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The quality of vaccination services provided for children aged 12-23 months was determined in different districts of Istanbul, Turkey. Quality was assessed through a lot quality assurance sampling method, using data extracted from interviews conducted in 2001 with the mothers or carers of the children. Concurrently, geographic information system technology was used for integrated evaluation of the data from different lots and for presentation of the results as thematic maps. The results of this study helped to identify districts of the city in which vaccination services were below the expected level of quality and where an unacceptable number of children were not being fully vaccinated. Subsequent to this study, actions were taken by the agencies responsible to improve the coverage and quality of the vaccination services in these districts of Istanbul.  相似文献   

The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011. In the first 10 days after the event, information about radiation risks from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was unavailable, and the disaster response, including deployment of disaster teams, was delayed. Beginning on March 17, 2011, the Japan Medical Association used a geographic information system (GIS) to visualize the risk of radiation exposure in Fukushima. This information facilitated the decision to deploy disaster medical response teams on March 18, 2011.  相似文献   

目的 通过对新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区麻疹流行疫情调查分析,掌握流行原因,评价应急接种效果 。方法 采用现况调查和病例对照调查的方法研究麻疹疫情分布特点和流行原因。结果2008年1-3月喀什地区在全地区范围内发生一起麻疹流行, 发病率为67.80/10万, 死亡率为0.18/10万。结论 疫情流行的危险因素是医院暴露、密切接触和未接种麻疹疫苗。  相似文献   

175例麻疹流行病学调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
徐娥芬  陆惠芬 《疾病监测》2006,21(5):251-253
目的了解麻疹流行病学特征。方法采用回顾性调查方法对2005年1 ̄6月湖州市中心医院收治的175例麻疹病例资料进行分析。结果麻疹抗体总阳性率为55.4%(97/175)。麻疹流行特点是散发和小范围流行同时存在。发病有明显的季节性,1月份发病开始上升,5月份下降。发病以青壮年为主,占58.6%,其次为10岁以下儿童,占20.0%。男女性别比为1∶1.3。结论除儿童外,青壮年也为易感人群,应采取相应措施重点预防和保护。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the rationale for the development of an information system and shows how much a system can become an effective management tool for physiotherapy department directors. The author points out the need to assess both costs and benefits before venturing into the world of computerized information systems, but also makes a case for the need to establish a useful system for the gathering and processing of data that will provide useful information, whether or not computers are used to store and analyze the data. A five-step approach to the development of an information system is presented. The steps include: system analysis, selection of design approach, systems design, implementation, and system maintenance. The author states that management information systems for the future--if they are to be efficient and effective---will require department heads to develop specific methodologies of approach.  相似文献   

Headache parameters, personality variables and stress factors were assessed in a sample of about 2,300 school pupils between 10 and 17 years of age in Amsterdam. More than 15% of the subjects reported headaches occurring weekly. Fear of failure and school problems, but not achievement motivation, had significant positive correlations with headache complaints after correction for differences in sex and age. Menarche and social class had little bearing in relation to the headache variables. From all reported causes of headache, stress was mentioned most frequently in both elementary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to analyze the maternal deaths, which occurred in a public maternity hospital in Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil and identify associations between time of death and the cases. An analysis was performed on the medical records, death certificates and notification forms regarding 96 maternal deaths that occurred between 2000 and 2008. The most prevalent delivery type was cesarean section (45, 46.8%) and the most prevalent causes of death were: hypertensive syndrome (27, 28.1%), infection (17, 17.7%) and hemorrhage (16, 16.7%). There was a statistically significant association between: cesarean section, hypertension syndrome and infection (x2=14.40, p=0.00; x2=4.02, p=0.04); deaths in the postpartum period and hypertensive syndrome (x2=6.13, p=0.01) and infection (x2=7.65, p=0.00). The characterization of these deaths helps in the recognition of groups at risk, and in developing preventive measures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence and risk factors for low back pain (LBP) in nursing personnel and to analyze how individual and occupational characteristics contribute to the risk of LBP. Following ethical approval, 1226 nurses were randomly recruited from 13 general hospitals in northern Iran. Different questionnaires were designed to cover personal and professional data, the prevalence, and associations of risk factors with LBP. Results indicated that prevalence of LBP in nurses was over 50%. Lifting was the most common mechanism for LBP (30.4%). Prolonged standing and rest were found to be the significant aggravating and relieving factors (57.6% and 59.2%, respectively). Absence from work because of LBP in the month before the questionnaire was completed was reported by 33.7% of the sample. The results demonstrate that the magnitude of LBP among nursing personnel appears to be high and therefore more resources should be allocated to prevent such an injury occurring in the nursing profession.  相似文献   

