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Physical medicine and rehabilitation embrace a wide spectrum of activities in both the medical and surgical fields. Possibly more than any other physician, the physiatrist must participate in teamwork with paramedical personnel.

Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation must be established in all university faculties of medicine to provide training at both pre- and postgraduate levels.

Medical students should receive at least 25 hours of lecture-demonstrations in appropriate centres. Composite case presentations to students, which would allow the physiatrist and the paramedical personnel each to discuss their role in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, are advocated.

Vocational considerations for the future physiatrist, including the duration of his training, the program of study and the type of examinations proposed, are discussed briefly.


Rehabilitation of the Aged   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The rehabilitation needs and goals of older people differ in many respects from those of the young. In younger individuals a crippling condition may affect an otherwise healthy body, while in an older person it may be superimposed on other pre-existing degenerative diseases. Thus, in older patients the restorative or rehabilitative phase rarely can be separated from the phase of definitive medical treatment.

The primary goal of rehabilitation of younger individuals is usually vocational. In the older group this goal or objective is, by and large, secondary. This does not minimize, however, the value of medical and social services in the rehabilitation of older persons. The simple ability to care for his own personal needs can do much to help the elderly disabled patient regain his dignity and self-respect and remove his fears of becoming a burden on his family or society.


To an increasing degree the psychiatrist is oriented to the community and general hospital either as consultant, therapist, or collaborator in overall patient management. In these new roles, he becomes a more comprehensive physician and also conveys psychiatric insights to his colleagues.

Psychological factors and the patient's personality “style” influence the development and course of every disease, complicating diagnosis and effective treatment. It is a basic requirement that a good working alliance be established between patient and physician. This is assisted by comprehensive history taking, which clarifies the lifesetting in which the illness began, the patient's personality and his habitual reactions of emotional regression under stress. It will also point up errors introduced by the patient, omissions, and distortions in offering the subjective data which the physician must evaluate.

Seven major personality types and appropriate physician responses are outlined: the dependent demanding oral patient, the orderly controlled obsessive, the dramatic seductive hysteric, the long-suffering masochist, the querulous paranoid, the overbearing narcissist and the aloof withdrawn schizoid.

The non-psychiatrist can resolve complex and puzzling medical problems if he has an increased awareness of how emotional forces complicate illness and if he can exploit comprehensive history taking to the full.


Similarities between drug addiction and psychotic illness suggested that drug addicts could be treated with intensive ECT and phenothiazine drugs, a therapeutic approach effective in more serious psychotic illnesses.

The use of this intensive treatment method is described in six drug addicts. Successful results were achieved in four patients who have been followed up for two to five years. The treatment program, the preliminary investigations and the follow-up procedures are described.

Particular reference is made to the brain self-stimulation studies of Olds and others in animals, and those of Heath in man. A hypothesis is advanced to explain the various aspects of the clinical picture in both psychotic illness and drug addiction.

The intensive method of treatment should be considered for drug addicts whose prognosis is otherwise poor. Further investigations along the lines of the proposed hypothesis might be profitable in other types of abnormal and maladaptive behaviour.


The case is described of a 70-year-old man, recently retired but fit and independent, except for haemophilia from which he had suffered all his life. However, he then had rectal bleeding for which he required treatment in hospital. To counteract the bleeding tendency he was transfused with various blood products but none was successful, and finally after an operation to determine precisely the source of the rectal bleeding, he developed peritonitis and died. Apart from the cost of hospital inpatient treatment and the blood products available from blood banks, £8500 was spent on blood products bought in the USA.

This case is discussed by a professor of haematology, a director of a regional blood transfusion service, a medical defence specialist, a consultant in geriatric medicine, and finally by a member of a university department of moral philosophy.

All the medical commentators agree that a very large sum of money was spent in treating this patient, particularly in buying supplies of commercially produced factor VIII which also carries attendant medical risks. But while this is so, it is also argued that the doctors in charge of the case could have done no other as the fatal outcome could not have been foreseen and a doctor's duty is to treat his patient to the best of his ability, even though in this case the patient was elderly and in the hospital concerned other projects had to be cancelled.

