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<正>广西玉林市妇幼保健院创建于1978年,现成为集保健、医疗、康复、教学、科研为一体的三级甲等妇幼保健院和妇女儿童医院。负责全市七县(市、区)的妇幼保健工作的业务指导工作。该院占地面积5485平方米,拥有业务大楼和综合大楼,设置床位150张,年住院数8000多人次,病床使用率在130%以上,年门诊量30万余人次,每年约有近4000余名新生儿在该院诞生。该院是玉林首家获世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会和卫生部批准的"爱婴医院":是玉林市产科急救中心;多次荣获全区卫生先进单位。全院  相似文献   

<正>广西玉林市妇幼保健院创建于1978年,现成为集保健、医疗、康复、教学、科研为一体的三级甲等妇幼保健院和妇女儿童医院。负责全市七县(市、区)的妇幼保健工作的业务指导工作。该院占地面积5485平方米,拥有业务大楼和综合大楼,设置床位150张,年住院数8000多人次,病床使用率在130%以上,年门诊量30万余人次,每年约有近4000余名新生儿在该院诞生。该院是玉林首家获世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会和卫生部批准的"爱婴医院";是玉林市产科急救中心;多次荣获全区卫生先进单位。全院共有职工  相似文献   

[摘要] 先天性心脏病是指出生时即存在的心脏、血管结构和功能上的异常。广西壮族自治区党委、政府高度重视先天性心脏病防治工作,贯彻预防为主、防治结合的方针,不断提高先天性心脏病患儿防治服务能力,有效促进了妇幼健康事业高质量发展,先天性心脏病防治工作取得较好的成绩。该文就广西地区近10年来先天性心脏病防治工作情况进行回顾与展望。  相似文献   

2011年6月1~3日,全区妇幼保健院院长培训班在广西桂林召开。参加培训的有各市、县(市、区)各级妇幼保健院院长、书记和分管保健副院长共184人。通过此次培训,为做好医改新形势下的妇幼保健院发展与改革开拓了新思路,统一了认识,将促进全区妇幼保健工作任务更好落实。  相似文献   

广西鹿寨县妇幼保健院是一所集医疗、保健、计划生育技术指导、健康教育、培训、妇幼卫生信息、科研六大任务为一体的国家"二级甲等"妇幼保健院及爱婴医院,始建于1956年。2009年完成整体搬迁,新院占地面积17亩,建筑面积15372.46平方米,现有职工227人,其中卫技人员170人,开设病床150张、三套高端病房,设有妇科、产科、妇保科、儿科、新生儿科、儿保科等科室。医院拥有四维彩色B超诊断仪、DR、呼吸机、全  相似文献   

广西鹿寨县妇幼保健院是一所集医疗、保健、计划生育技术指导、健康教育、培训、妇幼卫生信息、科研等任务为一体的国家"二级甲等"妇幼保健院及爱婴医院,始建于1956年。2009年完成整体搬迁,新院占地面积17亩,建筑面积15372.46平方米,现有职工227人,其中卫技人员170人,开设病床150张、三套高端病房,设有妇科、产科、妇保科、儿科、新生儿科、儿保科等科室。医院拥有四维彩色B超诊断仪、DR、呼吸机、全自动生化仪、  相似文献   

广西北海市妇幼保健院位于风景优美、气候宜人的沿海开发城市一北海市深圳路2号,是一所市属全民所有制的妇幼保倔专业机构,是融保健、预防、医疗、科研、教学、健康教育哭一体的妇幼保健院。医院创建于1953年12月1日,现占地面移8399平方米,业务用房面积12291平方米.全院有职工372人,其中卫生技术人员282人(具有高级职称者26人,中级职称名113人)。病床设置100张,年门诊量25万多人次,年接待住蟛病人6000多人次。拥有较先进的诊疗仪器设备125台(件),唪时拥有层流净化产房、手术室等服务设施和较强的技术力量。设妇幼保健、临床、医技科室15个,重点业务是妇幼保健、产科、新生儿科。  相似文献   

<正>广西柳城县妇幼保健院是一所集医疗、保健、科研、教学为一体的妇女、儿童专科医院,是"一级甲等妇幼保健院"、"爱婴医院"和城镇职工(居民)基本医疗保险及新型农村合作医疗定点医疗机构,同时也是全县的妇幼保健业务指导中心,承担全县妇幼保健和产科业务人员的培训工作,负责全县妇幼保健"三网"监测和管理工作,负责柳城县国家级的降低孕产妇死亡率和新生儿破伤风项目(简称"降消"项目)工作。医院拥有柳城县首台日本阿洛卡牌实时三维彩色B超机、美国进口全自  相似文献   

