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组织工程方法修复关节软骨缺损   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
骨性关节炎或外伤等造成软骨丢失而引起的关节疼痛是中老人残疾的重要原因.关节软骨自身修复能力十分有限,因此,关节软骨损伤通常会导致更严重的关节软骨退变[1,2].骨科医生们采用软骨下骨钻孔、微骨折、软骨移植、自体软骨细胞移植等方法来修复和重建关节软骨,许多技术已被广泛应用于临床,并且取得了良好的短期随访结果.组织工程学科的兴起为关节软骨修复提供了新的选择,其基本原理为体外培养扩增的细胞结合基质材料构建出新的软骨组组织以供移植.本文就关节软骨修复的现状,尤其是组织工程方法重建软骨的方法做一综述.  相似文献   

自体软骨细胞移植修复关节软骨缺损   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
关节软骨的自身修复能力有限,其损伤后的修复一直是骨科界的难题之一。1968年,Chestemlan等首次报告了运用体外培养的异体软骨细胞移植修复关节软骨缺损的实验研究,结果虽不理想,但为关节软骨缺损修复开辟了一条新思路。1987年,Brittberg等首次在临床上应用自体软骨细胞联合骨膜移植术治疗膝关节全层软骨缺损。术后经过平均3  相似文献   

全层关节软骨缺损三种修复方法的比较实验研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的评价骨膜移植、软骨移植、软骨下骨钻孔三种方法修复全层关节软骨缺损的生物学特性和修复效果,为临床应用提供实验依据。方法采用重复拉丁方设计的实验分组及统计学分析方法,按手术方式、观察时间、创面大小三个因素分四个水平进行随机分组,将32只雄性新西兰大白兔的左右后肢制成全层软骨缺损模型,分别进行骨膜移植、软骨移植和软骨下骨钻孔修复,对照组不作任何修复。术后第2、4、8、12周处死动物取材,分别进行大体观察、光镜观察与电镜观察,并对观察指标进行量化,数据行统计学分析。结果大体观察及电镜观察显示三个实验组在第12周时均能以类透明软骨组织修复缺损,而对照组为纤维肉芽组织。形态学分析表明,三种方法均能以类透明软骨组织覆盖缺损,软骨移植组无明显免疫排斥现象。随着时间延长,修复高度逐渐增加。软骨移植组效果最优,而骨膜移植组优于钻孔组(P<0.01)。甲苯胺蓝染色的光密度分析表明,随着时间延长,软骨基质分泌逐渐增加;三种方法与对照组间比较差异均有显著性(P<0.01),软骨移植组优于其它各组(P<0.01),但骨膜移植组与钻孔组间差异无显著性。结论软骨移植、骨膜移植与软骨下骨钻孔三种方法均能以类透明软骨组织修复全层关节软骨缺损,软骨移植的近期效果最佳。软骨下骨钻孔法修复组织的  相似文献   

自体骨膜移植治疗关节软骨损伤的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关节软骨损伤修复大致分两类,即内源性修复和外源性修复。内源性修复也称骨髓刺激术,外源性修复包括生物移植和组织工程化关节软骨,前者包括骨膜、软骨膜移植,软骨细胞移植和骨-软骨移植;后者是体外构建种子细胞-载体复合物注入缺损区或者利用种子细胞悬液注入缺损区再用骨膜或软骨膜覆盖封闭软骨缺损的开口。两者均涉及到骨膜的成软骨作用。骨膜移植应用于临床治疗软骨损伤已有近20a历史,它有取材方便、对机体损害小等特点,但存在许多影响因素,限制了它的应用。本文就骨膜移植治疗关节软骨损伤的现状作一综述。  相似文献   

为了观察骨膜再生软骨中,骨膜生发层不同的朝向是否影响软骨再生。应用人体纤维蛋白粘合剂粘合自体骨膜修复兔关节软骨缺损,对移植骨膜生发层不同朝向(即朝向关节腔或软骨下骨)的差别进行比较。结果表明:6周前,朝向关节腔组增殖较快,6周后两组无明显差别,故生发层的朝向不是一个重要影响因素。另外,应用藏红O蛋白多糖染色的电镜观察,证实两组再生软骨均为透明软骨。  相似文献   

骨膜移植和钻孔术修复关节软骨缺损的实验比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用中国白兔24只,在股骨关书面造成6mm×8mm全层软骨缺损,分别进行游离骨膜自体移植和钻孔术。术后4、8周取材做组织学及电镜观察并进行比较。结果表明:(1)钻孔、移植骨膜和对照组的优势修复组织分别为类透明软骨、幼稚软骨和纤维组织。(2)修复组织平均数量,移植骨膜明显优于钻孔和对照组。(3)骨膜移植、钻孔和对照组修复组织来源分别为骨膜本身、髓腔和软骨下骨及与缺损毗连的软骨。初步结论:移植骨膜和软骨下骨钻孔均能修复关节软骨缺员,单纯刮除后修复能力最差。  相似文献   

