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Magnetic resonance angiography of the intracranial vessels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this overview the results and indications of Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the intracranial vasculature will be discussed. The value of MRA will be studied in the visualisation of normal variants of the cerebral anatomy, the imaging of cerebrovascular disease, the diagnosis of aneurysms and cerebral arteriovenous malformations, the preoperative setup of cerebral tumors and the demonstration of vascular compression.  相似文献   

The authors identified the standard projections for studying neck vessels with magnetic resonance angiography. Sixty volunteers underwent angio-MR of the arterial neck vessels with FISP 3D FT sequences obtained on the coronal and sagittal planes. The gradient-echo sequence (FISP 3D FT) was acquired with TR = 0.04-0.08 s and TE = 15 ms, with 25 degrees flip angle. Single excitated slices of thickness ranging from 1-2 mm were included in the acquisition volume. These sequences were subsequently processed by the maximum intensity projection method. Two radiologists examined our results to choose the optimal projections. We used a semiquantitative scale which allowed us to distinguish 3 different diagnostic levels for each projection: well-visualized vessels, poorly-visualized, and non-visualized ones. For each section axial rotations were performed ranging from 0 degree to 180 degrees, with 15 degrees intervals. On the coronal plane, rotations from -45 degrees to 45 degrees were the optimal ones to visualize the studied vessels. The 0 degree-15 degrees-30 degrees-45 degrees-135 degrees-165 degrees-180 degrees projections allowed the common carotids to be clearly demonstrated together with the vertebral arteries. The other projections appeared to be useless for diagnostic purposes. On the sagittal plane, rotations from 60 degrees to 120 degrees were the optimal ones. The 90 degrees projection allowed the demonstration of all the big arterial vessels of the neck, including carotid bifurcation and internal and external carotids. The assessment of the optimal diagnostic projections for angio-MR of the neck vessels is helpful to reduce post-processing time. As a matter of fact, the immediate visualization, during the examination, of the standard projections allows further acquisitions to be obtained--if needed--to try to solve specific diagnostic doubts.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is a new diagnostic technique which allows vascular structures to be studied atraumatically and without any contrast medium. Its basic principles are reported in the present paper, together with the results of a preliminary study of normal neck anatomy. Twenty healthy volunteers and 10 patients with no cerebral vascular diseases underwent this MRA study. Internal and common carotid arteries were always well visualized, while external carotid was demonstrated in 87% of cases. Among intracranial vessels, the middle cerebral artery was clearly depicted in 63% of cases, while the anterior cerebral artery was visible in 18% of the study population only.  相似文献   

The authors standardized the MR-venography technique in 50 patients for the study of intracranial venous circulation and identified, for each vessel and district, the best acquisitions and rotations. The possible diagnostic applications of MR-angiography were also evaluated. The examinations were performed with a 1.5-T superconductive magnet (Magnetom, Siemens) and linear head coil. Fifty subjects were examined--40 healthy volunteers, 5 patients affected with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 5 patients with pathologic conditions of intracranial venous circulation. The 40 volunteers were studied with FISP 2D techniques; in 10 of them the images were acquired on the coronal plane, in 10 on the sagittal plane, in 10 on the axial plane, and in 10 on the axial plane after a 90 degrees saturation pulse to obtain saturation of the arterial signal. The FISP 3D sequence acquired on the axial plane and after i.v. gadolinium administration was used in the study of the 5 patients affected with MS. In the post-processing all the acquired images were rotated on the axial (z), sagittal (x), and coronal (y) axes, from 0 degrees to 180 degrees with a 15 degrees step. Data correlation showed that the veins of the postero-superior group were well visualized with 2D sequences on the sagittal plane and rotated, in the post-processing, on the z axis 0 degrees-180 degrees and on the coronal axis from -45 degrees to 45 degrees. The veins of the antero-inferior group were clearly demonstrated with 2D sequences acquired on the axial plane and after arterial saturation, rotated in the post-processing on the sagittal and coronal axes from -45 degrees to 45 degrees. Small veins--i.e., veins of the scalp, diploic and emissary veins, and inferior sagittal sinus--were well visualized with 2D sequences acquired on the coronal plane an rotated during post-processing on the z and x axes 0 degrees-180 degrees following i.v. injection of gadolinium. MR-venography is a new technique which can be useful to answer such specific diagnostic questions as the staging of brain neoplasm contiguous to intracranial venous vessels, the study of arteriovenous malformations and thrombosis on intracranial venous sinuses, as it has been demonstrated in 5 pathologic cases.  相似文献   

