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Newborn BALB/c (Mls-1b) mice were intravenously injected with either bone marrow cells (BMC) or peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) from Mls semi-allogeneic (BALB/c x AKR)F1 mice. Thymic cells of these mice, obtained 7 days after the injection, were found to be unresponsive to the superantigen Mls-1a, as determined by graft-versus-host reactivity. On Day 7, deletion of T cells expressing the V beta 6 element at high levels (V beta 6hi) was observed in thymic cells of mice receiving PEC. In mice given BMC, it took 2 weeks until the proportion of V beta 6hi T cells began to decline, and a longer period was required for complete disappearance of V beta 6hi T cells. These results may indicate that although both BMC and PEC contain cells mediating tolerance, a component(s) of cells responsible for clonal deletion is deficient in BMC. Immunohistological investigation showed that on Day 7 donor type B cells were present in the thymus of mice that received PEC but absent from mice that received BMC, whereas cells expressing donor type class I as well as class II antigens were seen in both recipients. The presence of donor type B cells could be observed 8 weeks after injection of BMC. By this time, the deletion of V beta 6hi T cells was completed. These results indicate, collectively, that the tolerance of both anergy type and deletion type occurs in the naturally developing thymus, and suggest that the presence of B cells in the thymus might be required for clonal deletion.  相似文献   

B cell tolerance is described as the absence of a measurable antibody forming response to an antigenic challenge. The establishment of antigen-specific tolerance requires, by definition, engagement of the B cell antigen-specific receptor. However, only in some circumstances does this engagement lead to tolerance, while in others it produces B cell activation and secretion of immunoglobulins. Several mechanisms occur naturally in vivo abrogating the expression of deleterious autoantibodies and contributing to the state of self-tolerance. In this review, we will examine different ways in which B cell tolerance can be broken, focusing on evidence showing that activated-T cells and/or their lymphokines can prevent B cell clonal deletion and thus have a potential role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. This approach is based on the well-known association of several lymphokines, such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, and type I interferons, with autoimmune phenomena in vivo.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the fate of T cells responding to Mls antigens.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although T cell tolerance to self antigens is primarily a reflection of clonal deletion in the thymus, recent evidence suggests that mature T cells are subject to negative regulation in the post-thymic environment: Extrathymic tolerance is the result of clonal anergy in some studies and T cell deletion in others. The factors controlling the induction of anergy versus deletion of mature T cells are still poorly understood. This article summarizes evidence that exposure of T cells to Mls superantigens in vivo leads to a sequence of T cell proliferation, anergy and deletion; anergy appears to reflect persistence of antigen. The biochemical consequences of exposing T cells to superantigens in vitro are discussed.  相似文献   

Athymic nude mice reconstituted at birth with allogeneic thymic epithelia (TE) from day 10 embryos (E10), show life-long specific tolerance to skin and heart grafts, but eliminate B lymphocytes of the TE donor haplotype, nearly as well as those from a third strain. Previous immunizations with B cells do not alter the state of tolerance to skin grafts, but specifically accelerate elimination of lymphocytes. In contrast, transplantation of E15 allogeneic thymuses already seeded by hematopoietic cells resulted in chimeras tolerant to both skin and B lymphocytes. In vitro reactivities towards stimulator spleen cells of the haplotype of the thymus were observed in both E10 TE and E15 thymus chimeras. We conclude that induction of full in vivo tolerance to B cells requires hematopoietic cells, while this is not the case for induction of tolerance to skin and heart tissues; furthermore, in vitro reactivity to stimulator spleen cells of the tolerized haplotype is independent of in vivo tolerance.  相似文献   

The self-reactive CD4 T-cells play an essential role in triggering and sustaining organ-specific autoimmune diseases. Silencing or elimination of these cells can prevent and reverse an autoimmune process. We have previously showed that a single dose-administration of a soluble dimeric MHC II-peptide chimera (DEF) in double-transgenic mice delayed the onset autoimmune diabetes, and restored the euglycemia in already diabetic mice for a period of 1 week. DEF dimer protection relied on induction of anergy of diabetogenic CD4 T-cells in spleen, and stimulation of IL-10-secreting T regulatory type 1 cells in pancreas. Herein, we show that an octameric form of DEF has doubled the period of protection and reversal of disease by clonal deletion of diabetogenic CD4 T-cells in both the thymic and peripheral compartments. Deletion occurred by activation-induced cell death subsequent to repartitioning and signaling of FAS-FADD apoptotic module in the plasma membrane lipid rafts. Our previous and present data indicated first, that DEF valence translates into various effects on the antigen-specific CD4 T-cells, i.e., Th2 immune deviation, anergy, and apoptosis. Second, the present findings argue for a better efficacy of clonal deletion than anergy of diabetogenic CD4 T-cells for the protection and reversal of autoimmune diabetes.  相似文献   

