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The interactions between humans and the ocean are significant, and necessitate more comprehensive study on an international scale. The world's oceans provide great health benefits to humans ranging from food and nutritional resources, to recreational opportunities and new treatments for human disease. However, recently, human health effects from exposure to substances present in the marine ecosystem such as synthetic organic chemicals (e.g., chlorobiphenyls, chlorinated dioxins and some industrial solvents), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals (both introduced and anthropogenic), marine toxins, and pathogens have been recorded and are of great concern. This paper reviews our state of knowledge of the interactions between oceans and human health and proposes indicators and a research strategy to investigate and monitor these relationships more closely. Four approaches to gathering information on indicators included here are: biomarkers; cellular pathology; physiological and behavioural responses; and changes in populations. All hold the potential to enhance our understanding of marine environmental quality and far-reaching effects on human health. Monitoring systems that include the rapid assessment of contaminants in the ecosystem and subsequent risk to human populations, with appropriate internationally distributed data bases, need to be developed and validated. Such tools would provide early detection of potential environmental threats, and enhance the ability to prevent human illness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper argues that lack of adequate research is a barrier to the long-term improvement of the mental health and well-being of rural Australians. Following from national mental health policy, potential research avenues in four broad domains (prevention and early intervention, pathways to care, outcome of illness and aetiology) are defined. These four broad domains are interdependent and research into them can be brought together into a simple framework or model. This model could be used to guide research into rurality and mental health. The proposed model uses the inclusive concept of place to capture the potential complexities of the rural locale as a variable in mental health and disorder. The model's predictor variables include both risk and resilience factors, and the outcome variables extend beyond morbidity to positive psychological wellness. It is proposed that this provisional model, and the strategic research that it directs, will act as a useful counterpoint to the more immediate evaluation and resourcing needs that confront rural mental health.  相似文献   

Health disparities have been conceptualized as being the result of a confluence of factors: environmental, social, biological, economic, and cultural to name a few. Given the increasingly deleterious impact of health disparities on the lives of all Americans, new research methodological research approaches are needed to adequately understand and address the component parts of health disparities. To effectively address health disparities, an increased focus is needed on implementing transdisciplinary approaches to health disparities research. One approach is to focus on mentoring young investigators and students. This article discusses the centrality of mentoring in developing young health disparities researchers. An overview of health disparities research and researchers, and a summary of the different aspects of mentoring are provided. In addition, a case study of the implementation of a transdisciplinary mentoring framework at a higher education institution is presented.  相似文献   

The life course health development (LCHD) framework organizes research from several fields into a conceptual approach explaining how individual and population health develops and how developmental trajectories are determined by interactions between biological and environmental factors during the lifetime. This approach thus provides a construct for interpreting how people's experiences in the early years of life influence later health conditions and functional status. By focusing on the relationship between experiences and the biology of development, the LCHD framework offers a better understanding of how diseases occur. By suggesting new strategies for health measurement, service delivery, and research, as well as for improving health outcomes, this framework also supports health care-purchasing strategies to develop health throughout life and to build human health capital.  相似文献   

The major focus of public health programs in developing populations is alleviating undernutrition. In South Africa, however, as in many other developing countries, the African population is experiencing rapid urbanization characterized by a double burden of disease in which noncommunicable diseases (NCD) become more prevalent and infectious diseases remain undefeated. The possible mechanisms through which nutrition contributes to the additional vulnerability to NCD experienced by developing populations are explored and research priorities in this area are identified.  相似文献   

It is not clear how policy-making in the field of reproductive health relates to changes associated with programmes for the reform of the health sector in developing countries. There has been little communication between these two areas, yet policy on reproductive health has to be implemented in the context of structural change. This paper examines factors that limit dialogue between the two areas and proposes the following framework for encouraging it: the identification of policy groups and the development of bases for collaborative links between them; the introduction of a common understanding around relevant policy contexts; reaching agreement on compatible aims relating to reproductive health and health sector change; developing causal links between policy content in reproductive health and health sector change as a basis for evidence-based policy-making; and strengthening policy-making structures, systems, skills, and values.  相似文献   

This article uses Scale of Change theory as a framework to guide global health researchers to synergistically target women's health outcomes in the context of improving their right to freedom, equity, and equality of opportunities. We hypothesize that health researchers can do so through six action strategies. These strategies include (1) becoming fully informed of women's human rights directives to integrate them into research, (2) mainstreaming gender in the research, (3) using the expertise of grass roots women's organizations in the setting, (4) showcasing women's equity and equality in the organizational infrastructure, (5) disseminating research findings to policymakers in the study locale to influence health priorities, and (6) publicizing the social conditions that are linked to women's diseases. We explore conceptual and logistical dilemmas in transforming a study using these principles and also provide a case study of obstetric fistula reduction in Nigeria to illustrate how these strategies can be operationalized. Our intent is to offer a feasible approach to health researchers who, conceptually, may link women's health to social and cultural conditions but are looking for practical implementation strategies to examine a women's health issue through the lens of their human rights.  相似文献   

