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An empirical study of the relationship between diagnosis and defense style   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relationship between DSM-III diagnosis and defense style was studied in a sample of 74 psychiatric patients. The subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire composed of 81 statements about behaviors, thoughts, and feelings, which were designed to reflect various unconscious defense mechanisms. Factor analysis yielded four defense styles ranging on a continuum from primitive to mature. Patients' defense styles were compared with their diagnoses on axes I, II, and IV of DSM-III. Significant relationships were found between defense style and only one diagnosis, major affective disorder. The fact that DSM-III diagnosis could not predict defense style suggests that diagnosis and defense style are two independent dimensions. If this can be confirmed by further, more adequate studies, a sixth axis reflecting psychodynamic formulation would provide additional information necessary for therapeutic planning.  相似文献   

目的了解应激事件后女工群体的心理健康状况,并探讨其与人格特征、防御方式的关系。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)、防御方式问卷(DSQ)对32名女工进行评估。结果受试女工的SCL-90各因子分均高于正常青年常模组(P0.01);受试女工在不成熟防御机制使用上,SCL-90高症状组因子均分明显高于低症状组(P0.01),中间防御机制中高症状组因子均分高于低症状组(P0.05);SCL-90各因子评分均与人格特质中神经质及不成熟的防御方式呈正相关;多元逐步分析亦表明,心理健康状况与神经质及不成熟防御机制密切相关。结论社会应激事件后女工的心理健康状况明显下降,受试女工心理健康状况差者,通常采用不成熟防御机制和中间防御机制,其人格特征中低的情绪稳定性、自卑、负性认知及不成熟的应对方式是影响女工心理健康状况的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨抑郁症和神经症病人的人格特征和防御方式的差异。方法对91例抑郁症、56例神经症病人和83例正常人评定了A型行为问卷(TABQ)和防御方式问卷(DSQ)。结果神经症的A型行为发生率显著高于正常对照组(P〈0.05);抑郁症病人的A型行为总分和CH因子分显著低于正常对照组(P〈0.01),而神经症病人的A型行为总分和TH因子分显著高于正常对照组(P〈0.05);抑郁症病人较正常对照组较多使用退缩、躯体化、制止、理想化、假性利他、交往倾向,较少使用幽默、被动攻击、抱怨、幻想和期望。神经症病人较正常对照组较多使用投射、躯体化、理想化和交往倾向,较少使用幽默、幻想和回避。抑郁症比神经症病人较多使用退缩、制止、回避和假性利他,较少使用消耗倾向和期望。结论抑郁症和神经症病人具有不同的防御方式。  相似文献   

目的探讨初中生的焦虑情绪与应付方式的关系。方法采用整群抽样的方法,使用一般情况调查表、儿童焦虑性情绪障碍筛查表及应付方式问卷,对293名初中生进行调查。结果收回有效问卷288份,其中有焦虑情绪者30人,占总人数的10.4%;男性为16人(11.3%),女性为14人(9.6%),两者比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。相关分析表明,解决问题和躯体化/惊恐、广泛性焦虑、社交恐怖、学校恐怖呈显著负相关;求助、躯体化/惊恐、广泛性焦虑及学校恐怖呈显著负相关(P<0.01~0.05);除退避和分离性焦虑无显著相关性外,其它各因子都呈显著正相关(P<0.01~0.05)。逐步回归分析发现,影响焦虑情绪的应付方式依次为幻想、解决问题、自责。结论初中生的焦虑情绪与应付方式密切相关,诱导学生采用积极的应付方式有助于改善其焦虑。  相似文献   

The study aimed to determine the predominant defense style in parents who abuse their children, at least as determined by a new defense style questionnaire. The scores of 32 parents who had physically abused their young children and had been assessed after court proceedings were compared with a normal population sample and with patients with anxiety disorders who were equally symptomatic. Parents who had abused their children identified themselves as being particularly likely to use projection, displacement, passive-aggressiveness denial, and splitting to a degree greater than normal persons or patients with anxiety disorders. We would caution that, although the differences remained after statistical control of age and sex differences, a firm conclusion that such defenses are germane to child abuse will have to await replication of these findings with a study using a control group of young parents who do not abuse their children matched for social class and family structure.  相似文献   

目的 探讨思维风格与心理防御机制的对应关系以及这种关系存在的原因.方法 采用思维风格问卷(TSI)与心理防御方式问卷(DSQ)对天津、长春、大连、内蒙古等地265名大学生进行测试,用SPSS 11.5软件对数据进行统计分析.结果 对大学生思维风格自我管理的水平、范围和倾向水平,自我管理的功能和形式,以及防御机制的4种类型分别进行方差分析,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01);立法型、等级型等思维风格与成熟型防御机制,无政府型、整体型等思维风格与不成熟防御机制呈正相关.结论 大学生较多选择立法型、等级型、整体型、外倾型、激进型思维风格,心理防御机制的使用状况总体上成熟,掩饰度较低.立法型、专制型、平等竞争型以及内倾型思维风格对成熟与不成熟防御机制可能有显著的预测作用.  相似文献   

