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Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein C (gC-1) binds complement component C3b and inhibits complement-mediated immunity. HSV-1 glycoprotein D (gD-1) is a potent immunogen and a candidate antigen for a subunit vaccine. We evaluated whether combined immunization with gD-1 and gC-1 provides better protection against challenge than gD-1 alone based on antibodies to gC-1 preventing HSV-1-mediated immune evasion. IgG purified from mice immunized with gC-1 blocked C3b binding to gC-1 and greatly increased neutralization by gD-1 IgG in the presence of complement. Passive transfer of gC-1 IgG protected complement intact mice against HSV-1 challenge but not C3 knockout mice, indicating that gC-1 antibody activity in vivo is complement-dependent. Immunizing mice with gD-1 and gC-1 provided better protection than gD-1 alone in preventing zosteriform disease and infection of dorsal root ganglia. Therefore, gC-1 immunization prevents HSV-1 evasion from complement and enhances the protection provided by gD-1 immunization.  相似文献   

As novel SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern emerge, the efficacy of existing vaccines against COVID-19 is declining. A possible solution to this problem lies in the development of a live attenuated vaccine potentially able of providing cross-protective activity against a wide range of SARS-CoV-2 antigenic variants. Cold-adapted (ca) SARS-CoV-2 variants, Dubrovka-ca-B4 (D-B4) and Dubrovka-ca-D2 (D-D2), were obtained after long-term passaging of the Dubrovka (D) strain in Vero cells at reduced temperatures. Virulence, immunogenicity, and protective activity of SARS-CoV-2 variants were evaluated in experiments on intranasal infection of Syrian golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). In animal model infecting with ca variants, the absence of body weight loss, the significantly lower viral titer and viral RNA concentration in animal tissues, the less pronounced inflammatory lesions in animal lungs as compared with the D strain indicated the reduced virulence of the virus variant. Single intranasal immunization with D-B4 and D-D2 variants induced the production of neutralizing antibodies in hamsters and protected them from infection with the D strain and the development of severe pneumonia. It was shown that for ca SARS-CoV-2 variants, the temperature-sensitive (ts) phenotype was not obligate for virulence reduction. Indeed, the D-B4 variant, which did not possess the ts phenotype but had lost the ability to infect human lung cells Calu-3, exhibited reduced virulence in hamsters. Consequently, the potential phenotypic markers of attenuation of ca SARS-CoV-2 variants are the ca phenotype, the ts phenotype, and the change in species specificity of the virus. This study demonstrates the great potential of SARS-CoV-2 cold adaptation as a strategy to develop a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine.  相似文献   

Vaccine development efforts against Streptococcus suis serotype 2 (S. suis 2) are often constrained by strain/serotype antigen variability. Bioinformatics analyses revealed two highly conserved S. suis 2 factors, EF-Tu and FtsZ. Murine immunization with recombinant proteins emulsified in white oil adjuvant or eukaryotic DNA vaccine vectors provided significant protection against lethal S. suis 2 challenge. Immune responses elicited by recombinant protein immunization revealed the robust generation of humoral immune responses, with a mixed induction of Th1-type and Th2-type responses. Furthermore, the antiserum from mice immunized with recombinant proteins significantly inhibited the growth of S. suis 2 in healthy pig whole blood, suggesting the triggering of a strong opsonizing response. Histological examination found that immunizing mice with purified recombinant proteins reduced neutrophil and macrophage accumulation in brain and lung tissues after challenge with virulent S. suis. Taken together, these findings reveal that EF-Tu and FtsZ may be promising targets for subunit and DNA vaccine candidates against S. suis 2 infection.  相似文献   

Avian coccidiosis is mostly caused by mixed infection of several Eimeria species under natural conditions and immunity to avian coccidiosis is largely dependent on T-cell immune response. In this study, 14 T-cell epitope fragments from eight antigens of Eimeria tenella (E. tenella), Eimeria necatrix (E. necatrix), Eimeria maxima (E. maxima) and Eimeria acervulina (E. acervulina) were ligated with pVAX1 producing 14 monovalent DNA vaccines, respectively. Protective immunity of the monovalent DNA vaccines was assessed by in vivo challenge experiments and then four most protective fragments of each species were chosen to construct multivalent epitope DNA vaccines with or without chicken IL-2 as genetic adjuvant. Protective efficacies of the epitope DNA vaccines on chickens against E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. maxima and E. acervulina were evaluated. The results showed that the constructed multivalent epitope DNA vaccines significantly increased body weight gain, alleviated enteric lesions and reduced oocyst output of the infected birds. Especially, the multivalent epitope DNA vaccines of pVAX1-NA4-1-TA4-1-LDH-2-EMCDPK-1 and pVAX1-NA4-1-TA4-1-LDH-2-EMCDPK-1-IL-2 not only significantly increased body weight gain, alleviated enteric lesions and reduced oocyst output of the infected birds, but also resulted in anti-coccidial index (ACI) more than 170 against E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. maxima and E. acervulina, which indicated they could induce protective immunity against E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. maxima and E. acervulina. Our findings suggest the constructed multivalent epitope DNA vaccines are the potential candidate multivalent vaccines against mixed infection of Eimeria.  相似文献   

