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The intracellular signaling involved in the mechanism of action of zonula occludens toxin (ZOT) was studied using several in vitro and ex vivo models. ZOT showed a selective effect among various cell lines tested, suggesting that it may interact with a specific receptor, whose surface expression on various cells differs. When tested in IEC6 cell monolayers, ZOT-containing supernatants induced a redistribution of the F-actin cytoskeleton. Similar results were obtained with rabbit ileal mucosa, where the reorganization of F-actin paralleled the increase in tissue permeability. In endothelial cells, the cytoskeletal rearrangement involved a decrease of the soluble G-actin pool (-27%) and a reciprocal increase in the filamentous F-actin pool (+22%). This actin polymerization was time- and dose-dependent, and was reversible. Pretreatment with a specific protein kinase C inhibitor, CGP41251, completely abolished the ZOT effects on both tissue permeability and actin polymerization. In IEC6 cells ZOT induced a peak increment of the PKC-alpha isoform after 3 min incubation. Taken together, these results suggest that ZOT activates a complex intracellular cascade of events that regulate tight junction permeability, probably mimicking the effect of physiologic modulator(s) of epithelial barrier function.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The high incidence of intraperitoneal infection remains an important problem in animal models of chronic dialysate exposure. Prophylactic antibiotic administration can be used to resolve this problem, but the isolated effects of antibiotics on peritoneal membrane function and structure are unknown. The present study examined the effects of prophylactic antibiotics on infection rate and peritoneal membrane function and structure in a rat model of chronic dialysate exposure. DESIGN: A first group of rats (A; n = 12) received 10 mL 3.86% glucose dialysate twice daily through a heparin-coated catheter. In a second group of animals (B; n = 12), oxacillin 2.5 mg/day and gentamicin 0.04 mg/day were added to the dialysate. Group C (n = 12) was injected twice daily with an identical dose of antibiotics dissolved in 1 mL of buffer solution. Group D (n = 12) was left untreated. Dialysate cultures were obtained regularly. After 8 weeks of exposure, peritoneal transport studies were performed and samples for histology were obtained. RESULTS: Technique survival was 92% in group A and 100% in the remaining groups. Five rats in group A but none of the animals in the other groups developed peritonitis. The transport rates of small solutes were elevated and net ultrafiltration was decreased in group A compared to the controls. Fibrosis, as evaluated by quantifying Picro Sirius Red staining with image analysis, was significantly elevated in group A (3.48% +/- 1.06% vs 0.72% +/- 0.51% in group D, p < 0.05) but not in group B (0.29% +/- 0.07%) or in group C (0.52% +/- 0.28%). Vascular density, measured by counting the number of blood vessels that stained positive for endothelial NO synthase, was increased in both groups that were exposed to dialysate: 153.0 +/- 12.9/microm2 in group A and 131.6 +/- 14.3/microm2 in group B, versus 76.76 +/- 12.37/microm2 in group C and 73.2 +/- 10.4/microm2 in group D (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic administration of oxacillin and gentamicin adequately prevented intraperitoneal infection in an animal model of chronic dialysate exposure. In addition, fibrosis was absent, suggesting intraperitoneal infection rather than dialysate exposure is a causative factor.  相似文献   

