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Seven adults with familial hypophosphatemia have been investigated by histologic and radiographic examination of bone, and estimates of bone mineral status by in vivo neutron activation analysis (IVNAA). Histological examination showed severe osteomalacia and osteosclerosis in all cases. Radiography showed skeletal deformities and other sequelae of severe rickets of childhood in five of the seven cases, with, in addition, thickened well-mineralized bones; the other two showed normal radiographs. IVNAA measurements showed that the first five had greater than normal bone calcium and that the other two had normal values. Thus, in all cases there is a greater than normal total bone tissue (osteoid and mineralized bone together). The quantitative body calcium measurements show clearly that osteosclerosis occurs in familial hypophosphatemia, confirming the opinions based on histological and radiological data. Although there has been occasional reference to this sclerosis in the literature, up to the present it has received little attention.  相似文献   

Basal serum and urinary biochemical parameters and their response to PTH or calcium infusion were examined in 14 untreated patients with familial hypophosphatemic rickets (FHR) from 5 kindreds and 9 normal control subjects after a period of dietary equilibration. FHR subjects exhibited significantly elevated basal serum iPTH levels (FHR: 11.4 +/- 0.8, controls: 5.1 +/- 0.5 ng/ml, P less than 0.001) and urinary cAMP excretion (FHR: 7.83 +/- 0.81, controls: 3.78 +/- 0.46 nmol/mg creatinine P less than 0.001). In response to PTH infusion (6 units/kg over 4 hours) FHR subjects exhibited a mean 34% decrease in TRP and a 22-fold increase in cAMP excretion, both comparable to the control response. Calcium infusion (10 mg/kg over 1 h) rapidly suppressed serum iPTH and urinary cAMP values in FHR subjects. However, TRP remained inappropriately low for the level of serum phosphate. Basal and post-calcium infusion serum iPTH levels correlated positively with urinary cAMP in FHR subjects and controls. Pre- and post-calcium infusion iPTH levels correlated with serum calcium in FHR subjects. Mean Salivary phosphate concentration was significantly reduced in FHR subjects (FHR: 12.68 +/- 0.87, controls: 22.47 +/- 2.16 mg/100 ml, P less than 0.001). However, calculated salivary phosphate clearance rates were similar in FHR and control subjects. PTH or calcium infusion did not significantly alter salivary phosphate concentration or clearance rates in either patients or controls. We concluded that untreated FHR patients exhibit a state of mild secondary hyperparathyroidism and an at least normal renal phosphaturic response to PTH. In addition, there is no evidence for increased salivary phosphate excretion in FHR.  相似文献   

We report the development of severe tertiary hyperparathyroidism in three girls treated for familial hypophosphatemic rickets and characterize parathyroid function in vivo and in vitro. All patients had been previously treated with relatively large doses of inorganic phosphorus (125 mm/day) and ergocalciferol or calcitriol for several years and had radiographic evidence of long-standing hyperparathyroidism. Even in the presence of extremely elevated PTH levels, oral phosphate lowered serum calcium levels in vivo and further stimulated PTH secretion. Profound multiglandular parathyroid hyperplasia was found in each patient at surgery. Examination of the secretory characteristics of the excised parathyroid tissue revealed that either relatively high calcium concentrations were generally needed to suppress PTH secretion or PTH secretion was not suppressible. Caution is recommended when relatively large doses of phosphate are used to treat familial hypophosphatemic rickets.  相似文献   

The effect or oral glucose ingestion on renal phosphate reabsorption was studied in 13 patients with the inherited form of vitamin D-resistant rickets (VDRR) and 5 normal subjects. In contrast to the normal subjects, glycosuria developed in six VDRR patients after glucose ingestion and resulted in a further 43% decrease in renal phosphate reabsorption. This was accompanied by a 33% increase in phosphate clearance. This was not attended by differences in fasting glucose or phosphorus levels between groups, or in their respective values 1 h after glucose ingestion. Baseline renal phosphate reabsorption was less and baseline phosphate clearance was greater in those VDRR subjects who developed glycosuria. The accumulated data suggest that excessive glucose ingestion by some patients with VDRR may add an additional insult to the phosphaturia characteristic of this disorder. This, in turn, would further compromise the response of circulating phosphate to therapeutic attempts at oral phosphate supplementation, thereby reducing the efficacy of oral phosphate therapy on skeletal growth and development in this disorder.  相似文献   

