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目的分析和探讨临床医学专业医学微生物课程教学新模式。方法目标人群为北京协和医学院6个年级457名学生,通过匿名问卷调查学生对现行医学微生物学课程中以框架为基础的学习模式的主观感受,并记录其在自学展示中的表现情况。通过比较自学时各小组所选主题所占百分比的情况对FBL教学方式的可推广性进行客观分析。收集学生对于与现行课程框架的建议并进行分类和整理。另外,通过测试对3种不同教学/学习方式的效果进行客观比较。在此基础上对医学微生物学课程设计以及其中的教学方法进行深入分析,初步摸索出比较符合协和生源背景和教学条件的教学模式。结果学生匿名问卷评估得分为(2.54±0.74)~(3.43±0.56)分,FBL展示记录情况各项得分为(4.22±0.32)~(4.77±0.22)分。学生分组自学时,干预年级与非干预年级相比,所选的非微生物学主题所占比例有显著性差异(P0.05),2008~2013级学生组织FBL自学时所选非微生物学主题所占比例分别为21.43%、7.14%、38.89%、57.14%、33.33%和38.89%。结论微生物教学中,以框架为基础的学习的教学效果较好,而且在其他医学学科领域具有一定的可推广性。包括传统教学方法、同伴教育以及基于FBL的自学等在内的混合式教学模式可能取得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

<正>基于问题的学习法(problem-based learning,PBL)教学模式由美国神经病学教授Barrows于1969年在加拿大Mc Marster大学创立,其基本教学模式为:提出问题-自学解疑-重点讲授-总结归纳。PBL教学的基本特点是学生与教师相互结合形成小组模式教学,以教师为引导,学生为中心,能够打破学科界限,围绕医学问题编制课程。PBL教学的目标是:获得基本知识,培养有效运用已有知识,去理解获取新知  相似文献   

人体解剖学是医学院校学生重要的医学基础课之一,如何使学生牢固地掌握人体解剖学知识,培养高素质医学创新人才,是医学院校所面临的重大难题。改变传统的教学和考核模式,在教学过程中提高学生综合能力显得尤为重要。现就人体解剖学本科教学过程中的教学和考核模式的改革,作一初步的探讨。1改变传统考核模式是学生学习主动性提高的必要前提传统考核模式以学科期终考试成绩为主体(占80%~  相似文献   

谭刚  吴建清 《解剖学杂志》2013,36(4):860-861
局部解剖学以尸体为研究对象.研究人体各局部结构、形态特点、层次毗邻关系及其临床应用是临床医学,特别是手术相关学科及影像诊断学科的重要基础课,具有很强的实用意义.如何通过教学环节建立医学基础与临床"双向渗透"的教育课程模式,启发诱导,促进学生在进行基础课堂学习时就形成对临床问题的逻辑思维方法,适应未来工作的需要,一直是我室在研的教改课题.笔者在教学中采用以问题为基础的学习(PBL)结合以授课为基础的学习(LBL)和以案例为基础的学习(CBL)的综合交互式教学模式[1],效果较好,总结如下.  相似文献   

法医人类学是一门应用性很强的学科,它以医学为基础,应用体质人类学的理论及方法,解决司法审判工作中与骨骼(包括牙齿)有关的个体识别问题,为案件的侦破提供线索,为审判提供证据的应用学科。以案例教学法和问题为基础(PBL)的教学法是教育改革中经常采用的两种教学方法。本文将PBL和案例式教学相结合的教学模式在法医人类学教学实践中进行教学尝试。结果表明:PBL结合案例式教学能有效激发学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的自主学习能力,并提升学生处理实际案例和团队合作能力,值得在法医学其他学科的课程教学中实践推广。  相似文献   

卫生部规划教材全国医学高等专科学校教材《人体解剖学和组织胚胎学》(窦肇华主编),在我校已使用两年了。这本教材将医学专科生用的《人体解剖学》、《组织学和胚胎学》两本教材合编为一本。编者的目的,一是减少两门学科的重复内容和教学时数,将省出的时间让学生选学或自学其他学科。二是利于学生建立"解剖学"的完整概念,同时在教学安排上少了一门课程,减少了学生的负担。这本教材是对传统教材的一次改革。但通过教学实践我们体会到两门学科内容合编为一本有诸多弊端,具体如下。  相似文献   