Diverse modes of heparin administration have been used in animal models of chronic peritoneal dialysate exposure to maintain catheter patency and prevent fibrinous adhesions. Heparin has biological actions independent of its well-known anticoagulant activity, including the ability to modulate extracellular matrix synthesis, cellular proliferation, angiogenesis, and inflammation. These actions may interfere with peritoneal membrane homeostasis. The present study evaluated the influence of the mode of heparin administration on technique survival and infection rate in a rat model of chronic dialysate exposure. Further, the incorporation of heparin in the peritoneal membrane was examined. A 3.86% glucose dialysate was injected twice daily into Wistar rats with a heparin-coated catheter (group A1), or with a standard catheter with heparin injections during the entire exposure time (group A2) or only during 1 week (group A3). Sham manipulations were performed in a fourth group and a fifth group was left untreated. Technique survival was 80% in group A1, 60% in group A2, and 40% in group A3. The rate of infection was highest in group A1 and lowest in group A2. Intraperitoneally administered heparin accumulated in the peritoneal membrane, whereas dextran, with a molecular weight similar to that of heparin, was not incorporated in the peritoneum. In conclusion, intraperitoneal heparin reduced the incidence of infection in an animal model of chronic dialysate exposure. The best technique survival was, however, obtained using a heparin-coated catheter. Heparin is incorporated in the peritoneal membrane, where it may exert diverse biological actions and thus bias study results. The use of a heparin-coated catheter in combination with antibiotics may be the optimal approach to obtaining peritoneal access in animal models of chronic dialysate exposure.  相似文献   

Toxin A of Clostridium difficile causes severe inflammatory enterocolitis in man and animals that appears to be mediated in part by acute inflammatory cells that migrate into the toxin A-exposed mucosa. To determine the direct effects of toxin A on intestinal epithelial permeability and structure in the absence of other modulating factors, we used cultured monolayers of a human intestinal epithelial cell line (T84). A toxin A concentration of 7 x 10(-1) micrograms/ml (3 x 10(-9) M) nearly abolished monolayer transepithelial resistance within 6-8 h. This marked permeability defect occurred while the monolayers were still confluent. Dual sodium-mannitol flux studies localized the permeability defect to the intercellular tight junction. Cytotoxicity assays and morphological evaluation using Nomarski optics and electron microscopy failed to demonstrate any evidence of cell damage at the time the maximum resistance response was observed. Fluorescent staining for F actin, however, revealed a marked decrease in fluorescent intensity in toxin-treated monolayers versus controls. These data show that toxin A can directly affect the barrier function of this model intestinal epithelium and initially does so by selectively enhancing tight junction permeability. Furthermore, cytoskeletal structure is markedly altered over the same time course, although the integrity of individual cells is maintained. Because the cytoskeleton of intestinal epithelial cells is known to be capable of regulating tight junction permeability, we speculate that the above effects of toxin A on epithelial barrier function result from alterations of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Liposomes are an effective vehicle for the oral administration of insulin. They are prepared from lipid emulsions by sonication and particles of homogeneous size are generated by elution through sepharose columns. Liposomes are taken up into the gastric mucosa by endocytosis and then transported to the liver via the portal circulation. Oral administration of 10 U insulin/kg body weight to rats is followed by a reduction in blood glucose to 67% of the initial value. When liposome-trapped insulin was injected intravenously a decrease in blood glucose to 40% of the initial value was obtained by the administration of 5 IU insulin/kg body weight. While the effect of orally-administered liposome-trapped insulin is obvious, the problems of standardization of the insulin content of the liposomes and the great variability of liposome uptake into the gastric mucosa by endocytosis remain unsolved.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is an independent risk factor for stroke, and the incidence of diabetes in patients presenting with stroke is 16% to 20%. Administration of insulin is an important activity of daily living that should be addressed in hemiplegic patients with diabetes. Presented here is a table-top clamp that can be used with an insulin pen allowing independent insulin dosing and subcutaneous administration with one hand. The clamp is built on a wood block base that is mounted to a smooth table surface by suction cups. Construction of the device is simple, inexpensive, and can be incorporated as a therapeutic project for the patient during the rehabilitation stay. A diabetic patient with a left hemiplegia is presented who demonstrated independence with the device prior to her discharge home.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that injury to a lumbar root in a rat model of radiculopathy produces spinal glial activation associated with elevated proinflammatory cytokines. Based on our hypothesis that central neuroinflammatory processes may manifest clinically as radicular pain, we undertook pharmacological intervention using the immunosuppressive agent methotrexate (MTX). The L5 lumbar spinal root (central to the dorsal root ganglia) was exposed unilaterally and loosely constricted with chromic gut. In the prevention (phase I) study, MTX was administered intrathecally (1 mg/kg) and around the spinal root (1 mg/kg) at surgery and at days 2 and 4 postsurgery (group A). Saline injection was employed for the control group (group B). Sham operated animals were administered MTX to determine the potential for behavioral/neural side effects (group C). In the existing pain paradigm (phase II) study, the experiment was extended to day 14 with three additional groups. The same dose and method of delivery of MTX or saline was administered as in phase I in the first week on days 0, 2, and 4 and in the second week on days 7, 9, and 11 postsurgery. To measure the effects of MTX on existing behaviors saline was administered in the first week and MTX during the second (group D; Saline:MTX). The control group received saline during both weeks (group E; Saline:Saline). To examine the possible recurrence of radicular pain after MTX termination, MTX was given in the first week and saline in the second (group F; MTX:Saline). Gait disturbance and mechanical allodynia (using von Frey filaments) were assessed up to day 7 in the prevention study (Phase I) and day 14 in the existing pain paradigm (Phase II). The L5 spinal cord segments were harvested for assessment of immunohistochemical glial activation using the antibodies OX-42 (microglial marker) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP: astrocytic marker) and for the presence of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class II expression. Group C (Sham+MTX) did not demonstrate any evidence of gait disturbance or mechanical allodynia after MTX administration. The rats in group B (Surgery+Saline) demonstrated mechanical allodynia from one day postsurgery to the time of euthanization. When allodynia was assessed using the 12 g von Frey filament, the MTX treated rats in group A showed significantly decreased mechanical allodynia as compared to the saline treated rats (group B) (repeated measured ANOVA, P<0.0001). In the phase II study, the rats in group D (Saline:MTX) and E (Saline:Saline) showed robust allodynia in the first week after the surgery. In the second week, mechanical allodynia significantly decreased in group D, while mechanical allodynia continued in the saline treated group (repeated measured ANOVA, P=0.0121). Allodynia was significantly attenuated in group F (MTX: Saline) as compared to the response in groups D and E at day 7 (one-way ANOVA, P<0.0001) and remained significantly lower as compared to group E up to day 11 postsurgery (one-way ANOVA, P9=0. 0013: P11=0.0048). OX-42 and GFAP expression were elevated in the gray matter of the L5 spinal section in all groups that underwent the root ligature with chromic gut (Groups A, B, D-F). There were no significant differences in glial activation between the groups. However, spinal expression of MHC II was markedly reduced in the MTX treated group as compared with the saline treated group. The exact mechanism of action of MTX in attenuating mechanical allodynia has not yet been elucidated. The present results indicate that MTX administration may offer a new treatment modality for radicular pain with or without disc herniation as well as directing new research into the development of novel immunomodulators for the treatment of chronic neuropathic and radicular pain.  相似文献   