Public health research and practice is faced with three problems: 1) a focus on disease instead of health, 2) consideration of risk factor/disease relationships one at a time, and 3) attention to individuals with limited regard for the communities in which they live. We propose a framework for health-focused research and practice. This framework encompasses individual and community pathways to health while incorporating the dynamics of context and overall population vulnerability and resilience. Individual pathways to health may differ, but commonalities will exist. By understanding these commonalities, communities can work to support health-promoting pathways in addition to removing barriers. The perspective afforded by viewing health as a dynamic process instead of as a collection of risk factors and diseases expands the number of approaches to improving health globally. Using this approach, multidisciplinary research teams working with active community participants have the potential to reshape health and intervention sciences.  相似文献   

Health research generates knowledge that can be utilized to improve health system performance and, ultimately, health and health equity. We propose a conceptual framework for health research systems (HRSs) that defines their boundaries, components, goals, and functions. The framework adopts a systems perspective towards HRSs and serves as a foundation for constructing a practical approach to describe and analyse HRSs. The analysis of HRSs should, in turn, provide a better understanding of how research contributes to gains in health and health equity. In this framework, the intrinsic goals of the HRS are the advancement of scientific knowledge and the utilization of knowledge to improve health and health equity. Its four principal functions are stewardship, financing, creating and sustaining resources, and producing and using research. The framework, as it is applied in consultation with countries, will provide countries and donor agencies with relevant inputs to policies and strategies for strengthening HRSs and using knowledge for better health.  相似文献   

We provide a framework for health services-related researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to guide future health disparities research in areas ranging from detecting differences in health and health care to understanding the determinants that underlie disparities to ultimately designing interventions that reduce and eliminate these disparities. To do this, we identified potential selection biases and definitions of vulnerable groups when detecting disparities. The key factors to understanding disparities were multilevel determinants of health disparities, including individual beliefs and preferences, effective patient-provider communication; and the organizational culture of the health care system. We encourage interventions that yield generalizable data on their effectiveness and that promote further engagement of communities, providers, and policymakers to ultimately enhance the application and the impact of health disparities research.  相似文献   

The discovery in the mid-1970s that occupational exposures to pesticides could diminish or destroy the fertility of workers sparked concern about the effects of hazardous substances on male reproductive health. More recently, there is evidence that sperm quantity and quality may have declined worldwide, that the incidence of testicular cancer has progressively increased in many countries, and that other disorders of the male reproductive tract such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism may have also increased. There is growing concern that occupational factors and environmental chemical exposures, including in utero and childhood exposures to compounds with estrogenic activity, may be correlated with these observed changes in male reproductive health and fertility. We review the evidence and methodologies that have contributed to our current understanding of environmental effects on male reproductive health and fertility and discuss the methodologic issues which confront investigators in this area. One of the greatest challenges confronting researchers in this area is assessing and comparing results from existing studies. We elaborate recommendations for future research. Researchers in the field of male reproductive health should continue working to prioritize hazardous substances; elucidate the magnitude of male reproductive health effects, particularly in the areas of testicular cancer, hypospadias, and cryptorchidism; develop biomarkers of exposure to reproductive toxins and of reproductive health effects for research and clinical use; foster collaborative interdisciplinary research; and recognize the importance of standardized laboratory methods and sample archiving.  相似文献   

This reviews the efforts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to integrate effective health communication into its programs that are designed to change behaviors. Although the 10-step framework for developing and implementing the Centers'' health communication programs is both practical and comprehensive, it is suggested that a reversal of steps 2 and 3 is a more logical sequence, is more consistent with the literature and, more importantly, could avoid misapplications of the framework by less experienced practitioners. Comment is also made on the dynamic nature of health communication planning and development, a point not made explicit in the Centers'' framework.  相似文献   

This research proposes a framework of indicators to monitor the activities of the Occupational Health Reference Centers (CEREST). CEREST are structural elements of the National Network of Comprehensive Attention to Workers' Health (RENAST) and are coordinated by the General Coordination of Occupational Health of the Ministry of Health (CGSAT). In order to build this framework, we first elaborated a list of indicators based on the norms that govern CEREST's responsibilities. As a strategy to build a participative approach, a Likert scale questionnaire was sent to 173 CEREST coordinators, who were asked to evaluate this preliminary list of indicators. After the return of the questionnaires (48,6%), the answers were analyzed, considering the CEREST scope (State or Regional), date of accreditation and location. Indicators with approval rate higher than 75% were included in the proposed framework. This instrument consisted in 12 indicators for State CEREST and 13 indicators for Regional CEREST. It is expected that the procedures proposed in this research and the framework itself might encourage the government to create a monitoring system for RENAST as well as for health services in general.  相似文献   

The use of multiple research designs (triangulation) has beenreported to enhance validity of data analysis and subsequentinterpretation. To illustrate this point, a model study conductedin Nigeria, which utilized both qualitative and quantitativeresearch designs, is examined. Unique problems with conductingresearch in developing countries are presented. Recommendationsdesigned to mitigate such problems are offered.  相似文献   

The role and merits of highly inductive research designs in qualitative health research are well established, and there has been a powerful proliferation of grounded theory method in the field. However, tight qualitative research designs informed by social theory can be useful to sensitize researchers to concepts and processes that they might not necessarily identify through inductive processes. In this article, we provide a reflexive account of our experience of using a theory-driven conceptual framework, the Normalization Process Model, in a qualitative evaluation of general practitioners' uptake of a free, pilot, language interpreting service in the Republic of Ireland. We reflect on our decisions about whether or not to use the Model, and describe our actual use of it to inform research questions, sampling, coding, and data analysis. We conclude with reflections on the added value that the Model and tight design brought to our research.  相似文献   

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