The human granulocyte antigen HNA-2a is expressed on a subpopulation of granulocytes in 97% of Caucasians. Alloimmunization against this antigen can cause alloimmune neonatal neutropenia, transfusion-related acute lung injury and immune neutropenia after bone marrow transplantation. Immunochemical studies demonstrated that NB1 allogenic determinants reside on a GPI-linked glycoprotein with apparent molecular weight of 56–64 kDa. To elucidate the primary structure of NB1 protein, we isolated NB1 protein using NB1-specific mab 7D8 by affinity chromatography. Identity of the purified glycoprotein was confirmed by immunoblot using a panel of seven human and two monoclonal NB1-specific antibodies. Determination of molecular mass using MALDI yielded a 50·6 kDa glycoprotein. After removal of N-linked carbohydrates, the molecular mass was reduced to 43·1 kDa. N-terminal amino acid sequencing by Edman degradation yielded a 20 aa-peptide. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends derived from an HPA-2a (+) individual using primers based on N-terminal amino acid sequence resulted in a 1614-bp cDNA, consisting of a 27-bp 5' untranslated region, a 1311-bp open reading frame and a 276-bp 3' untranslated region. The 1311 bp open reading frame encoded for 437 amino acids, of which the first 21 were found to form the signalpeptide. The identity of this transkript was confirmed by the expression of full lengh NB1 cDNA (bp 22–1394) in COS-7 cells.  相似文献   

刘永胜 《疾病监测》2007,22(5):315-316
目的 了解2006年郑州市二七区麻疹流行病学特征,探索有效控制麻疹的措施.方法 对2006年郑州市二七区麻疹监测及流行病学管理资料进行统计分析.结果 麻疹疫情以散发为主,报告发病率为38.85/10万;全年均有发病,其中4~5月份(63例,27.75%)和10~12月份(101例,44.49%)发病较多;发病以0~5岁为主(177例),占发病数的74.68%;流动人口病例数占病例总数的72.57%;发病人群麻疹免疫IgM抗体阳性率为74.49%.结论 流动人群是造成麻疹发病水平较高的主要原因,常规免疫仍需加强,保持高水平的免疫覆盖率和免疫成功率预防控制麻疹爆发.  相似文献   

Purpose : In vocational rehabilitation, the selection and tailoring of the work place is tightly bound with the integration or reintegration of people with disabilities into the work environment. Instruments which ease this task are assessment systems as well as information systems of technical aids. To date, these instruments are separated from one another in practice. They also necessitate a broad transfer capacity between the results of an assessment system and the selection of technical aids for a work place design suited for people with disabilities. Method/Results : Therefore, when employing assessment system, immediate access to information concerning technical aids would ease the work of experts in the area of vocational rehabilitation. This information should also provide a commentary concerning which aids have been utilized to date in concrete cases of suitably designing work places for people with disabilities. Conclusions : This article describes the synthesis of a vocational assessment system with an information system of technical aids from the aspect of frequency of use.  相似文献   

Purpose: In vocational rehabilitation, the selection and tailoring of the work place is tightly bound with the integration or reintegration of people with disabilities into the work environment. Instruments which ease this task are assessment systems as well as information systems of technical aids. To date, these instruments are separated from one another in practice. They also necessitate a broad transfer capacity between the results of an assessment system and the selection of technical aids for a work place design suited for people with disabilities. Method/Results: Therefore, when employing assessment system, immediate access to information concerning technical aids would ease the work of experts in the area of vocational rehabilitation. This information should also provide a commentary concerning which aids have been utilized to date in concrete cases of suitably designing work places for people with disabilities. Conclusions: This article describes the synthesis of a vocational assessment system with an information system of technical aids from the aspect of frequency of use.  相似文献   

