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超声背向散射信号基本上是一个随机信号,它的统计量中蕴含着有关组织散射元的数目,平均间距和散元散射截面等方面的信息。生物组织散射元平均间距是描述生物组织微观结构和超声散射特性和重要参数。  相似文献   

一种多谱勒胎音信号提取方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对胎儿监护的主要方法是监听胎儿心率,而超声多谱勒测量胎儿心率是一种很好的无创方法。但是,由于测量得到的原始信号成分非常复杂,干扰严重,从而使其对胎心率的提取造成很大困难。文章提出一种新的胎音信号处理方法——平均频移自相关方法:先在移动的时间间隔内对超声多谱勒信号进行傅立叶变换,得到信号的时频分布,然后求对应的每个频谱的平均频率得到多谱勒信号的平均频率曲线,最后利用自相关算法从平均频率曲线中提取胎儿心脏跳动曲线。通过模拟仿真和实际信号处理,证明该方法能准确地从超声多谱勒信号中提取胎心率信号。  相似文献   

骨质疏松症是骨科领域的研究热点之一,研究发现,除骨密度(骨量)改变的因素外,骨小梁的结构变化也是患病的重要影响因素。骨小梁形态计量学分析是研究骨小梁结构形态变化的一种重要方法。基于骨小梁的Micro-CT图像介绍部分骨小梁形态学参数的计算方法,主要包括骨小梁各向异性、连通性、结构模型指数以及纹理等不同特征,同时列举部分相关研究实例,总结上述形态学参数的适用性以及优缺点,为更加有效地评价骨质疏松状态以及药物治疗效果提供依据。  相似文献   

电子鼻信号处理方法的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本首先介绍了电子鼻的概念和发展,人工嗅觉结构和发展概况,电子鼻信号处理的重要性和发展状况,电子鼻信号处理的一些典型应用例子和历史过程,最后介绍了近来崛起的遗传算法和独立成分分析(ICA)以及它们在电子鼻信号处理中的应用前景和展望。  相似文献   

文题释义: 原发性骨质疏松症:是一种以骨量降低、骨微结构破坏、骨脆性增加、骨折风险性增大为特征的全身性骨骼系统疾病,其多发于老年人,尤以绝经后妇女多见。 断裂:材料或构件力学性能的基本表征。根据断裂前发生的塑性变形的大小,可把材料的断裂分为脆性断裂和延性断裂两大类。随材料和条件的不同,循环载荷作用下的疲劳断裂、高温下的蠕变断裂以及环境作用下的应力腐蚀断裂,均可表现为脆性断裂和延性断裂。 背景:目前已有相关有限元模型仿真模拟了股骨骨折,并探讨了载荷速率、载荷角度及松质骨在髋部骨折中的影响,但骨小梁的断裂仿真仍缺乏相关研究。 目的:仿真模拟去势大鼠骨质疏松性骨小梁压缩断裂的生物力学过程。 方法:取去势大鼠右侧股骨于Micro-CT扫描股骨远端,获得大鼠股骨感兴趣区域骨微结构参数及三维模型,在Geomagic Studio几何优化后在Hypermesh 14.0前处理,包括体网格划分、设置材料属性参数、边界条件,设置载荷1 200 N,作用时间2 ms,在LS-DYNA软件中进行运算。 结果与结论:①感兴趣区域骨小梁显示空间分布不均;②骨小梁体积小、数量少的部位最先开始出现变形断裂,板状及较大体积的骨小梁最后发生断裂塌陷;③Von-mises应力变化趋势与骨小梁断裂塌陷趋势大致相同;④感兴趣区域骨小梁断裂塌陷过程包括了垂直塌陷和水平扭转,其中水平扭转程度及速率低于垂直塌陷,使得横断面扭转成角大小及成角速率小于冠状面成角;⑤破坏单元的剪切应力增幅及峰值较Von-mises应力小;⑥提示骨小梁断裂塌陷是个复杂的过程,包含了不同平面的变形、成角。 ORCID: 0000-0002-5792-3012(吴宇航) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

股骨松质骨具有骨小梁的微观结构,其单元特性影响了股骨的整体力学性能.找到适当的单元形状与骨小梁分布特点可以帮助人们有效地进行松质骨及股骨整体的生物力学特性分析.本文采用不同结构的微观骨小梁单元模型,分析各单元的生物力学特性,并采用有限元方法,对由不同骨小梁单元及不同分布形式构成的股骨模型进行生物力学分析,获得了骨小梁单元密度与单元生物力学特性的关系的综合分析结果,找到了较好的微观骨小梁单元模型及总体布局形式,并应用于股骨松质骨建模.仿松质骨的骨小梁结构可以有效提高整体生物力学性能,所获得的微观单元优化结构可以应用于仿生结构材料的制造.  相似文献   

