、剃须等.结果 爱心服务实施后患者满意度显著高于实施前(P<0.01).结论 成立爱心服务队,有效利用护理人力资源,可最大程度满足患者需要,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

目的探讨人性化护理对提高外科患者满意度的作用。方法 2010-04—2011-10,我院外科诊治的200例患者,随机将其分为对照组(给予传统护理)和观察组(给予人性化整体护理),每组各100例,对患者满意度进行调查,并比较。结果与对照组相比(80.0%),观察组的患者满意度明显提高(100.0%),P<0.05,差异具有统计学意义。结论实行人性化护理,可以明显提高外科患者满意度,值得临床广泛推广。  相似文献   

住院患者护理满意度调查方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨住院患者护理满意度调查的最佳方式,以获得准确信息,为护理管理决策的制定及改进护理工作提供可靠依据。方法采用护理部设计的护理质量问卷调查表对住院患者进行护理满意度调查,分别由护理部组织护士长深入病房调查住院患者及由入院处护士调查出院患者,并对结果进行比较分析。结果入院处护士每月收集的住院患者护理满意度显著低于护士长所收集的数据(均P〈0.01)。结论入院处护士对出院患者发放满意度调查结果真实、可靠,是一种较好的护理满意度调查方法。  相似文献   

目的:分析住院患者对医疗服务质量的满意度及影响因素并找出相应的改进措施,为住院患者提供更好地服务。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,对2011年7月~2012年1月在我院住院的4200例患者进行了满意度问卷。结果:入院时护士介绍病境和相关要求占83.1%。病室清洁、干净、舒适占82.18%能分清责任护士,对护士工作情况满意度占83.39%,责任护士应向患者介绍疾病的治疗、护理及康复知识占78.77%,护士应介绍输液时所输药物的名称、作用及输液的注意事项占76.41%。结论:在现有的基础上增加临床护理人力资源的配置;病房环境卫生及陪护人员的管理有待加强;责任护士需要加强自我宣教;责任护士要加强专科知识及药学知识的培训。  相似文献   

住院患者护理满意度调查方法的探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的 探讨住院患者护理满意度调查的最佳方式,以获得准确信息,为护理管理决策的制定及改进护理工作提供可靠依据.方法 采用护理部设计的护理质量问卷调查表对住院患者进行护理满意度调查,分别由护理部组织护士长深入病房调查住院患者及由入院处护士调查出院患者,并对结果进行比较分析.结果 入院处护士每月收集的住院患者护理满意度显著低于护士长所收集的数据(均P<0.01).结论 入院处护士对出院患者发放满意度调查结果真实、可靠,是一种较好的护理满意度调查方法.  相似文献   

护理风险管理在急诊危重患者院内转运中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方方 《护理学杂志》2008,23(9):22-23
目的 在急诊危重患者院内转运中应用护理风险管理,以减少意外事故、保障患者安全.方法 回顾分析从急诊科转运至病房或检查的危重患者1084例.其中2003年1月至2004年12月采取传统方式转运患者510例为对照组;2005年1月至2006年12月采取护理风险管理措施转运患者574例为观察组.比较两组意外发生率、转运死亡率及接收科室满意率.结果 对照组转运途中发生意外122例、死亡14例、接收科室不满意19.02%;观察组分别为58例、2例、4.70%,两组比较,差异有显著性意义(均P<0.01).结论 对急诊危重患者院内转运实施风险管理可提高危重患者院内转运的安全性.  相似文献   

护理风险管理在急诊危重患者院内转运中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方方 《护理学杂志》2008,23(5):22-23
目的在急诊危重患者院内转运中应用护理风险管理,以减少意外事故、保障患者安全。方法回顾分析从急诊科转运至病房或检查的危重患者1084例。其中2003年1月至2004年12月采取传统方式转运患者510例为对照组;2005年1月至2006年12月采取护理风险管理措施转运患者574例为观察组。比较两组意外发生率、转运死亡率及接收科室满意率。结果对照组转运途中发生意外122例、死亡14例、接收科室不满意19.02%;观察组分别为58例、2例、4.70%,两组比较,差异有显著性意义(均P〈0.01)。结论对急诊危重患者院内转运实施风险管理可提高危重患者院内转运的安全性。  相似文献   

实行临床护理路径管理提高腹股沟疝患者的满意度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床路径(clinical pathway,CP)是由医院内的一组成员,根据某种疾病或手术制定的一种医护人员共同认可的诊疗模式,让患者由住院到出院都按照该模式来接受治疗和护理。我国对其研究起步较晚,应用范围较小,但作为目前最新的单病种质量管理手段已显示出其良好效果。为了进一步提升整体医疗和护理服务质量,我院普外科对腹股沟疝诊治实行临床路径管理。针对腹股沟疝手术患者的特点,我们制定实施临床护理路径,制定规范的护理服务流程,经对出院患者调查分析,患者的满意度明显提高,现报告如下。  相似文献   

