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Action potentials and afterpotentials were recorded with a microelectrode inserted into lizard motor axons within a few millimeters of their motor terminals. In the presence of 1 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), the duration of the action potential recorded near motor terminals was Ca-sensitive: repolarization was more rapid when bath [Ca] was elevated, and became slower when bath [Ca] was removed or when 0.1-1 mM Mn was added. Repolarization was also slowed following addition of 3-10 nM charybdotoxin or 100-300 microM tetraethylammonium (TEA) to the bath, and following intra-axonal injection of the Ca buffer BAPTA. These results, in agreement with published extracellular recordings, indicate that the motor nerve terminal membrane contains rapidly activating, Ca-activated K channels. When these (and other) K channels were blocked by 10 mM TEA, the action potential recorded near motor terminals was followed by Ca-dependent depolarizing afterpotentials, followed in turn by a slow hyperpolarizing afterpotential (h.a.p.) that lasted several seconds. This slow h.a.p. was also Ca-sensitive: it became larger with increasing bath [Ca] and was abolished by removal of bath [Ca] and by addition of 1 mM Mn. Intra-axonal injection of BAPTA reduced the amplitude of the slow h.a.p., and prolonged injections promoted repetitive discharge. The slow h.a.p. following single action potentials was observed in 100 microM ouabain and in K-free solutions and thus is pharmacologically distinct from the hyperpolarization that follows tetanic stimulation. The slow h.a.p. was selectively inhibited by 100 nM apamin, but persisted in 100 nM charybdotoxin. This afterpotential was enhanced by 0.1-1 mM 4-AP and by the dihydropyridine Bay K 8644 (0.1-1 microM). These results suggest that the slow h.a.p. in lizard motor nerve terminals is mediated by Ca-activated K channels that can be activated near the resting potential and are pharmacologically distinct from the Ca-activated K channels that contribute to action potential repolarization. The slow h.a.p. was enhanced by 0.1-1 mM caffeine and inhibited by 100 microM procaine, raising the possibility that this afterpotential may be activated not only by Ca entering via the plasma membrane, but also by Ca released from intra-terminal stores.  相似文献   

B R Hamilton  D O Smith 《Brain research》1992,584(1-2):123-131
Ca2+ currents in response to an action potential were recorded extracellularly under non-voltage clamped conditions from rat motor nerve terminals. The Ca2+ current was blocked by Cd2+, Co2+, and Ni2+. A residual component that could not be blocked by inorganic cations was inhibited completely by tetrodotoxin (TTX). The Ca2+ current was also moderately sensitive to the N- and L-type Ca2+ channel-blocker omega-conotoxin but was insensitive to the L-type channel-specific dihydropyridines. When a fraction of the terminal K+ currents was blocked by 10 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA), the Ca2+ current duration decreased only slightly as stimulation frequency increased from 0.5 to 20 Hz. When K+ currents were blocked by TEA plus 3,4-diaminopyridine (250 microM) though, the Ca2+ current duration decreased from greater than 70 ms to 8-10 ms as stimulation frequency increased from 0.5 to 20 Hz. Recovery of the duration following 20-Hz stimulation occurred faster during subsequent stimulation at 0.5 Hz than at 2 Hz. ATP and ACh inhibit Ca2+ currents at stimulation frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 20 Hz; however, when the purinergic and cholinergic autoreceptors are blocked by theophylline (100 microM) and pirenzepine (3 microM), respectively, the frequency-induced decrease in current duration persisted. Thus, motor nerve terminal Ca2+ current duration is determined by stimulus repetition frequency; this appears to involve intracellular Ca2+ accumulation, although effects secondary to variability in the time course of changes in terminal membrane potentials cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Calcium in motor nerve terminals associated with posttetanic potentiation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have used fura-2 fluorescence to study the effects of repetitive stimulation producing posttetanic potentiation (PTP) at crayfish neuromuscular junctions on presynaptic calcium concentration. Fura-2 was injected into the preterminal axon of the excitor motor neuron to the claw opener muscle of a walking leg. Pictures of presynaptic terminals on the muscle surface were obtained with a charge-coupled device camera, ratioed, and converted to spatial images of intracellular calcium concentration. Stimulation of the motor nerve for 7-10 min at 20-33 Hz produced potentiation during the tetanus and PTP following the tetanus. Presynaptic calcium levels in terminal boutons and varicosities rose to about 2 microM during the tetanus and decayed at first rapidly and then slowly back to levels near the initial concentration of about 200 nM. The decay rate of potentiated synaptic transmission was the same as the decay rate of the elevated calcium concentration during the posttetanic period dominated by PTP, when facilitation and augmentation had dissipated. A 13-fold potentiation corresponded to a 500 nM elevation of calcium to about 700 nM. The linear dependence we observed is not consistent with the power law formulation of a residual calcium hypothesis for PTP. During the tetanus, the enhancement of synaptic transmission due to facilitation, augmentation, and potentiation exceeded that expected from the correspondence between PTP and posttetanic calcium levels. This may occur because during the tetanus there is insufficient time for calcium to equilibrate spatially between action potentials, and the submembrane calcium will be higher than the volume-average calcium levels that we detect. Following low-frequency trains (typically 8 Hz for about 35 sec), enhanced synaptic transmission and elevated presynaptic calcium decayed rapidly, within a few seconds. Short high-frequency trains (50-100 Hz for 1-2 min) elicited an additional hours-long elevation of presynaptic calcium, corresponding to, and perhaps responsible for, part of the long-term potentiation of transmission that such stimulation produces at this synapse.  相似文献   