Y Cao  M Yang  Z Luo    S S Mohapatra 《Immunology》1997,90(1):46-51
Prophylactic vaccination has recently emerged as a major paradigm toward the prevention and therapy of allergies and asthma; however, the immunological basis of this approach remains to be elucidated. We examined the potential and mechanism of prophylaxis of allergic response in B6D2F1 mice with a multi-epitopic recombinant allergen, rKBG8.3 (MERA-8.3), which represents a major group of allergens of grass pollens, used herein as a model of MERA vaccine. Vaccination (subcutaneous) with soluble MERA-8.3, prior to immunization with the MERA-8.3 in alum, led to suppression of the IgE antibody response and a concomitant increase in IgG2a antibody response specific to the MERA-8.3 in a dose-dependent manner. Analysis of cytokine patterns in spleen and lymph node cells revealed a marked decrease of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4 production and to a lesser extent a decrease of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) synthesis, resulting in an increased ratio of IFN-gamma: IL-4 in vaccinated-immunized mice compared with untreated-immunized control mice. Furthermore, splenocytes of mice treated with the MERA-8.3 alone proliferated to MERA-8.3 in vitro with reduced capacity compared with the splenocytes of MERA-8.3-alum immunized mice, owing to a markedly reduced level of IL-2 production in the former. Collectively, these results suggest that vaccination with the MERA-8.3 induces T-cell anergy, which is pivotal to deviation of specific immunity from Th2- to Th1-like, and may serve as an important approach to prevention and therapy of allergic disorders.  相似文献   

B7-1 expression, induced by transfection in poorly Immunogenicmurine tumours, was shown to elicit a T cell-mediated rejectionof these tumours and further active immunity against the nontransfectedtumour. We therefore asked to what level similarly induced expressionof B7 on human melanoma cells would affect the antigen-dependentresponses of tumour-specific T cell clones in vitro. Data presentedshow that B7-1 expression by melanoma lines: (i) significantlyinduced, or improved, an IL-2-dependent proliferative responseof such clones to the antigen; (ii) increased the amount ofIL-2 produced by two clones in response to the parental non-transfectedtumour cells;and (iii) increased the TNF responses of all theCD4+ clones. However, despite these clear co-stimulatory effectson antigen-induced responses of all T cell clones, which demonstratedaneffective interaction of the B7-1 transfected molecule withone or the other of its counter-receptors expressed on T cellclones, B7 co-stimulation did not correct the defect of IL-2secretion exhibited by many of these clones in response to invitro antigen presentation by melanoma cells. We further showthat defective IL-2 secretion in response to melanoma antigenswas not due to a T cell clone refractoriness induced by theculture, since one of these clones could be induced to secreteIL-2 by an antigen-expressing melanoma line, upon increasedlymphocyte function associated antigen-3expression induced bygene transfectlon. Together these data suggest that defectiveIL-2 secretion by many tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes clonesin response to antigen presentation by melanoma cells in vitrois not exclusively due to the inability of these cells to providean appropriate co-stimulation through the B7-1 molecule.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in mice revealed that natural immunological tolerance to endogenous minor lymphocyte-stimulating locus 1a (MIs-1a) antigen correlates primarily with deletion of MIs-1a-specific V beta 6+ T lymphocytes in the thymus. Similar mechanisms account for acquired tolerance in some instances since the neonatal injection of MIs-1a-expressing MHC compatible cells in neonatal mice within the first 24 h of life causes clonal deletion of V beta 6+ T cells. Here we demonstrate that V beta 6+ T cells are not deleted in mice neonatally treated with MIs-1a spleen cells expressing allogeneic H-2 molecules. However, when such non-deleted V beta 6+ T cells were tested in vitro, no interleukin 2 (IL-2) secretion or proliferation was observed after MIs-1a stimulation. This non-responsive state could be overcome by addition of exogenous IL-2, consistent with the fact that V beta 6+ cells enlarged and expressed IL-2 receptors upon MIs-1a stimulation. Furthermore, the same neonatally treated mice showed in vitro functional unresponsiveness of cytotoxic T cells but not of IL-2-secreting cells specific for the tolerated allogeneic MHC antigens. Taken together, our data indicate that neonatal tolerance to MIs-1a can be accomplished by either clonal deletion or clonal anergy, and that it does not necessarily correlate with tolerance to MHC determinants.  相似文献   

