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The impact of parental child-rearing practices on child outcomes has been the subject of much research and debate for many years. Studies carried out within a variety of disciplines and across a number of different countries in the world have indicated that parents tend to use a different pattern of rearing their sons than their daughters, and that child-rearing practices are related to the gender of the parent, as well as to the age and developmental stage of the child. However, there has been little research in Northern Ireland on child-rearing behaviours. In order to address this shortfall, this paper presents an analysis of parents' perceptions of their interactions with their children. Data from Wave 3 of the Northern Ireland Household Panel Survey were analysed to explore aspects of “negative” parenting practices (arguing, yelling and use of physical punishment) as well as “positive” parenting practices (talking, praising and hugging). The participants were all parents (aged 16 years and over) with children under the age of 16 years living in the same household. Each parent reported his/her interaction with each child (up to a maximum of six children), and in total 1,629 responses were recorded. The results of the research supported previous findings from the United Kingdom and elsewhere, and indicated that the parenting styles of respondents in Northern Ireland were indeed related to the gender and age of the children and to the gender of the parents. The survey found that parents in Northern Ireland tend to have a harsher, more negative style of parenting boys than girls and that children in their teenage years have fewer positive interactions with their parents than younger children. The same parents and children will be followed up in 2007 in order to provide a longitudinal analysis of parent/child relationships in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

“Messages from the Experience of Child Observation Training”

The following are the text of presentations delivered at the conference by two of the six participants in the first Northern Ireland group to undertake the Child Observation Training developed by the Tavistock Clinic.  相似文献   

The issue of young people's involvement in forms of violence and anti-social behaviour is one that is generating increasing concern across Northern Ireland. Young people are frequently regarded as one of the primary sources of social disorder and are often blamed for provoking fear and a sense of insecurity among elder members of the community. However, in much of the recent writing and in most of the policy responses to problems of anti-social behaviour, there is an inappropriate use of the term “young people”, which effectively functions as a gloss for “young males”. Young women are implicitly included in the concept of “young people as problem” but are effectively excluded from policy considerations, which largely focus on dealing with young men. This paper draws upon research into young people's attitudes to and experiences of violence and disorder in Northern Ireland, but focuses specifically on the views of young women and explores their experiences and knowledge of violence and disorder. The paper considers how far young women's concerns are being acknowledged and questions how far the needs of young women can be accommodated or the risks some of them pose are being addressed by subsuming them within the broader category of “young people”.  相似文献   

Although violence in Northern Ireland has been “neither halted or prevented” (Tomasevski, 2003a, p. 7), few would deny that the scale of the conflict has been reduced. This paper argues that a vital purpose of education in Northern Ireland should be peacebuilding and the promotion of social cohesion. In particular, the paper looks at the lessons that can be learned from integrated education by societies moving out of conflict. As part of a larger study of the impact of integrated (mixed Catholic and Protestant) education, former and current Principals of the two longest established post-primary (for children aged 11-18) integrated colleges were questioned about the policies and practice employed by their schools with regards to promoting respect for diversity, dealing with cultural symbols and affirming or challenging identity. The potential of integrated education to promote tolerance and understanding is discussed. This paper concludes that the needs of children and society for reconciliation through integrated schooling should perhaps take preference over the rights of parents to segregated education.  相似文献   

The 1970s heralded the beginnings of a major shift in focus within child care social work in the United Kingdom, and the preventive, family support approach that had characterised practice since the 1940s was gradually, but decisively, replaced by a central concern with child abuse. This paper outlines the rise and dominance of child protection work in the United Kingdom before moving on to consider the legislative attempt, via the Children Act 1989 in England and Wales and the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, to address this situation. The “refocusing debate” of the 1990s is then discussed and consideration given to local research that has called the central premise underpinning this debate into question. The paper concludes by suggesting that social workers in Northern Ireland are still struggling to shift away from a preoccupation with the identification and management of risk and poses some questions regarding the future of social work with children and families.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a series of “Talkshops”—interactive facilitated discussions—undertaken with 114 young people from six secondary schools serving one town within Northern Ireland. The young people first met with the researchers in their own schools, then an elected group came together in combined Talkshops and, finally, a group of six young people, one from each school, met with the researchers to help analyse the data and prepare a presentation on the results. Through the Talkshops the young people explored their views on sectarianism, and the factors they felt helped such attitudes develop; they considered how this impacted on their day-to-day lives and how they had learned to deal with difference. They also considered how things could be different in the future, suggesting ways to promote anti-sectarianism. The article reports the views of the young people, concluding with their summary statement—the message these young people wanted to be heard by adults within Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Today's seminar was organised by the Northern Ireland Guardian ad Litem Agency (NIGALA), in conjunction with the Bar Council and the Social Services Inspectorate, in order that key stakeholders could be invited to focus on issues arising from the ‘freeing’ process. The question for you, the stakeholders, having listened to contributions which have been most informative and provoking, is what can be done to improve the service in Northern Ireland? Your opportunity will come shortly at the plenary, but first I shall endeavour to round off proceedings with a few proposals which I would suggest could improve the service to children, birth parents and adoptive parents in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Book review     
While the 1989 Children Act has been in effect in Great Britain for several years. Social Workers in Northern Ireland could be forgiven for feeling that legislative change is still some considerable time away with one delay compounding another. As we anticipate die Children (N.I.) Order it might be useful to examine aspects of the Great Britain legislation given that our own Order will be largely identical. Additionally the Children Act produced a considerable volume of case law which in turn will be persuasive on our own legal jurisdiction. Surprisingly one of the difficulties in respect of both of the above would be the sheer volume of publication on the 1989 Act. The Childrens Act 1989 “Putting it into Practice” is a book that may appeal to many practitioners in this context. Written by Mary Ryan and published by Arena under the auspices of the Family Rights Group “Putting it into Practice” is designed for those in the frontline of Child Protection work with specific emphasis on the responsibilities of Local Authorities.  相似文献   