The existence of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) on the motor nerve terminals of vertebrates has long been controversial. We have re-examined this issue by electron microscope autoradiography with [125I] alpha-bungarotoxin, following separation of nerve terminals from muscle fibers by collagenase and protease treatment. We found no label over nerve terminal membranes other than that due to background, and we calculate upper limits of less than 0.1% of the postsynaptic AChR density for nerve terminals in frogs, lizards, and mice. We conclude that there are essentially no presynaptic acetylcholine receptors that bind alpha-bungarotoxin at vertebrate neuromuscular junctions.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of proximal constriction on motor nerve terminals, silk ligations were placed around the tibial nerve in the thigh of rabbits. The ligatures were tight enough to cause Wallerian degeneration in most of the large myelinated fibers; we studied those which remained unaffected. A week after operation, 9 animals showed a fall in amplitude of medial plantar muscle action potential to less than 30% of the pre-operative value on tibial nerve stimulation at the ankle. They were killed after keeping the constriction from 10 to 100 days, and the medial plantar muscles were removed for histological studies on the motor terminals of the medial plantar nerve. AChE-silver staining showed many nerve endings without terminal axons, and "junctional" terminals showing preservation of the continuity proximal to complete degeneration from 10 days to the 40 days after ligation. A few terminal and nodal sproutings were found 10 days after ligation. Transverse sections of the intramuscular portion of the medial plantar nerve showed a decrease in number of the large myelinated fibers. While the ratio of axonal caliber/external diameter of large myelinated fibers (g-ratio) was reduced, g-ratio of small myelinated fibers were varied but as high as that in normal controls from 40 days after ligation. These results indicate distal axonal degeneration (dying back) of the terminal fibers besides the Wallerian degeneration at the level of the ligature and inhibited distal sproutings, which are probably caused by a local disturbance of axonal transport resulting from proximal constriction.  相似文献   

The structure and size of 1-week to 1-year-old normal (line 412) and dystrophic (line 413) chicken motor nerve terminals were studied using combined pre- and postsynaptic histologic endplate staining. The main result is that adult dystrophic terminals have abnormal structure and are significantly smaller than normal. These differences occurred progressively during development. At 1 week ex ovo, dystrophic motor nerve terminals were similar to normals in size and appearance. By 8 weeks, differences between normal and dystrophic terminal size and structural organization began to emerge. Qualitatively, beginning at 8 weeks and becoming more frequent by 1 year of age (the endpoint of this study), dystrophic motor endplates differed from normal in having: generally smaller synaptic boutons, often separated by extremely thin branching interconnectives; increasing incidence of multiple innervation; and frequent occurrences of apparent partial or total denervation, terminal sprouting, and reinnervation.  相似文献   

