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目的比较自锁矫治器与传统结扎式矫治器用于拔牙矫治病例的矫治效率。方法从2006—2010年青岛大学医学院附属医院口腔正畸科就诊并完成治疗的错畸形病例中选择使用Damon 3MX自锁矫治器(自锁组)与传统结扎式矫治器(结扎组)拔除4颗第一前磨牙病例各15例,分别记录其整平排齐时间、关闭拔牙间隙时间、总体治疗时间及有效复诊次数,并将数据进行统计学分析。结果整平排齐时间:自锁组为(5.8±2.10)个月,结扎组为(4.5±0.71)个月;关闭拔牙间隙时间:自锁组为(8.3±3.65)个月,结扎组为(6.6±2.99)个月;总体治疗时间:自锁组为(20.4±5.04)个月,结扎组为(16.8±2.66)个月;有效复诊次数:自锁组为(19.0±4.83)次,结扎组为(16.4±3.41)次。自锁组的整平排齐时间、关闭拔牙间隙时间、总体治疗时间及有效复诊次数均较结扎组多,但两组间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论在拔牙矫治中,Damon 3MX自锁矫治器并未表现出比传统结扎式矫治器更高的矫治效率。  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the effect of Damon self-ligating and conventional bracket systems on buccal corridor widths and areas.Materials and Methods:A retrospective sample of consecutively treated patients using either conventional (CG, n  =  45) or Damon self-ligating (SL, n  =  39) brackets was analyzed to determine any differences in buccal corridor widths and areas both within and between groups. Pretreatment and posttreatment frontal photographs were transferred to Photoshop CC, standardized using intercanthal width, and linear and area measurements were performed with tools in Photoshop CC. Ratios were then calculated for statistical analysis. Relationships between arch widths and buccal corridors were also examined.Results:There were no significant differences in the posttreatment intercanine or intermolar widths either within or between the CG and SL groups. There were no significant differences in any buccal corridor width or area measurement either within or between the CG and SL groups. There were strong correlations with the intercanine width and the corresponding buccal corridor smile width measurements. There was an inverse correlation with the buccal corridor area in relation to the canine and the total smile width.Conclusions:It is likely that posttreatment increases in arch width can be seen in patients treated with either a conventional bracket system or the Damon system. It is highly unlikely that there is any significant difference in buccal corridor width or area in patients treated with the Damon self-ligating system or a conventional bracket system.  相似文献   

Objective:To compare the rates of retraction down an archwire of maxillary canine teeth when bracketed with a self-ligating bracket was used on one side and a conventional bracket on the other.Materials and Methods:In 43 patients requiring maxillary premolar extraction, a self-ligating bracket (Damon3, SmartClip) was used on the maxillary canine on one side and a conventional bracket (Victory Series) on the other. The teeth were retracted down a 0.018-inch stainless steel archwire, using a medium Sentalloy retraction spring (150 g). The rates of retraction were analyzed using a paired t-test.Results:The mean movement per 28 days for the conventional bracket was 1.17 mm. For the Damon bracket it was 0.9 mm and for the SmartClip bracket it was 1.10 mm. The differences between the conventional and self-ligating brackets were statistically significant: paired t-test, SmartClip, P < .0043; Damon3, P < .0001).Conclusion:The retraction rate is faster with the conventional bracket, probably because of the narrower bracket width of the self-ligating brackets.  相似文献   

目的:探讨自锁托槽对单侧完全性唇腭裂患者上颌腭扩展的短期治疗效果。方法选取5例恒牙期单侧完全性唇腭裂(UCLP)患者,未行牙槽突裂骨移植手术,上颌牙齿粘贴自锁托槽(AO, Time2),放置高弹性镍钛弓丝,采集患者治疗前和腭扩展6~17个月后的牙颌模型、头颅定位后前位片进行测量,分析上颌腭扩展前后患者的牙弓、牙槽骨、腭穹窿以及颌骨的形态变化。结果牙颌模型测量结果提示:第一前磨牙区牙弓宽度明显增大,其次为尖牙区牙弓宽度,第一磨牙区牙弓宽度增加最少,第二磨牙区宽度减小。牙弓长度变化不明显。第一磨牙近中颊向扭转。腭部宽度增加,深度减小。头影测量结果提示:鼻腔宽度、上颌基骨宽度和上颌磨牙宽度稍有增加。结论唇腭裂自锁托槽腭扩展后上颌牙颌形态在横向宽度的变化较矢状向的变化明显。短期腭扩展治疗效果以牙齿移动和牙槽改建为主。  相似文献   