用信号处理方法,提取生物软组织声散射特征,从而对生物组是进行鉴别,是超声医学的基础研究一直关注的重要课题,生物软组织的超声散射主要由组织内部的散射子引起,散射子平均间距与组织的微结构特征相关。我们分析和总结了一般基于FFT倒谱,AR倒谱等算法波动性较大、分辨率不高产生的原因,提出利用Chirp-Z变换频谱得到细化倒谱,在超声检测中估计生物软组织散射子平均间距及其变化的新方法,并利用该方法对仿体和生物软组织的回波信号进行了分析。结果表明:该方法是软组织的超声散射信号分析和散射子平均间距定征的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

电子鼻信号处理方法的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文首先介绍了电子鼻的概念和发展、人工嗅觉结构和发展概况、电子鼻信号处理的重要性和发展状况、电子鼻信号处理的一些典型应用例子和历史过程 ,最后介绍了近来崛起的遗传算法和独立成分分析 (ICA)以及它们在电子鼻信号处理中的应用前景和展望  相似文献   

生物雷达是雷达技术与生物医学工程技术相融合、可在较远距离探测生命信号的特殊雷达,是近年来国外提出的一种新概念雷达.该技术可用于生命体征探测以及非接触临床监护领域.生物医学信号处理方法是该技术得以实现的重要条件.生物雷达信号容易受到检测对象及环境的干扰,特别是呼吸运动回波信号较强,对心搏信号产生混合干扰,使其无法独立检出.因此大量信号处理方法运用在该技术的各个方面.介绍了生物雷达技术进展,以及当前主流信号处理方法的应用情况.  相似文献   

The mechanical quality of trabecular bone depends on both its stiffness and its strength characteristics, which can be predicted indirectly by the combination of bone volume fraction and architectural anisotropy. To analyze the directional anisotropy of the trabecular bone, we applied the fractal geometry technique to plain radiographs. The anisotropy of the bone was quantified from an ellipse, based on the directional fractal dimensions (FD), by the principal axes of inertia. The anisotropies based on the FD were compared with those determined using the common method of mean intercept length (MIL). The directional FD gave the fractal information obtained from a projection along the MIL orientation. For this reason, the spatial variations associated with the bone length in any direction were manifested in a related frequency band of the power spectrum determined along the direction. The directional FD and MIL plots were highly correlated, although they originated from quite different geometries. Of the angle, premolar, and incisor regions of the human mandible, the anisotropies calculated using both FD and MIL showed the highest correlation in the trabecular bone of the angle region. The method using directional FDs as determined by the principal axis of inertia measures the anisotropy directly, using two-dimensional plain radiographs. This kind of method will be a useful to provide better estimates of bone quality in vivo compared with the density measurements alone, especially for the indirect diagnosis of jawbone quality in dental clinics.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of trabecular bone and a simple plug prosthetic system have been determined over a range of displacement from 0.1 to 5 mm/min. Acoustic emission, a technique which is capable of detecting dynamic processes within a material, was used to monitor the compression tests on the prosthetic system. It was found that the stiffness and strength of trabecular bone and the prosthetic system increased with increasing strain rate of testing. The acoustic emission results demonstrated that the improvement in mechanical behaviour at the fast strain rates was accompanied by a decrease in the extent of the failure of the trabeculae. The technique of activation analysis has been applied to the results in order to identify the rate controlling fracture mechanism. Finally, the strength of the prosthetic system was correlated with the shear and compressive strengths of trabecular bone.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) and results in a suite of dysmorphic phenotypes, including effects on the postcranial skeleton and the skull. We have previously demonstrated parallels in the patterns of craniofacial dysmorphology in DS and in the Ts65Dn mouse model for DS. The specific mechanisms underlying the production of these changes in craniofacial shape remain unknown. High‐resolution computed tomography scan data were collected for the presphenoid bone of euploid and aneuploid mice. Three‐dimensional morphometric parameters of trabecular bone were quantified and compared between euploid and aneuploid mice using nonparametric statistical tests. Aneuploid presphenoid bones were smaller than those of their euploid littermates and had lower bone volume fraction and fewer, more rod‐like trabeculae. The differences in cancellous bone structure suggest that bone development, perhaps including bone modeling and remodeling, is affected by aneuploidy. These differences may contribute to the observed dysmorphology of skull and postcranial skeletal phenotypes in DS. Anat Rec, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis (OP) and osteoarthritis (OA) are the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders in the elderly but the relationship between them is unclear. The purposes of this study are to analyze the bone turnover markers (BTM), bone mineral density (BMD) and the structural and mechanical properties of trabecular bone in patients with OP and OA, and to explore the relationship between these two diseases. We studied 12 OP patients and 13 OA patients. We analyzed BTM (β-CrossLaps and PINP), BMD and microstructural and biomechanical parameters (micro-CT). Our results were: OP group has higher levels of β-CrossLaps and lower BMD at the femoral neck. Also, OP patients have a decreased volume of trabecular bone and less trabecular number, with architecture showing prevalence of rod-like trabeculae and worse connectivity than OA patients. The biomechanical parameters were worse in OP patients. BMD was correlated with almost all the structural and biomechanical parameters. Moreover, β-CrossLaps was negatively correlated with hip BMD and with bone surface density and positively with trabecular separation. BTM, BMD and bone microstructural changes in osteoporosis are opposite to those of OA. These findings justify a less resistant bone with higher risk of fragility fractures in OP patients. These histomorphometric and biomechanical changes may be suspected by measuring of BMD and β-CrossLaps levels.  相似文献   