<正>广西柳城县妇幼保健院是一所集保健、医疗、科研、教学为一体的二级甲等妇幼保健院和爱婴医院,全县的产前筛查和新生儿疾病筛查中心,县产科急救中心之一,医保和新农合定点医院。承担全县妇幼保健业务指导任务。该院于2011年7月完成了整体搬迁工程,现占  相似文献   

广西柳城县妇幼保健院是一所集保健、医疗、科研、教学为一体的二级甲等妇幼保健院和爱婴医院,全县的产前筛查和新生儿疾病筛查中心,县产科急救中心之一,医保和新农合定点医院。承担全县妇幼保健业务指导任务。  相似文献   

During the past ten years of PA education, new methods of instruction have been introduced and tested, and curricula have been expanded. Clinical experience is being provided in a widening range of medical settings. Greater emphasis has been placed on standardization and accreditation of instruction. Most PA programs are now sponsored by four-year colleges, with instruction leading to a bachelor's degree.  相似文献   

结核病是由结核分枝杆菌感染引起、主要经呼吸道传播的全身慢性传染病,是严重危害我国人民群众健康,制约经济和社会发展的重要疾病之一。广西是我国结核病疫情比较严重的地区。广西各级党委、政府一直高度重视结核病防治工作。广西自2004年全面推行现代结核病控制策略,全社会积极参与,各级结核病防治工作者共同努力落实各项结核病防控政策,防治服务体系不断完善,防治能力不断提升,肺结核疫情出现下降趋势,广西结核病防治工作取得了显著成绩。但结核病防治工作仍面临诸多挑战。该文就广西近10年结核病防治工作成就与展望进行综述。  相似文献   

Objective: Maternal asthma during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of negative perinatal outcomes. However, little is known about the direct effects of maternal asthma on infant cognitive development. We examined the evidence for an impact of maternal asthma during pregnancy on cognitive and behavioral development of the child. Data sources: We conducted a MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and manual search of the databases for all available studies until January 9th, 2018. Study Selections: Studies were deemed relevant if they included child cognitive and behavioral development as the outcome, with maternal asthma as the determinant of interest. Results: Ten articles matched selection criteria. Some studies report that maternal asthma is associated with increased risk for autism and intellectual disability in children. However, these effects are small and are often eliminated when controlling for confounding variables. Other studies have found no association. The only prospective study found that well-managed asthma during pregnancy was not associated with negative developmental outcomes in children. Conclusions: The evidence suggests that the relationship between maternal asthma during pregnancy and poor developmental and behavioral outcomes of children is weak. Children of mothers with well-managed asthma during pregnancy have similar developmental trajectories to those born to healthy mothers. Prospective, longitudinal studies are needed to confirm these conclusions. Optimal asthma management is important in pregnancy as it may have longer term benefits for the health of the offspring. As the rate of asthma increases in the population, the implications of maternal asthma on child development will be of greater importance.  相似文献   

It is a research priority to identify modifiable risk factors to improve the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention strategies. Research, however, has largely overlooked the role of child temperament and personality implicated in obesogenic risk factors such as maternal feeding and body mass index (BMI) of preschoolers. A systematic review of relevant literature was conducted to investigate the associations between child temperament, child personality, maternal feeding and BMI and/or weight gain in infants and preschoolers; 18 papers were included in the review. The findings revealed an association between the temperament traits of poor self‐regulation, distress to limitations, low and high soothability, low negative affectivity and higher BMI in infants and preschool‐aged children. Temperament traits difficult, distress to limitations, surgency/extraversion and emotionality were significantly associated with weight gain rates in infants. The results also suggested that child temperament was associated with maternal feeding behaviours that have been shown to influence childhood overweight and obesity, such as using restrictive feeding practices with children perceived as having poor self‐regulation and feeding potentially obesogenic food and drinks to infants who are more externalizing. Interestingly, no studies to date have evaluated the association between child personality and BMI/weight gain in infants and preschoolers. There is a clear need for further research into the association of child temperament and obesogenic risk factors in preschool‐aged children.  相似文献   

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