Stroke, a major cause of death and disability in the developed world, is usually caused by atherosclerosis, most commonly an arterioocclusive lesion at the carotid bifurcation. Numerous multicentre trials have demonstrated that carotid endarterectomy can reduce the risk of stroke in these patients. However, because of the morbidity of catheter angiography coupled with the risks of surgery, the benefits outweigh the risks of surgery only for those with >70% carotid artery stenosis. The gold standard method for assessing the degree of stenosis is catheter-directed cerebral digital subtraction angiography; however, this is associated with a small but substantial stroke risk in addition to inherent risks associated with use of ionizing radiation and nephrotoxic contrast agents. The requirement for alternative imaging techniques that do not contribute to morbidity is ideally met by contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography, which eliminates the need for direct catheterization and therefore eliminates stroke risk associated with a patient work-up. Advances in contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography technology have led to a technique that achieves the goals of high spatial and temporal resolution required for stenosis assessment and streamlining of patients along surgical or medical lines. With the advent of a novel contrast agent, gadofosveset trisodium (Vasovist, Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany), which has a high relaxivity and an extended imaging time, improved diagnosis of carotid artery stenoses with magnetic resonance angiography can be expected. Gadofosveset trisodium facilitates improved first-pass imaging and also delays steady-state imaging with one injection. Although developed for vascular imaging, gadofosveset trisodium may also allow assessment of brain vascularity, blood-brain barrier breakdown and neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

3D time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography (3D TOF MRA) and 2D MRA with presaturation were evaluated in 18 patients with 21 giant intracranial aneurysms. 3D TOF MRA gave optimal images of proximal unruptured and nonthrombosed aneurysms. 2D MRA with presaturation was more informative in cases of distal, haemorrhagic or thrombosed aneurysms and in assessment of their components (thrombus, haemorrhage, patent residual lumen).  相似文献   

MRA在肾血管中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着磁共振检查技术的不断成熟 ,泌尿外科的医师们对肾脏的磁共振血管成像 (MRA)甚感兴趣 ,尤其是肾动脉成像。现就我院所做的肾动脉、肾静脉检查的病例 ,作一回顾性地分析 ,以供同行参考。1 材料与方法  本组 36例 ,男 2 0例 ,女 1 6例 ,年龄 1 2~ 66岁 ,平均 35岁。 2 3例高血压 ,临床疑为肾动脉狭窄 ;7例血尿 ,临床疑为胡桃夹 ;6例肾移植供体术前检查 ,要求了解肾血管情况。MR为GEsignaMR/i1 .5T超导机 ,前臂肘静脉快速注射30ml对比剂Cd DTPA(磁显葡胺 )速度为 2~ 3ml/s,开始注射后约 1 5s即行扫描 ,用…  相似文献   

The neck vessels of 60 patients were studied by means of magnetic resonance angiography, with gradient-echo FISP sequences with short TR and TE and with a 25 degrees flip angle. To study arterial neck vessels, sequences were acquired on the coronal and on the sagittal planes, centered on the cricoid. The intracranial tract of the vertebral arteries required axial sequences centered under the floor of the sella turcica. Post-processing was obtained with the maximum intensity projection technique. The coronal and sagittal sequences were rotated on the axial plane from 0 degrees to 180 degrees with 15 degrees interval, while axial sequences were rotated on the sagittal plane from 0 degrees to 180 degrees with the same interval. TR, TE and flip angle values were very important for image quality: the thinner the volumes the more effective resolution power and vessel visualization. These volumes should not exceed 1.5 mm. Axial rotations of coronal sequences from -45 degrees to +45 degrees and of sagittal sequences from 60 degrees to 120 degrees were useful for diagnosis. The intracranial tract of the vertebral arteries was clearly depicted after axial sequences and after 75 degrees and 135 degrees sagittal rotations.  相似文献   

Summary Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) with flow rephased gradient-echo sequences is a new non-invasive method for vascular imaging. We compared MRA and intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography in 18 patients with intracranial aneurysms to test whether MRA presently provides an alternative to cerebral angiography for the diagnosis of these anomalies. MRA showed 19 of the 22 aneurysms detected (86.4%). However, problems, especially with turbulent or slow flow, resulted in 6 studies (27.3%) with limited and 2 with questionable demonstration of an aneurysm, and 1 false negative study. At present, MRA is definitely inferior to angiography for the demonstration of intracranial aneurysms, due to its lower resolution and other limitations.  相似文献   