目的:探讨自锁托槽轻力矫治是否可以减轻对牙根的吸收。方法:选取临床治疗的安氏Ⅰ、Ⅱ类拥挤并拔除4颗第一前磨牙病例30例,分为2组。其中,15例使用Damon 3MX自锁托槽矫治(自锁组),15例使用传统结扎式直丝托槽矫治(结扎组)。2组资料矫治前在性别、年龄、拥挤度及错类型等指标上具有可比性。通过矫治前、后的模型及全口曲面体层片,测量计算2组矫治后上、下切牙牙根吸收量,应用SPSS19.0软件包对数据进行t检验分析。结果:①上颌中切牙牙根吸收自锁组为(2.05±1.51)mm,结扎组为(2.08±1.21)mm,差异无显著性(P=0.973>0.05)。②上颌侧切牙牙根吸收自锁组为(1.77±1.01)mm,结扎组为(1.91±1.59)mm,差异无显著性(P=0.848>0.05)。③下颌中切牙牙根吸收自锁组为(2.06±1.62)mm,结扎组为(1.98±1.50)mm,差异无显著性(P=0.926>0.05)。④下颌侧切牙牙根吸收自锁组为(1.94±1.45)mm,结扎组为(1.84±1.17)mm,差异无显著性(P=0.888>0.05)。结论:在拔牙正畸中,自锁矫治并未表现出比传统结扎矫治更少的牙根吸收。  相似文献   

自锁托槽非拔牙矫治下牙列拥挤的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 比较自锁托槽和传统结扎式托槽非拔牙矫治牙列拥挤患者的下牙列变化,探讨自锁托槽解除牙列拥挤的机制.方法 选择26例下牙列拥挤患者,分为自锁组和传统组,每组13例,分别使用自锁托槽(Damon3)和传统托槽(传统结扎式托槽)进行非拔牙矫治.对矫治前后变化进行配对t检验,逐步回归分析拥挤解除机制以及影响下切牙唇倾度改变量的相关因素.结果 矫治前后两组患者下颌尖牙间、前磨牙间牙弓宽度改变量及下切牙唇倾度改变量比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.1);矫治后自锁组下颌第一磨牙间牙弓宽度增加1.42 mm、下切牙凸距增加2.66 mm,传统组下颌第一磨牙间牙弓宽度增加0.65 mm、下切牙凸距增加1.57 mm,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.1).回归分析显示,自锁组对下切牙唇倾度变化量解释的总测定系数高达96.6%,被选入模型的变量为矫治前下颌拥挤度、下颌平面角、第一磨牙间牙弓宽度,以及矫治前后尖牙及第一前磨牙间牙弓宽度改变量.结论 非拔牙矫治下牙列拥挤时,自锁组和传统组患者均出现下切牙唇倾及下牙弓宽度增加,自锁组第一磨牙间牙弓宽度增加量及下切牙前移量较传统组多;自锁组下切牙唇倾度的改变不仅受拥挤度和矫治前牙弓宽度影响,而且受患者自身骨面型及牙弓宽度变化的影响.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用反复扩缩式上颌快速扩弓矫治器配合前方牵引治疗安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)的效果。方法选择替牙期安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)患者5例,戴用双轴扩缩式快速上颌扩弓器,每天早晚加力各1次,每次转1/4圈,第1周扩大,第2周缩窄(即反方向加力),第3周扩大,第4周缩窄……,依此类推,至第9周扩大牙弓后停止加力,开始戴用面具式前方牵引至反(牙合)解除,对治疗前后的头颅侧位片进行测量分析。结果采用双轴扩缩式上颌快速扩弓矫治器配合前方牵引可以有效地前移上颌骨,A点平均前移量达3.2mm。结论反复扩缩式上颌快速扩弓矫治器配合前方牵引能有效地矫形治疗以上颌后缩为主的安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)。  相似文献   

