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心理治疗入门时的常见心理误区   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
如何成为一名合格的心理医师?有人强调基本理论和技术的学习,有人强调自身的人格特点,还有人强调临床实践[1],笔者在近几年的心理治疗临床及心理治疗教学工作中体会到,要成为一名合格的心理医生,首先要改变对待心理治疗的一些不恰当的认识、不合理的态度。总结出...  相似文献   

目的更好地掌握对“法轮功”痴迷者的心理干预策略,明确今后对“法轮功”痴迷者的心理干预研究的方向。方法采用文献综述法总结近10年来我国研究者对“法轮功”痴迷者的心理干预研究成果。结果研究者提出了很多一心理干预策略和思路,但实证研究很少,且可操作性不强。结论有必要通过实证研究探讨对“法轮功”痴迷者心理干预的有效性问题,并探索具体化、操作性强的综合心理干预方案。  相似文献   

心理干预辅助治疗儿童哮喘疗效观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的:探讨放松训练、家庭应对措施指导、认知和实践脱敏治疗等心理干预对治疗儿童哮喘的临床疗效。方法:采用随机对照方法,对诊断为儿童哮喘,符合纳入标准的116例患儿分为治疗组60人,对照组56人,给予同样药物治疗,治疗组同时进行心理干预,治疗前后观察两组临床疗效、日夜间症状记分及呼气峰流速(PEF)等。结果:治疗组在临床疗效、日间症状记分、PEF等方面均优于对照组(P<0.05-0.01)。结论:药物辅以心理干预治疗儿童哮喘疗效优于单纯药物治疗。  相似文献   

恢复期精神病人自知力恢复,能正确认识自己的病情.由于是社会对精神病人存在偏见,病人往往存在各种贝性心理。本文对此进行调查并提出相应的矫正对策。1对象与方法对象107例均为住院精神病人,男性75人、女性32人。调查时精神症状基本消失,自知力基本恢复,GAS评分>91。方法症状自评量表(SCL-90)[1].统计总均分及各国于分,并与全国常模[2]对比。自拟调查问卷,按所列项目直接与病人交谈、问卷内容包括出院后的主要顾虑,对工作和生活的态度,有无自杀观念。2结果2.ISCL-gO结果将恢复期精神病人SCI。一90的9个因于分和阳性…  相似文献   

创伤后早期心理干预   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
创伤早期的干预在创伤后心理治疗中尤为重要。目前方法很多,但大多缺乏严格的研究证实其治疗方法的疗效,且目前对重大灾难之后早期的有效干预方法仍有限。本文不苛求某种干预方法的完美性,仅对近些年关于此领域的干预实践以及研究作简要总结。  相似文献   

心血管介入器械的使用越来越广泛,而综合考虑血流、器械和血管的作用情况,研究器械的放置和设计问题,有助于减少器械诱发的并发症,提高其使用的效果.本文以腔静脉滤器为例,采用计算机建模,有限体积法生成网格,通过计算流场来分析器械与血流的相互作用.结果表明介入器械的结构(如器械的支腿类型、附着方式)和放置对血管及血流有显著的影响,而器械的放置位置也可依据血管流场的情况来进行优化选择.  相似文献   

综合性医院心理门诊5年情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对温州医学院附属第二医院1996-2000年就诊的心理门诊患者进行统计分析。发现就诊病人逐年增加,年龄以16-36岁多见;学历以高中为多见;心理疾病较多为神经症,亚型为焦虑症;治疗方法以心理治疗配合药物治疗最易被患者接受。因此,综合性医院应开设心理门诊。心理治疗方法应结合中国特色的“医疗模式”为主。  相似文献   

功能性消化不良患者的心理检测与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨功能性消化不良 (FD)与心理障碍的关系。方法 对 3 3例经常规治疗效果差的患者进行症状自评量表(SCL-90 )、抑郁自评量表 (SDS)、焦虑自评量表 (SAS)评分 ,并与全国常模比较[1 ] ;应用森田心理疗法合并适量抗抑郁、焦虑剂治疗 ,疗程 2个月。结果  FD患者各量表均分显著高于常模 (P<0 .0 1 ) ,63 .6%的病例被诊断为神经症。森田心理疗法合并药物治疗后减分显著 (P<0 .0 1 ) ,全部病例的 FD症状获得缓解。结论  FD患者尤其是经常规治疗无效的顽固性FD患者存在着不可忽视的心理障碍 ,采用顺其自然的森田心理疗法原理合并适量抗抑郁、焦虑剂能 ,很好的改善病人的心理障碍 ,继而使躯体症状相应改善  相似文献   

动物辅助疗法(Animal-Assisted Therapy,AAT)是一种以目标为导向的介入方式,在健康或社会服务领域的专家指导参与下,将某些符合特殊条件的动物作为治疗的手段[1]。1动物辅助疗法的回溯最早用动物进行治疗的记载可追溯到1699年,约翰·洛克指出“给孩子狗、松鼠、鸟等动物,让他们照顾,可以鼓励发展孩子们爱的情感和对他人的责任感。”[2]1792年,在英国夸克精神病疗养院中,患者可以照料花园的植物及拥有小动物,目的是通过让病人向依附于他们的生物显示关爱,从而学会自我控制。1867年,德国的贝特癫痫中心,相信动物是一种复原的力量,允许用狗…  相似文献   

