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Background: Many studies have shown that patients may remember words learned during apparently adequate anesthesia. Performance on memory tests may be influenced by explicit and implicit memory. We used the process dissociation procedure to estimate implicit and explicit memory for words presented during sedation or anesthesia.

Methods: We investigated intraoperative learning in 72 women undergoing pervaginal oocyte collection during propofol and alfentanil infusion. One word list was played once before infusion, another was played 10 times during surgery. Venous blood was taken for propofol assay at the end of the intraoperative list. Behavioral measures of anesthetic depth (eyelash reflex, hand squeeze response to command) were recorded and used to adjust the dose of anesthetic where clinically appropriate. On recovery, memory was assessed using an auditory word stem completion test with inclusion and exclusion instructions.

Results: The mean blood propofol concentration was 2.5 [mu]g/ml (median, 2.3 [mu]g/ml; range, 0.7-6.1 [mu]g/ml). Mean alfentanil dose was 2.1 mg (median, 2.0 mg; range, 1.2-3.4 mg). Comparison of target and distractor hits in the inclusion condition showed memory for preoperative words only. However, the process dissociation procedure estimates showed explicit (mean, 0.18;P < 0.001) and implicit (mean, 0.05;P < 0.05) memory for the preoperative words, and a small amount of explicit memory for the intraoperative words (mean, 0.06; 95% confidence interval, 0.01-0.10). Memory performance did not differ between the 17 patients who consistently responded to command and eyelash reflex and the 32 patients who remained unresponsive. Blood propofol concentration and alfentanil dose did not correlate with memory for the intraoperative list.  相似文献   

Background: In sheep, isoflurane causes extravascular accumulation of infused crystalloid fluid. The current study evaluates whether isoflurane has a greater tendency than propofol to cause extravascular retention in surgical patients.

Methods: Thirty patients undergoing thyroid surgery lasting for 143 +/- 32 min (mean +/- SD) received an intravenous infusion of 25 ml/kg acetated Ringer's solution over 30 min. Anesthesia was randomized to consist of isoflurane or propofol supplemented by fentanyl. The distribution and elimination of the infused fluid was estimated using volume kinetics based on the fractional dilution of blood hemoglobin over 150 min. Extravascular retention of infused fluid was taken as the difference between the model-predicted elimination and the urinary excretion. The sodium and fluid balances were measured.

Results: The fractional plasma dilution increased gradually to approximately 30% during the infusion and thereafter remained at 15-20%. Urinary excretion averaged 11% of the infused volume. Mean arterial pressure was 10 mmHg lower in the isoflurane group (P < 0.001). The excess fluid volumes in the central and peripheral functional body fluid spaces were virtually identical in the groups. The sum of water losses by evaporation and extravascular fluid retention amounted to 2.0 +/- 2.5 ml/min for isoflurane and 2.2 +/- 2.1 ml/min for propofol. The sodium balance refuted that major fluid shifts occurred between the extracellular and intracellular spaces.  相似文献   

异氟醚麻醉深度的多指标微机实时判断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:编制一套多指标监测、微机统计和评分程序,用于术中随时判断麻醉深度。方法:手术病人32例,15项指标同时监测,当需要判断麻醉深度时,输入全部指标值,微机计算出总分值(M),根据M的增减来判断麻醉深度的相对变化。为验证M的可靠性,测定血浆环磷酸腺苷浓度,计算二者的相关性。结果:其中22例的M与cAMP的个体相关系数(r)的均值为0.81±0.08,有显著意义(P<0.05)。结论:本研究拟订的评分法能在70%的病人中较准确地判断麻醉深度,尤其显示微机判断的实时性。  相似文献   

Background: Unconscious processing of words during general anesthesia has been suggested after surgery with several tests of implicit memory. Patients can neither recall those words nor do they have explicit memories of other intraoperative events. It is unclear to what degree information is processed during general anesthesia and which tests are best suited to detect implicit memory. In the current study, a lexical decision paradigm not previously used to demonstrate implicit memory during anesthesia was used.

Methods: Sixty patients undergoing lumbar disc surgery were assigned to receive isoflurane infusion- or propofol infusion-based anesthesia combined with alfentanil infusions and a nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture. A control group of 10 medical students listened to tapes without receiving anesthesia. Two tapes, each containing a list of 30 low-frequency German nouns repeated for 15 min, were prepared, with half of the patients listening to tape A and the other half listening to tape B during the operation. Exposure time was 15 min from the time of skin incision onward. In the test phase, approximately 7 h later, words from lists A and B plus 60 nonwords were presented in random order by a computer program. Subjects were asked to indicate, by pressing one of two response buttons, whether the spoken word was or was not a legal German word (lexical decision).

