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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by focal demyelination of central nervous system (CNS). Susceptibility to MS is thought to be affected by multiple genes including HLA and T cell receptor (TCR) genes. In view of the recent evidence, that in addition to α/β T lymphocytes also γ/δ T cells may have autoreactive potential, TCR delta repertoire in peripheral blood of MS patients has been studied. TCR delta repertoire, as assessed by Vδ-Jδ rearrangements, has been analysed in 13 MS cases and in 30 healthy individuals by seminested PCR technique. Oligonucleotide primers specific for six Vδ regions and for Jδ1 gene were used for amplification of Vδ-Jδ junctional region responsible for the diversity of γ/δ TCR. In the majority of MS patients PAGE analysis of Vδ1-Jδ1, Vδ3-Jδ1 and Vδ5-Jδ1 rearrangements showed single-band or two-band pattern. The most striking result has been observed in Vδ5-Jδ1 rearrangement, where in nine cases studied single band and in four patients two bands have been found. In all but one MS cases multi-band pattern of Vδ2-Jδ1 rearrangement was obtained. None of the 13 MS patients showed single-band rearrangement pattern of Vδ4-Jδ1 and Vδ6-Jδl. Contrary to the MS group almost all healthy individuals produced smear-like or multi-band pattern of Vδ1-Vδ5 to Jδ1 rearrangements. On the basis of the banding pattern produced by Vδ-Jδ rearrangement in MS, it can be suggested that T lymphocytes had undergone clonal expansion in vivo, most likely due to stimulation by antigen related to CNS. In particular a very consistent single-band pattern of Vδ5-Jδ1 rearrangement observed in almost all MS patients studied, argues very strongly for a significant role of γ/δ T cells with Vδ5 rearrangement in the pathogenesis of MS. However, it cannot be excluded that the observed patterns of TCR δ gene rearrangement in MS patients may represent secondary changes to CNS damage.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TcR) beta-chain germline gene repertoire of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients was compared to that of 100 normal individuals. No differences in the number of gene segments defined by probes representing 14 different human V beta subfamilies and the constant region genes were found. The distribution of haplotypes defined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) alleles detected with V beta 8, V beta 11, and C beta probes in the MS patients was significantly different from that found in normal individuals. Because 84% of the MS patients were DR2+, the findings in these patients were compared to a second group of 43 normals who were DR2+. The distribution of TcR haplotypes in MS patients was also significantly different from that in the DR2+ normals. The data suggest that an MS susceptibility gene(s) may be located in the region of the TcR beta-chain gene complex.  相似文献   

T cells reactive to self-antigens are present in the peripheral blood of patients with autoimmune diseases as well as in healthy subjects. Although T cell-response to the self-myelin antigen myelin basic protein (MBP) has been widely investigated in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, very little is known about the evolution over time of this response and its correlation with the disease activity. In recent years magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have provided new tools for following the inflammatory activity in the central nervous system (CNS) of MS patients. In the present study the T cell response to MBP was longitudinally investigated in terms of frequency, epitope specificity, and cytokine production profile in four patients with relapsing-remitting MS enrolled in a gadolinium-enhanced MRI serial study. In spite of different profiles of inflammatory activity within the CNS, all the patients examined showed major changes in their reactivity to MBP during the follow-up period in terms of both frequency and epitope specificity. Episodic expansions of MBP-specific T cell populations were observed in each patient, and overall they did not correlate with disease activity. In these patients the expansions: 1) occurred in the context of a steady level of disease activity, 2) correlated with a burst of CNS inflammation, 3) followed the appearance of a new active lesion, and 4) were observed even in the absence of detectable signs of CNS inflammation during the entire follow-up period. These results suggest that the evolution over time of the T cell response to a self-antigen such as MBP is more complex than previously expected. The short-term repertoire dynamics of autoreactive T cells in MS underscore the importance of longitudinal studies for evaluating autoreactivity to myelin antigens and probably to any self-antigen in other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain was performed in 10 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and the findings were evaluated. Four patients had asymmetrical areas of increased signal intensity in the white matter. All patients showing abnormal MRI were young, had a longer clinical course, and clinically were more disabled. These MRI abnormalities were related to the pathological changes in the central white matter of patients with ALS and possible explanations for these findings in ALS are discussed.  相似文献   