Ten years ago I wrote an article on the Children's Order, which was coming into force in Northern Ireland in October 1996. I examined the principles behind the Children's Order and considered how these principles interacted with the practice of family mediation (at that stage I was Coordinator of the Family Mediation service). Since that date mediation provision has decreased in Northern Ireland and I have moved on to become Director of Legal Services and Complaints at the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People. In this article I will consider the principles in the Children's Order and how they translated into practice from the viewpoint of a mediator and as part of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People with a statutory duty to safeguard and protect the rights and best interests of children and young people. I will end with an assessment of how the Children's Order has operated in practice and a consideration of whether it and children's legislation in general needs to be reviewed and new legislation introduced.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding is a key public health measure to protect and promote the health of one of the most vulnerable groups of the population—infants and children. Northern Ireland, however, has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world. This paper reports the results of a questionnaire survey of 120 mothers attending mother and toddler groups in a socio-economically deprived area of Belfast Northern Ireland. Mothers' attitudes to breastfeeding were measured by the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS). In line with previous research, mothers who were older, had a husband or partner, who were of higher social class and who had themselves been breastfed as a child were more likely to breastfeed their own children. It was found that high scores on the IIFAS were significantly associated with breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding. However, of the 57% of study participants who reported that they had initiated breastfeeding, the majority (85.4%) reported that they had breastfed for less than the six months recommended by the World Health Organisation. Breastfeeding mothers reported that health benefits and information were the main reasons for their choice of feeding method and were more likely to rate information received from health professionals positively. Bottlefeeding mothers rated convenience, experience and “the norm” as the main reasons for choice of feeding and were more likely to rate information from health professionals negatively. The authors conclude that Northern Irish society needs to proactively encourage a positive breastfeeding culture and that the IIFAS may be useful in targeting interventions.  相似文献   

The study of health differences between those residing in the same country but originating in different countries is a potential source of insight into the causes of ill-health. Within Northern Ireland, those born in England, Wales, the Republic of Ireland and outside of the British Isles have a lower mortality risk than the Northern Ireland born; however, these differentials are largely explained by the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of these migrants. Conversely, the Scottish born residing in Northern Ireland have higher mortality than the Northern Ireland born, especially from ischemic heart disease, suggesting that the Scottish immigrants maintain the health disadvantage of their country of birth.  相似文献   

Book review     
Making Research: Work Edited by Dorota twaniec and fohn Pinkerton, John Wiley & Sons 1998 Reviewed by Una Lernihan, Social Services Trainer North and West Belfast Health and Social Services Trust (Currently on secondment to the Centre for Child Care Reseach)

Child Care Law: A Comparative Review Of The New Legislation In Northern Ireland and Scotland The Children (N.I.) Order 1995 and The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 Conducted by Kay Tisdall, Ruth Lavery and Patrick McCrystal Published by: The Centre for Child Care Research Queen's University, Belfast Reviewed by Berni Kelly, University of Ulster  相似文献   

The long awaited new Children (NI) Order has yet to be implemented but there is no doubt about the significance in relation to providing an important watershed for the future development of Child Care Services in Northern Ireland. The recent conference organised by BASW (NI) in association with the Children (NI) Order Group provided a forum for the dissemination of information of the experiences of local authorities and judiciary in England since the Children Act 1989- This unique blend of the social work/legal context coupled with the keynote presentation and overview by Baroness Faithful offered the first major conference in the Province to address the main issues posed by the legislation. The conference attracted over 250 delegates from a multidisciplinary background and key Department of Health and Social Services personnel. The programme content included conference speakers from England and Northern Ireland and reflected the key roles played by the judiciary, social services management and the social services inspectorate. Baroness Faithful is well known in child care circles and recognised as a major contributor to the development of the Children Act. Her services for families and children in Northern Ireland and the potential strengths to be gained from its implementation set the tone for the conference. She also indicated the necessity of extending training to three years would be raised agin for debate. This was by An Overview of the English Experience of the Children Act 1989 with speaker Kay Birch from the Lord Chancellor's office, Mary Barnard J.P., Chairman of the Family Proceedings Committee and Judge Nigel Fricker Q.C., Designated Family Judge. They highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary training and partnership, the development of good information systems, the significant change in culture required by such aspects as the “non intervention” policy and the role of lay magistrates and the changes in court procedures.  相似文献   

Consulting with children and young people about issues that directly affect them is not only their right but is increasingly seen as best practice. But what are the outcomes from participation; how do we consult and interpret what children are telling us; how can the views of children inform policy and service development in Northern Ireland. I These were some of the issues discussed at the National Children's I Bureau second annual children's conference in Northern Ireland held in October 2001. The aims of the conference were to:  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the author's multi-modal therapeutic practice with a 7-year-old boy referred to the Family Trauma Centre, following paramilitary assaults on his father. The work also addresses the boy's experience of domestic violence.