Results: A recognition test revealed chance recognition for words presented during anesthesia. Lexical decision responses, however, were slightly faster to primed (previously presented) words than to unprimed (not previously presented) words when the entire group of patients was tested, suggesting a small implicit memory effect, which barely failed to reach the significance level. When the two medication groups were tested separately, no significant implicit memory effect could be ascertained statistically. The effects of previous exposure were much more pronounced in the control group.  相似文献   

Background: The unprotected upper airway tends to obstruct during general anesthesia, yet its mechanical properties have not been studied in detail during this condition.

Methods: To study its collapsibility, pressure-flow relationships of the upper airway were obtained at three levels of anesthesia (end-tidal isoflurane = 1.2%, 0.8%, and 0.4%) in 16 subjects while supine and spontaneously breathing on nasal continuous positive airway pressure. At each level of anesthesia, mask pressure was transiently reduced from a pressure sufficient to abolish inspiratory flow limitation (11.8 +/- 2.7 cm H2O) to pressures resulting in variable degrees of flow limitation. The relation between mask pressure and maximal inspiratory flow was determined, and the critical pressure at which the airway occluded was recorded. The site of collapse was determined from simultaneous measurements of nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, and hypopharyngeal and esophageal pressures.

Results: The airway remained hypotonic (minimal or absent intramuscular genioglossus electromyogram activity) throughout each study. During flow-limited breaths, inspiratory flow decreased linearly with decreasing mask pressure (r2 = 0.86 +/- 0.17), consistent with Starling resistor behavior. At end-tidal isoflurane of 1.2%, critical pressure was 1.1 +/- 3.5 cm H2O; at 0.4% it decreased to -0.2 +/- 3.6 cm H2O (P < 0.05), indicating decreased airway collapsibility. This decrease was associated with a decrease in end-expiratory esophageal pressure of 0.6 +/- 0.9 cm H2O (P < 0.05), suggesting an increased lung volume. Collapse occurred in the retropalatal region in 14 subjects and in the retrolingual region in 2 subjects, and did not change with anesthetic depth.  相似文献   

Background: The authors previously reported that, during isoflurane anesthesia, electroencephalographic bicoherence values changed in a fairly restricted region of frequency versus frequency space. The aim of the current study was to clarify the relation between electroencephalographic bicoherence and the isoflurane concentration.

Methods: Thirty elective abdominal surgery patients (male and female, aged 34-77 yr, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I-II) were enrolled. After electroencephalogram recording with patients in an awake state, anesthesia was induced with 3 mg/kg thiopental and maintained with oxygen and isoflurane. Continuous epidural anesthesia with 80-100 mg/kg 1% lidocaine was also administered. Using software they developed, the authors continuously recorded the FP1-A1 lead of the electroencephalographic signal and expired isoflurane concentration to an IBM-PC compatible computer. After confirming the steady state of each isoflurane (end-tidal concentration at 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, and 1.5%), electroencephalographic bicoherence values were calculated.

Results: In a light anesthetic state, electroencephalographic bicoherence values were low (generally <= 15.0%). At increased concentrations of isoflurane, two peaks of electroencephalographic bicoherence emerged along the diagonal line (f1 = f2). The peak emerged at around 4.0 Hz and grew higher as isoflurane concentration increased until it reached a plateau (43.8 +/- 3.5%, mean +/- SD) at isoflurane 0.9%. The other peak, at about 10.0 Hz, also became significantly higher and reached a plateau (32.6 +/- 9.2%) at isoflurane 0.9%; at isoflurane 1.3%, however, this peak slightly decreased.  相似文献   

Background: The authors previously demonstrated memory function during apparently adequate general anesthesia in trauma patients. Hypnotic state fluctuations, stress, and variable amnesic qualities of commonly used anesthetics could account for this effect.

Methods: The authors replicated the trauma investigation in 90 elective surgical patients to enable anesthetic titration to a bispectral index value of 50-55 during auditory presentation of word stimuli. Patients were randomly assigned to maintenance with propofol (n = 48) or isoflurane (n = 42). Before surgery, state anxiety and trait anxiety were assessed using self-report measures. Postoperative memory assessment relied on the process dissociation procedure using a word stem completion task.