Serial study of gadolinium-DTPA MRI enhancement in multiple sclerosis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We performed serial baseline and gadolinium (Gd)-DTPA-enhanced MRI in 4 patients with definite multiple sclerosis. Studies were performed every month for a total of 4 scans. We obtained short TR/short TE sequences at 10 and 60 minutes after Gd-DTPA injection. All patients had multiple hyperintense lesions seen on baseline MRI with long TR/short and long TE. There was Gd-DTPA enhancement in new, enlarging, and preexisting lesions that were unchanged in size. The enhancing lesions were always seen on T2-weighted images. There was no difference in enhancement between the 10- and 60-minute studies. Six of 85 preexisting lesions enhanced whereas all new or enlarging lesions enhanced. Enhancement persisted in only 1/3 of the new or enlarging lesions, suggesting that MR enhancement is a transient phenomenon due to local temporary blood-brain barrier breakdown. Our data indicate that Gd-DTPA enhancement monitoring is more sensitive than unenhanced MRI for detecting disease activity in MS.  相似文献   

Defective T cell fas function in patients with multiple sclerosis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
BACKGROUND: Fas (CD95) triggers programmed cell death and is involved in shutting off the immune response. Inherited deleterious mutations hitting Fas or its signaling pathway cause autoimmune/lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS). OBJECTIVE: To assess the possibility that decreased Fas function plays a role in development of MS. METHODS: The authors evaluated Fas function in long-term T cell lines (21 days of culture) from 32 patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), 15 with secondary progressive MS (SPMS), and 15 with primary progressive MS (PPMS) by assessing cell survival upon Fas triggering by monoclonal antibodies (Mab). RESULTS: Fas-induced cell death was significantly lower in all patient groups than in controls, and lower in SPMS than in RRMS. Moreover, 8/15 patients with PPMS, 10/15 with SPMS, and 8/32 with RRMS were frankly resistant to Fas. Frequency of resistance to Fas-induced cell death was significantly higher in all patient groups than in controls (2/75), and higher in SPMS than in RRMS. The findings that the parents of two Fas-resistant patients were Fas-resistant and that fusion of T cells from two Fas-resistant patients with Fas-sensitive HUT78 cells gave rise to Fas-resistant hybrid lines suggest that Fas-resistance is due to inherited alterations of the Fas signaling pathway, with production of molecules exerting a dominant negative effect on a normal Fas system. CONCLUSIONS: Defects of the immune response shutting-off system may be involved in the pathogenesis of MS, particularly in its progressive evolution.  相似文献   

Recently several reports have described contradictory results after studying the association between restriction fragments length polymorphisms (RFLP) of T cell receptor (TcR) β-chain genes and multiple sclerosis (MS). We studied the allelic, genotypic and haplotypic distribution of RFLPs of TcR β chain gene segments Cβ, Vβ8 and Vβ11 in 97 unrelated multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, 11 with chronic prgressive MS and 86 with relapsing/remitting (R/R) MS. We found the distribution of the TcR haplotypes defined by the alleles of the three loci studied in the MS patients was significantly different from that found in control individuals. The distribution of TcR haplotypes in R/R MS patients was also different from that observed in controls. Our data suggest that the TcR β chain gene complex contains one or more genes involved in genetic susceptibility to develop MS.  相似文献   

Activation state and proliferation of lymphocytes of 6 patients with definite multiple sclerosis in clinical remission were studied. Lymphocytes carrying MHC class II coded Ia antigen, glycoprotein gp 40/80 and interleukin-2 receptor were significantly higher in patients with MS in remission than in normal healthy controls. The entrance of T cells into the G1 and S phase of the cell cycle was studied using [3H]thymidine autoradiography in combination with immunocytochemistry (cell markers). The proportion of T cells in the S phase of the cell cycle in the peripheral blood was similar in the MS patient and in the control group.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory showed the development of circulating T lymphocytes sensitized to myelin basic protein (MBP) in guinea pigs challenged with MBP. Also, lymphocytes sensitized to MBP were found in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). In this report, we describe the kinetics of MBP-sensitized lymphocytes in a longitudinal study (140-316 days) of seven MS patients using the MBP-stimulated active rosette-forming T cell assay (MBP-ARFC). Expressed as the ratio of MBP-ARFC over ARFC (early and 37 degrees C stable rosette-forming T lymphocytes without added antigen), the results show a considerable degree of variation in the levels of MBP-ARFC. Although the levels of ARFC during the study period were relatively unchanged for each patient, increases in the MBP-ARFC/ARFC ratios were associated with the development of neurological symptoms of disease. The results of this study demonstrate the development of T-cell-mediated immunity to MBP in patients with MS. Detection of MBP-sensitive cells was possible during the course of the disease. The level of sensitivity was influenced by the clinical status, degree of neurological deficit, and particular treatment course.  相似文献   