X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) is one of the most common causes of rickets in infancy and childhood. Combination therapy of vitamin D and phosphate is generally used for patients with XLH. Effect of treatment of vitamin D and phosphate during childhood on final height of XLH has to be elucidated in Japanese. There have been only three Caucasian studies on final height of XLH with treatment since childhood. Purpose of this study is to report adult height and therapeutic effect of 22 Japanese participants (5 males, 17 females) with XLH who were treated with phosphate (33-200 mg/kg/day as phosphorus divided into 3 or 4 doses) and vitamin D (vitamin D2 or 1alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3) for more than five years and evaluate effect of the treatment on the final height retrospectively. Final height (FHt) for all participants was -1.69+/-11.11 SD. FHt (-1.69+/-1.11 SD) was significantly higher than height at the initiation of treatment (-2.38+/-0.88 SD) for all participants (P<0.01). In conclusion, combination therapy of vitamin D and phosphate improved final height of Japanese patients with XLH as is similar to previous Caucasian studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets is characterized by renal phosphate wasting, hypophosphatemia and defective bone mineralization. Treatment with oral phosphate (Pi) and calcitriol improves skeletal changes but associates with secondary hyperparathyroidism and nephrocalcinosis. Tertiary hyperparathyroidism is a rare complication of the treatment. The aim of the present study was to identify treatment-related factors that might be associated with the transition of secondary hyperparathyroidism to tertiary hyperparathyroidism in patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets. DESIGN: Thirteen patients with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets and secondary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism were included in the study. Their hospital records were reviewed and compared for onset, duration and dosage of treatment, and for age of diagnosis and degree of secondary hyperparathyroidism. RESULTS: Two patients developed tertiary hyperparathyroidism and 11 patients secondary hyperparathyroidism during the treatment. Patients with tertiary hyperparathyroidism had, on average, earlier onset and longer duration of treatment, higher dose of Pi and longer duration of treatment with very high Pi doses (> 100 mg/kg/day) compared to the 11 patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism. However, variation of all parameters was great with considerable overlap. Very high S-PTH levels > or = 42 pmol/l were observed in those who later developed tertiary hyperparathyroidism. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged very high dose oral Pi treatment is a major risk factor for the development of tertiary hyperparathyroidism in X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets.  相似文献   

Transgenic mouse model for human gastric carcinoma.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
To understand the pathogenesis that may be induced by human adenovirus type 12 (Ad12), we have generated transgenic mice carrying the Ad12 early region 1 under control of the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat. Eleven of 11 male founder mice, but only 2 of 12 females, died between 3 to 4 mo of age. Death was associated with presence of tumors at or near the squamocolumnar junction of the stomach. Microscopically, these multifocal tumors appeared to arise from hyperplastic epithelium and showed features consistent with adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma. High levels of expression of both the Ad12 E1A and E1B genes were seen in the tumor-bearing stomach. Various levels of expression were also detected in other tissues, although the stomach was the only organ with detectable pathology. These observations suggest an organ-specific action of the Ad12 early region 1 gene products. This transgenic mouse model provides an experimental system for studying the development of human carcinomas at sites of transition from squamous to columnar epithelium.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) is unique among the disorders involving Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) because individuals with R176Q/W and R179Q/W mutations in the FGF23 (176)RXXR(179)/S(180) proteolytic cleavage motif can cycle from unaffected status to delayed onset of disease. This onset may occur in physiological states associated with iron deficiency, including puberty and pregnancy. To test the role of iron status in development of the ADHR phenotype, WT and R176Q-Fgf23 knock-in (ADHR) mice were placed on control or low-iron diets. Both the WT and ADHR mice receiving low-iron diet had significantly elevated bone Fgf23 mRNA. WT mice on a low-iron diet maintained normal serum intact Fgf23 and phosphate metabolism, with elevated serum C-terminal Fgf23 fragments. In contrast, the ADHR mice on the low-iron diet had elevated intact and C-terminal Fgf23 with hypophosphatemic osteomalacia. We used in vitro iron chelation to isolate the effects of iron deficiency on Fgf23 expression. We found that iron chelation in vitro resulted in a significant increase in Fgf23 mRNA that was dependent upon Mapk. Thus, unlike other syndromes of elevated FGF23, our findings support the concept that late-onset ADHR is the product of gene-environment interactions whereby the combined presence of an Fgf23-stabilizing mutation and iron deficiency can lead to ADHR.  相似文献   

