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张揆一 《长寿》2004,(3):26-26
什么叫性健康?我国性科学家作出明确的定义:在身心和谐、人性幸福的基础上,通过密切人际交往和建立爱情的方式,达到性行为在肉体、感情、理智和社会生活诸方面的协调和圆满。  相似文献   

人体是生命的载体,生命从诞生到发育成熟,也就是30岁以前。30岁以后生命开始进入自然衰退期,人体的各组织细胞的衰退,衰老速度大于更新运度,从而导致人体各脏腑、器冒生理机能的哀退,另外加之现代生活的快节奏,强压力,以及环境污染等各种外界有害因素的侵害。这种伤害对人体产生的后果是体虚乏力,抵  相似文献   

赵海峰 《健康向导》2021,27(3):10-12
年初,中国营养学会组织编写了《中国居民膳食指南科学研究报告(2021)》(以下简称报告),这份《报告》是对我国居民近年来膳食与健康的系统性研究,报告了我国居民膳食与营养现状.《报告》指出,近30年来,我国居民营养状况和体格发育得到显著改善,膳食质量普遍提高,居民身高显著增加,居民营养不足的状况得到根本改善.  相似文献   

北京肿瘤医院的内科病房,收治的全部是恶性淋巴肿瘤患者。一位朋友住院后,我前去探望。病友们在调侃中,不约而同地发现:他们在患病前,曾经长期沉浸于烦闷、紧张、焦躁的情绪,或夫妻不合,或工作紧张,或人际关系麻烦多多。 的确,奢侈的欲望以及殚精竭虑、患得患失的心情,永远是消  相似文献   

现代都市生活往往令人难以摄取到足够的维持理想健康的营养素。再加上生活压力,环境污染,食物加工,吸烟,饮酒等因素均会导致营养的流失,增加人体对营养的需求,为了帮助您应付生活的挑战,保持身体健康,活力充沛,本刊将开辟《纽崔莱营养品报道》,帮助您系统了解世界营养知名品牌——纽崔莱。  相似文献   

人们通常以高潮次数和性爱时间为标准,来判断性爱满意度。但美国趣味科学网最新报道、《性行为档案》杂志刊登的一项新研究发现,性爱理由会影响满意度。与带有功利目的的性相比,充满爱意、关怀的性爱更能令人满意。  相似文献   

人拥有了健康,才能拥有一切;失去健康,将会失去一切;生命因健康而美丽,家庭因健康而幸福,事业因健康而长久;有健康才有未来。保健营养杂志从无到有,20年的发展,与国家的发展同步,一直以来致力于科普宣传。采访中,专家深情地说明保健营养的重要性。营养保健是指在生活中注意营养的搭配来达到保健的作用。健康的五大基石:合理饮食、适量运动、快乐心情、戒烟限酒、良好睡眠。健康四大基石,十六个字:合理膳食、适量运动、戒烟限酒、心理平衡。  相似文献   

我在检察机关从事出庭公诉工作,几乎天天与犯罪嫌疑人打交道。时间长了,在掩卷沉思中,我悟出了这么个道理,健康与文明是密切相关的,不文明行为有损健康。你看啊,有的人为鸡毛蒜皮的小事张口就骂人,动手就打人,不文明吧。骂“顺”嘴了,打“顺”手了,接下来再碰到不“顺心”的事儿,此人就可能怒从心头起,恶向胆边生地行凶伤人或杀人了。于是乎,行为人便触犯了法律,或押进大狱服刑,或押上刑场。如此一来,健康呀,长寿呀,也就不存在了。说到这里,我得通过具体案件来说明了。有个叫二狗的小伙子,犯故意伤害罪致他人死亡,发案时刚满20岁。其实,案情…  相似文献   

季卫华 《长寿》2004,(2):23-23
鹤发童颜,是对老年人健康长寿的描述,可要养出童颜来应该靠童心才是。老子说:“复归于婴儿。”寻找童趣是人生一大乐趣。医学专家研究表明,美好的联想和回忆,使人心胸舒畅,可让人强身健体,延年益寿。如今,有不少老年人保持一颗童心,常常和孙辈们一起做游戏、猜谜语、背唐诗、聊天说笑话等,过得轻松愉快,生活充满阳光,同时,也养出鹤发童颜来。童心不老,就能乐而忘忧,不知老之将至。那么,怎样才能保持一颗童心呢?1.天真无邪地笑。笑是每个人隐藏的本能,笑能使人快活。倘若人到老年那爱笑的性格正在消失,或在病痛悲伤时,就应该使自己回忆一下童…  相似文献   

