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Studies of the standardized, 3D, 16-segments map of the circumferential distribution of T2* values, of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in thalassemia major (TM) and thalassemia intermedia (TI) patients and of electrocardiogram (ECG) changes associated with TM, have been carried out. Similarly, the segment-dependent correction map of the T2* values and the artifactual variations in normal subjects and the T2* correction map to correct segmental measurements in patients with different levels of myocardial iron burden have been evaluated. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance can be a suitable guide to cardiac management in TI, as well as in TM; TI patients show lower myocardial iron burden and more pronounced high cardiac output findings than TM patients. Moreover, it is proposed that, due to its good positive predictive value (PPV) and low cost, ECG can be a suitable guide to orient towards CMR examination in TM cases.  相似文献   

Iron overload in β‐thalassemia major (TM) typically results in iron‐induced cardiomyopathy, liver disease, and endocrine complications. We examined the incidence and progression of endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypoparathyroidism, hypogonadism), growth and pubertal delay, and bone metabolism disease during long‐term deferasirox chelation therapy in a real clinical practice setting. We report a multicenter retrospective cohort study of 86 transfusion‐dependent patients with TM treated with once daily deferasirox for a median duration of 6.5 years, up to 10 years. No deaths or new cases of hypothyroidism or diabetes occurred. The incidence of new endocrine complications was 7% (P = 0.338, for change of prevalence from baseline to end of study) and included hypogonadism (n = 5) and hypoparathyroidism (n = 1). Among patients with hypothyroidism or diabetes at baseline, no significant change in thyroid parameters or insulin requirements were observed, respectively. Mean lumbar spine bone mineral density increased significantly (P < 0.001) and the number of patients with lumbar spine osteoporosis significantly decreased (P = 0.022) irrespective of bisphosphonate therapy, hormonal replacement therapy, and calcium or vitamin D supplementation. There were no significant differences in the number of pediatric patients below the 5th centile for height between baseline and study completion. Six pregnancies occurred successfully, and four of them were spontaneous without ovarian stimulation. This is the first study evaluating endocrine function during the newest oral chelation therapy with deferasirox. A low rate of new endocrine disorders and a stabilization of those pre‐exisisting was observed in a real clinical practice setting. Am. J. Hematol. 89:1102–1106, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Deferiprone has been suggested as an effective oral chelation therapy for thalassemia major. To assess its clinical efficacy, we compared deferiprone with deferoxamine in a large multicenter randomized clinical trial. One-hundred forty-four consecutive patients with thalassemia major and serum ferritin between 1500 and 3000 ng/ml were randomly assigned to deferiprone (75 mg/kg/day) (n = 71) or deferoxamine (50 mg/kg/day) (n = 73) for 1 year. The main measure of efficacy was the reduction of serum ferritin. Liver and heart iron contents were assessed by magnetic resonance. Liver iron content and fibrosis stage variations were assessed on liver biopsy by the Ishak score in all patients willing to undergo liver biopsy before and after treatment. The mean serum ferritin reduction was 222 +/- 783 ng/ml in the deferiprone and 232 +/- 619 ng/ml in the deferoxamine group (P = 0.81). No difference in the reduction of liver and heart iron content was found by magnetic resonance between the two groups. Thirty-six patients accepted to undergo repeat liver biopsy: 21 in the deferiprone and 15 in the deferoxamine group. Their mean reduction of liver iron content was 1022 +/- 3511 microg/g of dry liver and 350 +/- 524, respectively (P = 0.4). No difference in variation of the Ishak fibrosis stage was observed between the two groups. Treatment was discontinued because of reversible side effects in 5 patients in the deferiprone group (3 hypertransamin/asemia and 2 leukocytopenia) and in none in the deferoxamine group. These findings suggest that deferiprone may be as effective as deferoxamine in the treatment of thalassemia major with few mild and reversible side effects.  相似文献   