Summary.  Plasmin is a direct thrombolytic which has been shown to have a strikingly favorable benefit to risk profile in comparison with plasminogen activators, notably tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). As heparin is known to increase the risk of hemorrhage when co-administered with a plasminogen activator, we asked whether adjunct antithrombotic agents such as aspirin and heparin would affect the safety of plasmin. Three groups of rabbits were administered plasmin at a dose (4 mg kg−1) designed to induce significant decreases in antiplasmin, fibrinogen and factor (F)VIII, to about 25, 40 and 40%, respectively, of baseline values, but not cause prolongation of the ear puncture bleeding time. In a blinded and randomized trial, the results show that an intravenous aspirin bolus plus heparin administered as a bolus followed by a maintenance continuous infusion did not significantly prolong the bleeding time during plasmin infusion. These data indicate that in the rabbit, concomitant use of aspirin plus heparin does not affect the safety of a therapeutic dose of plasmin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Actions of dobutamine at the beta 1, beta 2, and alpha 1 adrenoreceptors were studied in anesthetized dogs. Six animals received dobutamine (at infusion rates of 0 to 160 micrograms/kg/min) with and without beta-adrenergic receptor blockade. Five animals received phenylephrine (0 to 16 micrograms/kg/min), with and without concurrent dobutamine (20 micrograms/kg/min); this procedure was repeated in five animals after beta-blockade. RESULTS: Dobutamine (10 to 160 micrograms/kg/min) increased heart rate (HR), cardiac output, and left ventricular change in pressure over time, and decreased systemic vascular resistance. beta-blockade prevented only dobutamine-induced changes in HR. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), unaffected by dobutamine alone, decreased with concurrent beta-blockade. Phenylephrine (1 to 16 micrograms/kg/min)-induced increases in MAP were unaffected by dobutamine; with beta-blockade, phenylephrine reduced MAP. Dobutamine prevented a phenylephrine-induced increase in systemic vascular resistance, an effect eliminated by beta-adrenergic receptor blockade. CONCLUSIONS: Dobutamine appeared to be an agonist at the beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoreceptors and at the myocardial alpha-adrenoreceptor. Dobutamine appeared to be an alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonist in the peripheral vasculature.  相似文献   

