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尤佳璐  惠延年  张乐 《国际眼科杂志》2022,22(11):1827-1831
流行病学调查显示我国青少年儿童近视发生率已达到53.6%以上。近视已成为青少年儿童视力下降的首要原因。视力降低对正处于发育关键期的青少年儿童心理健康产生负面影响,进而导致学习、生活质量下降甚至影响身体发育。基于对近视人群与正视人群存在心理健康显著差异的观察,国内外学者采用不同的心理学量表评估近视与焦虑及抑郁等不良情绪、偏向于情绪化和内向型人格等心理健康之间的联系。本文综述近视对青少年心理健康的影响及其研究方法和防治策略的研究进展。  相似文献   

The prevalence of myopia in children is increasing worldwide and is viewed as a major public health concern. This increase has driven interest in research into myopia prevention and control in children. Although there is still uncertainty in the risk factors underlying differences in myopia prevalence between ethnic groups, rates in children of East Asian descent are typically higher regardless of where they live. Mounting evidence also suggests that myopia prevalence in children increases with age. Earlier commencement and more rigorous education systems in these countries, resulting in more time spent on near‐work activities and less time on outdoor activities, may be responsible for the earlier age of myopia onset. However, to date, the mechanisms regulating myopia onset and progression are still poorly understood. Findings from several studies have shown orthokeratology to be effective in slowing axial elongation and it is a well‐accepted treatment, particularly in East Asian regions. While our understanding of this treatment has increased in the last decade, more work is required to answer questions, including: How long should the treatment be continued? Is there a rebound effect? Should the amount of myopia control be increased? To whom and when should the treatment be offered? Practitioners are now faced with the need to carefully guide and advise parents on whether and when to undertake a long somewhat complex intervention, which is costly, both in time and money. In the near future, a greater demand for effective prophylaxis against childhood myopia is envisaged. Other than orthokeratology, atropine therapy has been shown to be effective in slowing myopia progression. While its mechanism of control is also not fully understood, it is likely that it acts via a different mechanism from orthokeratology. Thus, a combined treatment of orthokeratology and atropine may have great potential to maximise the effectiveness of myopia control interventions.  相似文献   

邵明  张鹏 《国际眼科杂志》2024,24(6):917-920

近视是导致视觉障碍的重要原因之一,随着全球范围内近视患病率的迅速攀升,近视已成为全球重大公共卫生问题。由于近视呈低龄化趋势,准确预测近视的发生及进展有助于对近视高危人群和儿童青少年近视患者进行有针对性的干预,以延缓近视的发生或减缓近视进展程度。近些年来,基于基线期眼部生物测量数据、屈光状态、环境因素、遗传因素、生活行为方式等循证医学证据制定的多种近视预测模型陆续被建立。基因-环境相互作用在近视病因学中的作用已被证实,随着基因学研究手段的不断创新,未来具有更高预测效能的特异性基因也将被应用于近视发展的预测及防控。文章对这些近视发展预测模型的内容、实用性、研究进展等进行了综述,以期为儿童青少年近视的防控提供参考依据和指导。  相似文献   

袁梅娟  林泉 《国际眼科杂志》2022,22(8):1318-1322
近视性屈光参差是一种特殊类型的屈光不正。近年来,随着全球近视患病率的快速增长,近视性屈光参差的患病率也呈现出逐年上升的趋势。屈光参差会引起双眼视网膜图像大小不同和融像困难,带来视疲劳、单眼抑制、弱视和立体视障碍等问题,影响患者的工作和生活。因此,早期发现并采取有效的干预措施延缓儿童近视性屈光参差的进展至关重要。目前,各种控制儿童近视进展的方法已得到广泛研究,其中角膜塑形镜(orthokeratology lens, OK镜)被认为是控制近视性屈光参差的有效手段。本文主要对角膜塑形镜控制近视的机制、延缓近视性屈光参差进展的效果及其对近视性屈光参差儿童立体视影响的研究进展进行综述,以期为今后近视性屈光参差的防控工作提供理论基础。  相似文献   