The work is contextualised in terms of the “Peace Process” in Northern Ireland, including the establishment of the Family Trauma Centre as a response to the needs of victims of the Troubles. A rationale for working with children using a multi-modal approach is presented.  相似文献   

The theme of today's conference “Partnership in a Changing Environment” is highly significant and could be adopted for almost any major conference in the health and personal social services field. “Partnership” is an “in” word, and like quality and other euphemisms it has become part of our rhetoric. Its definition and translation into practice at different points in our organisations, is however more problematic. For example in the area of child protection there has been a tendency to think of partnership as based around case conferences, but that is too far into the process to be of value to families or professionals. Partnership starts at policy making and today's conference is an attempt at bringing together the principal partners who should influence policy, as well as what happens further into the system when parents and children become engaged. The second part of today's theme “a changing environment” also applies throughout the public service. In recent years we have become accustomed to rolling organisational change. The most recent manifestations of this in Northern Ireland have been the introduction of general management throughout the services, the separation and redefinition of purchaser and provider functions, and more recently, the establishment of HPSS trusts. But change to the environment within which partnership in child protection takes place is influenced by forces other than organisational development. Research in child care over the last 15 years, the introduction of the Children Act 1989 in Great Britain and the prospect of similar legislation here within the next year or two, the impact of major reports, sometimes focusing on tragic events and the publication by the Inspectorate of the investigation into the case of Martin Huston have served to perpetuate change.  相似文献   

In this paper, I identify how the child welfare challenges of Northern Ireland are partially similar to, and partially different from, those in the United States. To do so, I provide a discussion of current US child welfare legislation, critical prevailing themes, and observations regarding the similarities and differences with Northern Ireland legislation and child care practice. I outline the challenges that appear to be similar as both countries struggle to move toward systems that emphasize support for families rather than primarily child protection. Differences, too, in approaches and context are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a particular kind of observation training, and goes on to describe an initiative in social work training to give trainers the skills to teach young child observation: this initiative was taken by CCETSW and the Tavistock Clinic in London. I will describe the philosophy behind the training, the observation method, and the training for the social work trainers, with particular reference to the initiative taken by CCETSW Northern Ireland. I will outline developments in observation training on social work courses across England and Wales since the setting up of this course for social work trainers, and the importance of this initiative for Northern Ireland. Readers will already be aware of the articles about the experience of observation in the last issue of this Journal by Anne McKeown, Maureen Devlin, Veronica Baird, Mary McColgan and Carrie Simpson, who were all members of the Northern Ireland trainers group.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer in the north and south of Ireland 1950-1984.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
STUDY OBJECTIVE--Northern Ireland has the highest standardised mortality ratios for colon cancer in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland has some of the highest mortality rates for cancer in the world. The aim of the study therefore was to investigate trends in colorectal cancer in the north and south of Ireland over the period 1950 to 1984. DESIGN--The study was a cohort analysis of deaths from colorectal cancer for ages 35-74 years by five year age groups, divided by sex. SETTING--This was a population study involving all cases reported to the Registrar General of Northern Ireland and the Eire Vital Statistics and Central Statistical Office during the study period. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--As in mainland Britain, rectal cancer mortality declined in the north and the south during the study period, but the fall began sooner for males than females. Colon cancer mortality fell in the late 1950s but subsequently rose to its previous high levels. CONCLUSIONS--The observation that there were declines in mortality in the north and south of Ireland in the late 1950s does not support the hypothesis that altered diet due to war rationing in Great Britain and Northern Ireland underlay the fall in British colon cancer mortality after the war. The very high standardised mortality ratios for colon cancer in Northern Ireland highlight a continuing major public health problem in the region.  相似文献   

As part of a larger analysis of the transmission of ethno‐national identity across generations, some 800 adolescents from the border areas of Ireland recalled events related to the troubles in Northern Ireland and the source of their knowledge. They also completed a scale that measured the extent of their interest in current events. Substantial agreement in the memories of the conflict recorded by adolescents from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland accompanied differences in the historical events recalled by Catholic and Protestant respondents. The news media were seen as important sources of knowledge for historical events as well as those that occurred in the adolescents' lifetimes. Catholics living in Northern Ireland were most interested in the news and more frequently referenced family and school as sources of knowledge about recalled events than Protestants. The possible implications of observed group and individual differences in memories and their sources are discussed.  相似文献   

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