Anti-vector immunity mitigates immune responses induced by recombinant adenovirus vector vaccines, limiting their prime-boost capabilities. We have developed a novel gene delivery and expression platform (Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]) that induces immune responses despite pre-existing and/or developed concomitant Ad5 immunity. In the present study, we evaluated if this new Ad5 platform could overcome the adverse condition of pre-existing Ad5 immunity to induce effective immune responses in prime-boost immunization regimens against two different infectious diseases in the same animal. Ad5 immune rhesus macaques (RM) were immunized multiple times with the Ad5 [E1-, E2b-] platform expressing antigens from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Immunized RM developed cell-mediated immunity against SIV antigens Gag, Pol, Nef and Env as well as antibody against Env. Vaccinated and vector control RMs were challenged intra-rectally with homologous SIVmac239. During a 7-week follow-up, there was perturbation of SIV load in some immunized RM. At 7 weeks post-challenge, eight immunized animals (53%) did not have detectable SIV, compared to two RM controls (13%) (P < 0.02; log-rank Mantel–Cox test). There was no correlation of protective MHC contributing to infection control. The RM without detectable circulating SIV, now hyper immune to Ad5, were then vaccinated with the same Ad5 [E1-, E2b-] platform expressing H1N1 influenza hemagglutinin (HA). Thirty days post Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-HA vaccination, significant levels of influenza neutralizing antibody were induced in all animals that increased after an Ad5 [E1-, E2b-]-HA homologous boost. These data demonstrate the versatility of this new vector platform to immunize against two separate disease targets in the same animal despite the presence of immunity against the delivery platform, permitting homologous repeat immunizations with an Ad5 gene delivery platform.  相似文献   

West Nile Virus (WNV) is an emerging pathogenic flavivirus with increasing distribution worldwide. Birds are the natural host of the virus, but also mammals, including humans, can be infected. In some cases, a WNV infection can be associated with severe neurological symptoms. All currently available WNV vaccines are in the veterinary sector, and there is a need to develop safe and effective immunization technologies, which can also be used in humans. An alternative to current vaccination methods is DNA immunization. Most current DNA vaccine candidates against flaviviruses simultaneously express the viral envelope (E) and membrane (prM) proteins, which leads to the formation of virus-like particles. Here we generated a DNA plasmid, which expresses only the E-protein ectodomain. Vaccination of mice stimulated anti-WNV T-cell responses and neutralizing antibodies that were higher than those obtained after immunizing with a recombinant protein previously shown to be a protective WNV vaccine. A single dose of the plasmid was sufficient to protect animals from a lethal challenge with the virus. Moreover, immunogenicity could be boosted when DNA injection was followed by immunization with recombinant domain DIII of the E-protein. This resulted in significantly enhanced neutralizing antibody titers and a more prominent cellular immune response. The results suggest that the WNV E-protein is sufficient as a protective antigen in DNA vaccines and that protection can be significantly improved by adding a recombinant protein boost to the DNA prime.  相似文献   

Methylotrophic yeast (Pichia pastoris) secreted cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) predominantly as a biologically active pentamer (PpCTB) with identical ganglioside binding affinity profiles to that of choleragenoid. Unlike choleragenoid, however, the PpCTB did not induce a footpad edema response in mice. Of the two potential glycosylation sites (NIT4-6 and NKT90-92) for this protein, a N-linked oligosaccharide was identified at Asn4. The oligosaccharide, presumed to extend from the lateral circumference of the CTB pentamer ring structure, was exploited as a site-specific anchoring scaffold for the C-terminal 19-kDa merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1-19) of the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium yoelii. Conjugation of MSP1-19 to PpCTB via its oligosaccharide moiety induced higher protective efficacy against lethal parasite infection than conjugation directly to the PpCTB protein body in both intranasal and subcutaneous immunization regimes. Such increased protection was potentially due to the higher antigen loading capacity of CTB achieved when the antigen was linked to the extended branches of the oligosaccharide. This might have allowed the antigen to reside in more spacious molecular environment with less steric hindrance between the constituent molecules of the fusion complex.  相似文献   