伴随着儿童近视发生率的上升和低龄化趋势,近视已成为亟需解决的全球公共卫生问题。控制近视发生发展的有效措施包括双焦眼镜、多焦眼镜、角膜塑形镜和药物等。近年来,阿托品作为控制近视发展的有效药物得到广泛关注。由于低浓度阿托品可以有效控制近视屈光度和眼轴增长,且畏光、视近模糊等不良反应轻,故低浓度阿托品已成为儿童近视防控的研究重点。现就低浓度阿托品在儿童近视控制中的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   


角膜塑形镜通过本身逆几何的特殊设计,可以改变角膜形态和控制眼轴的增长,对青少年近视的控制和矫正取得了显著的临床效果,因此,获得了国内外专家的高度评价,并得到了广泛的应用。近年来的实验表明,角膜塑形镜对近视性屈光参差患者屈光度数的控制以及对近视患者双眼视功能的改善,也有明显的效果。本文通过角膜塑形镜控制近视屈光度数增长的机制和效果、对屈光参差患者的治疗、对眼调节参数的影响和对双眼视功能的改善等方面最新的研究进展进行介绍。  相似文献   

Proteomics is a rapidly growing research area for the study of the protein cognate of genomic data. This review gives a brief overview of the modern proteomic technology. In addition to general applications of proteomics, we highlight its contribution to studying the physiology of different ocular tissues. We also summarise the published proteomic literature in the broad context of ophthalmic diseases, such as cataract, age‐related maculopathy, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and myopia. The proteomic technology is a useful research tool and it will continue to advance our understanding of a variety of molecular processes in ocular tissues and diseases.  相似文献   

全球近视率居高不下,儿童青少年近视发病率不断攀升。近视进展会影响个人视力、视力相关生活质量和生产力,高度近视及其相关眼部并发症亦会加剧家庭和社会负担。因此,针对近视的机制、相关并发症与防控方法亟需进一步探究。国际近视研究学会(IMI)于2021-04发布了第二版近视防控白皮书,内容包括近视临床实践反思、近视的影响、近视的危险因素、近视进展过程中的调节与双眼视觉、病理性近视、近视防控及年度汇编。第二版白皮书在第一版白皮书的基础上增加了对上千篇文章和重要的会议摘要的研究,突出了近视防控相关的最新研究和进展。本文对上述第二版近视防控白皮书的内容进行简要汇总和解读,包括近视概述、近视影响、危险因素、近视进展过程中的调节与眼结构改变以及近视防控,以期对近视防控的临床和科研工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

近视发病率逐年上升,严重影响着公众生活质量,为探索近视的发病机制,迄今已经建立了多种实验性近视动物模型。豚鼠在近视研究方面具有明显的优点,目前是亚洲实验室最常见的近视动物模型,但是不同的造模方式各有优缺点,了解不同的造模方式有利于选择适合的动物模型以及匹配不同的研究目的,可使研究结果更具说服力。本文对近年来豚鼠近视模型的不同造模方式及其特点、以及豚鼠眼部组织形态学的变化等方面进行简要综述,为进一步研究近视发生发展的分子机制寻找新的治疗策略提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The global burden of myopia is growing. Myopia affected nearly 30% of the world population in 2020 and this number is expected to rise to 50% by 2050. This review aims to analyze the impact of myopia on individuals and society; summarizing the evidence for recent research on the prevalence of myopia and high myopia, lifetime pathological manifestations of myopia, direct health expenditure, and indirect costs such as lost productivity and reduced quality of life (QOL). The principal trends are a rising prevalence of myopia and high myopia, with a disproportionately greater increase in the prevalence of high myopia. This forecasts a future increase in vision loss due to uncorrected myopia as well as high myopia-related complications such as myopic macular degeneration. QOL is affected for those with uncorrected myopia, high myopia, or complications of high myopia. Overall the current global cost estimates related to direct health expenditure and lost productivity are in the billions. Health expenditure is greater in adults, reflecting the added costs due to myopia-related complications. Unless the current trajectory for the rising prevalence of myopia and high myopia change, the costs will continue to grow. The past few decades have seen the emergence of several novel approaches to prevent and slow myopia. Further work is needed to understand the life-long impact of myopia on an individual and the cost-effectiveness of the various novel approaches in reducing the burden.  相似文献   