目的:系统评价自锁托槽与传统托槽在非拔牙矫治中牙弓宽度的变化。方法:检索Cochrane Library、ScienceDirect、PubMed、CBM、CNKI、维普全文数据库、万方数据库及Google文献检索,查找自锁托槽与传统托槽对非拔牙矫治牙弓形态影响的临床研究,检索时限从建库截至2013年5月。由2名研究者独立评价纳入研究的质量并提取资料,采用Sata10.0软件对纳入的研究进行meta分析。结果:纳入8项研究,共364例患者。Meta分析结果显示,自锁组与传统组相比,矫治前、后在上颌第一前磨牙区[WMD=0.724,95%CI(0.288,1.160);PU﹤0.01]、下颌第一磨牙区[WMD=0.564,95%CI(0.219,0.909);PL﹤0.01]宽度增加量和上前牙倾斜度增加量有显著差异。结论:现有的临床证据表明,在轻中度拥挤非拔牙矫治中,自锁托槽对上颌第一前磨牙和下颌第一磨牙区的扩弓效果优于传统托槽,且能更好地控制上前牙的倾斜度,但仍需更多高质量的临床研究予以验证。  相似文献   

目的 对比戴用自锁托槽与传统托槽矫治器后牙周指数的变化.材料和方法选取12~18岁正畸患者80例,按矫治器类型分为两组:实验组,40例采用AO公司生产的T3自锁托槽矫正的患者;对照组,采用杭州西湖公司生产的徐氏托槽矫正的患者40例.由同一牙周专科医师分别检测80例患者治疗前和治疗6个月的各项牙周指数(GI,PLI,SBI,PD).结果 治疗6个月后两组间牙周指数(GI,PLI,SBI,PD)差异无显著性.结论 自锁托槽矫治器不会更有利于牙周组织的健康,牙周的健康状况取决于患者的口腔卫生状况.  相似文献   



SARME is often considered to be the only available treatment for significant or severe maxillary transverse palatal deficiencies (MTD) in skeletally-mature patients. Despite this observation, the aim of our study was to assess a new type of maxilla distraction osteogenesis. Using two innovative tools, we performed selective expansion: the site to be widened and the amount of increase were both pre-selected. Patients were treated in a single maxillomandibular procedure. Our study focuses primarily on the extent of osseous widening.

Study design

Post-expansion computed tomography data from 55 non-syndromic patients were included in a prospective study and analyzed in two planes for transverse skeletal widening. Of the 55 patients, 16 underwent isolated posterior distraction for severe posterior endognathia (group I), and 39 were treated in both segments (group II). Diastemas and anterior spaces permitted resolution of crowding and patients with a small, narrow, tapering arch were given a more rounded form. All patients underwent a complete Le Fort I with down fracture. Two novel devices were used: first, an adjustable distractor to achieve an angular opening; and secondly, in group II, new modular plates interlocked for osteosynthesis to provide stability and anterior expansion.


In group I, analysis of the width of the gain showed significant posterior values decreasing from back to front, a result never achieved with the SARME procedure. The mean osseous gain at first molars was 7.1 mm. When anterior space was required in group II, it was created as wide as needed (mean 4.2 mm, at canine level) with good preservation of the 1st molar space gain (mean 6.8 mm).


Total Le Fort I osteotomy associated with two innovative devices provides a new, segmental and adaptable approach for transverse distraction osteogenesis. We demonstrate a good match with the dental enlargement required. All patients were managed in a single orthognathic procedure for all the anomalies to be treated. Long-term results show good stability.  相似文献   

目的:比较应用自锁托槽矫治器与普通直丝托槽矫治器矫治中尖牙向远中移动的速度。方法:选取需拔除上颌第一前磨牙的安氏Ⅱ1错颌患者40例,同一患者双侧上颌尖牙随机粘自锁托槽或普通直丝托槽,牙列排齐整平后,上颌换0.018英寸的不锈钢圆丝,用镍钛拉簧以150 g的力量,使上颌尖牙向远中移动。患者每隔28 d复诊1次。计算出使用不同托槽后尖牙向远中移动的速度。配对t检验进行统计分析。结果:普通直丝托槽矫治器尖牙向远中移动的速度明显快于自锁托槽矫治器(P﹤0.01)。结论:很多因素可以影响自锁托槽矫治器的摩擦力。  相似文献   