A high frequency of anti-thyroid antibodies has been demonstrated in multiple sclerosis (MS), but there is a lack of data on the possible association of thyroid autoimmunity with disease activity. To assess whether anti-thyroid antibodies are synthesized early in MS or are induced over the course of the disease and whether or not they are correlated with clinical findings, we assayed serum anti-peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies in 129 relapsing-remitting MS patients at the time of diagnosis and prior to any immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory treatment. Anti-peroxidase antibodies were detected in 28/129 (21.7%) MS patients, compared to 12/130 (9.2%) neurological controls (P=0.006) and 8/152 (5.3%) normal healthy subjects (P<0.0001). High titres of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies were detected in 11/129 (8.5%) MS patients compared to 6/130 (4.6%) patients with other neurological diseases (P=0.22) and 5/152 (3.3%) normal healthy subjects (P=0.07). Anti-peroxidase antibodies were associated with initial relapse in 14 of 28 (50%) of the patients compared to 18/101 (18%) without antibodies (P=0.001). Similarly, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies were associated with first relapse in 8/11 (73%) of the patients compared to 11/118 (9.3%) of those without (P<0.0001). However, there was no correlation between anti-thyroid antibody titres and disease duration or CSF IgG index values. By contrast, a significant inverse correlation was found between anti-thyroglobulin antibody titres and EDSS score (r(s)=-0. 75; P=0.008). Our findings demonstrate that anti-peroxidase and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies are synthesized early in relapsing-remitting MS and are associated with early clinical disease activity. Furthermore, high titres of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies are associated with low disability scores, suggesting a possible protective role of these antibodies that deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Abnormal iron deposition occurs in the brains of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and may cause MRI T2 shortening ('black T2'; BT2). The frequency, distribution and clinical significance of BT2 in MS is unknown. Analysis of brain MRI scans of 114 MS patients showed BT2 in thalamus (n = 65; 57%), putamen (n = 48; 42%), caudate (n = 27; 24%) and Rolandic cortex (n = 9; 8%). BT2 was significantly related to longer disease duration and advancing neurological disability. Wheelchair-bound patients had worse BT2 in thalamus (p < 0.05), putamen (p < 0.001) and Rolandic cortex (p < 0.05). Patients with secondary progressive disease (n = 34) had worse BT2 in thalamus, putamen and caudate (all p < 0.05) than those with relapsing remitting disease (n = 80). BT2 is proposed as a clinically relevant finding relating to neuronal degeneration in MS.  相似文献   

Autonomic nervous system disturbances such as pupillary abnormalities have rarely been evaluated in multiple sclerosis (MS). However, pupillary impairment is not uncommon in MS and its origin is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate pupillary disturbances in MS and to try to correlate pupillary defects with spinal cord and brainstem magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. We prospectively studied 45 MS patients and 30 normal subjects. METHODS: The pupillary contraction latency and the amplitude of contraction were recorded by pupillometry. We also determined afferent and efferent pathway defects by comparing the direct and consensual pupillary reflexes. We evaluated brainstem and spinal cord demyelinating lesions and spinal cord cross-sectional area on MRI. At least one pupillometric parameters were significantly impaired in 60% of patients and in none of the controls. We did not find any correlation between pupillary defect and demyelinating lesions on MRI. The most frequent abnormality was efferent pathway shift and this was correlated with spinal cord atrophy (P<0.02). These results confirm that the autonomic nervous system, and especially pupillary function, is frequently impaired in MS. The parasympathetic system is most commonly affected and this is most likely linked to axonal loss (demonstrated by spinal cord atrophy) rather than to demyelinating lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore functional corticocortical connections in multiple sclerosis by means of coherence of the EEG, and to evaluate their correlations with the degree of cognitive impairment and with brain lesion load assessed by MRI. METHODS: EEG coherence was studied from 28 patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis. Ten minutes of resting EEG were recorded with 20 scalp electrodes, with binaural reference. FFT power and coherence were calculated in artifact free epochs of 1 second and compared with values from 22 control subjects of comparable age and sex distribution. Patients also underwent MRI (n=27) and neuropsychological examination (n=21). RESULTS: Compared with controls, patients with multiple sclerosis showed increased theta power in the frontotemporal-central regions (p<0.005). theta Band coherence was decreased between homologous areas (p<0.02). alpha Band coherence was decreased both in the local and long distance connections (p<0.0005). These findings were most striking both in patients with high MRI subcortical lesion load and in patients with cognitive involvement. A significant correlation was found between interhemispheric theta (p=0.02) and alpha (p=0. 017) and anteroposterior alpha (p=0.013) coherence and subcortical MRI lesion load, but not with exclusively periventricular lesion load. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the hypothesis that cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis is mostly dependent on involvement of corticocortical connections related to demyelination and/or axonal loss within the white matter immediately underlying the cortex.  相似文献   

