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随着人们生活水平的提高,高血压患者的人数在逐年增加,但有些人常常忽视了高血压的危害,长期高血压可影响重要脏器心、脑、肾的功能;甚至导致脏器功能衰竭造成病残或死亡;同时也给患者造成很大负担。为提高患者对治病的顺应性、延缓高血压对重要脏器的损害,高血压患者的用药问题必须极高的关注。  相似文献   

This study examined how the use of qualifying language in direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising affects consumers' perceptions of drug appeal, anticipated pleasantness of drug usage, and the expected incidence of side-effect occurrence. A sample of 669 individuals participated in a 2 x 8 complete factorial design. The design manipulated the number of side effects associated with drug use and the type of qualifying language used to describe the side effects. The eight experimental qualifying language cells represented one control condition (no qualifying language), three cells where each of three types of qualifying language were presented individually, and four cells where qualifying language was combined. The results indicate that qualifying language has a profound effect on drug perceptions, especially when used in combination. Drug appeal and the anticipated drug-using experience almost always were more positive in the presence of qualifying language. Qualifying language appears to exert its influence by causing individuals to reduce their estimate of the likelihood of experiencing individual side effects. Policy implications of the research, particularly for evaluation of "fair balance" and the reporting of side effects, are presented.  相似文献   


This research explores how the level of consumers’ need for cognition (NFC) is associated with celebrity endorser credibility and examines its effects on advertising-related attitudes. A 3 (endorser types: actor/actress, athlete, TV personality/talent) × 2 (endorser’s gender) factorial experiment with 435 Japanese consumers was conducted. Concerning Japanese OTC drug advertising, lower NFC individuals perceived celebrity endorsers as more credible in comparison to higher NFC individuals. The main effects of NFC and endorser type on endorser credibility existed; however, no interaction between the two variables was found. The endorser type had an influence on attitudes toward ads and the advertised brand.  相似文献   

在分析了我国药品安全管制现状及存在不足的基础上,提出了探索性建议:一是加强药品安全立法,提高管制执行效率;二是完善药品标准体系,加强复查力度;三是建立药品安全信息系统;四是加强部门间、地区间的机构合作。  相似文献   

1000例老年患者用药合理性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解老年患者的用药情况,评判药物使用的合理性。方法应用回顾性病历调查方法对1000例老年住院患者用药进行了分析,共查阅5600余条医嘱。结果1000名患者住院期间使用药物平均为4~15种,最多可达26种;35·2%患者存在不合理用药现象;有8种常见的不合理用药表现,药物相互作用及药物不良反应随用药品种增多而增加。结论老年住院患者存在不合理用药,应加强临床用药的监测,尽量减少用药品种,避免不合理的联合用药,进一步提高老年住院患者的用药水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解我院儿科门诊用药情况,促进儿科合理用药,保障儿童用药安全、合理、有效。方法 随机抽查我院2006年1月-2月的儿科门诊处方共1839张,同时结合笔者在药房处方调剂过程中所发现的用药方面的问题,根据临床药学知识及有关文献资料,对儿科门诊处方合理用药情况进行分析。结果 儿科门诊仍存在不合理用药现象,存在问题主要表现在抗菌素的不合理应用、用量不当、给药时间、给药途径、药物相互作用、稀释浓度、药物选用七个方面。结论 儿科医生应重视对药物的了解和临床药学知识的学习,提高合理用药水平。  相似文献   

4所典型医院药品扣利分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文依据华东某地区4所典型医院1995、1996两年相同月份1000余种药品的购销资料,分析比较了医院药品扣率的年度变化情况。结果显示:药品扣率上扬,直接导致药品毛利率上升,但不同级别医院的情况略有差别;药品扣率的增加使得医院对药品的依赖性有所提高,增加了药品问题的解决难度。  相似文献   

目的 帮助临床医生了解药物的不良反应,分析药品不良反应发生的特点及规律,促进临床合理用药,保证患者用药安全、有效、经济.方法 笔者所在医院2006~2009年发生96例药品不良反应,分别从患者性别、年龄、给药途径、临床表现、药品种类等进行回顾性分析.结果 96例药品不良反应主要与抗感染药物的使用、静脉给药方式、患者年龄有关,其最常见表现为皮肤损害.结论 应加强医疗工作人员的业务素质培养,促进合理用药,药物不良反应应引起临床医生高度重视.  相似文献   

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