Micropuncture studies were performed in Munich Wistar rats made diabetic with streptozotocin and in normal control rats. Diabetic rats received daily ultralente insulin to maintain moderate hyperglycemia (approximately 300 mg/dl). Group 1 diabetic rats studied after routine micropuncture preparation exhibited elevation of the single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) due to increases in the glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure difference and glomerular plasma flow rate. In group 2 diabetic rats infusion of insulin to achieve acute blood glucose control normalized the glomerular transcapillary pressure gradient while increasing the glomerular ultrafiltration coefficient, so that SNGFR remained elevated. Persistent elevation of SNGFR despite normalization of the transcapillary pressure gradient was also observed in group 3 diabetic rats infused with insulin plus sufficient dextrose to maintain hyperglycemia. These studies indicate that glomerular capillary hypertension in diabetes is an acutely reversible consequence of insulin deficiency and not the result of renal hypertrophy.  相似文献   

To define the roles of circadian rhythmicity (intrinsic effects of time of day independent of the sleep or wake condition) and sleep (intrinsic effects of the sleep condition, irrespective of the time of day) on the 24-h variation in glucose tolerance, eight normal men were studied during constant glucose infusion for a total of 53 h. The period of study included 8 h of nocturnal sleep, 28 h of continuous wakefulness, and 8 h of daytime sleep. Blood samples for the measurement of glucose, insulin, C-peptide, cortisol, and growth hormone were collected at 20-min intervals throughout the entire study. Insulin secretion rates were derived from C-peptide levels by deconvolution. Sleep was polygraphically monitored. During nocturnal sleep, levels of glucose and insulin secretion increased by 31 +/- 5% and 60 +/- 11%, respectively, and returned to baseline in the morning. During sleep deprivation, glucose levels and insulin secretion rose again to reach a maximum at a time corresponding to the beginning of the habitual sleep period. The magnitude of the rise above morning levels averaged 17 +/- 5% for glucose and 49 +/- 8% for calculated insulin secretion. Serum insulin levels did not parallel the circadian variation in insulin secretion, indicating the existence of an approximate 40% increase in insulin clearance during the night. Daytime sleep was associated with a 16 +/- 3% rise in glucose levels, a 55 +/- 7% rise in insulin secretion, and a 39 +/- 5% rise in serum insulin. The diurnal variation in insulin secretion was inversely related to the cortisol rhythm, with a significant correlation of the magnitudes of their morning to evening excursions. Sleep-associated rises in glucose correlated with the amount of concomitant growth hormone secreted. These studies demonstrate previously underappreciated effects of circadian rhythmicity and sleep on glucose levels, insulin secretion, and insulin clearance, and suggest that these effects could be partially mediated by cortisol and growth hormone.  相似文献   