The gene mutated in autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR), a phosphate wasting disorder, has been identified as FGF-23, a protein that shares sequence homology with fibroblast growth factors (FGFs). Patients with ADHR display many of the clinical and laboratory characteristics that are observed in patients with oncogenic hypophosphatemic osteomalacia (OHO), a disorder thought to arise by the secretion of a phosphate wasting factor from different mesenchymal tumors. In the present studies, we therefore investigated whether FGF-23 is a secreted factor and whether it is abundantly expressed in OHO tumors. After transient transfection of OK-E, COS-7, and HEK293 cells with the plasmid encoding full-length FGF-23, all three cell lines efficiently secreted two protein species into the medium that were approximately 32 and 12 kDa upon SDS-PAGE and subsequent Western blot analysis using an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody to FGF-23. Furthermore, Northern blot analysis using total RNA from five different OHO tumors revealed extremely high levels of FGF-23 mRNA, and Western blot analysis of extracts from a sixth tumor detected the 32 kDa FGF-23 protein species. In summary, FGF-23, the gene mutated in ADHR, is a secreted protein and its mRNA is abundantly expressed by several different OHO tumors. Our findings indicate that FGF-23 may be a candidate phosphate wasting factor, previously designated "phosphatonin".  相似文献   

MEPE (Matrix Extracellular PhosphoglycoprotEin) expression is markedly elevated in X-linked-hypophosphatemic-rickets (HYP) and tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO). In normal individuals, circulating serum-levels of MEPE are tightly correlated with serum-phosphorus, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and bone mineral density (BMD). Also, MEPE derived, C-terminal ASARM-peptides are candidate minhibins and/or phosphatonins. Our aims were to determine: 1. whether MEPE-ASARM-peptide(s) are abnormally elevated in HYP/hyp serum, and, 2. whether the ASARM-peptide(s) accumulate in hyp mice kidney renal-tubules. Using a specific competitive ELISA we measured a five fold increase (P=0.007) of serum ASARM-peptide(s) in human HYP patients (normal subjects 3.25 microM n=9; S.E.M.=0.51 and HYP-patients 15.74 microM, n=9; S.E.M.=3.32). A 6.23 fold increase (P=0.008) was measured in hyp male mice compared with their normal male siblings (normal-siblings, 3.73 muM, S.E.M.=0.57, n=3; and hyp-mice 23.4 microM, n=3, S.E.M.=4.01). Renal immuno-histological screening also revealed a dramatic increase of ASARM-peptides in regions anatomically consistent with the proximal convoluted tubules. This study demonstrates for the first time that markedly elevated serum levels of protease-resistant ASARM-peptide(s) occur in HYP/hyp and they accumulate in murine hyp kidneys. These peptides are thus likely responsible for the phosphaturia and defective mineralization in HYP/hyp and TIO.  相似文献   

Vitamin D, the major steroid hormone that controls mineral ion homeostasis, exerts its actions through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The VDR is expressed in many tissues, including several tissues not thought to play a role in mineral metabolism. Studies in kindreds with VDR mutations (vitamin D-dependent rickets type II, VDDR II) have demonstrated hypocalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, rickets, and osteomalacia. Alopecia, which is not a feature of vitamin D deficiency, is seen in some kindreds. We have generated a mouse model of VDDR II by targeted ablation of the second zinc finger of the VDR DNA-binding domain. Despite known expression of the VDR in fetal life, homozygous mice are phenotypically normal at birth and demonstrate normal survival at least until 6 months. They become hypocalcemic at 21 days of age, at which time their parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels begin to rise. Hyperparathyroidism is accompanied by an increase in the size of the parathyroid gland as well as an increase in PTH mRNA levels. Rickets and osteomalacia are seen by day 35; however, as early as day 15, there is an expansion in the zone of hypertrophic chondrocytes in the growth plate. In contrast to animals made vitamin D deficient by dietary means, and like some patients with VDDR II, these mice develop progressive alopecia from the age of 4 weeks.  相似文献   