Changes in total, cortical and trabecular bone mass were studied using quantitative peripheral computed tomodensitometry on the forearm of 58 normal eugonadal premenopausal women and 116 normal postmenopausal women to evaluate the evolution of bone components with age. In premenopausal women, no changes were seen in any bone component. In postmenopausal women, only trabecular bone mass diminished in the first 5 years after menopause (P < 0.05). It continued to decrease in the next 5 years (P < 0.05), but not later. Cortical bone mass experienced a significant loss 6–10 years after menopause (P < 0.001), and more than 15 years after menopause (P < 0.0005). These results are similar to those obtained with other techniques, and document the differing behavior of the cortical and trabecular bone components with years of menopause.  相似文献   

目的股骨头坏死是一种常见病,导致其发病的原因有很多,其中股骨颈骨折后股骨头坏死的原因尚不清楚,机制不明,由于其局部解剖结构特殊,根据其内部结构特点,对骨小梁结构进行研究,为解释股骨颈骨折后股骨头坏死的发生原因提供实验依据。方法对正常中国人(45~60岁)尸体股骨近端主压力骨小梁系统从上到下分成3个区,分别在Endura TEC ELF3200生物力学材料动态力学性能测试系统上,从主压力骨小梁方向及与其垂直方向上进行拉伸、压缩性能实验研究。结果得出了股骨近端主压力骨小梁系统3个区在主压力骨小梁系统方向及与其垂直方向的压缩、拉伸屈服强度、极限强度、弹性模量等测试指标的实验结果。从上到下3个区的弹性模量等生物力学性能依次递增,主压力方向的压缩生物力学性能要明显高于拉伸生物力学性能,并且生物力学性能在主压力系统方向及与其垂直方向有明显差异。结论股骨近端主压力骨小梁的主要力学性能是承受压应力,并且具有明显的各向异性。  相似文献   

Trabecular bone microstructural parameters, including trabecular thickness, spacing, and number, have been reported to scale with animal size with negative allometry, whereas bone volume fraction is animal size‐invariant in terrestrial mammals. As for the majority of scaling patterns described in animals, its underlying mechanism is unknown. However, it has also been found that osteocyte density is inversely related to animal size, possibly adapted to metabolic rate, which shows a negative relationship as well. In addition, the signalling reach of osteocytes is limited by the extent of the lacuno‐canalicular network, depending on trabecular dimensions and thus also on animal size. Here we propose animal size‐dependent variations in osteocyte density and their signalling influence distance as a potential mechanism for negative allometric trabecular bone scaling in terrestrial mammals. Using an established and tested computational model of bone modelling and remodelling, we run simulations with different osteocyte densities and influence distances mimicking six terrestrial mammals covering a large range of body masses. Simulated trabecular structures revealed negative allometric scaling for trabecular thickness, spacing, and number, constant bone volume fraction, and bone turnover rates inversely related to animal size. These results are in agreement with previous observations supporting our proposal of osteocyte density and influence distance variation as a potential mechanism for negative allometric trabecular bone scaling in terrestrial mammals. The inverse relationship between bone turnover rates and animal size further indicates that trabecular bone scaling may be linked to metabolic rather than mechanical adaptations.  相似文献   

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