Court FA  Brophy PJ  Ribchester RR 《Glia》2008,56(4):471-479
Myelin formation around axons increases nerve conduction velocity and influences both the structure and function of the myelinated axon. In the peripheral nervous system, demyelinating forms of hereditary Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) diseases cause reduced nerve conduction velocity initially and ultimately axonal degeneration. Several mouse models of CMT diseases have been generated, allowing the study of the consequences of disrupting Schwann cell function on peripheral nerve fibers. Nevertheless, the effect of demyelination at the level of the neuromuscular synapse has been largely overlooked. Here we show that in mice lacking functional Periaxin (Prx) genes, a model of a recessive type of CMT disease known as CMT4F, neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) develop profound morphological changes in the preterminal region of motor axons. These changes include extensive preterminal branches that originate in demyelinated regions of the nerve fiber and axonal swellings associated with residually-myelinated regions of the fiber. Using intracellular recording from muscle fibers we detected asynchronous failure of action potential transmission at high but not low stimulation frequencies, a phenomenon consistent with branch point failure. Taken together, our morphological and electrophysiological findings suggest that preterminal branching due to segmental demyelination near the neuromuscular synapse in Periaxin KO mice may underlie some characteristics of disabilities, including coordination deficits, present in this mouse model of CMT disease. These results reveal the importance of studying how demyelinating diseases might influence NMJ function and contribute to clinical disability.  相似文献   

The release of transmitter at neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) of the opener muscle in crayfish is quantal in nature. This NMJ offers the advantage of being able to record quantal events at specific visually identified release sites, thus allowing measurement of the physiological parameters of vesicle release and its response to be directly correlated with synaptic structure. These experiments take advantage of areas between the varicosities on the nerve terminal that we define as “stems.” Stems were chosen as the region to study because of their low synaptic output due to fewer synaptic sites. Through 3D reconstruction from hundreds of serial sections, obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), at a site in which focal macropatch recordings were obtained, the number of synapses and AZs are revealed. Thus, physiological profiles with various stimulation conditions can be assessed in regards to direct synaptic structure. Here, we used the properties of the quantal shape to determine if distinct subsets of quantal signatures existed and if differences in the distributions are present depending on the frequency of stimulation. Such a quantal signature could come about by parameters of area, rise time, peak amplitude, latency, and tau decay. In this study, it is shown that even at defined sites on the stem, with few active zones, synaptic transmission is still complex and the quantal responses appear to be variable even for a given synapse over time. In this study, we could not identify a quantal signature for the conditions utilized. Synapse, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The variance in synaptic delays among endplate potentials events (referred here as jitter) was measured to study the contribution of voltage dependent calcium channels to transmission synchronicity in neuromuscular synapses from wild type and alpha-1A knockout mice (i.e., lacking P/Q type calcium channels). Knockout synapses presented higher jitter values than wild type ones under a wide range of extracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]o) values. Accordingly, wild type synapses showed less synchronic neurotransmitter release when P/Q type calcium channels were partially blocked as well as under lower [Ca2+]o. In the knockout synapses, N-type calcium channels mediated neurotransmitter release in a more temporally precise way than the R-type ones. Our results suggest that the type of calcium channels mediating transmitter release influenced the degree of synaptic synchrony. Thus, these results provide insight on the mechanisms underlying several pathologies associated with P/Q type calcium channels.  相似文献   