Myopia is among the most common refractive errors and is associated with the greatest risk of pathological outcomes. Most animals, including humans, are born with hyperopic errors. During development, axial elongation of the eye occurs and is regulated through a visionde‐pendent process, known as emmetropisation The extremely rapid changes in the prevalence of myopia and the dependence of myopia on the level of education indicate that there are very strong environmental impacts on the development of myopia. This conflicts with the common occurrence of familial patterns of inheritance of myopia, which suggests a role for genetic determination. There are more than 150 defined genetic syndromes in which familial high myopia is one of the features, including some that are not associated with other syndromes.The evidence for the roles of both nature and nurture in the aetiology of myopia is discussed. This review also examines the experimentally induced refractive errors associated with formdeprivation, recovery from form deprivation and the effects of both negative and positive lenses. In addition, it looks at the local and optical control of eye growth. Finally, the various control pathways for growth are considered. These include dopamine, ZENK‐glucagon, retinoic acid and retinoic acid receptors, crystallin, seratonin and melatonin, vasoactive intestinal peptide and enkephalins, nitric oxide and various growth factors.  相似文献   

Myopia has become a major visual disorder among school-aged children in East Asia due to its rising prevalence over the past few decades and will continue to be a leading health issue with an annual incidence as high as 20%-30%. Although various interventions have been proposed for myopia control, consensus in treatment strategies has yet to be fully developed. Atropine and orthokeratology stand out for their effectiveness in myopia progression control, but children with rapid progression of myopia require treatment with higher concentrations of atropine that are associated with increased rates of side effects, or with orthokeratology that carries risk of significant complication. Therefore, improved risk assessment for myopia onset and progression in children is critical in clinical decision-making. Besides traditional prediction models based on genetic effects and environmental exposures within populations, individualized prediction using machine learning and data based on age-specific refraction is promising. Although emerging treatments for myopia are promising and some have been incorporated into clinical practice, identifying populations who require and benefit from intervention remains the most important initial step for clinical practice.  相似文献   

青少年近视的发病率不断攀升,遗传及环境因素如长时间阅读、室内低光照度等被证实是近视发生及发病的诱因.增加户外活动量及室内光照亮度可作为预防青少年近视发生发展的重要手段.由于睫状肌调节紧张与近视有关,低剂量阿托品等毒蕈碱型受体拮抗剂已被用于近视的防治.目前,对于近视的治疗以屈光矫正为主,如配戴双焦或多焦镜片、角膜接触镜或角膜塑形镜(orthokeratology contact lenses,OK)等.由于巩膜组织中胶原结构异常、抗拉力减弱与眼轴不断增长有关,而巩膜交联疗法(cleral cross-linking,SXL)、口服7-甲基黄嘌呤(methylxanthine,MX)及Tenon囊下水凝胶注射可增加巩膜抗牵拉能力,也有望进入临床用于抑制近视眼眼轴的增长.随着对近视发生发展相关的分子生物学机制的不断研究,新的青少年近视防控措施仍将不断出现.  相似文献   

近视是引起视力损害的一个全球性公共问题,它的发生发展常常伴随着眼部各个组织结构的变化,尤其是病理性近视,涉及巩膜、脉络膜及视网膜等退行性变化.近年来,随着近视患病率越来越高,近视病理机制的探索及防治已成为全球性无法忽视的重要问题.近视的发生发展涉及多种因素的参与,最终会造成严重的视觉损害.脉络膜作为眼部重要的血管组织,...  相似文献   

徐亮 《眼科》2012,21(1):1-2
尽管社会及政府高度重视,并采取了各种防护措施,但青少年近视眼患病率非但下降,反而不断攀升。本文通过不同地区近视眼流行病学调查曲线说明近视眼高发的原因:(1)其患病率与年龄相关;(2)城市化、现代化、活动空间小是近视的危险因素;(3)近10年近视眼患病率大幅度提高;(4)小学生近视眼高发,与学龄前教育相关。引用国外研究,并用图示说明近视眼是长期近距离活动、缺小户外活动所致。  相似文献   