Chicken infectious anaemia (CIA) is an economically important and emerging poultry disease reported worldwide. Current CIA vaccines have limitations like, the inability of the virus to grow to high titres in embryos/cell cultures, possession of residual pathogenicity and a risk of reversion to virulence. In the present study, a DNA vaccine, encoding chicken infectious anaemia virus (CIAV) VP1 and VP2 genes, was developed and co-administered with truncated chicken high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1ΔC) protein in young chicks for the evaluation of vaccine immune response. CIAV VP1 and VP2 genes were cloned in pTARGET while HMGB1ΔC in PET32b vector. In vitro expression of these gene constructs was evaluated by Western blotting. Further, recombinant HMGB1ΔC was evaluated for its biological activity. The CIAV DNA vaccine administration in specific pathogen free chicks resulted in moderately protective ELISA antibody titres in the range of 4322.87 ± 359.72 to 8288.19 ± 136.38, increased CD8+ cells, and a higher titre was observed by co-administration of novel adjuvant (HMGB1ΔC) and booster immunizations. The use of vaccine with adjuvant showed achieving antibody titres nearly 8500, titre considered as highly protective, which indicates that co-immunization of HMGB1ΔC may have a strong adjuvant activity on CIAV DNA vaccine induced immune responses. The able potential of HMGB1 protein holding strong adjuvant activity could be exploited further with trials with vaccines for other important pathogens for achieving the required protective immune responses.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2 respectively) cause life-long latent infections resulting in recurrent orofacial and genital blisters or sores. Ensued disease can be painful and may lead to significant mental anguish of infected individuals. Currently, there are no FDA-approved vaccines for either prophylactic or therapeutic use, and recent clinical trials of subunit vaccines failed to achieve endpoints goals. Development of a safe live-attenuated herpes simplex vaccine may provide the antigenic breadth to ultimately protect individuals from acquiring HSV disease. We have previously shown that prophylactic use of the non-neurotropic live attenuated HSV-1 vaccine, VC-2, provides potent and durable protection from genital HSV-2 disease in the guinea pig model. Here, we investigated the effects of intradermal administration as well as the deletion of the viral glycoprotein G (gG) on the efficacy of prophylactic vaccination. Vaccination with either VC-2, VC-2 gG null, or gD2 MPL/Alum offered robust protection from acute disease regardless of route of vaccination. However, both the VC-2 gG-null and the ID vaccination route were more effective compared to the parent VC2 administered by the IM route. Specifically, the VC-2 gG-null administered ID, reduced HSV-2 vaginal replication on day 2 and day 4 as well as mean recurrent lesion scores more effectively than VC2 administered IM. Most importantly, only VC-2 gG null IM and VC-2 ID significantly reduced the frequency of recurrent shedding, the most likely source for virus transmission. Similarly, while all vaccinated groups demonstrated a significant reduction in the number of animals testing PCR-positive for HSV-2 in their dorsal root ganglia following challenge only VC2 ID vaccinated animals demonstrated a significant reduction in DRG viral load. All vaccinations induced neutralizing antibodies to HSV-2 MS when compared to unvaccinated guinea pigs. Therefore, further investigation of VC-2 gG null delivered ID is warranted.  相似文献   

In order for vaccines to induce efficacious immune responses against mucosally transmitted pathogens, such as HIV-1, activated lymphocytes must efficiently migrate to and enter targeted mucosal sites. We have previously shown that all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) can be used as a vaccine adjuvant to enhance mucosal CD8+ T cell responses during vaccination and improve protection against mucosal viral challenge. However, the ATRA formulation is incompatible with most recombinant vaccines, and the teratogenic potential of ATRA at high doses limits its usage in many clinical settings. We hypothesized that increasing in vivo production of retinoic acid (RA) during vaccination with a DNA vector expressing retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (RALDH2), the rate-limiting enzyme in RA biosynthesis, could similarly provide enhanced programming of mucosal homing to T cell responses while avoiding teratogenic effects. Administration of a RALDH2- expressing plasmid during immunization with a HIVgag DNA vaccine resulted in increased systemic and mucosal CD8+ T cell numbers with an increase in both effector and central memory T cells. Moreover, mice that received RALDH2 plasmid during DNA vaccination were more resistant to intravaginal challenge with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the same HIVgag antigen (VACVgag). Thus, RALDH2 can be used as an alternative adjuvant to ATRA during DNA vaccination leading to an increase in both systemic and mucosal T cell immunity and better protection from viral infection at mucosal sites.  相似文献   