细胞培养装置是从细胞水平进行医学研究和生命科学研究的基本物质保障.随着科学技术的进步以及相关领域的深入研究,细胞培养装置获得了长足的发展,人们根据科研和临床需要设计了形形色色的细胞培养装置,形成了多种系统和体系.主要介绍了体外细胞培养装置的发展历程及现状,并对其未来可能的发展趋势进行了一定的讨论和探究.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the therapeutic alliance, and the concept has a long history in the psychoanalytic and psychotherapy literature. This paper endeavors to clarify certain aspects of the therapeutic alliance, and to highlight ways in which the concept is particularly important in the psychotherapy of suicidal patients. The realm of implicit relational knowing is emphasized as critical to understanding the therapeutic alliance and also as a major arena for psychotherapeutic change. A clinical example is presented of an intensive psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy with a suicidal patient. The example demonstrates the importance of implicit relational knowing as essential to the therapeutic alliance as well as to psychotherapeutic change.  相似文献   

跌倒是影响老年人身心健康的主要因素之一,因此研制有效检测跌倒且能够保护跌倒老人的装置显得尤为重要。跌倒检测及防护装置主要包含三大模块:检测模块、控制模块和防护模块。本文总结了现有的可穿戴式跌倒检测和防护技术,对系统三大模块的功能和技术以及系统中所用的主要算法进行了具体分析,比较了现有的三种可穿戴式跌倒检测和防护装置的结构原理及各自技术上的优缺点,最后探讨了可穿戴式跌倒检测及防护装置未来的发展趋势,认为可穿戴式跌倒检测及防护装置还有很大的发展空间与市场前景。  相似文献   

Client engagement has been associated with positive psychotherapeutic outcomes, yet it is relatively under-theorized. The aims of this review were to establish how client engagement with psychotherapeutic interventions targeting psychological or behavioral change has been operationally defined and assessed, and the associated client characteristics, therapist characteristic, and treatment factors. Seventy-nine studies were selected for review, revealing inconsistent definitions and assessments of engagement and a broad array of client characteristics and treatment factors investigated. Attendance was frequently used as a proxy for engagement, but may not be reliable. Participation or involvement in conjunction with homework compliance which reflects clients' efforts within and between sessions may more reliably reflect engagement. The findings of associations between client characteristics and engagement variables were equivocal, although clients' capacities to address their problems tended to be positively associated with engagement. Nearly all therapist characteristics, particularly therapists' interpersonal skills, and most treatment factors, particularly strengths-based approaches and the therapeutic relationship, were positively associated with engagement. A theory of engagement that characterizes the function and inter-relations of variables across different psychotherapeutic settings is needed.  相似文献   

随着大众对便携地获得个体健康信息的需求不断扩大,可穿戴设备不仅被广泛应用于临床,还由于其智能化、微型化、便携化等特点,被逐渐应用到普通家庭日常健康管理中.本文通过PubMed及CNKI数据库对可穿戴设备的文献进行搜索,依据可穿戴设备实现的不同功能对其进行分类,简述了其应用的算法及具体分析方法,并对其在人体健康领域的发展趋势做出了展望.  相似文献   

目的 对个性化骨植入医疗器械质量控制及技术评价提出相关建议,以期为监管机构和生产企业等相关人员提供指导和参考。方法 立足于个性化骨植入医疗器械的特点,依照医疗器械安全和性能的基本原则,汲取风险管理意识经验,为促进质量控制和技术评价的科学性,从法规体系建设、上市前研究和上市后监管等角度出发,对个性化骨植入医疗器械的质量控制和技术评价的关注点进行充分探讨。结果 个性化骨植入医疗器械的质量控制应重点关注机构和人员、设备、文件管理、设计开发等方面,技术评价应重点关注个性化骨植入医疗器械的基本特征和实际应用产品的技术评价。结论 建议完善个性化骨植入医疗器械指导文件的建设,深入个性化骨植入医疗器械上市前研究,加强个性化骨植入医疗器械上市后的监管。  相似文献   

The birth of a very small preterm infant ( 1500 grams) can be a traumatizing experience for many parents. A developmental risk model is presented that is the background to an early attachment-oriented preventive psychotherapeutic intervention. This comprehensive parent-centered intervention program is composed of supportive group psychotherapy, attachment-oriented focal individual psychotherapy, a home visit and video-based sensitivity training. The intervention aims at improving parental coping, the process of attachment and parent-infant interaction. In a prospective longitudinal design mothers were randomly assigned to a control (N = 44) and an intervention group (N = 43) after preterm delivery. Results show that the percentage of secure (control vs. intervention group: 77.8% vs. 59.4%) and insecure (control vs. intervention group: 8.3% vs. 31.3% avoidant, 13.9% vs. 9.4% ambivalent) attachment quality in high-risk preterm infants is comparable to results from studies with term infants. There was no significant statistical difference in terms of quality of attachment of the preterm infants between the control group and the intervention group. However, only in the control group, impaired neurological development corresponded significantly with an insecure quality of attachment, but not in the intervention group, although there were significantly more neurologically impaired infants in the intervention group. This result is discussed as an effect of the intervention program.  相似文献   

Background and purpose: Portable medical devices represent an important resource for assisting healthcare delivery. The movement of portable devices often results in them being unavailable when needed. Tracking equipment using radiofrequency identification technology/devices (RFID) may provide a promising solution to the problems encountered in locating portable equipment.

Methods: An RFID technology trial was undertaken at Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley. This involved the temporary installation of three active readers and attaching actively transmitting radio frequency tags to different portable medical devices. The active readers and computer system were linked using a bespoke data network. Tags and readers from two separate manufacturers were tested.

Results: Reliability difficulties were encountered when testing the technology from the first manufacturer, probably due to the casing of the medical device interfering with the signal from the tag. Improved results were obtained when using equipment from the second manufacturer with an overall error rate of 12.3%. Tags from this manufacturer were specifically designed to overcome problems observed with the first system tested.

Conclusions: Findings from this proof of concept trial suggest that RFID technology could be used to track the location of equipment in a hospital.  相似文献   

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