For the past 2-6 years, two groups of thalassemia patients, one of 16 patients on deferoxamine (DFO) monotherapy (35-80 mg/kg, 2-5 days/week) and the other group comprising 19 patients on a deferiprone (L1) and DFO combination therapy (L1 75-100 mg/kg/day and DFO 30-60 mg/kg, 1-5 days/week), have been studied and compared before and after the introduction of the combination therapy. The patients on the combination therapy were mainly those not complying or experiencing toxicity with DFO. The effects of chelation therapy on iron load was monitored using regular serum ferritin measurements and also magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T2* relaxation time measurements at the end of the study. In both groups, cardiac MRI T2* levels were within the normal range (>19 ms) in more than 75% of the patients. There was a substantial improvement in serum ferritin levels and normalization of the MRI T2* levels of the liver in many cases treated with the combination therapy at effective doses by comparison to the DFO group, where the serum ferritin and MRI T2* levels were largely unchanged. It would appear that the major overall determining factor in the rapid clearance of excess iron in thalassemia patients and the maintenance of normal iron stores is the selection and implementation of effective chelation dose protocols. The International Committee on Chelation (ICOC) combination protocol L1 (80-110 mg/kg/day)/DFO (40-60 mg/kg at least 3 days per week) and to a lesser extent, DFO monotherapy at about 50 mg/kg/day, 5 days/week, appears to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

Most deaths in beta-thalassemia major result from cardiac complications due to iron overload. Differential effects on myocardial siderosis may exist between different chelators. A randomized controlled trial was performed in 61 patients previously maintained on subcutaneous deferoxamine. The primary end point was the change in myocardial siderosis (myocardial T2(*)) over 1 year in patients maintained on subcutaneous deferoxamine or those switched to oral deferiprone monotherapy. The dose of deferiprone was 92 mg/kg/d and deferoxamine was 43 mg/kg for 5.7 d/wk. Compliance was 94% +/- 5.3% and 93% +/- 9.7% (P = .81), respectively. The improvement in myocardial T2(*) was significantly greater for deferiprone than deferoxamine (27% vs 13%; P = .023). Left ventricular ejection fraction increased significantly more in the deferiprone-treated group (3.1% vs 0.3% absolute units; P = .003). The changes in liver iron level (-0.93 mg/g dry weight vs -1.54 mg/g dry weight; P = .40) and serum ferritin level (-181 microg/L vs -466 microg/L; P = .16), respectively, were not significantly different between groups. The most frequent adverse events were transient gastrointestinal symptoms for deferiprone-treated patients and local reactions at the infusion site for deferoxamine. There were no episodes of agranulocytosis. Deferiprone monotherapy was significantly more effective than deferoxamine over 1 year in improving asymptomatic myocardial siderosis in beta-thalassemia major.  相似文献   

Background: The goal of this study was to compare heart function and arrhythmia in clinically asymptomatic patients with beta thalassemia intermedia and beta thalassemia major.

Method: In this cross-sectional study, 60 patients with beta thalassemia major and 60 patients with beta thalassemia intermedia who had clinically no symptoms of arrhythmia and clinically normal heart function were evaluated using 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring and echocardiography. For data analysis SPSS ver.20 software was used. A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: The mean age of the beta thalassemia intermedia patients was 24.18 ± 7.9 years and the mean age in beta thalassemia major was 24.38 ± 7.7 years (P>0.05). Premature atrial contractions (PACs) were observed in 14 (23.3%) patients with beta thalassemia intermedia and in 22 (36.6%) beta thalassemia major patients. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) were detected in 8 (13.3%) patients in the beta thalassemia intermediate group and 16 (26.6) patients in the beta thalassemia major group, respectively. The left ventricular diastolic dimension, end-diastolic volume, and stroke volume were significantly higher in beta thalassemia intermedia group (P<0.05). Pulmonary acceleration time as an indicator of pulmonary pressure was lower in beta thalassemia intermedia group.