The `battle' of the treatment of the aged versus the young is touched upon by all the contributors but it is left to the moral philosopher to examine it more closely and incidentally to direct attention to the nature of the National Health Service which is neither a paternalistic system nor an insurance scheme (thought to be so by some to be a more palatable notion) but a welfare scheme in which the state forces its citizens to do things for the general good. For the moral philosopher age is irrelevant to the debate. Perhaps the consultant in geriatric medicine should have the last word: if the patient had been in the hands of a single general physician or geriatrician, he says, he would have been seen as a whole person and the arguments surrounding the case with hindsight would never have arisen.


Prognosis of laryngeal carcinoma varies considerably, depending on its site and stage of development. In the past, laryngectomy was considered the treatment of choice for all but very early lesions. Results of therapy and five-year survival rates were relatively good, but the patient deprived of his larynx frequently presented difficulties in rehabilitation.

Recent advances in radiotherapy techniques have permitted treatment of a greater proportion of patients with laryngeal carcinoma by this means, with encouraging results. Results of a survey in the Toronto area suggest that radiotherapy should be used as primary treatment in early and intermediate stages of the disease; radical excision combined with radiotherapy is indicated for treatment failures among early cases and for those with far-advanced disease or carcinoma outside the larynx proper. With this program five-year survival rates are comparable to those achieved when laryngectomy is the primary treatment used, and two-thirds of those who survive maintain laryngeal function.


O'Brien CP 《JAMA》2008,300(3):314-321
Heroin addiction is a complicated medical and psychiatric issue, with well-established as well as newer modes of treatment. The case of Ms W, a 50-year-old woman with a long history of opiate addiction who has been treated successfully with methadone for 9 years and who now would like to consider newer alternatives, illustrates the complex issues of heroin addiction. The treatment of heroin addiction as a chronic disease is reviewed, including social, medical, and cultural issues and pharmacologic treatment with methadone and the more experimental medication options of buprenorphine and naltrexone.   相似文献   

对一名称职的外科医生来说,基本技能是其职业生涯的生命线。外科医生贵在勤学善做多思,在提高自身技能的同时,应当处理好与同事间的关系,注重团队合作精神;还要真诚地对待患者,搞好医患关系。此外,在做好医技医能的同时,外科医生还应当加强理论学习和工作总结,以推动医学不断发展。  相似文献   

Medical maintenance is the treatment by primary care physicians of rehabilitated methadone maintenance patients who are stable, employed, not abusing drugs, and not in need of supportive services. In this research project, physicians with experience in drug abuse treatment provided both the pharmacologic treatment of addiction as well as therapy for other medical problems, as needed. Decisions regarding treatment were based on the individual needs of the patient and on currently accepted medical practice rather than on explicit regulations. We studied the first 40 former heroin addicts who were transferred to this program from more conventional methadone clinics. At a follow-up visit at 12 to 55 months, 33 (82.5%) of 40 patients had remained in treatment; five (12.5%) had been discharged because of cocaine abuse and two (5%) had been voluntarily discharged. Personal benefits of medical maintenance include the dignity of a standard professional atmosphere and a more flexible reporting schedule. This program has the potential for improving treatment of selected methadone maintenance patients.  相似文献   

邵长荣教授是著名的中西医结合呼吸病专家,是上海市首批名老中医,在治疗呼吸系统疾病方面有60多年丰富的临床经验,在上海乃至全国的呼吸专业领域都具有较强的学术影响力。作者在龙华医院进修期间有幸求学于邵教授,邵教授是西学中的典范,不仅西医基础扎实,中医的理论知识亦非常深厚。作者跟随邵教授诊疗过程中,整理了呼吸系统疾病典型案例并进行分析,以供同道学习和探讨。  相似文献   