目的 对比戴用自锁托槽与传统托槽矫治器后牙周指数的变化.材料和方法选取12~18岁正畸患者80例,按矫治器类型分为两组:实验组,40例采用AO公司生产的T3自锁托槽矫正的患者;对照组,采用杭州西湖公司生产的徐氏托槽矫正的患者40例.由同一牙周专科医师分别检测80例患者治疗前和治疗6个月的各项牙周指数(GI,PLI,SBI,PD).结果 治疗6个月后两组间牙周指数(GI,PLI,SBI,PD)差异无显著性.结论 自锁托槽矫治器不会更有利于牙周组织的健康,牙周的健康状况取决于患者的口腔卫生状况.  相似文献   

目的:使用锥体束 CT(CBCT)评估上颌四眼簧慢速扩弓后上颌牙齿及上颌骨宽度的变化。方法:选择13例需要综合性正畸治疗的患者(男5例,女8例),平均年龄(14.4±2.2)岁,使用上颌四眼圈簧扩弓。对患者扩弓前(T1)后(T2)的变化进行 CBCT 扫描,测量扩弓前后两侧尖牙、第一前磨牙、第二前磨牙和第一磨牙之间的牙冠和根尖之间的宽度,第一磨牙的倾斜度,基骨弓和腭中缝宽度的变化。应用 SPSS 17.0软件对测量结果进行配对 t 检验。结果:四眼圈簧扩弓后牙弓变化明显。4对牙的牙间距分别增加了(2.47±1.05)mm、(2.97±1.90)mm、(2.79±1.21)mm、(3.15±1.15)mm,根尖距分别减小了(1.19±0.40)mm、(2.12±0.68)mm、(2.02±0.65)mm、(1.34±0.63)mm,左侧磨牙倾斜度减小了4.45°±2.86°,右侧磨牙倾斜度减小了4.02°±1.45°,基骨弓宽度增加了(2.37±0.96)mm,腭中缝宽度增加了(1.21±0.50)mm,差异均具有统计学意义(P <0.001)。结论:四眼圈簧扩弓器对上颌牙弓的扩弓主要通过牙齿倾斜移动完成,而非整体移动。  相似文献   

Authors – Pandis N, Vlachopoulos K, Polychronopoulou A, Madianos P, Eliades T Objectives – To explore whether the use of self‐ligating brackets is associated with better values for periodontal indices because of the lack of elastomeric modules and concomitantly, reduced availability of retentive sites for microbial colonization and plaque accumulation. Setting and Sample Population – Private practice of the first author. Patients were selected using the following inclusion criteria: age range 12–17 years, fixed appliances on both arches, aligned mandibular arch, and absence of oral habits and anterior crossbites. Materials and Methods – Prospective cohort investigation. Participants were grouped for bracket type, thus 50 patients formed the conventional bracket cohort and 50 patients the self‐ligating bracket cohort. Both cohorts were followed with the purpose to examine periodontal status. Average length of follow‐up was 18 months. This time period was considered adequate for a proportion of study participants to experience the outcome of interest. Outcome variables were plaque index, gingival index, calculus index, and probing depth for the two bracket cohorts. Results – No difference was found in the indices recorded between the two bracket cohorts studied. Conclusion – Under the conditions as applied in this study, the self‐ligating brackets do not have an advantage over conventional brackets with respect to the periodontal status of the mandibular anterior teeth.  相似文献   

目的研究Damon Q自锁托槽和传统MBT托槽转矩控制上是否存在差异。方法收集使用Damon Q自锁托槽和传统MBT托槽矫治结束的拔牙病例,均使用两步法关闭拔牙间隙。在治疗前(T0)和拆除托槽前(T1)测量两组患者的头颅侧位X线片。采用SPSS23软件包比较两组患者的上前牙转矩的控制效果。结果两组患者上前牙明显内收、双唇突度显著减小,U1-SN、U1-NA、U1-NA角、ULP、LLP减小,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组变化量无显著差异(P>0.05)。上前牙转矩U1-SN、U1-NA、U1-NA°均在正常范围内。Damon Q自锁托槽组的疗程为(24.1±0.5)个月,传统MBT托槽组的疗程为(22.4±0.7)个月,Damon Q自锁托槽组较传统MBT托槽组疗程稍长,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论标准转矩Damon Q自锁托槽与传统MBT托槽在拔牙内收病例中都可有效的控制前牙转矩,但Damon自锁托槽组疗程稍长。  相似文献   

