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We recently demonstrated that both lisinopril and candesartan, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker, respectively, attenuate pancreatic inflammation and fibrosis in male Wistar Bonn/Kobori (WBN/Kob) rats. The purpose of the present study was to assess whether combination therapy with low doses of both, ineffective when given alone, might synergistically exert protective effects. Lisinopril, candesartan, or a combination of both in drinking water was administered to 10-week-old male WBN/Kob rats for 10 weeks. Parameters of inflammation and fibrosis, positive immunostaining for alpha-smooth muscle actin, and gene expression of cytokine and growth factors were assessed, as well as circulating renin-angiotensin system components. Dose-dependent effects of combination therapy were also investigated. Only combination therapy attenuated gross alterations in the pancreas, as quantitatively confirmed by increases in pancreatic weights and decreases in myeloperoxidase activity, hydroxyproline content, histologic scores, relative fibrosis area, and relative area of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells. Combination therapy suppressed up-regulation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, platelet-derived growth factor-receptor beta, and transforming growth factor-beta1 mRNA in the pancreas. Dose dependence of combination therapy was recognized with reference to improvement in these parameters. The conclusions are that combination therapy synergistically alleviated pancreatic inflammation and fibrosis in male WBN/Kob rats. This effect may be related to suppression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, platelet-derived growth factor-receptor beta, and transforming growth factor-beta1 mRNA. Compared with the either therapy alone, combination therapy with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and an angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker may be more beneficial for treating chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta-blockers improve prognosis inpatients with chronic heart failure. Some patients, however, show little response to combined treatment with an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker. In addition, the ACE inhibitor cannot completely suppress angiotensin II production. Our objective was to examine whether replacing the ACE inhibitor with an angiotensin II antagonist can improve the condition of patients with chronic heart failure. METHODS: In 11 patients with chronic heart failure treated with an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker, who have had severe left ventricular dysfunction or high plasma level of natriuretic peptides, left ventricular dimension, and fractional shortening, plasma atrial and brain natriuretic peptide (ANP and BNP) levels were determined before and 3 months after the change of treatment. RESULTS: After substituting the ACE inhibitor with an angiotensin II antagonist, patients showed New York Heart Association functional class improvement, and significant decrease in left ventricular dimension and BNP. CONCLUSION: In patients with severe chronic heart failure treated with an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker, replacing the ACE inhibitor with an angiotensin II antagonist may be effective. However, this has to be confirmed by an adequately powered randomized controlled study.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Angiotensin II (AII) receptor blockers have previously been shown to be beneficial in treating patients with not only hypertension but also with cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, such drugs may potentially be used in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) who show cardiac dysfunctions. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine effects of short-term administration of the ACE inhibitor (CV-3317) and the AII receptor blocker (CV-11974, an active form of candesartan) on internal defibrillation threshold (DFT) in anesthetized canine hearts. Methods: DFTs were evaluated using a "hot can" defibrillation lead system in: (a) seven dogs following three intravenous administrations of 20 cc saline; (b) 11 dogs that received intravenous CV-3317 doses of 1 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg, and 50 mg/kg; and in (c) 10 dogs that were intravenously given 0.1 mg/kg, 1 mg/kg, and 10 mg/kg CV-11974. DFTs were determined using a "down-up down-up" protocol. RESULTS: Mean DFT delivered energies at baseline and following three consecutive intravenous saline injections were 16.4 +/- 9.3 J, 15.3 +/- 7.5 J, 15.9 +/- 7.1 J, and 15.5 +/- 5.6 J, respectively. Those at baseline and following 1 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg, and 50 mg/kg intravenous CV-3317 were 12.9 +/- 6.4 J, 12.2 +/- 6.4 J, 11.0 +/- 6.6 J, and 11.9 +/- 6.6 J, respectively. Similarly, those at baseline and after 0.1 mg/kg, 1 mg/kg, and 10 mg/kg CV-11974 were 13 +/- 6.6 J, 12.5 +/- 6 J, 12.9 +/- 5.8 J, and 13.2 +/- 6.6 J, respectively. There were no significant differences between DFT at baseline and the others in each treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: Since an ACE inhibitor and an AII receptor blocker did not alter DFT, such drugs may be useful in ICD patients without a decrease in safety margins.  相似文献   