In 3 adult volunteers, the appropriate technique for depicting the normal anatomy with magnetic resonance imaging was tested. At 0.15 T, the images obtained in different anatomic planes with different pulse sequences and radiofrequency coils were compared. Spin echo technique with a repetition time of 500 ms and an echo time of 30 ms appeared as a good compromise, giving excellent depiction of both soft tissues and joints, especially if a surface coil was used. The optimum anatomic plane varied with the structures examined.  相似文献   

The magnetic resonance images of seven patients with biopsy-proven epidermoids were evaluated. The epidermoids were hypointense on T1-weighted images. Intermediate density images revealed the tumors to be heterogeneous in signal intensity consisting of areas of hypo- and isointensity. Signal intensity on T2-weighted images was hyperintense and inhomogeneous in all but one case. CT performed in five patients demonstrated the tumors to be well-defined hypodense lesions without contrast enhancement.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to perform fetal magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in utero in a sheep model.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the actual diagnostic reliability of the Mobitrack technique with a slow intravenous infusion of paramagnetic contrast agent (CA) in MR Angiography of the peripheral arterial district. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers (mean age: 34) with no personal or family history of peripheral arterial pathologic conditions, underwent MR Angiography of the peripheral vascular district. A 1.5 T superconductive magnet equipped with automatic table feed was used. In the preliminary phase, the circulation time at the abdominal aorta was optimized and customized for each patient. This was done by performing a pre-targeting Fast Field Echo 2D (FFE 2D) sequence with intravenous administration of 1-2 mL CA by an injector, to evaluate the delay time. A 2D Time of Flight (2D TOF) sequence was then performed for topographic purposes. The partially overlapping volumes were acquired using Fast T1-weighted sequences, intravenous CA administration and an automatic table feed of 10 mm/s. A Fast Field Echo 3D (FFE 3D) T1-weighted sequence with TR/TE/FA: of 6.3/1.6/40 degrees and a slice thickness of 1.5 mm were also performed. Thirty to forty mL CA were slowly administered intravenously at a rate of 0.3-0.6 mL/s. Two blinded readers independently evaluated the images giving one of three diagnostic judgements: 1) arteries were well visualized, 2) heterogeneous arteries with(out) the presence of veins, and 3) arteries seen poorly or not at all. The first two judgements were considered diagnostic. The readers considered 19 different anatomical districts for each patient, giving a total of 190 evaluations. RESULTS: A blinded evaluation of the readers judgements did not indicate a statistically significant difference (agreement: 100%). Overall, 82% of the images were rated as 1, 8.5% as 2 and 8.4% as 3. DISCUSSION: In 174/190 judgements the vessels were rated as 1 or 2, that is of diagnostic value. Judgement 3 was always due to the inability to visualize the medial and/or distal third of the arterial circulation of the leg. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this technique optimization study confirm the overall validity of the Mobitrack technique. However they also indicate that further technical advances are required to ensure maximum diagnostic accuracy in this vascular district.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance angiography   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dumoulin  CL; Hart  HR  Jr 《Radiology》1986,161(3):717-720
Pulse sequences that permit selective detection of moving spins in a magnetic resonance image have been developed. Experiments were performed by the authors to produce projected angiographic data without the use of contrast agents, with the intensity of each image pixel determined by the macroscopic velocity of the detected spins. With this method, suppression of nonmoving spins is essentially complete, yielding a high dynamic range in signal intensity for detected vessels. Selective detection of moving spins is not dependent on pulsatile flow. Consequently, not only arterial structures, but also venous structures can easily be visualized. High-resolution angiographic images can be obtained by combining the flow experiment with surface coil techniques.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging allows the visualization of vascular structures without the use of contrast agents. With three-dimensional imaging techniques, based on gradient echo sequences, up to 128 slices can be acquired within a maximum acquisition time of 21 minutes at a spatial resolution of approximately 1 mm. This allows the carotid arteries and major intracerebral vascular structures to be displayed. From the primary three-dimensional data set, projective images at arbitrary projection angles can be calculated. This technique is extremely helpful for assigning spatially complex vascular structures and identifying vascular disease. As a result of rapid technologic advances in magnetic resonance angiography, it is now necessary to assess its clinical utility for identifying atherosclerotic stenoses, aneurysms, and arteriovenous malformations. Limited experience to date has shown that magnetic resonance angiography, because of its high sensitivity to these vascular diseases, may play a clinically important role as a screening method.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the role of GdDTPA in magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of intracranial vessels. Fifteen patients affected with different conditions underwent MRA of intracranial vessels before and after paramagnetic contrast medium infusion. A superconductive 1.5-T magnet (Magnetom Siemens) was used, and a head circular coil, together with the 3DFT TOF technique. The enhanced exam was performed following the infusion of 0.2 ml/kg of GdDTPA in about 2 minutes, with simultaneous MRA image acquisition. To compare enhanced with unenhanced images relative to signal intensity, the signal increase at the basilar artery and carotid sinus was studied, together with signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and spatial resolution. During acquisition, enhanced MRA images at the basilar artery showed a mean intensity value of 423.8 +/- 33.2 vs 357.8 +/- 53.2 of unenhanced scans; a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) was observed in favor of enhanced images. At the carotid sinus, enhanced MRA showed 184.5 +/- 28.4 mean intensity value vs 190.5 +/- 19.8 of unenhanced exams; no statistically significant difference was observed (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) in favor of unenhanced exams. At the basilar artery the S/N ratio of baseline exams was 1.9 vs 2.2 for enhanced scans; at the carotid sinus S/N ratio was 2.4 (unenhanced) vs 2.3 (enhanced). Thus, MRA allowed better visualization of peripheral branches of arterial (95.6%) and venous vessels, which unenhanced scans always failed to depict; on the other hand, enhanced images exhibited poorer definition of arterial vessels which were never isolated from the background. The simultaneous visualization of arterial and venous vessels, of choroid plexus and mucosae, affect the quality of enhanced angiograms. At present, GdDTPA is the sole contrast medium suitable for MRA intracranial vessels even though, due to its pharmacokinetic features, it is not the optimum medium.  相似文献   