Antibiotic prophylaxis in an animal model of chronic peritoneal exposure.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: Acute infection in an animal model of chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) induces structural changes in the peritoneum and altersfunctional characteristics of transport. These changes may compromise observations of the chronic effects of dialysis solutions. To test the hypothesis that antibiotics would prevent acute infection without affecting transport and structural properties, we characterized the frequency of infection in our rat model of PD and examined whether the inclusion of antibiotics in the dialysis solution altered the transport and structural properties of the peritoneum. DESIGN: Female Sprague-Dawley rats were aseptically injected daily under gas anesthesia with 30 - 40 mL of a sterile solution for 2 months via a peritoneal catheter tunneled to a subcutaneous port. Solutions used were Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate (KRB) alone, KRB with antibiotics (cefazolin 200 mg/L and gentamicin 2 mg/L), KRB with 4% glucose, and KRB with both glucose and antibiotics. After 2 months, osmotic filtration andsolute transport were assessed in each animal and peritoneal fluid was collected for bacterial culture. Angiogenesis was evaluated by quantitative image analysis of tissue sections stained with CD31. Tissue content of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and sulfated glycosaminoglycan was determined. RESULTS: Technique survival (successful PD for 2 months) and infection rate were comparable among all treated groups. There were no differences between the groups in transport properties. Structural changes were comparable between groups, with or without antibiotics. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of antibiotics to the dialysis solution did not affect thetransport characteristics of the peritoneum or the pathologic reaction of the tissue to the PD solution.  相似文献   

We performed a prospective experimental animal study in seven sedated and mechanically ventilated piglets weighing 9+/-0.8 kg, to assess the haemodynamic response to acute hypovolaemia, rapid blood volume expansion and adrenaline (epinephrine) administration in an infant animal model. Withdrawal of 20 mL/kg of blood (hypovolaemia), rapid infusion of 20 mL/kg of blood (expansion) and the administration of 0.01 mg/kg of adrenaline were made in each animal. Heart rate, mean blood pressure (MBP), central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary capillary pressure (PCP), cardiac index (CI), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), left ventricular contractility (Dp/dtmax), blood volume variables, including intrathoracic blood volume index (ITBI), global end-diastolic volume (GEDVI) and extravascular lung water index (ELWI). Hypovolaemia produced a significant decrease in the pressure, volume and CI variables, with an increase in SVRI and a decrease in Dp/dtmax. After expansion, all variables returned towards normal, with persistence of the SVRI increase and Dp/dtmax decrease. Changes in the blood volume variables (ITBI and GEDVI) were larger than in the pressure variables (CVP, PCP) in the case of both hypovolaemia and expansion. Adrenaline caused a slight increase in heart rate, MBP, CVP, PCP and Dp/dtmax with a greater increase in SVRI. None of the interventions led to changes in ELWI. We conclude that acute hypovolaemia produces an increase in SVRI and a decrease in Dp/dtmax that does not return fully to normal with restoration of blood volume. ITBI and GEDVI are more sensitive to changes in blood volume than CVP and PCP. Rapid blood volume expansion and adrenaline administration do not affect extravascular lung water.  相似文献   