1994-2005年太原市麻疹流行特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张萍  关彩萍 《疾病监测》2007,22(5):317-319
目的 探讨太原市麻疹流行特征及发病原因,为制定太原市麻疹防制策略提供依据.方法 采用描述性流行病学方法对太原市1994-2005年麻疹监测资料进行分析.结果 太原市麻疹发病以冬春季为主,发病高峰在3~5月;太原市所辖十县市区均有病例报告,个别县区发病率较高;男性发病率高于女性;各年龄组均有发病,1岁内婴儿麻疹病例较多,且呈逐年上升趋势;时有以流动人口为主的成人麻疹爆发流行,爆发疫情的发生影响全市的麻疹发病率.结论 应加强麻疹疫苗常规免疫接种并提高接种质量,重点加强薄弱地区和薄弱环节的工作,适时在目标人群中开展强化免疫,消除免疫空白点,提高整个人群免疫水平;加强初、高中、大中专院校学生及外来流动人口的免疫预防管理.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In vocational rehabilitation, the selection and tailoring of the work place is tightly bound with the integration or reintegration of people with disabilities into the work environment. Instruments which ease this task are assessment systems as well as information systems of technical aids. To date, these instruments are separated from one another in practice. They also necessitate a broad transfer capacity between the results of an assessment system and the selection of technical aids for a work place design suited for people with disabilities. METHOD/RESULTS: Therefore, when employing assessment system, immediate access to information concerning technical aids would ease the work of experts in the area of vocational rehabilitation. This information should also provide a commentary concerning which aids have been utilized to date in concrete cases of suitably designing work places for people with disabilities. CONCLUSIONS: This article describes the synthesis of a vocational assessment system with an information system of technical aids from the aspect of frequency of use.  相似文献   

The authors examine the vital role nursing professionals have played in the successful implementation of a sophisticated computer system at a regional medical center in the midwest. From preselection analysis through training and implementation, nurses have assumed primary responsibility for managing the multifaceted adaptation and installation of a comprehensive array of patient care functions. This experience can serve as an invaluable example of the relationship between information management, patient management, cost management, and quality enhancement in the hospital setting.  相似文献   

An analysis of 2148 consultations in a private general medical homeopathic practice in France was conducted in 12 periods of 7-10 days of study over four years. The results show that homeopathy is mainly used in mental, infectious and rheumatological disorders. It is suggested that homeopathy is a useful alternative in these illnesses, as it avoids the abuse of, and the adverse effects of, sedatives, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.  相似文献   


Purpose: The aim was to better understand how information and communication technology (ICT) can provide support to elderly family caregivers caring for significant others suffering from dementia or stroke. Method: Ten households equipped with an ICT system, with a family caregiver and a spouse diagnosed with dementia or stroke, were followed and observed in a two-year case study. The family caregivers had regular meetings in groups organised by the municipal care of the elderly. Data from observations, semi-structured interviews, user data from the ICT system and data about the support provided by the municipality has been used to validate the findings. Results: The family caregivers socialised with users in the group as long as the users were stayed in the group. Meetings in the group were an important opportunity for exchanging experiences and to easing one”s mind. The ICT system did not reduce the municipality”s level of services to the participating families. The information built into the system has to be constantly updated to be of interest. Conclusions: An ICT support must be provided in a context of personal meetings and with a formal caregiver backing. This will empower informal or family caregivers. Such support must give the user the possibility to communicate and get access to the Internet.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Benefits were obtained when informal caregivers met with a group of people with whom they share the same kind of experiences and were supported by a formal caregiver.

  • Informal caregivers need more attention and recognition.

  • ICT systems can help but must be current and maintain the users interest.


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