Levels of natriuretic peptides (NPs), such as B-type NP (BNP) and the N-terminal fragment of its prohormone (NT-proBNP), are well-established biomarkers for patients with heart failure (HF). Although these biomarkers have consistently demonstrated their value in the diagnosis and prognostication of HF, their ability to help clinicians in making treatment decisions remains debated. Moreover, some new HF drugs can affect concentrations of NPs, such as the prevention of BNP degradation by angiotensin receptor/neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs), and may present a challenge in the interpretation of levels of BNP. Use of NT-proBNP measurement has been suggested in the context of ARNI therapy because its concentrations are not affected by neprilysin inhibition. As biomarkers are reconsidered in the context of ARNI therapy, cutoff levels and the effects of individual patient characteristics, such as renal function and age, on biomarker concentrations should be reassessed.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II induces inflammatory activation of vascular smooth muscle cells and can cause left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Telmisartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker with demonstrated beneficial effects on cardiac and vascular structure and function in animal models. The angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ramipril also reduces ventricular and vascular remodelling. The open-label study observed 75 treatment-naive, moderately or severely hypertensive (systolic blood pressure 160-190 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90-110 mmHg) patients (age range, 42-58 years) treated with once-daily telmisartan 40 mg force-titrated to 80 mg after 1 month (n=25), once-daily ramipril 2.5 mg force-titrated to 5 mg after 1 month (n=25), or once-daily telmisartan 40 mg plus ramipril 2.5 mg (n=25); the total duration of treatment was 6 months. At baseline, blood pressure, left ventricular mass index (LVMI), carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and carotid cross-sectional intima-media area (CSA) were measured. Measurements were repeated 1, 3 and 6 months after initiation of treatment. After 6 months, comparable blood pressure reductions were achieved with the three treatments. Reductions in LVMI after 6 months' treatment were 11.4%, 9.9% and 15.6% with telmisartan, ramipril, and telmisartan plus ramipril, respectively. Respective reductions in IMT were 14.6%, 12.0% and 18.2%, and for CSA were 7.8%, 4.3% and 11.5%. In conclusion, treatment with telmisartan or ramipril for 6 months resulted in regression of LVH and vascular remodelling. When a combination of telmisartan and ramipril was administered, additional regression and remodelling occurred.  相似文献   

Advances in the treatment of heart failure may require manipulation of neurohumoral responses to cardiac impairment in addition to the established strategy of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition. Importantly, since new treatments are likely to be used in conjunction with ACE inhibition therapy, the effects of the combination of agents need to be assessed. Adrenomedullin (ADM) is a peptide with potent vasodilator and natriuretic actions. ADM and an ACE inhibitor (captopril) were administered for 3 h both separately and together in eight sheep with heart failure. Both ADM and captopril alone reduced arterial pressure, left atrial pressure (greater with captopril) and peripheral resistance, and increased cardiac output (greater with ADM). Compared with either treatment separately, combined ADM+captopril produced directionally similar but significantly greater changes in all haemodynamic variables (particularly falls in blood pressure). ADM increased renal sodium and creatinine excretion and creatinine clearance, and maintained urine output. Captopril and ADM+captopril reduced creatinine excretion and creatinine clearance, while urine volume and sodium excretion were not significantly altered. Plasma renin activity rose with all active treatments, whereas angiotensin II levels rose during ADM, but fell during captopril and ADM+captopril. Aldosterone was reduced by all active treatments. ADM+captopril reduced plasma noradrenaline (norepinephrine). In conclusion, short-term co-treatment with ADM and an ACE inhibitor produced significantly greater decreases in ventricular filling pressures and cardiac afterload, and increases in cardiac output, compared with either treatment alone. Despite the greater falls in blood pressure (and presumably renal perfusion pressure), renal function was maintained at a level similar to that observed with captopril alone.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) improve cardiac function and remodeling and prolong survival in patients with heart failure (HF). Blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) with an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist (AT1-ant) may have a similar beneficial effect. In addition to inhibition of the RAS, ACEi may also act by inhibiting kinin destruction, whereas AT1-ant may block the RAS at the level of the AT1 receptor and activate the angiotensin II type 2 (AT2) receptor. Using a model of HF induced by myocardial infarction (MI) in rats, we studied the role of kinins in the cardioprotective effect of ACEi. We also investigated whether an AT1-ant has a similar effect and whether these effects are partly due to activation of the AT2 receptor. Two months after MI, rats were treated for 2 mo with: (a) vehicle; (b) the ACEi ramipril, with and without the B2 receptor antagonist icatibant (B2-ant); or (c) an AT1-ant with and without an AT2-antagonist (AT2-ant) or B2-ant. Vehicle-treated rats had a significant increase in left ventricular end-diastolic (LVEDV) and end-systolic volume (LVESV) as well as interstitial collagen deposition and cardiomyocyte size, whereas ejection fraction was decreased. Left ventricular remodeling and cardiac function were improved by the ACEi and AT1-ant. The B2-ant blocked most of the cardioprotective effect of the ACEi, whereas the effect of the AT1-ant was blocked by the AT2-ant. The decreases in LVEDV and LVESV caused by the AT1-ant were also partially blocked by the B2-ant. We concluded that (a) in HF both ACEi and AT1-ant have a cardioprotective effect, which could be due to either a direct action on the heart or secondary to altered hemodynamics, or both; and (b) the effect of the ACEi is mediated in part by kinins, whereas that of the AT1-ant is triggered by activation of the AT2 receptor and is also mediated in part by kinins. We speculate that in HF, blockade of AT1 receptors increases both renin and angiotensins; these angiotensins stimulate the AT2 receptor, which in turn may play an important role in the therapeutic effect of the AT1-ant via kinins and other autacoids.  相似文献   