Throughout life, neuromuscular junctions undergo dynamic changes, remodelling occurring through extension and withdrawal of motor nerve terminals in conjunction with changes in the distribution of acetylcholine receptors at the muscle endplate. However, relatively little is known about the fundamental processes by which nerve terminals are remodelled. These dynamic processes are likely to be driven by molecular motors. Previously, we have implicated myosins IIA and IIB as opposing motors influencing neuronal growth cone dynamics. Using confocal microscopy of neuromuscular junction preparations colabelled for myosin II isoforms and nerve terminal or muscle endplate markers, we demonstrate that both myosin IIA and myosin IIB are localized in nerve terminals. We propose roles for these motor proteins in junctional stabilization and destabilization.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether rat motor nerve terminals with different in vivo activity patterns also have different vesicle trafficking characteristics. To do this, we monitored, using combined optical and electrical techniques, the rate of exocytosis (during different frequencies and patterns of activity), the releasable pool size, and the recycle time of synaptic vesicles in terminals on soleus (slow-twitch) and extensor digitorum longus [(EDL); fast-twitch] muscle fibers. EDL terminals had a higher initial quantal content (QC) than soleus, but during tonic or phasic stimulation at 20-80 Hz, EDL QC ran down to a greater extent than soleus QC. By recording loss of fluorescence from exocytosing vesicles labeled with the dye FM1-43, EDL terminals were found to destain faster than those in soleus. Simultaneous intracellular recording of end plate potentials, to count the number of vesicles released, permitted estimation of the total vesicle pool (VP) size and the recycle time by combining the optical and electrophysiological data. Soleus vesicle pool was larger than EDL, but recycle time was not significantly different. These terminals, therefore, are adapted to their in vivo activity patterns by alterations in QC and VP size but not recycle time.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) coexists with acetylcholine (ACh) in motor nerve terminals. Externally applied CGRP has been shown to increase the synthesis of ACh receptors in cultured myotubes by a mechanism independent of muscle activity. Thus, CGRP is suggested to be a neurotrophic factor that may regulate the expression of several long-term events occurring at the neuromuscular junction. We have examined the effect of CGRP on the sprouting of motor nerve terminals induced by chronic block of nerve-muscle activity in adult rats. Daily treatment with CGRP suppressed the disuse-induced terminal sprouting in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the morphology of motor nerve terminals in active muscles was unaffected by CGRP. CGRP may be a possible candidate for an antisprouting agent which has been postulated to exist in nerve terminals. The disuse-induced outgrowth of terminal sprouts was accompanied by an increase in the mean quantum content of end-plate potentials, as well as in the frequency of spontaneous miniature end-plate potentials. This increased transmitter release was still maintained at the junctions in which disuse-induced terminal sprouting had been suppressed by CGRP. It is suggested that the formation of terminal sprouts per se is not responsible for the plastic change of transmitter release induced by prolonged disuse of the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

We have studied the electrophysiological effects of IgG obtained from four patients with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) (two with small cell carcinoma), using the mouse passive transfer model. Mice received LEMS or control IgG or plasma, 10 to 60 mg daily. Microelectrode intracellular recordings were made from diaphragm muscle. LEMS IgG and plasma decreased end-plate potential quantal content similarly, confirming IgG as the active factor. LEMS IgG was equally effective in C5-deficient mice, indicating that late complement components are not required. The time course of decline and recovery of quantal content closely followed that of the human IgG in the mouse serum, with time to half-maximal effect of about 1.5 days in each case. Binding/dissociation of IgG or down/up regulation of the antigenic determinants, possibly Ca2+ channels, has a half-life of between 2 and 36 hours. The results confirm our concept that IgG antibody to nerve terminal determinants underlies the disorder of transmitter release in LEMS.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis have suggested that increased intracellular calcium is a common denominator in motoneuron injury. In experimental models, IgG from patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis enhanced calcium entry and induced apoptotic cell death in vitro as well as increased intracellular calcium and induced ultrastructural alterations of the motor nerve terminals in mice in vivo. To determine whether similar increases in intracellular calcium and altered morphology are present in motor nerve terminals of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients in vivo, muscle biopsy specimens from 7 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 10 nondenervating disease control subjects, and 5 patients with denervating neuropathies were analyzed with ultrastructural techniques, employing oxalate-pyroantimonate fixation to preserve in situ calcium distribution. Motor nerve terminals from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis specimens contained significantly increased calcium, increased mitochondrial volume, and increased numbers of synaptic vesicles compared to any of the disease control groups, without exhibiting excess Schwann envelopment specific to denervating terminals. These results parallel the effect of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis IgG passively transferred to mice, and provide the first demonstration that neuronal calcium is, in fact, increased in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in vivo.  相似文献   