In the normal murine kidney, Ia antigens are expressed by dendritic cells located within the interstitial connective tissue and scattered cells within the glomerulus. After receiving multiple low doses of streptozotocin, a nitrosourea derivative of glucose, kidney epithelium labeled intensely with anti-Ia antibodies. Ultrastructural immunohistochemistry indicated that the epithelial cells of the proximal convoluted tubules expressed Ia antigens on their basolateral surfaces while remaining Ia- on their luminal surfaces. This response to streptozotocin does not appear to be related to the diabetogenic potential of the drug, because BALB/cJ mice, which remain normoglycemic after treatment with streptozotocin, also exhibited strongly Ia+ tubular epithelium after treatment with streptozotocin.  相似文献   

Intravenous (i.v.) injection of Mls-1a peritoneal cavity (PerC) cells from (BALB/c x AKR)F1 (Mls-1b/a, H-2d/k) mice into newborn BALB/c (Mls-1b, H-2d) mice induced thymus cell tolerance by one week of age, accompanied by V beta 6+ cell elimination. The tolerant state is associated with intrathymic chimerism with MHC-class II(IA+) cells, confluent in the medulla and scattered in the cortex. To clarify the anatomical site for the deletional signaling, we injected Mls-1a PerC cells directly into the thymus lobe of BALB/c mice on the day of birth. Thus induced tolerant state was limited to the injected lobe and there was no penetration to the contralateral lobe. The tolerant state lasted less than 2 weeks, by which time donor-derived Ia+ cell had disappeared from the thymus. Thus, PerC cells seem to have little self-renewing ability. One week after the intrathymic injection of a small amount (0.3 microliter) of PerC cell suspension in several different sites, the thymus lobes were removed without killing the mice and serial cryostat sections were cut and stained immuno-histochemically for analysis of the donor cell distribution. Four weeks later, the functional activities of peripheral T cells in the spleens of the treated mice were tested. These experiments revealed that inoculated cells lodging in the medulla, but not in the cortex, induced tolerance to the Mls determinants. Target thymocytes for negative signaling are probably located in the medulla/juxta-medullary area in the thymus. Data are discussed in relation to Mls-bearing stroma cells in the thymus.  相似文献   

A substantial number of patients enrolled in clinical studies of TNFR55-IgG1 in TNF-neutralizing treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis developed antibodies to the recombinant human protein. To enable more detailed investigation subgroups of patients donated small blood samples. TNFR55-IgG1 reactive antibodies were affinity purified from plasma; IgM and IgG class antibodies reactive with TNFR55-IgG1 were found which varied considerably in titer and kinetics of appearance among individual patients. The affinity purified antibody fractions included specificities to the receptor moiety of TNFR55-IgG1, but also rheumatoid factor and other pre-existing antibodies directed to the IgG1 moiety. The antibodies bound to Fc receptors, but not detectably to TNFR55 at the human cell surface. No agonistic nor neutralizing activities of these antibodies were detected. Major linear epitopes clustered in the TNFR55 sequence in close proximity to the IgG1 fusion site. The relative content of antibodies to linear and conformational epitopes was highly variable among patients. Route and frequency of administration rather than underlying disease appeared to influence the major linear B cell epitopes selected.  相似文献   