Background Depression is a common problem impeding post-stroke rehabilitation.Up to 70% of patients show depression symptoms during the first twelve months after stroke onset.However,the depression and its effect on functional recovery can be difficult to diagnose.The purpose of this study was to use gait analysis as a tool to compare the recovery after stroke in patients with and without depression and to assess the impact of the initiation time of rehabilitation after stroke onset.Methods One hundred and forty five consecutive patients after first ever stroke admitted for designed rehabilitation program within 2 to 31 months after stroke onset participated.All patients received 4 weeks treatment program included comprehensive rehabilitation consisted of multipurpose activities 5 days a week.These included individual and group exercises,physiotherapy,occupational therapy and gait training.Gait analysis with Kistler force plates was employed to assess gait pattern symmetry before and after the treatment.Gait symmetry was evaluated based on seven gait parameters.Regaining of gait pattern symmetry was assumed as a measure of rehabilitation outcome.Results After rehabilitation program gait symmetry w()ined in patients without depression.Gait asymmetry remained unchanged in patients diagnosed with depression.No major differences in outcome from rehabilitation were noted in regards to the initiation time of rehabilitation after the stroke onset.Conclusions Depression limits gait recovery after stroke.The time of initiation of rehabilitation after stroke onset does not limit the motor recovery after rehabilitation program.  相似文献   

Particularly since World War II physical medicine and rehabilitation have assumed a growing importance. The efforts of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, following a survey of Canadian universities, to increase the theoretical and practical teaching of physiatrics are emphasized. It is considered important that the teaching of physical medicine and rehabilitation should be carried out concurrently with other medical and surgical teaching programs. Paramedical and auxiliary rehabilitation personnel should participate in the teaching program. The number of hours devoted to physiatrics should be increased, and the medical student should be permitted to choose physical medicine and rehabilitation as a part of his internship program.  相似文献   

痫症是一种反复发作、短暂性神志异常疾病,临床常以意识突然丧失,昏仆倒地,抽搐吐涎,两目上视,口中怪叫为特点。华庭芳教授行医五十余年,对痫症的治疗自成一体。华庭芳教授将中医病因病机与现代医学相结合,其辨证思路采用阴阳分治、脏腑辨证之法,治疗中灵活运用急则治标、缓则治本之法,并且活用剂型变化以适应不同病情阶段。华庭芳教授特别擅于用丸剂作为疾病治疗最后阶段用药。  相似文献   





Everyone knows that British doctors are emigrating and that other doctors, mostly from the third world, are immigrating to Britain. Also everyone thinks that he knows the reasons why. However, the Edinburgh Medical Group thought the various reasons for this medical migration should be examined more closely, and held a symposium (Chairman, Professor A S Duncan, Professor Emeritus of Medical Education in the University of Edinburgh) to examine the causes for medical migration at the present time.

Medical teaching and practice is still basically as it has been developed in the West and so overseas doctors trained in Britain take with them not only the medical knowledge and skills but also the attitudes of the West when they return to their own countries. Consequently they wish to settle in the towns and practise as consultants when the real medical problems in many of the developing countries are those of a rural population needing health care rather than treatment in what have been called `disease palaces'. As speakers made clear, a new responsibility must fall on those training doctors from overseas in the British medical schools to fit them not for the dream world of the sophisticated medical scene but for the realities of working in often badly equipped clinics and dealing with common conditions such as malnutrition and other problems of maternity and child health.

The symposium also included discussions as to why British doctors wished to emigrate. Money seemed to be the most compelling motive, but opportunities were being limited for their migration for economic and political reasons.

Finally, a look at the whole of the medical scene in Britain: perhaps the standard sought in Britain both by the doctor and the patient is too high and too individualistic. Events will show if this be true.


We undertook to measure standards of perinatal care in British Columbia by studying the management of hemolytic disease of the newborn as the sample situation.

Our data show that many isoimmunized pregnant women are delivered in hospitals that have infrequent experience with this problem, and by physicians who have little experience with this disease.