Candesartan cilexetil: an angiotensin II receptor blocker   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To summarize and critique the medical literature on candesartan cilexetil, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB). DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE searches (January 1966-January 1999) and manufacturer prescribing literature were used to identify articles on candesartan cilexetil. Bibliographies were also reviewed for germane articles. STUDY SELECTION: Study and review articles describing the chemistry, human pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, placebo-controlled trials, comparative trials, and clinical application of candesartan cilexetil based on the published literature and premarketing clinical trials were reviewed. DATA EXTRACTION: All literature on the use of candesartan cilexetil for treating hypertension and congestive heart failure were included. DATA SYNTHESIS: ARBs are a new class of drugs with increasing use in treating hypertension. Studies are ongoing to determine the role of these agents in preventing remodeling after myocardial infarction and in patients with congestive heart failure. Candesartan cilexetil is among the newest drugs in the class that includes losartan, irbesartan, and valsartan. Candesartan cilexetil has more than 1000 times more affinity for the angiotensin II, type AT1 receptor ARBs, and the binding affinity and competitive angiotensin II receptor antagonism is stronger than that of losartan. Clinical studies in patients with hypertension have demonstrated that candesartan cilexetil, in doses of 4-16 mg, is more effective in reducing sitting diastolic blood pressure than are placebo and losartan 50 mg. Candesartan cilexetil has demonstrated reductions in blood pressure comparable to those of enalapril, with the rate of adverse events greater in the enalapril group. Dosage adjustments are not necessary in elderly patients or in patients with mild hepatic or renal dysfunction. In diabetic patients, blood glucose, hemoglobinA1c, and serum lipids are not affected. The clinical studies demonstrated that the adverse effect profile of candesartan cilexetil was similar to that of placebo and there were no dose-dependent adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: Candesartan cilexetil provides an alternative antihypertensive therapy that is well tolerated and effective in reducing blood pressure in a wide range of patients. Due to its greater binding affinity to the angiotensin II receptor, candesartan cilexetil appears to have a longer antihypertensive effect than losartan. This may be advantageous in decreasing morbidity and mortality associated with hypertension, although further studies are required to validate this potential advantage.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers are useful in the treatment of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic heart failure, and some types of nephropathy. In this context, dual renin-angiotensin system blockade with both angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers may be more effective than treatment with each agent alone. Many clinical trials have demonstrated the beneficial effect of this combined treatment on proteinuria, hypertension, heart failure, and cardiovascular events. Moreover, these studies demonstrated that dual renin-angiotensin system blockade is generally safe and well tolerated. Long-term studies are under way to confirm these effects and also investigate the effectiveness of dual renin-angiotensin system blockade on cerebrovascular disease and prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus. These studies are expected to define the optimal use of combination treatment in everyday clinical practice. This review considers the most important clinical trials that evaluated the effect of dual renin-angiotensin system blockade on blood pressure, heart failure, and renal function.  相似文献   