病理生理学PBL教学改革的探索和实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文介绍了我系自2004年起开展以心力衰竭为专题的PBL教学改革。学生根据病例自学心力衰竭的病理生理知识,各小组推荐发言人对所学知识进行总结陈述,并写出相关的读书报告。在PBL教学工作中,编写病例和小组讨论十分重要,同时要注重教师角色的转换以及与其他学科的配合。  相似文献   

解剖学态度目标达成度与学习效果的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国杰出的心理学家和教育学家布颅姆(B.S.Bloom,1913~)把教学目标分为知识、技能和情感三大领域。其中着重强调了情感是影响学生学习的一个重要的非智力因素,对学生学习达成度的影响占25%。作者收集了96级6个班251名学生的《人体解剖学及组织胚胎学》学科态度目标与知  相似文献   

组织学是一门以形态观察为主的学科,实验课是组织学教学中必不可少的重要环节.通过实验课中显微镜下组织切片的观察,不仅可以加深学生对理论知识点的理解与记忆,开拓学生的视野,调动学生学习的主动性和学习兴趣,而且有利于培养学生的形态意识,为今后学习病理学及其他医学课程打下基础.  相似文献   

<正>"三明治"教学方法是英国在十九世纪针对小班课教学提出来的"实践-学习-实践"模式的教学方法,学生以自学、小组讨论、交叉讨论学习、小组汇报的形式来进行,该方法能有效地促进学生在限定时间内高效地自学、有效提升学生对知识点的归纳、表述能力,促进学生与学生之间、老师与学生之间的沟通交流,可以充分调动学生的学习积极性,至今一直受到教学工作者的青睐并且广泛运用[1,2]。大班课由于人数很多,学生不方便交换座位,只能够进行前  相似文献   

Previous studies using simple, repeating patterns have suggested that the knowledge gained in early sequence learning is not effector-specific in that it transfers to muscle groups other than those used during training. The current experiments extended these findings to transfer after extensive practice with probabilistic sequences using a task on which people fail to gain declarative knowledge of the regularity. Specifically, an alternating serial reaction time (ASRT) task was used in which predictable and unpredictable trials alternated. Participants responded for the first five sessions using their right hand, then switched to the left hand for the sixth session. Stimuli were spatial in the first experiment and nonspatial in the second. Significant near-perfect transfer of pattern knowledge was seen in both experiments, suggesting that muscle-specific information for either the fingers or the eyes cannot explain the observed learning. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We report two experiments in which implicit learning is demonstrated within a short session of practice, in the absence of explicit knowledge of what is learned. In Experiment 1, we replicate the experiments by Curran (Psychol Res 60:24-41, 1997a; J Cogn Neurosci 9(4):522-533, 1997b) and highlight the importance of avoiding a random sequence as comparison to the training sequence, due to the higher proportion of reversal trials included in the random one, which leads to an artifactual measure of learning. In Experiment 2 we present a procedure in which two structurally analogous sequences are used both as training and control sequences, thus controlling for any factor different from learning. The results show that implicit learning is obtained within a short session of practice, and in the absence of any explicit knowledge as assessed through a subsequent generation task. We surmise that this procedure might be especially useful in areas in which short procedures are needed, such as when special populations are tested (e.g., patients, children or elderly people) or when the neural bases of implicit learning are being investigated through neurophysiological measures.  相似文献   

With a series of novel arm-reaching tasks, we have shown that visuomotor sequence learning encompasses the acquisition of the order of sequence elements, and the ability to combine them in a single, skilled behavior. The first component, which is mostly declarative, is reflected by changes in movement onset time (OT); the second, which occurs without subject’s awareness, is measured by changes in kinematic variables, including movement time (MT). Key-press-based serial reaction time tasks (SRTT) have been used to investigate sequence learning and results interpreted as indicative of the implicit acquisition of the sequence order. One limitation to SRT studies, however, is that only one measure is used, the response time, the sum of OT and MT: this makes interpretation of which component is learnt difficult and disambiguation of implicit and explicit processes problematic. Here, we used an arm-reaching version of SRTT to propose a novel interpretation of such results. The pattern of response time changes we obtained was similar to the key-press-based tasks. However, there were significant differences between OT and MT, suggesting that both partial learning of the sequence order and skill improvement took place. Further analyses indicated that the learning of the sequence order might not occur without subjects’ awareness. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In the serial reaction time task (SRTT), a sequence of visuo-spatial cues instructs subjects to perform a sequence of movements which follow a repeating pattern. Though motor responses are known to support implicit sequence learning in this task, the goal of the present experiments is to determine whether observation of the sequence of cues alone can also yield evidence of implicit sequence learning. This question has been difficult to answer because in previous research, performance improvements which appeared to be due to implicit perceptual sequence learning could also be due to spontaneous increases in explicit knowledge of the sequence. The present experiments use probabilistic sequences to prevent the spontaneous development of explicit awareness. They include a training phase, during which half of the subjects observe and the other half respond, followed by a transfer phase in which everyone responds. Results show that observation alone can support sequence learning, which translates at transfer into equivalent performance as that of a group who made motor responses during training. However, perceptual learning or its expression is sensitive to changes in target colors, and its expression is impaired by concurrent explicit search. Motor-response based learning is not affected by these manipulations. Thus, observation alone can support implicit sequence learning, even of higher order probabilistic sequences. However, perceptual learning can be prevented or concealed by variations of stimuli or task demands.  相似文献   