强迫症患者的防御方式及其家庭因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨强迫症患者的防御方式、家庭环境及其父母教养方式的特点。方法 采用防御方式问卷(DSQ)、家庭环境量表(FES—CV)及父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对36例强迫症患者(强迫症组)进行了问卷调查,并与36例正常受试者(对照组)加以比较。结果 ①强迫症组不成熟和中间防御机制因子评分均明显高于对照组,而成熟防御机制因子评分则明显低于对照组(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);②强迫症组家庭亲密度、情感表达及娱乐性评分均明显低于对照组,而矛盾性及控制性评分则明显高于对照组(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);③强迫症组父母惩罚及过分拒绝因子评分均明显高于对照组(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);另外患者父亲的情感温暖因子评分极明显低于对照组(P〈0.01),而过度保护因子评分则明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论 强迫症患者的防御方式、家庭环境及父母教养方式与正常人相比有其特点,可以针对其特点进行相应的心理干预。  相似文献   

目的 探讨暴力罪犯中精神分裂症患者的防御方式特点.方法 采用防御方式问卷(DSQ)对68例暴力罪犯中的精神分裂症患者(研究组)进行了问卷调查,并与39例非暴力罪犯中的精神分裂症患者(对照组)加以比较.结果 研究组不成熟防御方式因子明显高于对照组,而成熟因子和中间因子差异不显著(P>0.05).结论 暴力罪犯中的精神分裂症患者更多使用不成熟防御方式.  相似文献   

The Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ) assesses defensive behavior by empirically evaluating conscious derivatives of defense and coping mechanisms in everyday life. It was developed on the assumption that defenses can be ordered along a maturity-immaturity continuum and tend to group into clusters, or defensive styles. The original factor analytical study, by Bond et al. (1983) identified four styles, called maladaptive, image-distorting, self-sacrifice, and adaptive styles. Successive studies only partially confirmed this factor structure. We present the factor structure and the main psychometric features of the Italian version of the questionnaire. The DSQ was translated into Italian by the back-translation method and administered to a sample of 294 men (mean age, 33.33 years) and 333 women (mean age, 32.38 years). An exploratory factor analysis identified three factors largely corresponding to Bond's maladaptive, image-distorting, and adaptive defensive styles and to analogous factors identified by other authors. Accordingly, three defense style scales were constructed, containing respectively 37, 17, and 12 items. These scales showed intercorrelations compatible with the hierarchical model of defensive functioning at the base of the questionnaire, acceptable, though ameliorable, test-retest reliabilities (r's = .79, .63, and .81, respectively) and, with the exception of the Adaptive Style scale, sufficient internal consistencies (alphas: .85, .72, .57). However, only the Maladaptive Style scale, probably due to its greater length, showed values of reliability and internal consistency high enough to warrant clinical use in its present form. Further investigation is required to find new items that may improve the reliability of the Image-Distorting and the Adaptive Style scales.  相似文献   

精神分裂症后抑郁患者的防御及应对方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨精神分裂症后抑郁患者的心理防御及应对方式的特点。方法在精神分裂症患者精神病性症状明显好转,简明精神病量表(BPRS)总分≤35时,将卡尔加里精神分裂症抑郁量表(CDSS)得分≥6分者纳入精神分裂症后抑郁组,CDSS得分<6分者中匹配选择纳入对照组。二组患者均作防御方式问卷(DSQ)和简易应对方式测试。结果精神分裂症后抑郁患者不成熟防御机制因子得分显著高于对照组,成熟型及中间型防御机制因子得分均低于对照组;投射、被动攻击、潜意显现、躯体化等不成熟防御机制及压抑等成熟防御机制得分显著高于对照组,幽默得分显著低于对照组;积极应对方式得分显著低于对照组,而消极应对方式得分显著高于对照组。不成熟防御机制因子分与CDSS得分呈显著正相关(r=0.46,P<0.01);成熟型防御机制因子分与CDSS得分呈负相关(r=0.137),中间型防御机制因子分与CDSS得分呈正相关(r=0.143),但无统计学意义;积极应对方式得分与CDSS得分呈显著负相关(r=0.531,P<0.01),消极应对方式得分与CDSS得分呈显著正相关(r=0.463,P<0.01)。结论过多使用不成熟防御机制和消极应对方式可能是导致精神分裂症患者产生抑郁的因素之一。抑郁症状越严重,越多采用不成熟防御机制,较少采用积极应对方式,反之亦然。  相似文献   