目的:探讨血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(angiotensinconvertingenzymein-hibitors,ACEI)、胰岛素样生长因子I(insulin-likegrowthfactor-1,IGF-1)对心力衰竭大鼠的影响以及与肾素-血管紧张素系统(renin-angiotensinsystem,RAS)的关系。方法:实验于2002-06/2003-06在南京医科大学实验室完成,为省重点实验室。40只SD大鼠分成4组,用放射免疫法测定对照组(注射2mL生理盐水)、心力衰竭组(注射异丙肾上腺素)、ACEI组(注射异丙肾上腺素和洛汀新)、IGF-1组(注射异丙肾上腺素组IGF-1)的血浆AngII含量以及电镜观察心室肌超微结构。结果:血浆血管紧张素II的含量:对照组、心力衰竭组、ACEI组和IGF-1组分别为:(358.87±68.32),(472.45±87.46),(384.36±56.23),(369.23±63.02)ng/L。心衰组血浆血管紧张素II的含量均高于对照组、ACEI组和IGF-1组。结果表明异丙肾上腺素可引起血浆血管紧张素II的含量升高,ACEI、IGF-1均可减低异丙肾上腺素引起的血浆血管紧张素II的含量升高,IGF-1比ACEI减低更明显。ACEI组与心力衰竭组比较,肌丝排列紊乱变得较整齐,各带较明显,线粒体较规则地排列于肌原纤维之间,肿胀明显减轻,线粒体嵴排列较大规则,IGF-1组以上改变更明显。结论:进一步明确了ACEI对心力衰竭的治疗作用,推断出IGF-1更能纠正  相似文献   

醛固酮受体拮抗剂联合ACEI抗腹膜纤维化机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的①药物干预腹膜纤维化的机制研究;②观察单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(MCP-1)、C-JUN/AP-1在大鼠腹膜间皮细胞的表达及其在药物干预后的变化,探讨腹膜透析后腹膜纤维化的机制及解决办法。方法50只Wistar大鼠随机分5组。除A组余腹腔内每日注入20ml4.25%百特透析液,试验第1、3、5、7d腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS)0.6ml/(kg·h),B组腹膜纤维化模型组;C组西拉普利10mg/(kg·d)灌胃;D组安体舒通100mg/(kg·d)灌胃。E组联合给药组。30d后收集大鼠腹膜做病理(HE染色,Masson染色),免疫组化查腹膜间皮细胞MCP-1、C-JUN/AP-1的表达,并腹膜透析液计数腹水中细胞总数和巨噬细胞数及测定转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)的浓度。结果给药组(C、D、E组)的腹膜病理改变比模型组(B组)轻,转化生长因子-β的浓度下降具有统计学意义。各组腹膜间皮细胞均有MCP-1的表达,毛细血管和小静脉内皮细胞都可见其表达,联合给药组腹膜纤维化程度最轻,腹水巨噬细胞计数少,MCP-1、C-JUN/AP-1的表达少。结论联合应用醛固酮(ALDO)受体拮抗剂及ACEI能有效的防治腹膜纤维化。机制可能为抑制腹膜间皮细胞C-JUN/AP-1表达,在转录的水平上降低TGF-β活性,并抑制MCP-1表达,抑制腹膜炎性反应,减轻纤维化。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that worsening of heart failure with dihydropyridines, such as nicardipine, is related to the activation of the neuroendocrine system. To test this, we evaluated 20 patients with severe heart failure (mean age, 55 +/- 13 years; New York Heart Association functional class III; left ventricular ejection fraction, 18% +/- 8% on maintenance therapy with captopril, digoxin, and diuretics) who were randomized to nicardipine (60 or 90 mg/d) or placebo during a 4-month double-blind protocol. The following measurements were obtained at baseline, monthly, and at 4 months or last follow-up visit: rest and exercise radionuclide ventriculography, maximal treadmill time, 6-minute walking test distance, serum norepinephrine and aldosterone concentrations, and plasma renin activity. During the follow-up period, worsening of heart failure occurred in 6 patients in the nicardipine group and in 2 patients in the placebo group (p = 0.06). The maximal treadmill time for a 6-minute walking distance and exercise radionuclide ejection fraction at the last follow-up visit did not change in patients who did not deteriorate with heart failure in the placebo or nicardipine groups as compared with baseline values. In this study group of patients with severe heart failure receiving therapy with digoxin, captopril, and diuretics, nicardipine was associated with worsening heart failure without an apparent activation of the neurohormones. However, because of the small number of patients and a significant number of patients who deteriorated during the follow-up period, no definitive conclusions can be made.  相似文献   

