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Background: Children with severe intestinal failure and prolonged dependence on parenteral nutrition are susceptible to the development of parenteral nutrition–associated liver disease (PNALD). The purpose of this clinical guideline is to develop recommendations for the care of children with PN‐dependent intestinal failure that have the potential to prevent PNALD or improve its treatment. Method: A systematic review of the best available evidence to answer a series of questions regarding clinical management of children with intestinal failure receiving parenteral or enteral nutrition was undertaken and evaluated using concepts adopted from the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group. A consensus process was used to develop the clinical guideline recommendations prior to external and internal review and approval by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Board of Directors. Questions: (1) Is ethanol lock effective in preventing bloodstream infection and catheter removal in children at risk of PNALD? (2) What fat emulsion strategies can be used in pediatric patients with intestinal failure to reduce the risk of or treat PNALD? (3) Can enteral ursodeoxycholic acid improve the treatment of PNALD in pediatric patients with intestinal failure? (4) Are PNALD outcomes improved when patients are managed by a multidisciplinary intestinal rehabilitation team?  相似文献   

Background: Loss of protein mass and lower fat‐free mass index (FFMI) are associated with longer length of stay, postsurgical complications, and other poor outcomes in hospitalized patients. Normative data for FFMI of U.S. populations do not exist. This work aims to create a stratified FFMI percentile table for the U.S. population using the large bioelectric impedance analysis data obtained from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES). Methods: Fat‐free mass (FFM) was calculated from the NHANES III bioelectric impedance analysis and anthropometric data for males and females ages 12 to >90 years for 3 race/ethnicities (non‐Hispanic white, non‐Hispanic black, and Mexican American). FFM was normalized by subject height to create an FFMI distribution table for the U.S. population. Selected percentiles were obtained by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Data were collapsed by race/ethnicity before and after removing obese and underweight participants to create an FFMI decile table for males and females 12 years and older for the healthy‐weight U.S. population. Results: FFMI increased during adolescent growth but stabilized in the early 20s. The FFMI deciles were similar by race/ethnicity, with age group remaining relatively stable between ages 25 and 80 years. The FFMI deciles for males and females were significantly different. Conclusions: After eliminating the obese and extremely thin, FFMI percentiles remain stable during adult years allowing creation of age‐ and race/ethnicity‐independent decile tables for males and females. These tables allow stratification of individuals for nutrition intervention trials to depict changing nutrition status during medical, surgical, and nutrition interventions.  相似文献   

Background: Parenteral nutrition (PN) is a high‐alert medication available for patient care within a complex clinical process. Beyond application of best practice recommendations to guide safe use and optimize clinical outcome, several issues are better addressed through evidence‐based policies, procedures, and practices. This document provides evidence‐based guidance for clinical practices involving PN prescribing, order review, and preparation. Method: A systematic review of the best available evidence was used by an expert work group to answer a series of questions about PN prescribing, order review, compounding, labeling, and dispensing. Concepts from the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) format were applied as appropriate. The specific clinical guideline recommendations were developed using consensus prior to review and approval by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Board of Directors. The following questions were addressed: (1) Does education of prescribers improve PN ordering? (2) What is the maximum safe osmolarity of PN admixtures intended for peripheral vein administration? (3) What are the appropriate calcium intake and calcium‐phosphate ratios in PN for optimal neonatal bone mineralization? (4) What are the clinical advantages or disadvantages of commercially available premade (“premixed”) multichambered PN formulations compared with traditional/customized PN formulations? (5) What are the clinical (infection, catheter occlusion) advantages or disadvantages of 2‐in‐1 compared with 3‐in‐1 PN admixtures? (6) What macronutrient dosing limits are expected to provide for the most stable 3‐in‐1 admixtures? (7) What are the most appropriate recommendations for optimizing calcium (gluconate) and (Na‐ or K‐) phosphate compatibility in PN admixtures? (8) What micronutrient contamination is present in parenteral stock solutions currently used to compound PN admixtures? (9) Is it safe to use the PN admixture as a vehicle for non‐nutrient medication delivery? (10) Should heparin be included in the PN admixture to reduce the risk of central vein thrombosis? (11) What methods of repackaging intravenous fat emulsion (IVFE) into smaller patient‐specific volumes are safe? (12) What beyond‐use date should be used for (a) IVFE dispensed for separate infusion in the original container and (b) repackaged IVFE?  相似文献   

Background: Premature infants are at increased risk for metabolic bone disease, with resulting delayed bone growth, osteopenia, and rickets. Method: A systematic review of the best available evidence to answer a series of questions regarding neonatal patients at risk of metabolic bone disease receiving parenteral or enteral nutrition was undertaken and evaluated using concepts adopted from the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation working group. A consensus process was used to develop the clinical guideline recommendations prior to external and internal review and approval by the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Board of Directors. Questions: (1) What maternal risk factors predispose the neonate to metabolic bone disease? (2) What is the optimal type of feeding to promote neonatal bone health? (3) When and how should vitamin D supplements be administered? (4) Does parenteral nutrition (PN) predispose a neonate to metabolic bone disease, and if so, are there PN formulation recommendations to minimize this risk?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is one of the most devastating diseases in the neonatal population, with extremely low birth weight and extremely preterm infants at greatest risk. METHOD: A systematic review of the best available evidence to answer a series of questions regarding nutrition support of neonates at risk of NEC was undertaken and evaluated using concepts adopted from the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation working group. A consensus process was used to develop the clinical guideline recommendations prior to external and internal review and approval by the A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors. RESULTS/ CONCLUSIONS: (1) When and how should feeds be started in infants at high risk for NEC? We suggest that minimal enteral nutrition be initiated within the first 2 days of life and advanced by 30 mL/kg/d in infants ≥ 1, 000 g. (Weak) (2) Does the provision of mother's milk reduce the risk of developing NEC? We suggest the exclusive use of mother's milk rather than bovine-based products or formula in infants at risk for NEC. (Weak) (3) Do probiotics reduce the risk of developing NEC? There are insufficient data to recommend the use of probiotics in infants at risk for NEC. (Further research needed.) (4) Do nutrients either prevent or predispose to the development of NEC? We do not recommend glutamine supplementation for infants at risk for NEC (Strong). There is insufficient evidence to recommend arginine and/or long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation for infants at risk for NEC. (Further research needed.) (5) When should feeds be reintroduced to infants with NEC? There are insufficient data to make a recommendation regarding time to reintroduce feedings to infants after NEC. (Further research needed.).  相似文献   