近年来青少年近视发生率逐年上升,并且呈低龄化趋势。目前,用于治疗和控制近视增长的方法很多,如框架眼镜、角膜塑形镜、药物等,治疗和控制效果各异。其中,阿托品在控制近视增长方面效果显著,高浓度(1%、0.5%、0.1%)阿托品可以有效抑制近视屈光度和眼轴的增长,但同时伴有一些由药物本身药理作用引起的不良反应,如畏光、视近模糊等,而低浓度(0.01%)阿托品在保留近视控制作用的同时,不良反应相对较轻,患者接受度较高。现就阿托品在控制近视增长方面的一些研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

巩膜作为近视过程中的最后一层靶组织,其细胞外基质(ECM)的生物分子及生物力学特性在近视的形成和发展过程中发生重要变化。大量研究证实巩膜ECM的主动重塑是近视过程中的关键环节,近几年,探索巩膜ECM的重塑机制以及通过调控ECM的重塑过程来防治近视已成为屈光领域的研究热点。现就近年来有关巩膜ECM在近视发生发展中的作用做一综述。  相似文献   

近视的低龄化,近视发展的速度加快,这可能预示着罹患高度近视的人数以及高度近视所导致的低视力和失明的人数会增加。由学龄期获得并逐渐加深的近视会造成高度近视的流行,从而影响人们的工作、学习和日常生活。学龄儿童近视不仅仅是一个公共卫生问题,还会加重社会经济负担。我国近视人群比例约占47%,近视已经成为我国的“国病”。我国学龄儿童近视发病率高。学龄儿童近视的危害大。近年来,学龄儿童近视的预防及控制措施成为研究的重点。现就学龄儿童近视的预防与控制措施进行综述,以期为学龄儿童近视的防控提供新的线索。  相似文献   

The prevalence of myopia is increasing in Western populations but in East Asian countries, it is increasing to epidemic levels, where there are also markedly increased rates of progression to pathological myopia. Measures to more effectively control the development and progression of myopia are urgently needed. Notwithstanding a large volume of research, especially regarding the different mechanisms for the development of myopia and the efficacy of particular methods of intervention, there is still a great need and scope for improvements in clinical efforts to prevent and/or control myopic progression. Too often clinical efforts may involve only one method of intervention; however, the heterogenous nature of myopia suggests that clinical intervention may be more successful when interventions are employed in combination. The decision to prescribe interventions for the control of myopia in children, especially prior to onset, may be better framed by a comprehensive estimation of the degree of risk for the development and/or progression of myopia. For example, rather than ascribing equal weight to any degree of parental myopia, more accurate estimates may be obtained, if risk is judged to increase with the degree of parental myopia and the extent of any associated degenerative pathology. Risk estimates may be limited to broad mild, moderate and severe classifications due to lack of accurate weighting of risk factors. Nevertheless, comprehensive assessment of risk factors appears likely to better inform a prognosis and discussions with parents. Consideration of numerous environmental influences, for example, such as continuity and intensity of near work and time spent outdoors, may contribute to better risk estimation. Family‐based practice appears to be ideally suited for risk estimation and the clinical application of approaches to control myopia. A proactive approach to estimating risk of developing myopia prior to its onset may be beneficial. Earlier implementation of interventions to control myopia could significantly reduce the chance of progression to pathological myopia.  相似文献   

Myopia has been increasing in prevalence throughout the world, reaching over 90% in some East Asian populations. There is increasing evidence that whereas genetics clearly have an important role, the type of visual environment to which one is exposed to likely influences the onset, progression, and cessation of myopia. Consequently, attempts to either modify the environment or to reduce the exposure of the eye to various environmental stimuli to eye growth through the use of various optical devices are well under way at research centers around the globe. The most promising of current treatments include low-percentage atropine, bifocal soft contact lenses, orthokeratology, and multifocal spectacles. These methods are discussed briefly and are then categorized in terms of their expected degree of myopia progression control. A clinical strategy is presented for selecting the most effective treatment for the appropriate type of patient at the optimal stage of refractive development to achieve the maximum control of myopia progression.  相似文献   

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