Conclusion: Both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias were more common in the beta thalassemia major group. Higher end-diastolic volume and stroke volume were detected in the beta thalassemia intermedia group. Pulmonary acceleration time was lower in the beta thalassemia intermedia group, which can be an indicator of higher pulmonary pressure.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) and hepatic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have become reliable noninvasive tools to monitor iron excess in thalassemia major (TM) patients. However, long‐term studies are lacking. We reviewed CMR and hepatic MRI T2* imaging on 54 TM patients who had three or more annual measurements. They were managed on various chelation regimens. Patients were grouped according to their degree of cardiac siderosis: severe (T2*, <10 msec), mild to moderate (T2* = 10–20 msec), and no cardiac siderosis (T2*, >20 msec). We looked at the change in cardiac T2*, liver iron concentration (LIC) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at years 3 and 5. In patients with severe cardiac siderosis, cardiac T2* (mean ± SD) improved from 6.9 ± 1.6 at baseline to 13.6 ± 10.0 by year 5, mean ΔT2* = 6.7 (P = 0.04). Change in cardiac T2* at year 3 was not significant in the severe group. Patients with mild to moderate cardiac siderosis had mean cardiac T2* of 14.6 ± 2.9 at baseline which improved to 26.3 ± 9.5 by year 3, mean ΔT2* = 11.7 (P = 0.01). At baseline, median LICs (mg/g dry weight) in patients with severe, mild–moderate, and no cardiac siderosis were 3.6, 2.8, and 3.3, whereas LVEFs (mean ± SD) (%) were 56.3 ± 10.1, 60 ± 5, and 66 ± 7.6, respectively. No significant correlation was noted between Δ cardiac T2* and Δ LIC, Δ cardiac T2*, and Δ LVEF at years 3 and 5. Throughout the observation period, patients with no cardiac siderosis maintained their cardiac T2* above 20 msec. The majority of patients with cardiac siderosis improve cardiac T2* over time with optimal chelation. Am. J. Hematol. 88:652–656, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chronic transfusion therapy is used clinically to supply healthy erythrocytes for patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA) or beta‐thalassemia major (TM). Despite the benefits of red blood cell transfusions, chronic transfusions lead to iron accumulation in key tissues such as the heart, liver, and endocrine glands. Transfusion‐acquired iron overload is recognized as a cause of morbidity and mortality among patients receiving chronic transfusions. At present, there is little understanding of molecular events that occur during transfusional iron loading and the reasons for the large inter‐individual variation observed clinically in transfusion‐acquired iron accumulation. To address these issues, we examined whether any liver‐expressed genes in SCA or TM patients with transfusional iron overload were associated with the degree of iron accumulation. Specifically, we performed microarray analysis on liver biopsy specimens comparing SCA patients with mild or severe iron overload and also compared SCA with TM patients. Fifteen candidate genes were identified with significantly differential expression between the high and low liver iron concentrations. SCA patients and 20 candidate genes were detected between the SCA and TM patient comparison. Subsequent quantitative PCR experiments validated 12 candidate genes; with GSTM1, eIF5a, SULF2, NTS, and HO‐1 being particularly good prospects as genes that might affect the degree of iron accumulation. Future work will determine the baseline expression of these genes prior to transfusional iron overload and elucidate the full impact of these genes on the inter‐individual variation observed clinically in transfusion‐acquired iron accumulation. Am. J. Hematol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Au WY  Lam WW  Chu W  Tam S  Wong WK  Liang R  Ha SY 《Haematologica》2008,93(1):116-119
We studied the utility of pancreatic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 72 thalassemia major patients (21 diabetic, 51 normoglycemic). Diabetic patients were significantly older (p<0.0001) and had smaller pancreas volume (p<0.0001). The two groups were comparable for ferritin and MRI-T2* heart, liver and pancreas. Pancreatic T2* signals were abnormal in 80% of both groups, and correlated with heart T2*. In normoglycemic patients, cardiac T2* and log-pancreatic T2* values correlated with homeostatic model assessments HOMA-B (beta cell reserve), HOMA-IR (insulin resistance) and fasting insulin/C-peptide levels. This suggested that improved chelation may improve beta cell reserve and prevent pancreatic atrophy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the long-term impact on physical function of a single course of rituximab in rheumatoid factor, seropositive patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) despite ongoing methotrexate treatment. METHODS: A randomized, controlled trial comparing rituximab alone [1,000 mg intravenously (iv) on days 1 and 15, n= 40], or in combination with cyclophosphamide (750 mg iv on days 3 and 7, n= 41) or oral methotrexate (> or =10 mg/week, n= 40) with placebo + methotrexate (> or =10 mg/week, n= 40), resulted in significant reductions in disease activity at weeks 24 and 48. Sustained improvements in physical function and standard effect sizes (SES) for changes in components of ACR and EULAR criteria were evaluated over 2 yrs. RESULTS: More patients receiving rituximab + methotrexate completed a 2-yr follow-up without further treatment than those receiving placebo + methotrexate (45% vs 15%, respectively), rituximab alone (10%) or rituximab + cyclophosphamide (22%). This reflected a higher percentage of patients receiving rituximab + methotrexate reporting improvements in Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index > or = minimum clinically important difference at 1 and 2 yrs (68% and 30%, respectively) compared with placebo + methotrexate (28% and 15%), rituximab monotherapy (43% and 10%) or rituximab + cyclophosphamide (39% and 12%). SES were high in all rituximab groups and revealed differing patterns of response over time. CONCLUSION: A single course of rituximab with continuing methotrexate in patients with active RA provided clinically meaningful improvements in physical function over 2 yrs, with lower discontinuation rates and larger SES for improvements in ACR and EULAR criteria components.  相似文献   

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