The effects of the vaccination of neonatal calves with a glycoprotein E (gE)-negative bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) were investigated in naïve and passively immunised calves either with the recommended dose or a 5-fold concentrated one. After inoculation (PI), all calves excreted the virus vaccine except three passively immunised calves inoculated with the lower titre. No antibody response could be detected in passively immunised calves, whatever the dose used, and they all became BHV-1 seronegative and remained so after dexamethasone treatment (PDT). Nevertheless, as shown by a gamma-interferon assay, all calves that excreted the vaccine PI developed a cell-mediated immune response and a booster response was observed PDT, suggesting viral reactivation. The vaccine virus was recovered PDT from nasal secretions in two calves and BHV-1 DNA were detected in trigeminal ganglia from five calves belonging to all inoculated groups. The results show that the BHV-1 gE-negative vaccine can establish latency not only in naïve but also in passively immunised neonatal calves after a single intranasal inoculation. Moreover, this study shows for the first time that the gE-negative vaccine, when used in passively immunised calves, can lead to seronegative vaccine virus carriers.  相似文献   

Han R  Reed CA  Cladel NM  Christensen ND 《Vaccine》2000,18(26):2937-2944
We previously demonstrated that gene gun-based intracutaneous vaccination of rabbits with a combination of, but not with individual papillomavirus E1, E2, E6 and E7 genes provided complete protection against cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV) infection. In the present study, we tested whether vaccination of inbred and outbred rabbits with a combination of CRPV E1 and E2 genes could provide complete protection against virus infection. In the first experiment, gene gun-based intracutaneous vaccination with E1 and E2 genes prevented papilloma formation in the majority of inbred rabbits and promoted systemic papilloma regression in one non-protected rabbit. In contrast, needle-mediated intramuscular injection of E1 and E2 genes did not prevent papilloma formation nor promoted systemic papilloma regression, indicating an absence of strong protective immunity. In the second experiment, six outbred rabbits were immunized by gene gun-based intracutaneous administration of the E1 and E2 genes. Prevention of papilloma formation or systemic papilloma regression was observed in three vaccinated rabbits. Papillomas persisted on the remaining three rabbits, but were significantly smaller than that on control rabbits. These results suggested that gene gun-based intracutaneous vaccination with the combination of papillomavirus E1 and E2 genes induced strong protective antivirus immunity but may be insufficient for complete protection in an outbred population.  相似文献   

Currently, the need for cooled storage and the impossibility of terminal sterilisation are major drawbacks in vaccine manufacturing and distribution. To overcome current restrictions a preclinical safety and efficacy study was conducted to evaluate new influenza A vaccine formulations regarding thermal resistance, resistance against irradiation-mediated damage and storage stability. We evaluated the efficacy of novel antigen stabilizing and protecting solutions (SPS) to protect influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 split virus antigen under experimental conditions in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and test a multivalent subunit vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) based on the E2 virus glycoprotein belonging to genotypes 1a, 1b and 2a, immunopotentiated by targeting these antigens to antigen-presenting cells. The E2 antigens were expressed in insect cells by a baculovirus vector as fusion proteins with a single chain antibody, named APCH I, which recognizes the β-chain of the MHC Class II antigen. The three chimeric proteins were evaluated for their immunogenicity in a guinea pig model as well as in colostrum-deprived calves. Once the immune response in experimentally vaccinated calves was evaluated, immunized animals were challenged with type 1b or type 2b BVDV in order to study the protection conferred by the experimental vaccine.The recombinant APCH I-tE21a-1b-2a vaccine was immunogenic both in guinea pigs and calves, inducing neutralizing antibodies. After BVDV type 1b and type 2 challenge of vaccinated calves in a proof of concept, the type 1b virus could not be isolated in any animal; meanwhile it was detected in all challenged non-vaccinated control animals. However, the type 2 BVDV was isolated to a lesser extent compared to unvaccinated animals challenged with type 2 BVDV. Clinical signs associated to BVDV, hyperthermia and leukopenia were reduced with respect to controls in all vaccinated calves. Given these results, this multivalent vaccine holds promise for a safe and effective tool to control BVDV in herds.  相似文献   