提高严重创伤患者急救护理时效的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨提高严重创伤患者急救护理时效的方法.方法 通过事前准备物品、周密安排人员、制订抢救应急预案、程序化的抢救流程、表格式的护理记录等方法,对严重创伤患者进行急救护理,分析比较护理方法 改进前(对照组)、后(观察组)的临床效果.结果 观察组患者入院到手术时间、病死率显著短于或低于对照组(均P<0.01).结论 合理的护理安排提高了严重创伤急救护理的时效性.  相似文献   

提升临床护理人员工作满意度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 描述临床护士的工作满意度,确定相应对策对提升工作满意度的作用.方法 采用工作满意度调查表对临床护士进行工作满意度测定,根据测量结果,采取体现护士形象、护理专业价值板报展览,护理管理者领导方式和艺术的培训,倡导和维护无惩罚、参与性管理干预措施,实施1年后评价效果.结果 临床护士工作满意度中护士间关系、支持性护理管理、专业发展、决策、专业地位5个方面较干预前有显著提升(P<0.05,P<0.01),其中护士间关系、医护之间关系、支持性护理管理排满意前三位,收入、享受工作、专业地位排满意度最后三位.主观感受中搬运患者时获得帮助,加班时间减少显著优于干预前(均P<0.01),个人工作计划中96.5%仍选择留在原岗位和护理专业.结论 针对性干预措施对提升护士的工作满意度及留住护理人员有积极作用.  相似文献   

提升临床护理人员工作满意度的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 描述临床护士的工作满意度.确定相应对策对提升工作满意度的作用。方法 采用工作满意度调查表对临床护士进行工作满意度测定.根据测量结果.采取体现护士形象、护理专业价值板报展览.护理管理者领导方式和艺术的培训.倡导和维护无惩罚、参与性管理干预措施.实施1年后评价效果:结果 临床护士工作满意度中护士间关系、支持性护理管理、专业发展、决策、专业地位5个方面较干预前有显著提升(P〈0.05.P〈0.01).其中护士间关系、医护之间关系、支持性护理管理排满意前三位.收入、享受工作、专业地位排满意度最后三位。主观感受中搬运患者时获得帮助.加班时间减少显著优于干预前(均P〈0.01).个人工作计划中96.5%。仍选择留在原岗位和护理专业。结论 针对性干预措施对提升护士的工作满意度及留住护理人员有积极作用。  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction is becoming increasingly important as a crucial outcome measure for total knee arthroplasty. We aimed to determine how well commonly used clinical outcome scales correlate with patient satisfaction after total knee arthroplasty. In particular, we sought to determine whether patient satisfaction correlates better with absolute postoperative scores or preoperative to 12-month postoperative changes. Patient satisfaction was evaluated using 4 grades (enthusiastic, satisfied, noncommittal, and disappointed) for 438 replaced knees that were followed for longer than 1 year. Outcomes scales used the American Knee Society, Western Ontario McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index scales, and Short Form–36 scores. Correlation analyses were performed to investigate the relation between patient satisfaction and the 2 different aspects of the outcome scales: postoperative scores evaluated at latest follow-ups and preoperative to postoperative changes. The Western Ontario McMaster University Osteoarthritis Index scales function score was most strongly correlated with satisfaction (correlation coefficient = 0.45). Absolute postoperative scores were better correlated with satisfaction than the preoperative to postoperative changes for all scales. Level of evidence: Level IV (retrospective case series)  相似文献   



Despite emphasis on patient centred healthcare, healthcare professionals have been slow to use validated measurements of patient satisfaction in physiotherapy practice. The aim of this cross sectional survey was to measure patient satisfaction with private physiotherapy in Ireland, for patients with musculoskeletal pain, using a previously validated survey instrument.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To develop, validate and use a procedure specific questionnaire to evaluate patient experience and satisfaction following carotid endarterectomy (CEA) under either general (GA) or local anaesthesia (LA). METHODS: Twenty post-CEA patients were interviewed. Data were content analysed and recurrent themes used to generate the specific carotid endarterectomy experience questionnaire (CEA-EQ). The CEA-EQ consists of 15 pre-op and 13 postoperative questions. Validity was established by correlation with the FRS Patient Satisfaction with Surgical Services (SSSQ) and State form of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) in 69 patients (35 LA, 34 GA). Subsequently 88 patients randomised to GA CEA and 88 to LA CEA received the CEA-EQ. A local anaesthetic intraoperative experience questionnaire (LA-EQ) was also developed and given to LA patients only. RESULTS: Validity was confirmed through significant correlations with the STAI-S (r=0.67, p<0.001) and the SSSQ (r=0.44, p<0.001). In the randomised prospective study response rates were greater than 90%. Overall experience and satisfaction with CEA was high. There was no statistically significant difference in anxiety, satisfaction or overall experience between anaesthetic techniques. LA CEA was associated with a significantly better perception of recovery. The majority of LA patients found the procedure acceptable. CONCLUSIONS: The CEA-EQ is a valid tool to assess qualitative aspects of CEA patient care. Overall satisfaction and experience with CEA is good and not related to anaesthetic technique. LA CEA is not associated with any increased anxiety, is tolerated by the majority of patients and is associated with a better perception of recovery.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives:

The aim of this study was to evaluate postoperative patient satisfaction in women after laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LASH).