Effect of angiotensin II receptor antagonist on heart failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An angiotensin II receptor antagonist, candesartan has been shown to improve left ventricular dysfunction and exercise tolerance. The assessment of response to candesartan heart failure in Japan(ARCH-J) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 6-month study enrolled 305 patients who has not been previously treated with ACE inhibitors, who had not been adequately controlled with ACE inhibitors or who were intolerant of ACE inhibitors. The incidence of confirmed progression of heart failure was significantly lower in the candesartan group(7.4%) than in the placebo group(22.2%), with risk reduction 63.8. Cardiovascular events were also significantly lower during treatment with candesartan than with placebo(10.8% vs 22.9%) with risk reduction of 50.2%. ARCH-J study showed that candesartan cilexetil, 8 mg/day, significantly improved the progression of heart failure when compared with placebo.  相似文献   

Objective: The pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is still unknown. Combination therapy with angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) plus angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) might provide more benefits to IgAN patients. We conducted a systematic review to assess the efficacy of combination therapy for IgAN. Methods: The MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library and article reference lists were searched for randomised clinical trials (RCTs) which involved combination therapy ACEI plus ARB in only one arm. A meta‐analysis was performed on the outcomes of proteinuria and renal function in IgAN patients. Results: Six RCTs involving 109 patients were included in the review. Combined treatment with ACEI plus ARB was more effective than with ACEI/ARB alone for reducing daily proteinuria. This did not translate into an improvement in GFR. Patients receiving ACEI plus ARB therapy did not have an increased risk of hyperkalemia. Conclusions: The current cumulative evidence suggests that combination therapy ACEI plus ARB may provide more benefits to IgAN patients for reducing daily proteinuria. Long‐term effects of these agents on renal outcomes, and safety need to be established.  相似文献   

The effects of 24 weeks' treatment with an angiotensin 2 receptor blocker (ARB)/diuretic combination drug were investigated in an open-label study of 61 patients with stabilized chronic heart failure. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors were replaced with a tablet containing hydrochlorothiazide 6.25 mg plus candesartan 8 mg, administered orally, once daily, in patients with systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mmHg while under optimal treatment. Both SBP and DBP declined significantly during the ARB/diuretic combination treatment. Diuretics administered previously were discontinued during the study period in 15 patients, decreasing the number of drugs being taken. During ARB/diuretic combination treatment, the blood urea nitrogen level worsened but no significant changes were noted in potassium or estimated glomerular filtration rate, which had been a matter of concern. Additionally, the level of brain natriuretic peptide, an indicator of the severity of heart failure, was improved, indicating effectiveness and safety of the ARB/diuretic combination drug.  相似文献   

The present experiments were designed to compare the antihypertensive action and the systemic and regional hemodynamic effects of a diuretic (furosemide), an angiotensin II (AngII) receptor blocker (Dup 753), and an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (enalapril) in conscious, two-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertensive rats by the radioactive microsphere technique. Measurements were done 3 hours after a single dose treatment. Furosemide (20 mg/kg) produced a marked diuresis and tachycardia with no change in blood pressure; in comparison with control rats, furosemide-treated rats had total peripheral vascular resistance increased by 46.55% (p less than 0.01) and local vascular resistance increased in most organs, to a significant degree in the spleen, muscle, stomach, intestine, and skin (p less than 0.05 to 0.01). Dup 753 (20 mg/kg) and enalapril (10 mg/kg) decreased mean blood pressure by 41.89 +/- 7.17 mm Hg and 47.13 +/- 8.67 mm Hg, respectively (p less than 0.01), with tachycardia only in the Dup 753 group. Total peripheral and local vascular resistances in several tissues were significantly lower in both the Dup 753 and enalapril groups than in the furosemide group. In particular, both antiangiotensin agents, in contrast to furosemide, produced significant decrease in renal vascular resistance by 42.28% and 38.81%, respectively (p less than 0.01), with a tendency to increase the renal blood flow (of the intact kidney). No detectable differences were found in systemic and regional hemodynamic changes between the Dup 753 and enalapril group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Visceral angioedema is an uncommon but serious complication of therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. We report a case, review the literature, and discuss the incidence, features, and clinical recognition of this condition.  相似文献   

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