ADVAX is a DNA-based candidate HIV vaccine that was safe but weakly immunogenic when delivered intramuscularly (IM) in humans. Studies were performed in animal models to determine whether an alternative delivery method, in vivo electroporation (EP), could improve the immunogenicity of ADVAX while maintaining an acceptable safety profile. Immunization of mice with ADVAX with or without EP at weeks 0, 3, and 6, revealed significantly higher gamma interferon ELISpot responses to all antigens in the EP groups. Antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses, as quantified by intracellular cytokine staining, both improved significantly with EP. Evaluation of repeat-dose toxicity of ADVAX-EP in rabbits did not reveal any safety concerns. Biodistribution studies of ADVAX delivered IM and with EP in rats indicated that the vaccine was localized predominantly to the administration site in both groups. PCR-based quantitation of residual plasmid at Day 60 indicated that the potential for integration events into the host genome was low for both IM and EP delivery. Taken together, these data supported the clinical development of ADVAX delivered with EP in human volunteers.  相似文献   

The minor glycoproteins (GPs) of PRRSV, GP2, GP3, and GP4, form a heterotrimer that is required for viral infectivity, presumably due to its interaction with the key cellular receptor CD163. These 3 GPs are encoded by open reading frames (ORFs) 2a, 3 and 4 (herein referred to as ORFs 2–4), respectively. The goal of this study was to investigate the immunogenicity of the PRRSV-2 minor GPs. Through the use of reverse genetics, a chimeric virus (designated SDFL24) was constructed by replacing ORFs 2–4 of the PRRSV-1 strain SD01-08 with the corresponding genes of the PRRSV-2 strain FL12. While the parental PRRSV strain SD01-08 was not neutralized by convalescent antisera raised against FL12, the chimeric virus SDFL24 gained susceptibility to neutralization by FL12-specific antisera, indicating that viral proteins encoded by ORFs 2–4 are targets of antibody neutralization. When inoculated into pigs, the chimeric virus SDFL24 elicited T-cell responses against peptides derived from FL12 minor GPs, whereas the parental virus SD01-08 did not. After challenge infection with FL12, pigs previously infected with SDFL24 developed robust kinetics of FL12-specific neutralizing antibodies as compared to those previously infected with the parental strain SD01-08. Finally, the pigs recovered from SDFL24 infection were better protected from a subsequent challenge infection with FL12 than those previously infected with SD01-08. Collectively, the results indicate that PRRSV-2 ORFs 2–4 are capable of inducing protective immunity.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is an obligate, intracellular, protozoan parasite that infects large variety of warm-blooded animals including humans, livestock, and marine mammals, and causes the disease toxoplasmosis. Although T. gondii infection rates differ significantly from country to country, it still has a high morbidity and mortality. In these circumstances, developing an effective vaccine against T. gondii is urgently needed for preventing and treating toxoplasmosis. The aim of this study was to construct a multi-epitopes DNA vaccine and evaluate the immune protective efficacy against acute toxoplasmosis in mice. Therefore, twelve T- and B-cell epitopes from SAG1, GRA2, GRA7 and ROP16 of T. gondii were predicted by bioinformatics analysis, and then a multi-epitopes DNA vaccine was constructed. Mice immunized with the multi-epitopes DNA vaccine gained higher levels of IgG titers and IgG2a subclass titers, significant production of gamma interferon (IFN-γ), percentage of T lymphocyte subsets, and longer survival times against the acute infection of T. gondii compared with those of mice administered with empty plasmid and those in control groups. Furthermore, a genetic adjuvant pEGFP-RANTES (pRANTES) could enhance the efficacy of the multi-epitopes DNA vaccine associating with humoral and cellular (Th1, CD8+ T cell) immune responses. Above all, the DNA vaccine and the genetic adjuvant revealed in this study might be new candidates for further vaccine development against T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type-2b (PCV2b) is the primary global causative agent of porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD). In this study, we first constructed a novel chimeric virus (PCV1-2b) with the PCV2b capsid gene cloned into the backbone of non-pathogenic PCV1. A pathogenicity study conducted in caesarean-derived colostrum-deprived pigs showed that pigs inoculated with PCV1-2b (n = 10) had decreased lymphoid lesions and significantly lower viral load at 21 dpi, and significantly lower viremia starting at 14 dpi compared to pigs inoculated with PCV2b (n = 10). All PCV1-2b infected pigs remained clinically healthy, while four of ten PCV2b-infected pigs died or were euthanized early due to clinical PCVAD. In a subsequent challenge study, conventional pigs were first vaccinated with PCV1-2b (n = 20) or left unvaccinated (n = 20), and 10 pigs in each group were then challenged with PCV2a and PCV2b, respectively. Vaccinated pigs had no detectable viremia and significantly decreased overall lymphoid lesion scores and lower viral loads compared to unvaccinated controls. The results indicate the chimeric PCV1-2b virus is a good candidate for a live-attenuated vaccine against both PCV2b and PCV2a subtypes.  相似文献   

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