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BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to further investigate a previously reported attention-related impairment in dependent amphetamine users using event-related potential (ERP) indices of selective attention. METHODS: ERPs were recorded during an auditory selective attention task (SAT) that involved detecting infrequent long-duration target tones presented among short-duration tones that varied in location (left vs. right ear) and pitch (low vs. high). Amphetamine users (n = 19) were divided into two groups, high dependence (n = 10) and low dependence (n = 10), based on amphetamine Severity of Dependence Scale scores, and compared to an age-matched control group (n = 9). RESULTS: The high-dependence group showed slowed reaction time and reduced early processing negativity and peak N1 amplitude to location-relevant nontarget stimuli. Poor performance on the SAT was highly correlated with deficits in early processing, which were also related to poor performance on the Wechsler Memory Scale Attention/Concentration index. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that severely dependent users suffer an inability to selectively enhance the sensory processing of relevant auditory information. This may produce poor automatic preferential processing of relevant information and increase load on limited attentional resources.  相似文献   

ERPs were recorded from 10 schizophrenic and 13 normal children during the performance of the Span of Apprehension task (Span). This task involves the discrimination of a randomly placed target letter among distractors, and it has been shown to discriminate between normal and schizophrenic individuals. The EEG was recorded at 7 scalp loci, and ERPs were averaged over a 1500 msec interval initiated by a warning tone which preceded the visual Span stimuli by 500 msec. Stimulus arrays were grouped into 4 levels of difficulty. The data from both subject groups were combined in a single principal components analysis (separate PCAs exhibited few differences between groups) generating 8 rotated factors which were readily interpreted in terms of conventional ERP components. Factor scores for the two groups were examined using Analysis of Variance. The schizophrenic children produced a small CNV which was slow to develop and resolve as well as diminished amplitudes for the N1, P3 and slow wave components. This suggests that these children are impaired in their ability to regulate processes involved in the mobilization and direction of attention and the discrimination of target stimuli. Significantly, the schizophrenic children did not show progressive increases in N1 and SW amplitudes in response to increases in information processing demand (array difficulty) as was the case in the normal children. ERP components of the schizophrenic children were most aberrant at frontal leads, but midline and lateralized deficits were also seen at vertex and posterior recording sites.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) elicited by visual and auditory stimuli were recorded from nonretarded individuals with autism (ages 13-25 years) and age-matched normal controls. In "no-task" conditions, subjects simply looked at or listened to these stimuli; only one difference was found between subject groups. Several ERP differences between groups were found in "task" conditions; subjects pressed a button at the occurrence of target stimuli intermixed with unexpected, novel stimuli and also with expected, nonnovel stimuli. Visual ERP abnormalities in the autistic group differed from auditory abnormalities. Results suggest that (1) nonretarded autistic individuals may have a limited capacity to process novel information--they are neither hypersensitive to novel information nor misperceive it as nonnovel and insignificant; (2) classification of simple visual information may be less impaired than auditory; and (3) with one exception, visual and auditory ERP abnormalities do not seem to reflect maturational delay.  相似文献   

Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence suggests that the development of selective attention extends over the first two decades of life. However, much of this research may underestimate the attention abilities of young children. By providing strong, redundant attention cues, we show that sustained endogenous selective attention has similar effects on ERP indices of auditory processing in adults and children as young as 3 years old. All participants were cued to selectively attend to one of two simultaneously presented stories that differed in location (left/right), voice (male/female), and content. The morphology of the ERP waveforms elicited by probes embedded in the stories was very different for adults, who showed a typical positive-negative-positive pattern in the 300 ms after probe onset, and children, who showed a single broad positivity during this epoch. However, for 3- to 5-year-olds, 6- to 8-year-olds, and adults, probes in the attended story elicited larger amplitude ERPs beginning around 100 ms after probe onset. This attentional modulation of exogenously driven components was longer in duration for the youngest children. In addition, attended linguistic probes elicited a larger negativity 300-500 ms for all groups, indicative of additional attentional processing. These data show that with adequate cues, even children as young as 3 years old can selectively attend to one auditory stream while ignoring another and that doing so alters auditory sensory processing at an early stage. Furthermore, they suggest that the neural mechanisms by which selective attention affects auditory processing are remarkably adult-like by this age.  相似文献   

C Alain  F Cortese  T W Picton 《Neuroreport》1999,10(11):2429-2434
One of the basic properties of the auditory system is the ability to analyze complex temporal patterns. Here, we investigated the neural activity associated with auditory pattern processing using event-related brain potentials. Participants were presented with a continuously repeating sequence of four tones with rare changes in either the frequency or timing of one of the tones. Both frequency- and time-deviant sounds generated mismatch negativity (MMN) waves that peaked at midline central electrode sites and inverted in polarity at inferior temporal and occipital sites, consistent with generators in the supratemporal plane. The MMN scalp topography was similar for the frequency- and time-deviant stimuli, suggesting that both spectral and temporal relations among elements of an auditory pattern are encoded in a unified memory trace.  相似文献   