目的 比较自锁托槽与传统直丝托槽矫治拔牙病例的疗程.方法 纳入需拔牙矫治的正畸病例60例随机分为2组,30例为试验组,采用Damon Q自锁托槽进行矫治,30例为对照组,采用传统直丝托槽矫治,记录并比较治疗完成的时间.结果 试验组平均完成时间为640 d,对照组平均完成时间为686 d,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 自锁托槽在治疗拔牙病例时与传统直丝托槽相比,疗程未见明显的时间优势.  相似文献   

目的 探讨自锁托槽解除牙列拥挤后牙弓与牙齿的三维变化.方法 通过DamonQ自锁托槽系统对16例安氏Ⅰ类中度拥挤患者行不拔牙矫治,在上颌牙列排齐前后分别拍摄CBCT,运用Amira ResolveRT软件进行三维重建并测量牙弓和牙齿的三维变化.结果 运用自锁托槽系统排齐后,上颌的基骨弓宽度、牙槽嵴宽度和牙尖宽度有不同程度的增宽,牙弓前段的增宽量大于牙弓后段;牙槽部的宽度与基骨弓的宽度相关性较高;除第一磨牙外,上颌牙齿均发生不同程度颊倾.结论 在牙弓前段,自锁托槽可能体现出少量基骨弓扩大的效果,越靠近牙弓后段,基骨弓的宽度基本维持;牙槽部宽度的变化以基骨弓的宽度为基础,对于牙槽部较窄的个体,自锁托槽系统可能将通过牙齿的倾斜代偿使牙弓宽度在一定程度上增加.  相似文献   

目的 采用meta分析的方法评价主动自锁托槽与被动自锁托槽摩擦力的大小。方法 检索Pubmed、荷兰医学文摘(Embase)、Google文献检索、中国期刊网(CNKI)和中国生物医学文献数据库(CBMdisc)数据库,搜集从建库至2011年9月公开发表的关于主动、被动自锁托槽摩擦力的随机对照实验。利用Revman4.2软件及Stata 7.0软件对纳入meta分析的研究进行定量分析,以评价主动、被动自锁托槽与不锈钢丝结合时滑动摩擦力的大小。结果 有6项研究适合做meta分析。结果显示:主动、被动自锁托槽在与圆丝结合时,摩擦力的大小没有统计学差异;而与不锈钢方丝结合时主动自锁托槽的摩擦力大于被动自锁托槽,差异具有统计学意义。结论 在矫治初期,主动、被动自锁托槽摩擦力没有统计学差异,而在矫治后期,主动自锁托槽摩擦力大于被动自锁托槽。  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the effects of fixed orthodontic treatment with steel-ligated conventional brackets and self-ligating brackets on halitosis and periodontal health.Materials and Methods:Sixty patients, at the permanent dentition stage aged 12 to 18 years, who had Angle Class I malocclusion with mild-to-moderate crowding were randomly selected. Inclusion criteria were nonsmokers, without systematic disease, and no use of antibiotics and oral mouth rinses during the 2-month period before the study. The patients were subdivided into three groups randomly: the group treated with conventional brackets (group 1, n  =  20) ligated with steel ligature wires, the group treated with self-ligating brackets (group 2, n  =  20), and the control group (group 3, n  =  20). The periodontal records were obtained 1 week before bonding (T1), immediately before bonding (T2), 1 week after bonding (T3), 4 weeks after bonding (T4), and 8 weeks after bonding (T5). Measurements of the control group were repeated within the same periods. The volatile sulfur components determining halitosis were measured with the Halimeter at T2, T3, T4, and T5. A two-way repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the groups statistically.Results:No statistically significant group × time interactions were found for plaque index, gingival index, pocket depth, bleeding on probing, and halitosis, which means three independent groups change like each other by time. The risk of tongue coating index (TCI) being 2 was 10.2 times higher at T1 than at T5 (P < .001). Therefore, the probability of higher TCI was decreased by time in all groups.Conclusions:The self-ligating brackets do not have an advantage over conventional brackets with respect to periodontal status and halitosis.  相似文献   

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