Results: There were no differences between groups for relevant demographic, preoperative, or supplemental drug variables. Ninety-eight percent of words were presented within a bispectral index range of 40-60, with values averaging 48.8 (SD = 5.7) during word presentation. Neither the process dissociation procedure nor standard measures of conscious recall and recognition memory showed evidence of explicit or implicit memory. Preoperative stress levels did not correlate with postoperative memory test scores in either study group.  相似文献   

Background: Dreaming reported after anesthesia remains a poorly understood phenomenon. Dreaming may be related to light anesthesia and represent near-miss awareness. However, few studies have assessed the relation between dreaming and depth of anesthesia, and their results were inconclusive. Therefore, the authors tested the hypothesis that dreaming during anesthesia is associated with light anesthesia, as evidenced by higher Bispectral Index values during maintenance of anesthesia.

Methods: With approval, 300 consenting healthy patients, aged 18-50 yr, presenting for elective surgery requiring relaxant general anesthesia with a broad range of agents were studied. Patients were interviewed on emergence and 2-4 h postoperatively. The Bispectral Index was recorded from induction until the first interview. Dream content and form were also assessed.

Results: Dreaming was reported by 22% of patients on emergence. There was no difference between dreamers and nondreamers in median Bispectral Index values during maintenance (37 [23-55] vs. 38 [20-59]; P = 0.68) or the time at Bispectral Index values greater than 60 (0 [0-7] vs. 0 [0-31] min; P = 0.38). Dreamers tended to be younger and male, to have high home dream recall, to receive propofol maintenance or regional anesthesia, and to open their eyes sooner after surgery. Most dreams were similar to dreams of sleep and were pleasant, and the content was unrelated to surgery.  相似文献   

Background: Angiotensin II may prove useful in treating regional anesthesia-induced hypotension in obstetric patients, because it causes less uterine vasoconstriction than do other vasoconstrictor drugs (such as phenylephrine). This study compared (1) maternal blood pressure and heart rate and (2) fetal status at delivery in parturients given either prophylactic angiotensin II or ephedrine infusion during spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery.

Methods: Fifty-four women were randomized to receive either angiotensin II or ephedrine infusion intravenously during spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean section delivery. Simultaneous with subarachnoid injection, infusion of angiotensin II (2.5 [micro sign]g/ml) or ephedrine (5 mg/ml) was initiated at 10 ng [middle dot] kg-1 [middle dot] min-1 and 50 [micro sign]g [middle dot] kg-1 [middle dot] min-1, respectively. The rate of each infusion was adjusted to maintain maternal systolic blood pressure at 90-100% of baseline.

Results: Cumulative vasopressor doses (mean +/- SD) through 10, 20, and 30 min were 150 +/- 100, 310 +/- 180, and 500 +/- 320 ng/kg in the angiotensin group and 480 +/- 210, 660 +/- 390, and 790 +/- 640 [micro sign]g/kg in the ephedrine group. Maternal heart rate was significantly higher (P < 0.001) during vasopressor infusion in the ephedrine group than in the angiotensin group. Umbilical arterial and venous blood pH and base excess were all significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the angiotensin group than in the ephedrine group.  相似文献   

Background: All general anesthetics used are known to have a negative inotropic side effect. Since xenon does not have a negative inotropic effect, it could be an interesting future general anesthetic. The aim of this clinical multicenter trial was to test the hypothesis of whether recovery after xenon anesthesia is faster compared with an accepted, standardized anesthetic regimen and that it is as effective and safe.

Method: A total of 224 patients in six centers were included in the protocol. They were randomly assigned to receive either xenon (60 +/- 5%) in oxygen or isoflurane (end-tidal concentration, 0.5%) combined with nitrous oxide (60 +/- 5%). Sufentanil (10 [mu]g) was intravenously injected if indicated by defined criteria. Hemodynamic, respiratory, and recovery parameters, the amount of sufentanil, and side effects were assessed.

Results: The recovery parameters demonstrated a statistically significant faster recovery from xenon anesthesia when compared with isoflurane-nitrous oxide. The additional amount of sufentanil did not differ between both anesthesia regimens. Hemodynamics and respiratory parameters remained stable throughout administration of both anesthesia regimens, with advantages for the xenon group. Side effects occurred to the same extent with xenon in oxygen and isoflurane-nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

心内直视下射频消融改良迷宫术治疗心房颤动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的总结心内直视下射频消融改良迷宫手术治疗心房颤动的临床经验。方法2005年5月~2006年8月在心内直视手术同期采用射频消融改良迷宫手术治疗心房颤动30例,术前诊断风湿性心脏病26例,二尖瓣关闭不全3例,冠心病1例。手术采用CardioblateTM冲洗式射频消融系统,每例患者分别应用单极系统和双极系统,按照迷宫手术线路分别于左、右心房行心内膜射频消融手术,并切除左、右心耳,同期完成相应的心脏手术。结果手术均顺利完成,射频消融手术时间30.5±12.6min。术后死亡1例,其余29例顺利出院。术后当天21例患者(70.0%)转为窦性心律。29例患者出院后随访7.6±4.8个月,24例(82.8%)为窦性心律,5例(17.2%)为心房颤动或房室结性心律。结论心内直视下射频消融改良迷宫手术治疗心房颤动简单、有效,具有良好的临床应用前景。  相似文献   