Objective We tested a possible relationship between sulphidoleukotriene (SLT) release of cord blood (CB) basophils, a family history of atopy (HA) and subsequent development of atopic eczema. Population and methods A cohort of 86 neonates were involved (48.8% males; 46.5% with a positive HA+). CB samples were analysed for in vitro SLT release quantified by ELISA, and in a subgroup for basophilic activation (CD 63 expression) by flow cytometry in response to a positive control (anti‐IgE‐receptor antibody), an allergen‐mix (TOP and PTOP), egg white (EW), egg yolk (EY), and the purified allergens β‐lactoglobulin (BLG) and α‐lactalbumin (ALA). Results Median concentrations of SLT were 124.2 (negative), 3871.5 (positive), 123.9 (TOP), 128.5 (PTOP), 113.1 (EW), 108.4 (EY), 125.2 (BLG) and 122.3 (ALA) pg/mL. Groups of HA+ and HA show no difference in all analysed allergens. An allergen‐specific SLT release (defined as SLT>125 pg/mL above individual baseline and a stimulation index >2) was detected in 98% (positive control), 5% (TOP), 7% (BLG), 3% (ALA) and 2% (EW and EY), respectively. After a median observation period of 18 months, n=7 out of 70 children developed an atopic eczema, but we observed no association between CB SLT release (positive response to at least one tested allergen). Conclusion Allergen‐specific SLT release is detectable in 15.5% of healthy neonates, irrespective of their family history of atopy. However, early allergen‐specific SLT release is not predictive for the development of atopy.  相似文献   

Intravenous or intraperitoneal priming of MIs-1b mice with cells from MIs-1a donors drastically reduces secondary in vitro proliferative responses to specific stimulation. We show here that: (i) priming leads to blast transformation of essentially all CD4+ T cells bearing V beta 6 receptors in spleen and lymph nodes, and to their marked clonal expansion; (ii) secondary in vivo (or in vitro) challenges have no effect on the state of activation and numbers of V beta 6 CD4 T cells, which, however, migrate to the site of antigenic exposure; (iii) priming results in the differentiation of specific V beta 6 CD4 T cells to effector helper activities, manifested in vivo by marked increases in the numbers of splenic plasma cells, which include terminally differentiated donor MIs-1a B cells; (iv) primed mice show accelerated 'second set' rejection of antigenic cells; and (v) MIs-1b mice, thymectomized as adults before exposure to MIs-1a cells, show immune responses that are equivalent to those of control animals. We conclude that, in this experimental system, proliferative 'anergy' does not correlate with tolerance but with memory, and relates to the determination of class in immune responses.  相似文献   

Molecular-cytogenetic detection of a deletion of 1p36.3.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We report a deletion of 1p36.3 in a child with microcephaly, mental retardation, broad forehead, deep set eyes, depressed nasal bridge, flat midface, relative prognathism, and abnormal ears. The phenotype is consistent with that described for partial monosomy for 1p36.3. Reverse chromosome painting and microsatellite and Southern blot analyses were used to map the extent of the deletion. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) analysis using probes from every telomere indicates that the rearrangement is likely to be a chromosomal truncation or rearrangement involving subtelomeric repetitive DNA. The deletion was identified by screening a sample of children and adults with idiopathic mental retardation. In conjunction with previous work on this sample, we estimate that 7.4% of the group have subtelomeric rearrangements.  相似文献   

TE-19, a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) against thymic Hassall's body epithelium, was investigated because of its cross-reactivity with human erythrocytes. Antibody TE-19 was found to react only with group A erythrocytes, though it reacted with Hassall's body epithelium from donors of all blood group phenotypes. TE-19 antibody bound preferentially to cells of subgroup A1, and reacted only weakly with A2 and Aint erythrocytes. Although it apparently bound to A antigen with both glycolipid and glycoprotein backbones, TE-19 antibody only reacted with A antigenic moieties containing long or branched chain structures. Analysis of TE-19 reactivity with erythrocyte membrane components using electroblotting and immunostaining techniques showed antibody reactivity with components migrating in the areas of band 4 X 5 and just ahead of the dye front, consistent with membrane glycolipid. It is possible that all human thymic Hassall's bodies contain epithelial cells which, irrespective of the donor's erythrocyte blood group, bear a carbohydrate antigen similar to A antigen.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (MoAb), TH97A, CC13, and CC14, define a thymic differentiation antigen in cattle. The antigen is expressed on 50-60% of bovine thymocytes, located mainly in the cortical areas, but is not expressed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). In cryostat sections of lymph node, the antibodies react with large dendritic-like cells in the paracortical regions. They also react with a proportion of the large 'frilly' cells in afferent lymph and with dendritic-like cells in the dermis. The antibodies apparently do not react with cells in the epidermis. Biochemical analysis of the antigen recognized by MoAb TH97A reveals two bands of 44 kDa and 12 kDa under reducing conditions. These polypeptides are distinct from bovine class I major histocompatibility complex molecules reactive with the MoAb w6/32. The tissue distribution of positive cells together with results of biochemical analyses indicate that the antigen recognized by these MoAb is the bovine analogue of the human CD1.  相似文献   

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