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In patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma, long-term survival critically depends on complete tumor resection. Indeed, there are no long-term survivors with positive resection margins. Furthermore, hilar cholangiocarcinoma seems to have a low propensity for distant metastases and adjuvant therapy after surgery has not been shown to have clear clinical benefits. This evidence should be regarded as arguments for extended resections. The question remains of how to achieve an R0 resection. In the last few years greater use of major hepatectomy has increased resectability and has improved long-term results. Concomitant resection of the caudate lobe is recommended as this site is a prime area of local recurrence. Frozen sections should be routinely used to assess the remnant proximal and distal ductal stumps. However, if the proximal remnant is positive, additional ductal resection at the separating limits is not always feasible. Gross portal vein invasion has a negative impact on survival, but should not be a contraindication to resection. Hepatectomy with portal vein resection can offer long-term survival in some patients with advanced hilar cholangiocarcinoma. The incidence of nodal involvement in resected specimens has been reported to range from 30% to more than 50% and there is a correlation between primary tumor extension and nodal involvement. Lymphatic metastases from hilar cholangiocarcinoma appear to spread first to pericholedochal nodes in the hepatoduodenal ligament and then to spread widely toward the posteriorsuperior area around the pancreatic head, portal vein and common hepatic artery. Routine lymphadenectomy should include all these areas. The only factors precluding resection are involvement of celiac, superior mesenteric or para-aortic tumoral nodes. Survival is closely associated with the extent of nodal involvement. The no-touch technique including right trisegmentectomy combined with portal vein resection has been proposed as the surgical procedure of choice for a more radical approach, and as a measure to prevent dissemination of tumor cells during surgery.  相似文献   

Portal cavernoma is a network of veins whose caliber, initially millimetric or microscopic, is increased and which contain hepatopedal portal blood. It results from occlusion, thrombotic and always chronic, of the extra-hepatic portal system. Diagnosis is mainly done by imaging. Clinical signs of portal cavernoma are usually related to extra-hepatic portal hypertension (hematemesis due to rupture of oeso-gastric varices, splenomegaly, rectal bleeding from ano-rectal varices, growth retardation in children) and sometimes to the cause of portal hypertension (abdominal pain, venous bowel infarction). Occurrence of portal thrombosis is often the conjunction of a local cause and a prothrombotic disorder which must be systematically detected. Biliary consequences of cavernoma are related to compression of common bile duct and are usually asymptomatic. In case of jaundice or cholangitis, portal decompression by portosystemic shunt can be performed to treat both biliary symptoms and portal hypertension.  相似文献   

Crohn's disease may involve any part of the alimentary tract, including the stomach and duodenum. We report herein the case of a 22 year-old male in whom Crohn disease was diagnosed due to weight loss in relation with a stenosis of the first and second parts of the duodenum. A gastrojejunostomy was performed with a good subsequent result. The initial management of a Crohn's disease with involvement of the duodenum is medical. When there is an indication for surgery, a gastroenterostomy is preferred, albeit with a high incidence of outlet obstruction and marginal ulceration.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of pseudosarcomatous fibromyxoid tumor of the prostate. It is always a benign lesion, whose mains differentials diagnoses are sarcomas of the prostate. Diagnosis is based on histological examination. Treatment is surgical.  相似文献   

Injuries to anterior urethra are uncommon, mainly due to blunt trauma, and rarely associated with pelvic fractures or life threatening multiple lesions. Straddle type injury is the most frequent lesion, in which the immobile bulbar urethra is crushed or compressed on the inferior surface to the pubic symphysis. Diagnosis of urethral injury is easy, suspected due to trauma circumstances, presence of urethrorragy or initial hematuria, and eventually difficult micturition and penile scrotal for perineoscrotal hematoma. It should always be confirmed and classified by retrograde urethro-gram, realized either immediately or after a few days. Initial acute management is suprapubic cystostomy, if possible before any attempt of urethral catheterization or miction. Urethral contusions only require this urinary diversion or urethral catheter for a few days and usually heal without any sequelae. Management of partial and complete disruptions remains controversial: suprapubic diversion only and secondary endoscopic or open surgical repair of the urethral stricture that occurs in the great majority of the cases (always after complete disruption), early endoscopic realignment and prolonged urethral catheterization (4 for 8 weeks according to the lesion), in partial disruptions, more controversial in complete disruptions; delayed (after a few days) open surgical repair (urethrorraphy) that is the preferred European and French attitude for complete disruptions. Penetrating anterior urethral trauma and urethral lesions associated with penile fracture require immediate surgical exploration and repair if possible. After anterior urethral disruption, the main morbidity is urethral stricture very often requiring surgical treatment (visual urethrotomy if the structure is short, end to end spatulated urethrorraphy, flap or graft urethroplasty if longer).  相似文献   