The physician referral pattern, in regard to maternal isoimmunization, indicated that the more severely affected patients were managed by specialists, particularly those attached to teaching hospitals. However, 25% of the infants treated by exchange transfusion were managed by nonspecialists in nonteaching hospitals.

Hospital record search, used as a method of medical audit and as a source of data for comparison with physician reports, did not result in dependable or complete information. Rates of disagreement between items from two data sources, physician report and hospital record, were frequently very high. Our experience suggests that comparison of these two data sources is not an ideal method of assessment of quality of care.

A smaller caseload of isoimmunized pregnant women will result from the present prevention program. Nevertheless, cases will continue to occur. Our work supports the conclusion that a program of continuing education covering the diagnosis and management of hemolytic disease of the newborn is still necessary.


The theme of this particular case seems to be one of protection - protection of all the individuals concerned, the patient's own GP, the patient, her mother and, in an even more subtle way, the patient's boyfriend.

As the title suggests, the dilemma consists of a conflict of loyalties as regards who should be protected first, from whom and why. The medical problem presented was one of termination of pregnancy, but a new ethical issue arose when the patient consulted another doctor in a neighbouring practice. It is this doctor - Dr Winterton - who puts his dilemma to the conference for discussion.

Those taking part were Dr Winterton, Dr Crew, Dr Jamieson, Dr Lamb, Dr Anderson, Dr Smith. All names in this Conference have been altered except that of the Chairman, Dr Higgs. The discussion was recorded at a residential course for general practitioners.


The available medical facilities in the Keewatin area of Canada's Central Arctic have been described, along with the problems relating to provision of medical care. Causes of death and population statistics for 1967 have been detailed. The more frequent disease conditions have been discussed.

Recommendations for improvements in medical care have been made; these include research into various conditions, an increased number of specialist visits and the inclusion of Churchill Hospital in a residency training program. Other recommendations relate to community planning, community sanitation and employment opportunities.


The history of the worker in public health is reviewed, his present activities are assessed, and predictions are made concerning his future role. It is emphasized that the public health specialist is but one member of the total health team in the community. His interdependence with other disciplines must be accepted if optimal health care is to be provided.

Although prepared specifically for public health workers, this article has direct relevance to the future of the medical profession as a whole. In view of the present intense interest in the future pattern of health care in Canada, the viewpoint of a physician with a dual background in public health and medical school administration and teaching is considered to be particularly pertinent.


八段锦气功是中国传统功法的一种,其健身效果显著,在中医保健领域取得巨大发展。近年来八段锦气功的健身效果引起了护理工作者的重视,并被护理工作者应用于护理领域,本研究就八段锦气功在护理领域中的应用展开论述,综述了八段锦气功在患者和医护人员中的应用,以期为临床应用提供参考。八段锦气功在患者中应用主要体现在以下四个方面:首先,八段锦气功在提高患者的整体生活质量和患者的睡眠质量上效果显著,习练八段锦气功后,患者生活质量量表得分提高,睡眠质量也有所改善。其次,八段锦气功可以促进患者康复效果,具体表现在促进患者肢体康复、疾病康复、认知功能康复和活动功能康复。此外,习练八段锦气功可以帮助患者凝神静气,缓解抑郁等不良情绪。另外,八段锦气功还在血糖控制、预防跌倒和缓解关节疼痛方面开展应用,效果同样显著。八段锦气功在医护人员中应用的研究显示,其可以改善夜班护士的亚健康状态,有益于医护人员的身心健康,但其在医护人员中的应用较少,可以成为今后研究的方向。八段锦气功在护理领域中的应用取得了显著成果,但仍存在一定不足,大部分研究纳入的样本量较少,结果可能存在一定争议。并且研究对象各不相同,评价指标众多,难以进行循证分析,因此难以进行系统评价来判断八段锦气功的应用效果,这些都将成为今后研究的重点。   相似文献   

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