To establish a more appropriate animal recipient for xenotransplantation, NOD/SCID/gamma(c)(null) mice double homozygous for the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mutation and interleukin-2Rgamma (IL-2Rgamma) allelic mutation (gamma(c)(null)) were generated by 8 backcross matings of C57BL/6J-gamma(c)(null) mice and NOD/Shi-scid mice. When human CD34+ cells from umbilical cord blood were transplanted into this strain, the engraftment rate in the peripheral circulation, spleen, and bone marrow were significantly higher than that in NOD/Shi-scid mice treated with anti-asialo GM1 antibody or in the beta2-microglobulin-deficient NOD/LtSz-scid (NOD/SCID/beta2m(null)) mice, which were as completely defective in NK cell activity as NOD/SCID/gamma(c)(null) mice. The same high engraftment rate of human mature cells was observed in ascites when peripheral blood mononuclear cells were intraperitoneally transferred. In addition to the high engraftment rate, multilineage cell differentiation was also observed. Further, even 1 x 10(2) CD34+ cells could grow and differentiate in this strain. These results suggest that NOD/SCID/gamma(c)(null) mice were superior animal recipients for xenotransplantation and were especially valuable for human stem cell assay. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in the superior engraftment rate in NOD/SCID/gamma(c)(null) mice, cytokine production of spleen cells stimulated with Listeria monocytogenes antigens was compared among these 3 strains of mice. The interferon-gamma production from dendritic cells from the NOD/SCID/gamma(c)(null) mouse spleen was significantly suppressed in comparison with findings in 2 other strains of mice. It is suggested that multiple immunological dysfunctions, including cytokine production capability, in addition to functional incompetence of T, B, and NK cells, may lead to the high engraftment levels of xenograft in NOD/SCID/gamma(c)(null) mice.  相似文献   

The mother is the major source of circulating 25-OHD concentrations in the young infant. Thus maternal vitamin D status is an important factor in determining the vitamin D status of the infant and their risk of developing vitamin D deficiency and infantile nutritional rickets. As a result, breastfed infants of mothers with vitamin D deficiency who are unsupplemented and who receive little sunlight exposure are at high risk of developing vitamin D deficiency or rickets. Despite food fortification policies in many countries and recommendations for vitamin D supplementation of at-risk groups, vitamin D deficiency and infantile rickets remain major public health challenges in many developed and developing countries. There is evidence that the current supplementation recommendations, particularly for pregnant and lactating women, are inadequate to ensure vitamin D sufficiency in these groups. A widespread and concerted effort is needed to ensure daily supplementation of breastfed and other infants at high risk with vitamin D 400 IU from birth and pregnant women in high risk communities with at least 600 IU; awareness needs to be developed among the public and medical practitioners of the urgent need to improve the vitamin D status of pregnant and lactating mothers and their infants. Further studies are required to determine the optimal doses of vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy and during lactation, and for normalizing vitamin D stores in infancy to reduce the prevalence of infantile nutritional rickets. Operational research studies also need to be conducted to understand the best methods of implementing supplementation programs and the factors that are likely to impede their success.  相似文献   

The steady state serum concentration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25-(OH)2D] is determined by the relative rates of its biosynthesis via the renal mitochondrial 1-hydroxylase and catabolism via renal and target cell 24-hydroxylases. It is not yet known whether the two catalytic activities are mediated by the product of a single gene or products of distinct genes. To address this question, we undertook to assess 24-hydroxylase function in patients with vitamin D-dependency rickets type I (VDDR-I), a Mendelian disorder of 1,25-(OH)2D synthesis attributable to a defect in renal 1-hydroxylase activity. To assess renal 24-hydroxylase activity, we measured the serum concentration of 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [24,25-(OH)2D] and its 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) precursor. We also measured target cell, 1,25-(OH)2D3-inducible 24-hydroxylase activity and calcitroic acid production in skin fibroblasts from VDDR-I patients and age- and sex-matched controls. Serum levels of 24,25-(OH)2D and 25OHD were similar in VDDR-I patients and controls [ratio of product to substrate, 0.062 +/- 0.013 (n = 5) vs. 0.067 +/- 0.005 (n = 10), mean +/- SEM, for patients and controls, respectively]. Circulating levels of 1,25-(OH)2D were also comparable in both groups [80.6 +/- 15.5 (n = 5) vs. 86.1 +/- 5.2 (n = 10) pmol/L, for patients and controls, respectively], presumably indicative of compliance with calcitriol therapy. Skin fibroblasts from VDDR-I patients exhibited 24-hydroxylase activity which was indistinguishable from that observed in control fibroblasts [108 +/- 14 (n = 5) vs. 96 +/- 25 fmol/10(6) cells.min (n = 6), for patients and controls, respectively]. Similarly, calcitroic acid production was comparable in fibroblast cultures derived from the two groups of subjects [31 +/- 6 vs. 33 +/- 3 fmol/10(6) cells.min (n = 3), for patients and controls, respectively]. Our data demonstrate that renal and target cell 24-hydroxylase activities are normal in patients with VDDR-I and suggest that the renal 1- and 24-hydroxylases likely represent, or contain, distinct polypeptides encoded by different genes.  相似文献   

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