Functional, pharmacologic, and ultrastructural correlates during Wallerian degeneration were sought in rat phrenic nerve terminals. Functional and pharmacologic responses were studied in vitro in paired denervated and innervated hemidiaphragms 14 to 22 h after unilateral phrenicotomy. Following this, the diaphragms were fixed for electron microscopic examination of junctional regions. A progressive loss of neurally evoked and isometrically recorded twitch tension fully defined the course of transmission failure in the junctional population. This time course concurs with that reported by others. The twitch method, by measuring the population response, discloses that structurally altered nerve terminals, at 16 h after denervation, are able to transmit. Total transmission failure at 22 h correlates with the disappearance of the nerve terminal structure and its replacement by the Schwann cell. Using edrophonium to test motor nerve terminal function, via the production of twitch potentiation, showed that loss of this pharmacologic response during degeneration paralleled the single twitch loss. Edrophonium testing further disclosed a slowed development of twitch potentiation. This pharmacologic abnormality appeared at the onset of transmission loss and is seen to signal motor nerve terminal dysfunction. This abnormality is also associated with the earliest changes in nerve terminal ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Neuronal membrane gangliosides, forming a large family of sialylated glycosphingolipids, have been hypothesized to play important roles in synaptic transmission. We studied the ex vivo electrophysiological function of neuromuscular junctions of GM2/GD2‐synthase*GD3‐synthase compound null‐mutant mice after acute removal of GM3, the only remaining ganglioside in this mouse, by in vitro treatment with neuraminidase. We found 16% enhancement of the acetylcholine release per nerve impulse at low‐rate (0.3 Hz) nerve stimulation. Conversely, the treatment reduced the acetylcholine release evoked by high‐rate (40 Hz) nerve stimulation. Also, 25 ms paired‐pulse facilitation of endplate potentials was reduced by the neuraminidase‐treatment. These effects may indicate a modest modulatory influence of the negative electrical charges carried by the sialic acid molecules of gangliosides on the function of presynaptic Cav2.1 channels, affecting the magnitude and kinetics of the Ca2+ influx that induces neurotransmitter release from the motor nerve terminal. Our results show that gangliosides are to some extent involved in neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction, but that their presence is not an absolute requirement in this process. Synapse 64:335–338, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Living motor nerve terminals from several species can be stained in an activity-dependent fashion by certain styryl dyes, such as RH414, RH795, and a new dye, FM1-43, which can be imaged independently of the others. The dyes evidently become trapped within recycled synaptic vesicles. In frog cutaneus pectoris muscle, bright fluorescent spots spaced regularly along the length of the nerve terminals appear after stimulation in the presence of the dye. The spots align well with postsynaptic ACh receptors and are persistent for many hours, unless further stimulation is given, in which case the spots disappear. Destaining, like staining, requires transmitter release and proceeds gradually over several minutes at high stimulus frequencies (e.g., 30 Hz), and fluorescent spots in the same terminal disappear at about the same rate. We suggest that each spot is a cluster of hundred of synaptic vesicles and that the mechanism of staining involves the ability of the dyes to partition reversibly into the outer leaflet of surface membranes, without being able to penetrate the entire membrane thickness. Then, during endocytosis following transmitter release, dye molecules become trapped in recycled synaptic vesicle membranes. The dyes therefore make it possible optically to study vesicle exocytosis and recycling in living nerve terminals in real time, and should be useful for marking terminals in a variety of preparations according to their level of activity.  相似文献   

The evolution of motor nerve degeneration was examined in gracile axonal dystrophy (GAD) mutant mice, which develop initial sensory ataxia and subsequent motor paresis. Using the anterior gracilis (AG) muscle, which is innervated at two discrete and well-separated end-plate zones, we demonstrated that axonal degeneration occurred first at motor nerve terminals in the distal end-plate zone, and then extended gradually from the distal to the more proximal parts of affected axons in the intramuscular nerve trunk. In contrast to the degeneration in the distal zone, active degeneration was less marked in the proximal endplate zone and, furthermore, most terminal axons had begun to produce regenerating sprouts. Ventral horn cells were histologically normal, even at advanced stages. These results indicate that, as previously observed in sensory nerves, dying back degeneration progresses later in the lower motor neuron system, even within one muscle. The mechanism(s) influencing the activation of axonal regeneration are discussed. This mutant mouse will be a useful model for the study of regenerating phenomena in dying back degeneration of genetically compromised motor neurons, as well as for the study of the pathogenesis of hereditary sensory and motor neuropathies in man.  相似文献   

The present study revealed the immunohistochemical distribution of neurocalcin, a three EF-hand calcium-binding protein, in the rat muscles and tendons. In the muscle spindles, annulospiral endings, which made spirals around the intrafusal muscles, showed intense neurocalcin-immunoreactivity. In the Golgi tendon organs, immunopositive thick nerve fibers entered the collagenous fibers resulting in the projection of many swelling terminals. In all examined muscles, nerve terminals in the motor endplates showed neurocalcin-immunoreactivity associated with the membranes of synaptic vesicles and mitochondria. These findings suggest that neurocalcin is distributed and regulates calcium signaling in both afferent and efferent nerve terminals in the muscles and tendons.  相似文献   

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