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许奕  朱昌蕙  魏端 《中国药房》2006,17(18):1366-1368
目的为制药企业非处方药(OTC)的品牌定位、管理与传播提供参考。方法阐述品牌及品牌战略的概念,探讨OTC的品牌定位、管理与传播的方法。结果与结论建立并管理好品牌是制药企业实现差异化战略的有效方法之一,良好的品牌理念对制药企业的发展至关重要。  相似文献   

目的探讨临床药师为癌痛患者提供的药学服务对患者知识-信念-行为(KAP)及疼痛控制的影响。方法选取医院肿瘤内科2017年1月至2018年12月收治的癌痛患者80例,按随机数字表法分为干预组和对照组,各40例。两组患者均予常规宣教,干预组患者加予以癌痛控制为核心的临床药学服务。采用课题组自行设计的癌痛KAP量表和简明疼痛量表(BPI)评价患者的癌痛KAP、疼痛强度和影响。结果经药学服务干预后,干预组KAP量表的总评分、各维度评分和及格率显著高于对照组(P<0.05);疼痛强度,干预组24 h内疼痛最剧烈的程度和平均疼痛程度评分均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);疼痛影响,干预组情绪、睡眠和生活兴趣评分均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论在常规宣教基础上,临床药师对癌痛患者实施以疼痛控制为核心的药学服务,可提高其对癌痛药物治疗的认知,增强控制癌痛的信念,规范用药行为,降低疼痛强度和影响,可改善患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

Pain Management     

A case report of a male presenting with a gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) induced coma at a gay-oriented dance event is reported. A friend accompanying the patient reported that when the patient started to become stuporous, he attempted to revive him with intranasally administered aliquots of crystal methamphetamine. Such treatment partially counters the hypotonia of GHB induced coma, resulting in “automatic” movements by the patient; however, it does not reverse the cognitive effects of the drug. The result increases the difficulty of medical management. The a11thors report the physical findings and implications for increased difficulty in managing such patients.  相似文献   

龚向光  胡善联 《中国药房》2004,15(4):226-227
目的:为我国特别是上海的《医疗保险基本药品目录》改革提供借鉴。方法:介绍我国药品分类管理制度的发展并比较瑞 典、德国、荷兰和芬兰等国非处方药(OTC)药品报销管理经验。结果与结论:必须明确OTC进入《医疗保险基本药品目录》的标准, 《目录》内OTC与处方药等同管理,《目录》外大部分OTC实行定价优惠。  相似文献   

Nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, is approved in many countries including, but not limited to, Canada, the United States, Mexico, and the United Kingdom for the treatment of severe nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Clinical evidence is emerging for its use in managing pain conditions with different etiologies. We review the efficacy and safety of nabilone for various types of pain as well as its abuse potential, precautions and contraindications, and drug interactions; summarize pertinent clinical practice guidelines; and provide recommendations for dosing, monitoring, and patient education. Citations involving nabilone were identified through systematic reviews evaluating cannabinoids for pain. A systematic search (updated July 23, 2015) of the Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases was performed. Eight randomized controlled trials, two prospective cohort trials, and one retrospective chart review were retrieved. Cancer pain, chronic noncancer pain, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and pain associated with spasticity were the pain conditions evaluated. Nabilone was most commonly used as adjunctive therapy and led to small but significant reductions in pain. The most common adverse drug reactions included euphoria, drowsiness, and dizziness. Nabilone was rarely associated with severe adverse drug reactions requiring drug discontinuation, and the likelihood of abuse was thought to be low. Although the optimal role of nabilone in the management of pain is yet to be determined, certain clinical practice guidelines consider nabilone as a third‐line agent.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of a study that investigated whether matching drug treatment services with client needs improved outcomes for a sample of 171 clients who participated in community-based drug treatment programs. Clients were initially assessed on multiple problem areas (alcohol use, drug use, medical, psychological, family/social, legal, employment, housing) and on areas of special needs or stated preferences for services (e.g., transportation, child care, language). A 6-month follow-up interview reassessed clients’ problems/needs in all areas and collected information on the services received. The results showed that some services significantly improved client outcome for those who had expressed needs for such services. Notably, services meeting the need for vocational training, child care, transportation, and housing showed beneficial effects. A higher level of needs and services matching (defined either by the ratio of services received to services desired, or by the total level of met versus unmet needs in the eight problem areas) significantly predicted longer treatment retention.  相似文献   