Buschke-Lowenstein tumor or giant condyloma acuminata is characterized by a proliferation locally aggressive with extensive tissue destruction. We report three cases of Buschke-Lowenstein tumor with anorectal localization. The histology is characterized by papillomatosis and endo or exophytic acanthosis secondary to papillomavirus. The variety of treatment regimens applied do not allow formulation of definitive therapeutic guidelines.  相似文献   

Ureteral obstruction due to idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare but severe clinical problem. The open approaches, as well as surgical techniques used to prevent stenosis recurrence, are described. Ureterolysis remains the procedure to relieve ureteral obstruction. The ureter is dissected and freed from the fibrotic process, and then separated to prevent the recurrence of the stenosis. Recently, the development of Laparoscopic urology has allowed for minimal invasive treatment of many urological problems. We present our technique of ureterolysis for extrinsic ureteral obstruction. Advantages and complications of each method are considered and indications are proposed.  相似文献   

Fibromatosis (Desmoid tumor) of the male breast is an exceptional location. We present a case of such a tumor, in the context of Gardner's syndrome. A palpable mass was discovered in the right breast of a 52 years old man, with a history of rectocolic adenomatous polyposis. Mammography ant thoracic CT scan showed a stellar tumor, mimicking a breast cancer. Treatment consisted of wide excision and histology revealed a desmoid tumor. Desmoid tumors of the breast are benign lesions; they should be widely excised because of a high risk of recurrence. Coloscopy is indicated in the presence of mammary fibromatosis, to look for associated multiple polyps, confirming the diagnosis of Gardner's syndrome.  相似文献   

Stenosis of the pancreaticojejunostomy is a late and rarely symptomatic complication of pancreaticoduodenectomy, observed in approximately 30% of cases. Treatment of symptomatic strictures is difficult. We report a case of reoperation for stenosis of the pancreaticojejunostomy responsible for recurrent pancreatitis. The treatment strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of mini-invasive surgery approximately thirty years ago, Laparoscopic surgery has significantly evolved both in terms of its extended field of application and of the tools used which were diversified and improved. More recently, the development of robotic-assisted laparoscopy has brought, among other improvements, three-dimensional vision, dexterity, and a comfortable working position, which have reduced the surgeon's fatigability, the difficulties related to the operations and the learning curves of standard laparoscopy. Urology, which makes slightly less use of standard laparoscopy than general or gynaecological surgery, largely benefits from robotics concerning the precision of movements, and has much increased the operating indications of laparoscopy, including the treatment of pyeloureteral junction, kidney tumourectomy, living donor nephrectomy and radical prostactectomy. This chapter describes the operative technique used for the treatment of the ureteropyelic junction stenosis by robotic-assisted laparoscopy, as carried out in Nancy University Hospital with the da Vinci robot (Intuitive Surgical).  相似文献   

A 62-year-old Japanese male was admitted with obstructive jaundice and underwent percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage (PTCD). An initial diagnosis was made of hilar bile duct carcinoma, based on demonstrated irregular stenosis of the hilar hepatic bile ducts without obvious tumor within the liver and negative alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). Enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed an irregular low density area around the hepatic hilum and the umbilical portion of the portal vein, suggesting carcinomatous invasion with blood flow disturbances. In contrast, intraoperative ultrasonography (US) raised the suspicion of an ill-defined lesion in Couinaud's segment 2 (segment 2) and intrabile duct tumor formation. A radical extended left and caudate lobectomy of the liver was successfully performed, with additional resection of extrahepatic bile duct and enbloc resection of regional lymph nodes. Unexpectedly, histological analysis of the resected specimen showed the final diagnosis to be hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) of segment 2 with intrabile duct tumor growth. This case demonstrates that HCC with intrabile duct tumor growth toward the heptic hilum can mimic hilar bile duct carcinoma, when the tumor itself is equivocal on preoperative imaging and AFP is negative. In such cases, intraoperative US and guided biopsy may be of value for definitive diagnosis and selection of the optimal procedure.  相似文献   

The authors report 24 patients presenting a transitional tumor of bladder pT1G3 collected between January 1996 and December 2000. They represent 19% of the superficial tumors of bladder. Two patients had of straightaway a cystectomy after resection for an unverifiable tumor by endoscopy and another after a second resection discovering a real pT2. Only 5 patients received a BCG therapy is 24% of the cases. A recurrence without progression has been noted in 38% of the cases and a progression in 19% of the patients. These last patients had a cystectomy and with a follow-up to 28 months, no recurrence has been noted.  相似文献   

Carcinoid tumors are non-pancreatic digestive neuroendocrine tumors well differentiated. Most of time they are developed from enterochromaffin cells of the digestive tract. Most of them are localized in ileum, rectum, stomach and appendix. Only bronchi are a frequent extra-digestive localization (20 to 25%). Most of these tumors are asymptomatic and discovered incidentally during a laparotomy or secondary to the exploration of a carcinoid syndrome. From a case report and a recent review of literature, diagnosis, histology and treatment of small bowel carcinoid tumors are summarized.  相似文献   

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