目的:了解抑郁症患者心理防御方式特征和家庭生活质量。方法:使用防御方式量表(DSQ)对75例抑郁症患者防御方式进行评定,采用生活质量综合评定问卷(GQOLI-74)对92名抑郁症患者家属的生活质量进行评定,两组均以80名正常人作为对照。结果:抑郁症组中间型及不成熟型防御机制评分(4.76±0.41)和(4.41±0.60),显著高于对照组(4.31±0.31)和(3.92±0.81)(P均<0.01);而抑郁症组成熟防御机制评分(4.62±0.54)则显著低于对照组(5.20±0.47)(P<0.05)。抑郁症家属生活质量较对照组差,GQOLI总分及躯体、心理、社会功能及物质生活4个维度均较对照组显著为低(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:抑郁症患者多采用了中间型和不成熟型的心理防御方式,其家庭生活质量下降。  相似文献   

The determination of defense style by questionnaire   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Defense Style Questionnaire was relabeled in terms of DSM-III-R defenses and administered to three groups: a normal population, family practice patients, and patients with anxiety disorders. The preferred factor structure identified mature defenses (sublimation, humor, anticipation, and suppression), neurotic defenses (undoing, altruism, idealization, and reaction formation), and immature defenses (projection, passive aggression, acting out, etc). Factor scores varied systematically with group membership and with measures of total symptoms. In this cross-sectional study, the vulnerability factors of neuroticism, locus of control, and defense style were all correlated with neurotic symptoms, but defense style added little to the variance explained by the other two. Within the patient group, however, neuroticism and locus of control did not distinguish among panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, while defense style showed patterns characteristic of each disorder.  相似文献   

目的 调查不同服刑期的男性服刑人员心理防御机制及其家庭环境状况,分析其心理防御机制与家庭环境的关系。方法 于2015年4月-6月采用随机数字表法抽取广东省某监狱的男性服刑人员200名作为研究对象,并根据其服刑期,将服刑人员分为已服刑5年以下组(n=108)和5年及以上组(n=92),采用防御方式问卷(DSQ)和家庭环境量表中文版(FES-CV)评定其防御方式和家庭环境情况。采用Pearson相关分析检验各量表评分间的相关性。结果 已服刑5年以下组DSQ不成熟防御机制与中间型防御机制因子评分均低于已服刑5年及以上组,差异均有统计学意义(t=4.198、1.137,P均<0.01)。已服刑5年以下组FES-CV亲密度、情感表达和组织性因子评分均高于已服刑5年及以上组(t=3.122、2.993、2.203,P均<0.01),矛盾性因子评分低于已服刑5年及以上组(t=-3.682,P<0.01)。男性服刑人员DSQ不成熟防御机制、中间型防御机制及掩饰因子评分与FES-CV的亲密度和情感表达因子评分均呈负相关(r=-0.428~-0.172,P<0.05或0.01),DSQ的4个因子评分与FES-CV的矛盾性因子评分均呈正相关(r=0.175~0.384,P<0.05或0.01)。结论 相较于已服刑5年以下的男性服刑人员,已服刑5年及以上者表现出更多的不成熟和中间型心理防御机制,其家庭环境呈现更高程度的矛盾性,更低程度的亲密度、情感表达与组织性;服刑人员的心理防御机制缺陷与其家庭环境相关。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between belief in the myths described by Zilbergeld and sexual dysfunction in males. A group of men seeking treatment for sexual problems were compared with a group of non-dysfunctional men, with regard to their belief in these myths. As predicted, the results showed significantly greater belief in the myths among the dysfunctional group.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of an observational study of 15 spouse dyads where the wife was the caregiver and the husband was the care-receiver, diagnosed with 'probable Alzheimer's disease'. Couples were videotaped in their home interacting in an unstructured mealtime, and a structured planning task. Videotaped observations were coded according to the Marital Interaction Coding System (MICS). Summary data from the MICS were correlated with caregiver self-report measures of stress, depression, burden, coping styles, and family environment. A significant correlation was found between the level of conflict in the marriage and the frequency of positive codes observed in the wife during the observations. Several other correlations, while not significant at the 0.05 level, fell in the expected direction. Limitations of this study, and suggestions for future research, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examine the emergency commitment process in one Oregon county and present data that document the impact of a local detention facility. The study reconfirms the dependence of commitment processes on the mental health system in which they occur, illustrates the relative inability of specific laws to determine the actual nature of commitment processes, provides support for the concept of community care for the people involved, and points to the need for additional research to clarify the effects of commitment procedures.  相似文献   

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