A retrospective study by a mailed questionnaire among 2334 women who underwent hysterectomy via LASH at the MIC-Klinik, Berlin, between 1998 and 2004 was conducted. Indications for LASH were uterus myomatosus, adenomyosis uteri, disorders of bleeding, and genital descensus. The LASH operation technique was standardized and remained consistent throughout the observation period. Pearson''s test for metric variables, Spearman''s rank correlation test for ordinal data, Mann-Whitney U test, and Kruskal-Wallis test were used.


Of the 2334 questionnaires mailed, 1553 were returned and 1431 (61.3%) of those could be analyzed. Almost 94% (93.9%) of the women were highly satisfied with the outcome, 5.6% reported medium satisfaction, and 0.5% were not satisfied. There was no significant difference in patient satisfaction with regard to the different indication for LASH.


This study demonstrates high postoperative patient satisfaction after LASH. The rate of highly satisfied women might be increased by carefully choosing the right indications for LASH and improving operation techniques. This is important for widening acceptance of this innovative new operation standard.  相似文献   

提高护士对护理工作满意度的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
分析护士对临床护理工作满意度低的原因为:工作量超负荷,智能压力明显,管理体制不合理等.提出为护士接受继续教育创造条件,采取协商式排班制,关心、理解护士,解决晋升难的问题及培养临床护理专家等,以提高护士对护理工作的满意度,进而提高临床护理质量.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze a combination of preoperative biodata, radiological parameters, and validated functional scores to determine predictors for patient satisfaction in patients who have undergone Hallux abducto valgus (HAV) surgery at 2 years postoperatively. Data from 288 patients who had undergone HAV surgery and 373 cases were collected between 2007 and 2013. The study group measured the HAV angle (HVA), tibial sesamoid position (TSP), as well as inter-metatarsal angle (IMA) on both pre- and postoperative radiographs for all patients. Clinical outcomes such as the Visual Analogue Scale for pain, the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Hallux Metatarsophalangeal-Interphalangeal Scale (MTP-ITP) Scale, and Short Form 36 Health Survey's physical and mental component scores (PCS and MCS) were captured preoperatively and postoperatively. Univariate analysis was performed first to determine possible predictors of patient satisfaction and the results were then included in a binary logistic regression model. Independent predictors of patient satisfaction include higher preoperative AOFAS (p value = .028, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.958, 0.998) and the 2 years postoperative AOFAS (p = .001, 95% CI 1.027, 1.114). We also found PCS and MCS scores at 2 years postoperatively to be independent predictors of patient satisfaction (p = .004, 95% CI 1.015, 1.086 and p = .045, 95% CI 1.001, 1.064 respectively). Predictors of patient satisfaction include subjective outcomes such as the AOFAS score and the Short Form 36 composite quality of life scales of PCS and MCS, rather than objective radiological outcomes such as HVA, IMA, and TSP.  相似文献   


Background and Objective:

Thermal balloon ablation is a minimally invasive surgical technique that can be used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding/heavy menstrual bleeding (AUB/HMB). Most published studies to date provide information on short-term patient satisfaction and outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine long-term patient satisfaction after thermal balloon endometrial ablation 7 to 10 years postoperatively in a population previously surveyed at the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center at 1 to 5 years postoperatively.


Two-hundred fourteen patients were identified who underwent thermal balloon ablation at our institution between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2004. These patients were mailed a 2-page survey asking for information on demographics, patient satisfaction, postoperative bleeding patterns, and the need for subsequent surgery. Satisfaction rates, amenorrhea rates, and the rates of women who required hysterectomy were calculated as percentages.


Ninety-seven patients returned completed surveys. The survey response rate was 62%, excluding 57 surveys that were returned as undeliverable. The follow-up interval was 93 to 129 months. Eighty-seven percent of respondents were satisfied with the results of their procedure compared with 88% in the original study. Subsequent hysterectomy was required in 21.6% of women after 7 to 10 years compared with 9% after the 1- to 5-year follow-up period. Of the 76 women who did not undergo hysterectomy, 58% reported amenorrhea and 35.5% reported minimal to light bleeding.


This study demonstrates a consistently high patient satisfaction rate with thermal balloon ablation at our institution at 7 to 11 years postoperatively compared with 1 to 5 years postoperatively. The hysterectomy rate, however, was 2.4 times greater in the long-term follow-up period.  相似文献   

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