微粒骨膜-三维支架修复大面积关节软骨缺损   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨微粒骨膜-三维支架修复大面积关节软骨缺损的有效性和可行性.方法 于兔股骨滑车关节面制作直径4.5 mm深达软骨下骨板的全层软骨缺损模型,缺损处随机行自体微粒骨膜-纤维蛋白混凝物、单纯纤维蛋白"浇铸"移植.分别于术后3 h、4 d及1、2、4、8、12、24周取材,行大体观察、苏木素.伊红(HE)、Masson及藏红花(safranin-0)染色组织学检查,并进行组织学评分半定量分析.结果 微粒骨膜.三维支架制备简便.微粒骨膜被均匀种植于纤维蛋白三维支架中,可随意"浇铸"充填骨软骨缺损,移植物不易脱落,手术1次完成.术后微粒骨膜在缺损空间内全方位迅速增殖、分化、分泌基质完成缺损骨软骨修复.新生软骨具有与周围正常软骨基本一致的厚度、细胞形态及排列、基质胶原及蛋白多糖染色,且与周边软骨及软骨下骨结合良好.术后4、8、12及24周,两组组织学评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 该方法能简单高效地构建工程化组织复合体,随意浇铸充填软骨缺损,完成较大面积关节软骨缺损的生物性修复.  相似文献   

自体骨膜延迟游离移植修复关节软骨缺损:附9例报告   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自1990年以来我们设计了自体胫骨膜延迟游离移植的手术方法共对9例关节软骨大面积员病例进行了修复治疗,平均随访23.3月,优良率为78%。我们认为延迟骨膜移植能加促骨膜向透明软骨组织的转化过程,同时提出了骨膜移植术中不能忽视的重要原则,本文推荐骨膜移植术是修复关节软骨大面积缺损的一种较好的治疗方法。  相似文献   

本文扼要介绍了软骨细胞及其影响因素,为软骨细胞提供了立体三维结构的降解材料,并概述了移植软骨细胞与宿主间的免疫学问题,软骨细胞移植的发展前景与存在的问题。  相似文献   

自体骨软骨镶嵌移植术修复关节软骨缺损   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:回顾性分析关节镜下自体骨软骨镶嵌式移植术治疗负重面关节软骨损伤的可行性。方法:采用Smith Nephew镶嵌式骨软骨移植器,在关节镜下挖取膝关节非负重关节面骨软骨条,并将之移检修复膝关节负重面的局灶性软骨缺损。结果:手术15例,术后随访7—12个月,平均9个月,均达到优良效果。结论:自体关节骨软骨镶嵌移植术对关节负重面局灶性软骨缺损有较好、确实的治疗效果。  相似文献   

双相支架负载软骨细胞修复兔关节软骨缺损   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的研究自固化磷酸钙/纤维蛋白凝胶(CPC/FG)双相支架负载软骨细胞修复兔关节软骨缺损的可行性和有效性.方法将分离培养的第3代软骨细胞包埋在CPC/FG双相支架的FG中,体外培养1周后,将软骨细胞-支架复合体移植修复兔膝关节股骨髁的软骨缺损(φ4 mm,深3.5 mm,达软骨下骨质).然后对软骨缺损的修复情况进行大体、光镜和电镜观察.同时对移植后第12周的修复软骨进行胶原含量测定,并与正常的关节软骨细胞胶原含量进行比较.结果移植的软骨细胞能在双相支架上良好地生长,软骨缺损以透明软骨的形式被修复,而对照组为纤维组织修复.多孔自固化磷酸钙在软骨修复过程中能起软骨下骨的临时替代作用.胶原含量测定显示:移植术后12周的修复软骨胶原含量为(43.25±0.85)%;正常的关节软骨胶原含量为(55.69±0.76)%,两者差异有显著性(P<0.01).结论 CPC/FG双相支架负载软骨细胞能以透明软骨的形式修复兔关节软骨缺损.新环境中移植的软骨细胞生长的不适应和FG降解过快,可能是导致新生修复软骨与自身正常关节软骨胶原含量有差异的原因.  相似文献   

目的: 评价孔数不同的钻孔术对软骨缺损的远期修复效果。方法: 用中国白兔40只, 在股骨髁关节面制造6mm×8mm全层软骨缺损, 分别施行10孔及5孔钻孔术, 孔径1mm, 于术后13个月取材做组织学及电镜观察,并进行评估。结果: (1) 10孔、5孔和对照组中, 优势修复组织为透明软骨者分别占75%、70%、0%。(2) 修复组织厚度: 10孔与5孔无显著性差异, 已接近毗邻软骨厚度。(3) 修复组织覆盖缺损的面积: 10孔>5孔>对照组。结论: 软骨下骨钻孔对关节软骨缺损的远期修复效果良好, 能长期适应关节的运动和负重, 10孔比5孔的修复效果好。  相似文献   



Articular chondrocytes have got a long lifespan but rarely divides after maturity. Thus, an articular cartilage has a limited capacity for repair. Periosteal grafts have chondrogenic potential and have been used to repair defects in the articular cartilage. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the differentiation of free periosteal grafts in the patellofemoral joint where the cambium layer faces the subchondral bone and to investigate the applicability of periosteal grafts in the reconstruction of articular surfaces.