现实生活让男人们越来越觉得自己活得太累,来自事业与家庭的压力,使他们成天陷入焦头烂额的境地。面对男性日益疲惫的身心,有这样种说法:中国男人90%肾亏,需要补肾。  相似文献   


In this paper, we examine 2400 personal advertisements in the USA collected from the Internet, focusing on health concerns and looking for differences by race and sexuality. Our results show that overall, the gay men represented in this sample were more concerned with health than the heterosexual men. One notable racial difference was that gay Latinos were less concerned about health, particularly among those who were explicitly looking for sexual encounters. In the light of this finding, we suggest further investigation into the extent to which Latino machismo affects health concerns. We also find that advertisers who sought to engage in sexual activities and who were explicit about sex were more likely to mention health in their personals. We suggest further research to explore the links between health concerns in personal advertisements and sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

Parents of boys with sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCA) were examined. Parents (22 mothers; 16 fathers) of 25 boys aged 2–18 years (M = 11.7, SD = 4.5) with SCA self-reported the Subjective Health Complaints Inventory (SHC), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the Personal Wellbeing Index. Parents reported more SHC and poorer daytime functioning than norms. Mothers reported more SHC, poorer sleep and daytime functioning, and lower health satisfaction than fathers. Parent-reported socio-emotional problems for sons (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) significantly overlapped with parental sleep disturbance. Parental health should be considered in medical consultations involving families of boys with SCA.  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from an ethnographic study of female sex workers who work in the indoor sex markets in a British city. An unexpected finding was the collective narratives that sex workers construct to rationalise their involvement in the sex industry. Fifty-five respondents who took part in in-depth interviews maintained that prostitution is a useful occupation and function in society. Narratives included providing emotional support to male clients; a service for men who are socially or physically disabled; preventing men having adulterous affairs; and health education, disease prevention and as therapists for sexual dysfunction. This paper evaluates how the latter narrative of sexual health promotion is an example of how sex workers are ideally placed to work as health educators with men who buy sex. Arguing against gender specific sexual health policies, men who buy sex are described as a 'high risk' group who are also a hidden population. Limitations posed by ideological, ethical and practical concerns relating to the specific conditions of the sex industry suggest that this proposal could be partially successful. In conclusion, I suggest the sexual health of the nation and the place of sex workers in society must be considered with regard to recent policy debates on the management of prostitution and the cultural construction of the sex worker.  相似文献   

Around one tenth of medium-secure patients are women, but NHS provision does not reflect this. Women patients are more likely than men to have a history of abuse or self-harm, but less likely to have committed a violent or sexual offence. Medium-secure services are increasingly being provided in-house rather than being commissioned from the private sector.  相似文献   

中国人民大学性社会学研究所的性生活调查显示:中国夫妻感情非常深的人多达44%~48%,但只有23%~27%的人性生活非常满意或满意 “杜蕾斯2001年全球性调查报告”表明:全球的人平均每年性生活次数为97次。而在中国,性生活的年平均次数为72次 中国男人的性生活平均43.9岁“退居二线”,47.7岁“下岗” 如何评价国人的性综合能力水平?目前缺少统一的、明确的标准 “性商”概念自出现以来,引起了许多争议  相似文献   


In China, men who have sex with men (MSM) are the fastest growing population at risk for HIV. They face social stigma due to both MSM behavior and HIV. In addition, concern has been raised about the mental health of wives of MSM. In this cross-sectional study, the authors examine the mental health status of a sample of 135 of these women. Participants completed an Internet-administered questionnaire in Xi’an from April to June, 2012. Most were unaware at the time of marriage that their husbands were MSM. Physical abuse was frequently reported; depressive symptom and mental health (Symptom Checklist, SCL–90) scores were significantly higher than those of the general Chinese adult female population. A majority (59.8%) of women reported suicidal thoughts after discovering their husbands’ MSM behavior; about 10% had attempted suicide. Multiple logistic regression revealed that women’s experience with anal sex was associated with 7.8 times (95% CI: 1.3–65.9) greater odds of suicidal ideation. Also, women who demonstrated mental symptoms on the SCL–90 had 2.3 times (95% CI: 1.04–5.2) the odds of suicidal ideation. These results suggest that wives of MSM have a significant need for mental health care, suicide prevention, HIV education, and social support.  相似文献   

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