Behavioral research has produced little evidence on sound feature discrimination in neonates. Sensory processes underlying sound perception can be studied using the mismatch negativity (MMN) component of auditory event-related potentials (ERPs), which is not contingent on conscious perception and response. Thus, MMN is suitable for studying newborns, who are difficult to obtain behavioral responses from. The present study thus utilized spectrally rich sounds, known to elicit the most replicable MMN in adults, to investigate newborns' preattentive analysis of sound duration and frequency changes. An attempt was also made to control for the obligatory ERP effects on the MMN. Three-partial harmonic tones were presented in Duration and in Frequency oddball conditions to 55 newborns. In the other two, Equiprobable duration and Equiprobable frequency, conditions frequency and duration deviants of the oddball paradigms were presented with equal probabilities among sounds of other durations and frequencies. MMN was elicited in 81% of newborns in Frequency oddball condition and in 78% of newborns in Duration oddball condition. No significant amplitude differences between the duration and frequency MMNs were found, but MMN latency was delayed in Duration condition. The obligatory components seemed to contribute significantly to the deviant-standard difference in Duration but not in Frequency condition. The majority of neonates appear to possess effective sound frequency and duration discrimination mechanisms. Their preattentive sound discrimination is facilitated by spectrally rich sound content. The present findings support a change-detection nature of MMN in neonates; however, sound duration-related obligatory effects need to be taken into account in infant MMN studies.  相似文献   

Results from recent event-related brain potential (ERP) studies investigating brain processes involved in the detection and analysis of emotional facial expression are reviewed. In all experiments, emotional faces were found to trigger an increased ERP positivity relative to neutral faces. The onset of this emotional expression effect was remarkably early, ranging from 120 to 180ms post-stimulus in different experiments where faces were either presented at fixation or laterally, and with or without non-face distractor stimuli. While broadly distributed positive deflections beyond 250ms post-stimulus have been found in previous studies for non-face stimuli, the early frontocentrally distributed phase of this emotional positivity is most likely face-specific. Similar emotional expression effects were found for six basic emotions, suggesting that these effects are not primarily generated within neural structures specialised for the automatic detection of specific emotions. Expression effects were eliminated when attention was directed away from the location of peripherally presented emotional faces, indicating that they are not linked to pre-attentive emotional processing. When foveal faces were unattended, expression effects were attenuated, but not completely eliminated. It is suggested that these ERP correlates of emotional face processing reflect activity within a neocortical system where representations of emotional content are generated in a task-dependent fashion for the adaptive intentional control of behaviour. Given the early onset of the emotion-specific effects reviewed here, it is likely that this system is activated in parallel with the ongoing evaluation of emotional content in the amygdala and related subcortical brain circuits.  相似文献   

The auditory-evoked neuromagnetic field elicited by single vowel formants and two-formant vowels was recorded under active listening conditions using a 37-channel magnetometer. There were three single formants with formant frequencies of 200, 400, and 800 Hz, another single formant with a formant frequency of 2600 Hz, and three vowels that were constructed by linear superimposition of the high- onto one of the low-frequency formants. P50 m and N100 m latency values were inversely correlated with the formant frequency of single formants. A strong effect of formant frequency on source location was obtained along the postero-anterior axis, which is orthogonal to the well-established latero-medial tonotopic gradient. Regardless of whether single formants or first formants of vowels were considered, N100 m sources were more anterior and sustained field sources were more posterior for higher-frequency than for lower-frequency formants. The velocity of the apparent posterior-to-anterior movement across cortical surface of N100 m sources first reported by Rogers et al. [Rogers, R. L., Papanicolaou, A. C., Baumann, S. B., Saydjari, C., & Eisenberg, H. M. (1990). Neuromagnetic evidence of a dynamic excitation pattern generating the N100 auditory response. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology,77, 237-240] decreased as a function of latency. The amount of deceleration was positively correlated with formant frequency. Responses to the vowels were superadditive, indicating that the processes elicited by the constituents of composite stimuli interact at one or more stages of the afferent auditory pathway. Such interaction may account for the absence of a lateral-to-medial tonotopic mapping of first formant frequency. The source topography found may reflect activity in auditory fields adjacent to AI with the strength of the contribution varying with formant frequency. Alternatively, it may reflect sharpness-of-tuning and inhibitory response-area asymmetry gradients along isofrequency stripes within AI. Either alternative may be interpreted in terms of a spectral blurring mechanism that abstracts spectral envelope information from the details of spectral composition, an important step towards the formation of invariant phonetic percepts.  相似文献   