Background: Alveolar macrophages are a critical part of the defense against pulmonary infection. Thus the authors determined time-dependent changes in alveolar macrophage functions in patients having surgery who were anesthetized with isoflurane or propofol.

Methods: Patients anesthetized with propofol (n = 30) or isoflurane (n = 30) during orthopedic surgery were studied. Alveolar macrophages were harvested by bronchoalveolar lavage immediately, and 2, 4, and 6 h after induction anesthesia and at the end of surgery. The fraction of aggregated and nonviable macrophages was determined. Then phagocytosis was measured by ingestion of opsonized and unopsonized particles. Finally, microbicidal activity was determined as the ability of the macrophages to kill Listeria monocytogenes directly.

Results: Demographic and morphometric characteristics of the patients given propofol and isoflurane were similar, as were their levels of pulmonary function and hemodynamic responses. The fraction of alveolar macrophages ingesting opsonized and unopsonized particles, and the number of particles ingested, decreased significantly over time, with the decrease slightly but significantly greater during isoflurane anesthesia. Microbicidal function decreased progressively during anesthesia and surgery, with the decrease almost twice as great during isoflurane compared with propofol anesthesia. The fraction of aggregated macrophages and recovered neutrophils increased over time in the patients given each anesthetic.  相似文献   

Background: Occurrence of explicit memory (i.e., conscious recall) has been reported especially after surgical procedures in which anesthesia is considered to be "light." In addition, previous research has shown that implicit memory (e.g., improved memory test performance in absence of conscious recall) decreases with increasing hypnotic state. The current study investigated explicit and implicit memory during emergency cesarean sections with consistently light levels of hypnotic state.

Method: Words were presented via headphones, and the bispectral index was recorded throughout surgery. Memory for the presented words was tested after recovery with a word-stem completion test. Using both parts of the process dissociation procedure allowed separation of explicit and implicit memory. In the "inclusion" part of the process dissociation procedure, patients are asked to complete word stems, if possible, with the corresponding words recalled from the intraoperative presentation. In the "exclusion" part, patients are instructed to avoid the words presented intraoperatively and to use other words instead. In the absence of recall, patients are asked to use the first word that comes to mind.

Results: The mean bispectral index during word presentation was 76.3 (+/-3.0). On average, the 24 patients were able to make correct inclusion-exclusion decisions: In the inclusion part, hit rates (i.e., the probability of responding with a word presented during surgery) were higher than base rates (0.37 vs. 0.31), whereas in the exclusion part hit rates were lower (0.23 vs. 0.28). Importantly, the patients made these inclusion-exclusion decisions without being able to consciously recall the words presented during surgery.  相似文献   

目的:评价七氟烷和丙泊酚单独麻醉和与外科手术联合应用对于幼龄大鼠术后空间与学习记忆功能的影响。方法:健康雄性幼龄SD大鼠46只,连续在Morris水迷宫中训练5 d,随机分为丙泊酚组(P组)、七氟烷组(S组)、丙泊酚加手术组(PS组)、七氟烷+手术组(SS组)、对照组(C组)。P组用15 mg/kg丙泊酚诱导,50 mg/(kg·h)维持麻醉2 h;S组用4%七氟烷诱导,2%七氟烷维持麻醉2 h;C组吸入含30%氧气的空氧混合气2 h;手术为剖腹探查术。苏醒24 h后采用Morris水迷宫评价空间学习记忆功能。结果:苏醒后第1 d,P组、S组、PS组、SS组、C组大鼠在目标象限停留时间百分比分别为27.88±9.00%、29.22±8.28%、28.33±5.27%、28.17±4.22%、24.79±3.43%,其中P组、S组、PS组、SS组与C组相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),P组与PS组比较、S组与SS组比较均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。且苏醒后第7 d、第30 d,P组、S组、PS组、SS组与C组相比空间探索能力的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),P组与PS组比较、S组与SS组比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:全凭丙泊酚和全凭七氟烷麻醉及协同腹部小手术,不改变幼龄大鼠在麻醉手术后长期的空间学习记忆功能。  相似文献   

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