Materials and Methods:

The study was carried out over a period of 1 year on 25 adult, male Indian rabbits after obtaining permission from the institutional animal ethical committee. A full-thickness osteochondral defect was created by shaving off the whole articular cartilage of the patella of the left knee. The defect thus created was grafted with free periosteal graft. The patella of the right knee was taken as a control where no grafting was done after shaving off the articular cartilage. The first animal was used to study the normal histology of the patellar articular cartilage and periosteum obtained from the medial surface of tibial condyle. Rest 24 animals were subjected to patellectomy, 4 each at serial intervals of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 48 weeks and the patellar articular surfaces were examined macroscopically and histologically.


The grafts got adherent to the underlying patellar articular surface at the end of 4 weeks. Microscopically, graft incorporation could be appreciated at 4 weeks. Mesenchymal cells of the cambium layer were seen differentiating into chondrocytes by the end of 4 weeks in four grafts (100%) and they were arranged in a haphazard manner. Till the end of 8 weeks, the cellular arrangement was mostly wooly. At 16 weeks, one graft (25%) had wooly arrangement of chondrocytes and three grafts (75%) had columnar formation of cells. Same percentage was maintained at 32 weeks. Four grafts (100%) at 48 weeks showed columnar orientation. The control side showed no changes over the shaved off articular surface in all the rabbits. One rabbit at 4 weeks had a dislocation of the patella on the control side. None of the rabbits developed any infection or wound dehiscence.


Autologous periosteal graft transplantation can be a promising substitute for articular cartilaginous defects.  相似文献   

目的研究兔自体松质骨颗粒在膝关节软骨损伤处移植后能够诱导软骨组织生成、促进关节软骨损伤修复的现象。方法 12只新西兰大白兔麻醉后在兔的右侧膝关节股骨远端内、外侧髁负重区用电钻分别造成直径、深度均为3 mm的骨软骨缺损创面,取同侧髂骨松质骨,制成直径约为1 mm松质骨颗粒植入股骨内侧髁软骨缺损处,作为实验组,外侧髁软骨缺损不做处理作为对照组。术后12周进行膝关节大体观察、病理切片染色,评估关节软骨损伤的修复情况。结果兔膝关节实验组软骨缺损处被新生软骨填充,软骨面光滑,组织切片染色显示有关节软骨形成。对照组缺损创面仍然凹陷,仅在缺损边缘有少量软骨生长。结论兔自体松质骨颗粒在膝关节软骨损伤处能够诱导软骨生成,促进关节软骨的修复,是一种良好的关节软骨损伤修复方法。  相似文献   

关节软骨缺损修复的实验与临床   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
朱国华  齐新生 《中国骨伤》2004,17(5):318-320
关节软骨的修复一直是骨科领域尚未完全解决的一大难题。现就关节软骨损伤后促进自身修复、组织或细胞移植修复、组织工程修复等方面对关节软骨修复方法作一综述。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of hyaluronan (HA) on chondrogenesis in periosteal grafts in rabbit knees to elucidate the effects of this agent in the repair of articular cartilage. Large full-thickness defects of the articular cartilage were created in the anteromedial part of the femoral articular surface of bilateral knee joints. Periosteal grafts were then harvested and sutured onto the defects. HA was injected in the right knee immediately after the operation and then once a week for 4 weeks (HA group). The same volume of saline was injected in the left knee in the control group. The animals were killed 2, 5, 8, and 12 weeks after the operation. Macroscopic and histological findings of the regenerated tissue were evaluated with a semiquantitative histological grading system. The total histological scores of the HA group were better than those in the control group at each time examination point. At 12 weeks, in particular, the scores for surface regularity and integration to adjacent articular cartilage were significantly better in the HA group than in the control group (P < 0.05). No significant differences were observed between the two groups in regard to the area healed (%). HA may have beneficial effects on the repair of large full-thickness defects of the articular cartilage with autologous periosteal grafts. Received for publication on Feb. 18, 1998; accepted on Oct. 20, 1998  相似文献   

Articular cartilage (AC) is the soft tissue lining the ends of bones in diarthrodial joints. It is responsible for providinglubrication and compressive stiffness to the joint during articulation while responding viscoelastically to mechanical loading. Injury of the tissue caused by trauma or disease can be devastating to joint function as these mechanisms fail. Because of this, it is essential to review the basic science underlying the mechanical roles AC plays while healthy, the biomechanical and biological perspectives of the injury and repair processes, and the current repair techniques available for injured AC. This is done in an effort to further our understanding of the healing capacity of AC and facilitate new efforts into AC repair.  相似文献   

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