Based on three-dimensional acquisition of three sequences sensitive to one flow-direction, abdominal magnetic resonance phase-contrast angiography (MRA) was performed in 13 volunteers and 20 patients. The subjects received no antiperistaltic medication and were allowed to breath normally during the three acquisition periods of 11 minutes. The frequency of demonstration of the normal aorta, superior mesenteric and right and left renal arteries was 100%/100%/91%/100%, and of the inferior vena cava, splenic, superior mesenteric and portal veins was 92%/67%/92%/100%, respectively, whereas other abdominal vessels were seen less constantly. In renal artery stenosis or occlusion, MRA detected eight out of nine pathological arteries, missed only a minimal stenosis and was never false positive. In all 10 cases of portal hypertension, MRA demonstrated the venous collaterals detected by conventional angiography and in six cases showed more collaterals, particularly paravertebral vessels. A Budd-Chiari syndrome was investigated as well. If the accuracy of MRA can be proved in larger studies, it may become an important diagnostic tool in evaluating abdominal vascular pathology, such as renal artery stenosis or portal hypertension.  相似文献   

Atheromasic lesions and other pathologic conditions of the arterial vessels of the neck are the most frequent causes of cerebrovascular disease. Diagnostic imaging currently employs digital subtraction angiography (DSA), Doppler, and color-Doppler US to study these conditions. Digital subtraction intraarterial angiography (DSAA) can provide both an early diagnosis and an accurate preoperative depiction of neck vessels; however, in spite of its effective value, it still remains an invasive technique. Magnetic Resonance angiography (angio-MR) is the latest technique allowing the depiction of neck vessels morphology. It shares with digital angiography the capability of supplying spatial depiction of all the examined vascular structures, and with US its noninvasiveness. The authors investigated angio-MR capabilities in providing accurate and detailed images of neck arteries; the images were then compared with DSA ones. Thirty patients with cerebrovascular diseases were studied. MR imaging was performed with a 1.5 T unit with a dedicated coil, and gradient-echo sequences were employed. Refocused sequences for flow were acquired on both the coronal and the sagittal planes, with the following parameters: TR 40, TE 10, flip angle 25 degrees, acquisition volumes 80-35 mm, 64-15 frames. Digital angiography demonstrated 101 vascular lesions: 27 slight stenoses (less than 30%), 19 mild stenoses (31-70%), 12 severe stenoses (71-99%), 7 occlusions, 14 coilings, 7 kinkings, and 15 hypoplasias of vertebral artery. In slight stenoses, angio-MR underestimated the condition in 11/27 patients. In mild and severe stenoses, as well as in occlusive diseases, angio-MR tended to overestimate the condition. In coiling, kinking, and hypoplasia, angio-MR yielded the same results as DSA.  相似文献   

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