Vitamin D has been associated with a decreased risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). In this study, serum 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1, 25-(OH)2 vitD) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH vitD), regulatory T cell percentages and naïve and memory T helper cell subsets were measured in 26 patients with multiple sclerosis, 21 who were not on treatment with disease modifying therapy. These studies showed an inverse correlation between 25-OH vitD levels and Treg cell percentages and a direct correlation between Treg cell percentages and 1, 25-(OH)2 vitD:25-OH vitD ratios. In addition, 25-OH vitD levels correlated directly and 1, 25-(OH)2 vitD:25-OH vitD ratios correlated inversely with CXCR3+ naïve T helper cell percentages and CXCR3+naïve:CXCR3+ memory T helper cell ratios. All together, these data demonstrate that vitamin D measurements can reflect measures of immune status among patients with MS.  相似文献   

In this study, venous oxygen saturation and oxygen metabolic changes in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were assessed using a recently developed T2-relaxation-under-spin-tagging (TRUST) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which measures the superior sagittal venous sinus blood oxygenation (Yv) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2), an index of global oxygen consumption. Thirty patients with relapsing-remitting MS and 30 age-matched healthy controls were studied using TRUST at 3 T MR. The mean expanded disability status scale (EDSS) of the patients was 2.3 (range, 0 to 5.5). We found significantly increased Yv (P<0.0001) and decreased CMRO2 (P=0.003) in MS patients (mean±s.d.: 65.9%±5.1% and 138.8±35.4 μmol per 100 g per minute) as compared with healthy control subjects (60.2%±4.0% and 180.2±24.8 μmol per 100 g per minute, respectively), implying decrease of oxygen consumption in MS. There was a significant positive correlation between Yv and EDSS and between Yv and lesion load in MS patients (n=30); on the contrary, there was a significant negative correlation between CMRO2 and EDSS and between CMRO2 and lesion load (n=12). There was no correlation between Yv and brain atrophy measures. This study showed preliminary evidence of the potential utility of TRUST in global oxygen metabolism. Our results of significant underutilization of oxygen in MS raise important questions regarding mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction and neurodegeneration of the disease.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A)-activated suppressor cell activity was determined in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients who had been assigned to one of three subgroups, those with active disease, those recovering from a flare-up, and those with stable disease. The level of suppression induced by the Con A-activated suppressor cells on the mitogenic response of autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes was reduced in patients with active disease (3 +/- 8%) compared with stable patients (30 +/- 8%), patients recovering from a flare-up (62 +/- 5%), and controls (40 +/- 5%). As a measure of the actual amounts of suppressor factors released, the effect of supernatants from the Con A-activated cells on the proliferative activity of a dividing cell line (L cells) was determined concurrently. The inhibitory effect of supernatants from activated cells was reduced in active and stable MS patients (7 +/- 3%) compared to controls (21 +/- 4%). Three of 4 with active MS showed mildly elevated immune complex levels as measured by the Raji cell technique; each of these patients had low suppressor activity. Levamisole (1 microgram per milliliter) failed to alter suppressor cell activity in our in vitro system.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular autonomic functions were investigated in a prospective, controlled study of 22 consecutive relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and 22 healthy subjects using 5 simple noninvasive tests and sympathetic skin response testing. Tests included the heart rate response to deep breathing, valsalva maneuver and standing, blood pressure response to standing and sustained hand grip, and were graded according to the Ewing and Clark classification as early, definite or severe impairment. The relationship between autonomic dysfunction and disease-related parameters such as the expanded disability status scale (EDSS) and disease duration was studied. Ninety percent of the patients had symptoms related with autonomic dysfunction, and 45.5 % had abnormal results in cardiovascular autonomic function testing with 4 patients also having abnormal sympathetic skin responses. Statistical analysis indicated that patients with a long disease duration rather than high EDSS carried a risk of autonomic involvement in MS. Both parasympathetic and sympathetic functions were impaired and this could have been easily overlooked by a standard EDSS follow-up. In this regard, autonomic function testing seems necessary in order to detect subclinical changes in MS patients and should be considered in outcome measures.  相似文献   

Fatigue is an unexplained but common and disabling symptom in MS. We assessed fatigue in 71 patients with MS and identified MS-fatigue (MSF) and MS-nonfatigue (MSNF) groups. Fatigue severity did not correlate with regional or global MRI plaque load or atrophy assessed by conventional sequences. No significant differences were noted in any MRI measures between MSF and MSNF groups. We suggest that brain MRI disease topography or severity does not explain fatigue in MS and that fatigue is likely due to mechanisms poorly characterized by conventional MRI.  相似文献   

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