Maintaining intestinal function protects against shock of various origins. Nitric oxide (NO) can protect tissues. The present research examined whether the presence of 50 microM NG-nitro-L-arginine (NOLARG), a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, or L-arginine (LARG), the substrate of NOS, in the jejunal lumen of the anesthetized rat could affect the progress of hemorrhagic shock. The jejunal lumen was perfused with saline containing 14C-inulin and 3H2O to measure net H2O absorption and absorptive site blood flow (ASBF). Luminal NOx (NO3- +NO2-) secretion into the gut effluent and blood pressure (BP) were also measured. The animals were bled to and maintained at 40 mmHg for 60 min and then reinfused. Survival time was significantly decreased in luminally-perfused NOLARG animals, but was significantly increased in LARG perfused animals. Most deaths occurred during the hemorrhage periods. Animals perfused with LARG through the ileal lumen required significantly less blood to be reinfused to maintain blood pressure during the hemorrhage periods. There were not significant differences in BP among surviving animals. Net H2O absorption and ASBF were significantly decreased only in NOLARG-perfused animals in the period just before and after reinfusion. There were no significant differences in luminal NOx secretion among the groups. Thus, intestinal mucosal NOS substrates or antagonists modulate the progress of hemorrhagic shock, but the mechanism was not defined in these experiments.  相似文献   

Purified human PMNs secrete plasminogen activator. This secretion is stimulated by Con A and low concentrations of PMA, and is inhibited by low concentrations of glucocorticoids, and by cAMP, actinomycin D, and cycloheximide. In contrast, the release of granule-bound enzymes, such as elastase, is achieved only at higher concentrations of PMA, and is not affected by any of the inhibitors that block plasminogen activator production. These results show that the production of plasminogen activatory by PMNs is controlled by agents that affect inflammations, and that this control is not shared by other lytic enzymes known to be associated with these cells. This suggests a particular role for plasminogen activator in the response pattern of PMNs and also supports the concept, previously developed for macrophages, that the secretion of this enzyme is correlated with cell migration in vivo.  相似文献   

Oral and parenteral administration of aztreonam and oral administration of tigemonam to conventional mice caused a decrease in the number of aerobic gram-negative rods in the feces. Oral treatment with high doses of aztreonam (greater than or equal to 25 mg/kg/day) and tigemonam (100 mg/kg/day) adversely influenced colonization resistance, whereas oral treatment with lower doses of the monobactams or parenteral treatment with aztreonam did not.  相似文献   

Quantified color Doppler sonography of tumor vascularity in an animal model.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of a system to quantitate tumor vascularity with amplitude (power) color Doppler sonography two- and three-dimensionally. The vascularity of 20 transplanted murine tumors was determined with quantitated amplitude color Doppler sonography both two- and three-dimensionally and compared to tumor vascularity estimated by histologic examination. Serial examinations were performed 15, 30, 45, and 60 min after the injection of the exotoxin CM-101 and saline solution to assess changes in tumor vascularity. Three-dimensional amplitude color Doppler sonography best depicted the overall vascularity of tumor when compared to histologic estimation of vessel density. However, neither two- nor three-dimensional amplitude color power angiography correlated well to the microvessel count, probably a reflection of the difference in the method for vessel quantification using sonographic versus histologic techniques. Three-dimensional amplitude Doppler sonography correlated better with counts of large vessels (> 100 microm) as opposed to small vessels (> 15 microm). Time-activity curves showed no difference in tumor flow at the times measured in the experimental group injected with CM-101 or when compared to saline solutions in either the peripheral or central portions of the tumor. This three-dimensional amplitude color Doppler sonographic system affords global quantification of tumor vascularity and flow that may, in turn, be useful in determining the probability of malignancy (by determination of branching patterns and vessel regularity) or tumor response or both to treatment.  相似文献   

目的:电镜下观察人脐静脉内皮细胞株ECV304细胞间紧密连接的形成,并建立脑血管内皮细胞紧密连接的模型,以期发现该模型的建立对发现脑血管病变早期发生及发展的意义。方法:培养ECV304细胞,在细胞生长接触到融合状态后,在透射电镜下观察细胞间紧密连接的形成情况。结果:透射电镜下可见到ECV304细胞间能够形成典型的紧密连接结构,以及内皮细胞所特有的W-P小体,吞饮小泡等结构。结论:ECV304细胞之间能够形成典型的紧密连接;可以利用ECV304细胞系建立研究脑血管内皮细胞间紧密连接的模型。  相似文献   

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