医保单病种付费与医院单病种管理的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过去,医院作为医疗服务的提供者,只考虑如何保证医疗服务质量而对医疗费用的考虑较少,加上医疗保险机构对医院服务项目合理性的监管比较困难,医保基金管理存在较大的风险。实施单病种付费管理后,医疗保险基金的管理风险变为定点医院与医疗保险机构共同承担,大大降低了风险,提高了医疗保险保障能力和水平,有利于医保管理基金健康持续的发展。  相似文献   

各年龄段儿童都需要在手术后进行有效的镇痛治疗。儿科麻醉医师应该认识到,儿童因为年龄和认知而无法准确提供疼痛主诉。对新生儿和婴幼儿可采用疼痛视觉观察指标评分系统,而不依赖主诉。治疗手段包括静脉镇痛药、硬膜外镇痛、外周神经阻滞镇痛、口服或肛入镇痛药等多模式镇痛。  相似文献   

This Hospital Pharmacy feature is extracted from Off-Label Drug Facts, a publication available from Wolters Kluwer Health. Off-Label Drug Facts is a practitioner-oriented resource for information about specific drug uses that are unapproved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This new guide to the literature enables the health care professional or clinician to quickly identify published studies on off-label uses and determine if a specific use is rational in a patient care scenario. References direct the reader to the full literature for more comprehensive information before patient care decisions are made. Direct questions or comments regarding Off-Label Drug Uses to ude.uk@larenegj.  相似文献   

Negative health consequences of illicit drug use, such as cardiovascular complications and infectious diseases, increase the likelihood of the need for health care. However, evidence suggests that, with the exception of emergency services, drug users generally are medically underserved. Furthermore, the effect of illicit drug use on health care utilization is becoming an especially important issue for the criminal justice system, because an increasing proportion of inmates in correctional institutions have a history of drug use. This 1998–1999 study of 661 incarcerated men in the Kentucky prison system focused on predictors of unmet physical, behavioral, and overall health care needs among chronic substance users. Analyses revealed that White incarcerated drug users were more likely to report unmet physical and overall health care needs than non-Whites and those with high school education or above were more likely to report unmet physical, behavioral, and overall health care needs. In addition, more episodes of serious illness, more mental health problems, and poorer self-rated health were predictive of all three types of unmet health care needs. A longer career of drug use emerged as a significant predictor of unmet behavioral health care needs, whereas more frequent drug use in the year before incarceration predicted unmet physical health care needs. Further research directions and implications for in-prison health care planning are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:采用问卷调查的方法了解学生对现行版与实验版说明书的理解力情况.方法:选取某大学最大的教学楼,随机抽取两个自习教室,分别为实验组和对照组.由实验组人员对现行说明书进行改进,拟定新的实验版说明书,两组人群对参照不同说明书(现行版和实验版)完成相同的问卷调查,并对结果进行正确率的计算、t检验和线性回归分析.结果:实验组调查的14项理解力均高于对照组,尤其在用法用量、儿童及老年人用药、孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药和不良反应部分,实验组理解力较对照组明显提高.此外,除年级因素,实验组和对照组的行为得分与其人口学特征都显示出了一定相关性,具有统计学意义.结论:对非处方药说明书内容和格式的优化可明显提高消费者理解力.  相似文献   

论非处方药的经营管理与人才培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙友乐  田青松 《中国药事》1998,12(3):152-153,156
本文根据医、药分业的历史,发达国家零售药店经营管理的现状,新的药店医疗专业应学习的内容,阐述并提出我国处方药经营管理上应解决的重大问题及相应的措施。  相似文献   

美国处方药的DTC广告管理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈敬  陈锦新 《中国药业》2002,11(3):39-40
药品广告的管理作为药事管理的一项主要内容,各国都十分重视,大多通过制定相应的法律、法规来实施。1962年,美国国会通过了FDCA的修正案,将处方药广告管理权从联邦贸易委员会(FTC)移交给了FDA,并在 FDCA section502(n)中作了一些简要的规定,特别强调处方药广告应包括关于有效性、副作用、禁忌症等的简要说明。 80年代以前,处方药广告一般主要是针对医学、药学等专业人员的,FDCA和 CRF都没有区分广告是面对专业人士(如医生)还是面对消费者的广告,仅对印刷品广告还是广播电视广告做了区…  相似文献   

浅谈医药企业非处方药品的市场运作策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
傅建华  张红梅 《中国药房》2003,14(7):444-445
目的 :为药品生产商和经销商提供参考。方法 :对非处方药品自身的特点、市场前景及影响消费者购药行为的因素进行分析 ,指出我国非处方药品传统推广模式的不足之处。结果与结论 :非处方药品在我国市场上应采用“终端铺货 +广告推广 +活动促销”的全方位立体营销模式。  相似文献   

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