To evaluate auditory spatial cognitive function, age correlations for event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to auditory stimuli with a Doppler effect were studied in normal children. A sound with a Doppler effect is perceived as a moving audio image. A total of 99 normal subjects (age range, 4–21 years) were tested. In the task-relevant oddball paradigm, P300 and key-press reaction time were elicited using auditory stimuli (1000 Hz fixed and enlarged tones with a Doppler effect). From the age of 4 years, the P300 latency for the enlarged tone with a Doppler effect shortened more rapidly with age than did the P300 latency for tone-pips, and the latencies for the different conditions became similar towards the late teens. The P300 of auditory stimuli with a Doppler effect may be used to evaluate auditory spatial cognitive function in children.  相似文献   

Event-related potential studies in infants and children.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The current status of event-related potentials (ERPs) in infants and children is discussed based on a review of the relevant literature. Although the N100-P200 component evoked by tone stimuli is clearly detected using an odd-ball paradigm in children over approximately 6 years of age, that component evoked by speech stimuli is not clearly detected until at least 10 years of age. In contrast to the adult N100-P200 component evoked by speech stimuli, infants and young children show a positivity at a latency of about 85-120 ms and a negativity at about 200-240 ms. The definition of P300 in children has not yet been established. P300 latency evoked by both auditory and visual stimuli decreases throughout childhood and reaches the mature value by puberty or young adulthood. However, P300s elicited by auditory and visual stimuli show different developmental time courses from each other, suggesting that they may originate from different neural generators. The Nc component is elicited by a variety of attention-getting events in infants and children. Interestingly, the developmental change in the Nc amplitude parallels the maturational course of synaptogenesis in the frontal cortex, and the Nc latency reaches the mature value at the time when myelinogenesis is complete in the nonspecific thalamic radiation.  相似文献   

While behavioral studies have documented delayed language acquisition in blind children, other studies have revealed better speech discrimination abilities for blind than sighted adults. Several brain imaging studies have provided evidence for cortical reorganization due to visual deprivation but the cerebral organization of language in blind humans is not known yet.We hypothesized that the increasing specialization of language systems normally observed during development may not take place to the same degree in blind individuals since posterior visual areas do not receive their adequate input. On the other hand, we hypothesized that blind people, due to their greater reliance upon the auditory language signal, may process speech faster than sighted people.To test these assumptions, event-related potentials were recorded while 11 congenitally blind and 11 sighted adults matched in age, gender, handedness and education were engaged in a language task. Participants listened to sentences in order to decide after each sentence if it was meaningful or not.Incongruous sentence-final words elicited an N400 effect in both groups. The N400 effect had a left-lateralized fronto-central scalp distribution in the sighted but a symmetric and broad topography in the blind. Furthermore, the N400 effect started earlier in the blind than in the sighted. Closed class compared to open class sentence middle words elicited a more pronounced late negativity in the blind than in the sighted.These results suggest that blind people process auditory language stimuli faster than sighted people and that some language functions may be reorganized in the blind.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological correlates of focused attention were studied in 13 schizophrenic and 19 age- and gender-matched children. Subjects performed a version of the Continuous Performance Task (CPT) in which a target was designated as any digit from 0 through 9 occurring on two successive stimulus presentations. Signal digits were surrounded by distractor digits which varied in position, value, and number. Event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by each stimulus of a target pair were recorded from midline and homologous parietal, temporal, and occipital electrode placements. Schizophrenic children made significantly more errors of omission and commission than normal children. The amplitude and time course of the intertrial CNV was the same for both groups. There was a circumscribed amplitude asymmetry, left smaller than right, for the P1/N1 and P2 measures which was greater in normal than in schizophrenic children. The P3 component was significantly larger to the second stimulus of the target pair than to the first for both groups, and larger for the normal than the schizophrenic children to both stimuli.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the frontal-midline theta rhythm (Fm theta) generation mechanism employing event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) analysis in relation to task-irrelevant external stimuli. A dual paradigm was employed: a videogame and the simultaneous presentation of passive auditory oddball stimuli. We analyzed the data concerning ERD/ERS using both Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) and wavelet transform (WT). In the FFT data, during the periods with appearance of Fm theta, apparent ERD of the theta band was observed at Fz and Cz. ERD when Fm theta was present was much more prominent than when Fm theta was absent. In the WT data, as in the FFT data, ERD was seen again, but in this case the ERD was preceded by ERS during both the periods with and without Fm theta. Furthermore, the WT analysis indicated that ERD was followed by ERS during the periods without Fm theta. However, during Fm theta, no apparent ERS following ERD was seen. In our study, Fm theta was desynchronized by the auditory stimuli that were independent of the video game task used to evoke the Fm theta. The ERD of Fm theta might be reflecting the mechanism of "positive suppression" to process external auditory stimuli automatically and preventing attentional resources from being unnecessarily allocated to those stimuli. Another possibility is that Fm theta induced by our dual paradigm may reflect information processing modeled by multi-item working memory requirements for playing the videogame and the simultaneous auditory processing using a memory trace. ERS in the WT data without Fm theta might indicate further processing of the auditory information free from "positive suppression" control reflected by Fm theta.  相似文献   