Skill improvements may develop between practice sessions during memory consolidation. Skill enhancement within an egocentric coordinate frame develops over wake, whereas skill enhancement in an allocentric coordinate frame develops over a night of sleep. We tested whether both types of improvement could develop over two different 24-h intervals: 8 am to 8 am or from 8 pm to 8 pm. We found that for each 24 h interval, only one type of skill improvement was seen. Despite passing through wake and a night of sleep participants only showed skill improvements commensurate with either a night of sleep or a day awake. The nature of the off-line skill enhancement was determined by when consolidation occurred within the normal sleep–wake cycle. We conclude that motor sequence consolidation is constrained either by having critical time windows or by a competitive interaction in which improvements within one co-ordinate frame actively block improvements from developing in the alternative co-ordinate frame.  相似文献   

基础医学课程PBL教学应用的新思路   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
PBL教学与TBL、LBL、双语教学相互配合、协调运用是根据国内医学教育现状对PBL教学法的新的应用思路.通过将团队理念融人PBL教学,将传统讲授与PBL合理分配,将双语教学在PBL教学中分层次实施,有利于克服现阶段困难,充分发挥PBL教学优势.  相似文献   

Infant monkeys, 15 to 120 days of age, were tested in a Hebb-Williams maze. Age was a significant variable affecting error scores, and the relationship between age and performance on this test might best be described as U-shaped. The operation of changing motor and motivational systems appears to be a crucial factor in determining performance of infant monkeys in this task, rather than learning abilities.  相似文献   

Previous human discrimination learning experiments with eyeblink conditioning showed that an increase in the similarity between the to-be-discriminated stimuli had no effect on the rate of learning. This result was at variance with data from other experiments which had used different paradigms and different stimulus materials. We therefore compared human discrimination learning in eyeblink conditioning and contingency learning using carefully matched procedures. Participants learned two feature-negative discriminations, A+/AB− and CD+/CDE−. Convergent results were obtained in both paradigms. Adding a common cue did not affect response differentiation, i.e. the A+/AB− discrimination and the CD+/CDE− discriminations were equivalent. These results support the notion that learning in both paradigms is based on the same principles. However, the overall pattern of results cannot be easily accommodated within associative learning theories based on the Rescorla-Wagner Model or on Pearce's Configural Model. The application of these models to current and previous data is discussed.  相似文献   

Dynamic learning in humans has been extensively studied using externally applied force fields to perturb movements of the arm. These studies have focused on unimanual learning in which a force field is applied to only one arm. Here we examine dynamic learning during bimanual movements. Specifically we examine learning of a force field in one arm when the other arm makes movements in a null field or in a force field. For both the dominant and non-dominant arms, the learning (change in performance over the exposure period) was the same regardless of whether the other arm moved in a force field, equivalent either in intrinsic or extrinsic coordinates, or moved in a null field. Moreover there were no significant differences in learning in these bimanual tasks compared to unimanual learning, when one arm experienced a force field and the other arm was at rest. Although the learning was the same, there was an overall increase in error for the non-dominant arm for all bimanual conditions compared to the unimanual condition. This increase in error was the result of bimanual movement alone and was present even in the initial training phase before any forces were introduced. We conclude that, during bimanual movements, the application of a force field to one arm neither interferes with nor facilitates simultaneous learning of a force field applied to the other arm.  相似文献   

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