The human and earth microbiomes are among the most important biological agents in understanding and preventing disease. Technology is advancing at a fast pace and allowing for high‐resolution analysis of the composition and function of our microbial partners across regions, space, and time. Bioinformaticists and biostatisticians are developing ever more elegant displays to understand the generated megadatasets. A virtual cyberinfrastructure of search engines to cross‐reference the rapidly developing data is emerging in line with technologic advances. Nutrition science will reap the benefits of this new field, and its role in preserving the earth and the humans who inhabit it will become evidently clear. In this report we highlight some of the topics of an A.S.P.E.N.‐sponsored symposium held during Clinical Nutrition Week in 2013 that address the importance of the human microbiome to human health and disease.  相似文献   

Background: Growth in preterm infants is compromised during the transition phase of nutrition, when parenteral nutrition (PN) volumes are weaned with advancing enteral nutrition (EN) feeds, likely due to suboptimal nutrient intakes during this time. We implemented new PN guidelines designed to maintain optimal nutrient intakes during the transition phase and compared growth outcomes of this cohort with a control group. Materials and Methods: A chart review was conducted on infants born <32 weeks’ gestation, before (control group) and after (study group) a new transition PN protocol was implemented in the neonatal intensive care unit. Weight parameters and nutrient intakes were calculated for the transition phase and compared between the 2 groups. Results: Demographic and clinical characteristics of the 2 groups were comparable except for higher rates of sepsis in control group. Weight‐for‐age z scores at birth, at 1 week of life, and at the start of the transition phase were similar. At the end of the transition phase, infants in the study group had significantly higher z scores compared with the control group, even when corrected for sepsis, a difference that persisted at 35 weeks’ gestation. During the transition phase, study infants gained 16.1 ± 4.6 g/kg/d compared with 13.2 ± 5.4 g/kg/d in control group (P < .001). Similar results were observed in the subset of expressed breastmilk–only fed infants (15.9 ± 4.6 g/kg/d in the study group compared with 13.2 ± 5.4 g/kg/d in the control group, P < .004). Conclusion: Optimizing nutrition by the use of concentrated PN during the transition phase to maintain appropriate nutrient intakes improves growth rates in preterm infants.  相似文献   

Background: Current methods of achieving postpyloric enteral access for feeding are fraught with difficulties, which can markedly delay enteral feeding and cause complications. Bedside tube placement has a low success rate, often requires several radiographs to confirm position, and delays feeding by many hours. Although postpyloric enteral tubes can reliably be placed in interventional radiology (IR), this involves greater resource utilization, delays, cost, and inconvenience. We assessed the utility of bedside enteral tube placement using a magnetic feeding tube (Syncro‐BlueTube; Syncro Medical Innovations, Macon, GA, USA) as a means to facilitate initial tube placement. Methods: We recorded the time to insertion, location of tube, success rate, and need for radiographs in a series of patients given magnetic feeding tubes (n = 46) inserted by our hospitalist service over an 8‐month interval. Results: Of the 46 attempted magnetic tube placements, 76% were successfully placed in the postpyloric position, 13% were in the stomach, and 11% could not be placed. In 83% of the magnetic tubes, only 1 radiograph was needed for confirmation. The median time to placement was 12 minutes (range, 4–120 minutes). Conclusion: The use of a magnetic feeding tube can increase the success rate of bedside postpyloric placement, decrease the time to successful placement, and decrease the need for supplemental radiographs and IR.  相似文献   

Background: Studied since the 1940s, refeeding syndrome still has no universal definition, thus making comparison of studies difficult. Negative outcomes (eg, metabolic abnormalities) may occur with the use of specialized nutrition, such as parenteral nutrition (PN). Less than half of medical institutions have a nutrition support team (NST) managing PN. Interdisciplinary team management of PN may reduce negative outcomes of PN. The objective of this study was to show the value of the NST by measuring differences in PN variables, especially electrolyte abnormalities (EAs), before and after NST initiation at a large medical center and to identify factors associated with EAs among adult subjects receiving PN. Materials and Methods: During this retrospective study, computerized medical charts (N = 735) from 2007–2010 were reviewed for electrolyte changes (particularly potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus) the first 3 days following PN initiation in hospitalized adults. Changes in EAs with other variables were compared before and after NST implementation. Equivalent samples sizes were collected to better evaluate the impact of the team. Results: Following the implementation of the NST, fewer EAs were seen in PN patients (53%; χ2 = 10.906, P = .004); significantly less potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium intravenous piggyback supplementation (88.8% vs 94%; χ2 = 5.05, P = .026) was used; and mortality within 30 days of PN cessation was significantly less (12.7% vs 10.6%, P = .012). Conclusion: Our study complements existing research, finding that an NST was associated with a decreased occurrence of EAs and mortality in the hospitalized adult receiving PN.  相似文献   

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