背景:近年来随着构式语法理论的兴起,构式因素在语言加工中所发挥的作用也日益引起人们的关注。但这些观点与人脑中的语言实际情况是否相符,换言之这些理论有无人脑的神经生理基础,则是需要神经语言学相关实验来验证的。 目的:利用事件相关电位技术探讨构式因素在汉语加工过程中的作用。 方法:年龄在21~24岁的18名以汉语为母语的在校本科大学生志愿者参与实验。刺激材料包括2种不同类型的汉语正确句和2种对应的错误句,共计176个句子。句子中每个单词呈现时间为300 ms,刺激间隔为400 ms,句子与句子之间的刺激间隔为2 000 ms。实验采用句子可接受性判断任务,要求被试尽量快和准确地判断屏幕上呈现的句子是否正确,并以左右手作出“对”或“错”的按键反应,同时记录被试的反应时和正确率。采用NeuroScan公司64导电极帽10/20系统记录脑电,离线分析处理与汉语句子结构后期整合有关的LPC成分。 结果与结论:在句末N400成分上两类结构句子没有差异;而在句末LPC成分上,不同结构句子诱发出不同的LPC,复杂结构句子的平均波幅高于简单结构句子的波幅。提示在汉语加工过程中,构式因素在不同结构句子的后期整合过程中发挥着重要作用,句末LPC成分可作为判断构式心理现实性的一个指标。  相似文献   

Three groups of age- and PIQ-matched children (Autism, Receptive Developmental Language Disorder, and normal controls) participated in two eventrelated brain potential (ERP) experiments. Each of these experiments was aimed at evaluating whether either of the two clinical groups of children demonstrated abnormalities in two auditory ERP components, Nl and P2, which are known to be dependent on stimulus characteristics (frequency, intensity, and probability), and believed to be generated within primary and secondary cortex. Results of Experiment 1 provide partial support for the idea that both clinical groups failed to fully process changes in stimulus intensity as indexed by the N1 component. Results are discussed in reference to potential abnormalities in serotonergic regulation of auditory cortex.Supported by NINCDS grant R01-NS26814-02 awarded to Alan Lincoln. The senior author thanks the San Diego Regional Center and the San Diego Unified School District for their continued assistance and support.  相似文献   

The P300 event-related potential (ERP) was studied at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of an auditory stimulus discrimination task in 70 normal 9-year-old children. Easily distractible children showed frontally a short-latency P300 response to target stimuli throughout the task, whereas in the non-distractible children the corresponding response was distinctly smaller and also showed a tendency to decrease in size towards the end of the task. The short-latency frontal P300 response reflects activation of the brain's orienting networks, and it normally decreases in size when stimuli lose their 'novelty value' with stimulus repetition. Persistent frontal P300 suggest that distractible children continued to show enhanced orienting to stimuli that should have already been well encoded and/or categorized.  相似文献   

Recent event-related potential (ERP) evidence demonstrates that adults employ temporally selective attention to preferentially process the initial portions of words in continuous speech. Doing so is an effective listening strategy since word-initial segments are highly informative. Although the development of this process remains unexplored, directing attention to word onsets may be important for speech processing in young children who would otherwise be overwhelmed by the rapidly changing acoustic signals that constitute speech. We examined the use of temporally selective attention in 3- to 5-year-old children listening to stories by comparing ERPs elicited by attention probes presented at four acoustically matched times relative to word onsets: concurrently with a word onset, 100 ms before, 100 ms after, and at random control times. By 80 ms, probes presented at and after word onsets elicited a larger negativity than probes presented before word onsets or at control times. The latency and distribution of this effect is similar to temporally and spatially selective attention effects measured in adults and, despite differences in polarity, spatially selective attention effects measured in children. These results indicate that, like adults, preschool aged children modulate temporally selective attention to preferentially process the initial portions of words in continuous speech.  相似文献   

One prerequisite of using auditory event-related brain potentials (ERP) in developmental and clinical research is to determine their reliability. We examined the individual stability and test-retest reliability of the ERP responses elicited by repetitive, slightly deviant, and novel sounds over 3 months in healthy 6-year-old children. When broken down to 20 ms intervals, the standard-stimulus ERP responses shared > 77%, the deviant-stimulus responses 17-31%, and the novel-stimulus responses > 33% of the individual variation over the two testing sessions; the mean amplitude differences (novel/deviant-standard) did not change significantly between sessions. The sufficiently high individual stability of the ERP responses support the utility of these measurements for studying the effects of novel sounds in this age group.  相似文献   

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