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Surgical complications of peritoneal dialysis catheters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peritoneal catheters are relatively easy to insert but are associated with specific complications. Proper placement and appropriate management reduce the problems associated with these complications, reduce morbidity and mortality, and increase catheter survival. On the basis of our findings the following procedures are recommended: placement of the catheter in the operating room, use of a paramedian incision, closure of the fascia with a running nonabsorbable suture, use of small exchanges initially to allow for healing, cessation of peritoneal dialysis for a limited time when leaks occur, performance of omentectomy when necessary, repair of abdominal wall hernias preoperatively or whenever they occur, maintenance of meticulous asepsis, removal of the catheter after fungal peritonitis or multiple episodes of peritonitis with the same organism, and early operation if there is any doubt of an intraabdominal catastrophe.  相似文献   

Implantation of peritoneal dialysis catheters by traditional laparotomy or trocar/guidewire techniques leaves the operator blind to the actual location and configuration of the peritoneal catheter tubing; it is associated with drainage dysfunction from catheter obstruction in 10–22% of catheter placements. This report presents a laparoscopic technique that allows accurate tube placement with complete visualization of the implant procedure. The peritoneal dialysis catheter was implanted through a port inserted in a paramedian location. Videoscopic monitoring was performed through a second port inserted in a pararectus location on the opposite side of the abdomen. Nitrous oxide gas was utilized for peritoneal insufflation thus permitting the procedure to be accomplished under local anesthesia. Follow-up of ≤12.7 months (median, 4.4) for the first 28 patients revealed a high rate of successful catheter function with an outflow obstruction rate of 3.6%. The procedure was well tolerated by patients under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Videolaparoscopy is ideally suited for peritoneal dialysis catheter implantation. Visual conformation of proper catheter location and configuration during the implant process are associated with lower incidences of outflow failure.  相似文献   

The swan neck presternal peritoneal dialysis catheter provides an alternative location from which a catheter can exit the skin when an abdominal site is not suitable. The exit site is in the upper anterior chest. The presternal catheter was designed for patients who would not ordinarily be considered for peritoneal dialysis because of body habitus, presence of stomas, or urinary-fecal incontinence. In its original design, the catheter can be implanted only by open dissection. We present a modification of the catheter system and describe an operative technique in which the catheter can be inserted laparoscopically. Eight patients underwent laparoscopic implantation of presternal catheters by this technique. During follow-up ranging from 2.9 to 12.4 months (average, 5.3 months), no instances of catheter dysfunction, leakage around the cannula, hernia, or loss secondary to infection occurred. We foresee greater use of the swan neck presternal peritoneal dialysis catheter once surgeons become more familiar with its ease of insertion and if the device can be made available as a single-package system compatible with laparoscopic implantation.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of ceftazidime, a new injectable broad-spectrum cephalosporin with high anti-pseudomonal activity, were studied in 50 preterm, full-term and young infants after an intravenous bolus dose of 30 mg/kg. The serum concentrations of ceftazidime were higher in the younger babies, both premature and full-term. In infants over 2 months of age blood levels were similar to those of adult volunteer subjects. No untoward effects were encountered. Considering the in vitro activity of ceftazidime against a wide spectrum of pathogenic bacteria, the present dose schedules, 25-50 mg/kg/d for babies less than 2 months of age and 50-100 mg/kg/d for those 2-12 months of age, appear to be appropriate. Until more experience is gained with ceftazidime in neonates, monitoring of trough levels to ensure adequate blood concentrations would be ideal.  相似文献   

In 68 patients undergoing Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) a total of 77 CAPD catheters were surgically implanted providing a total CAPD experience of 980 patient months. The early postoperative complications of catheter displacement and blockage have not occurred since the routine employment of flanged Oreopoulos catheters and omentectomy. Peritonitis remains the major cause of later morbidity although 72 per cent of the patients in this series remain on CAPD between one and 31 months after catheter placement. We contend that open surgical implantation of Oreopoulos catheters together with omentectomy contributes to reducing the incidence of mechanical complications in patients undergoing CAPD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Peritoneal dialysis is a generally accepted method for the treatment of patients with end-stage renal failure. The laparoscopic placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters is a well-established technique and offers some advantages, such as a safer placement of the catheter, less post-operative complications, and a longer functional survival, compared to the conventional open technique. The aim of this study was to describe our implantation technique and to determine the results of our approach. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 2000 and February 2006, 47 patients with end-stage chronic renal failure underwent a laparoscopic peritoneal dialysis catheter insertion procedure. Perioperative and follow-up data were collected prospectively. RESULTS: The mean operating time was 35 minutes (range, 16-100). There was no perioperative morbidity. Nine (19.1%) patients experienced 10 mechanical complications: fluid leakage in 6 (12.8%) patients, acute hydrothorax in 1 (2.1%), catheter tip migration in 2 (4.3%), and catheter obstruction in 1 (2.1%) patient. Episodes of peritonitis were observed in 5 (10.6%) patients. One (2.1%) patient developed a catheter infection. In 3 (6.4%) patients, a port site hernia occurred that required surgical repair, 5 (10.6%) patients underwent laparoscopic revisions owing to mechanical complications, 9 (19.1%) patients underwent renal transplantation, and 6 (12.8%) patients died during the later follow-up. After a mean follow-up time of 17 months (range, 2-76), 30 (63.8%) catheters are still in use for dialysis. CONCLUSIONS: The functional outcome of the dialysis catheters was satisfactory in the majority of patients in this study. The described technique for catheter implantation is simple and safe, and in our opinion, the laparoscopic technique should be considered as the method of choice in patients with end-stage chronic renal failure.  相似文献   

Background: Primary placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters in children often requires suturing of the catheter into the pelvis. We describe our experience with a gasless laparoscopy technique in children and young adults. Methods: During an 18-month period, 12 patients (mean age, 14 years) underwent primary laparoscopic placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters. A single umbilical port was used for abdominal wall elevation, telescope, and catheter. A needleholder was introduced via an accessory port at the future catheter exit site or through the umbilical port. Omentectomy was performed through the umbilical incision. The catheter was tunneled to the lateral abdominal wall. Follow-up data (≥15 months) included time to initiation of dialysis, hospitalization, and outcome. End points were cure, transplantation, or death. Results: Diet was started on the day of surgery and dialysis on the following day. Four patients had seven complications, including leakage and entanglement of the catheter in tubal fimbriae. Long-term revision-free catheter survival was 67% at 24 months. Conclusions: This minimal access technique for primary placement of peritoneal dialysis catheters includes securing of the catheter tip in a dependent location and omentectomy. It allows nearly immediate use of the catheter, leads to a minimal hospital stay, and has acceptable long-term patency. Received: 24 December 1998/Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic exit-site and tunnel infections of the peritoneal dialysis catheter are significant causes of catheter loss. Surgical salvage procedures that can effectively resolve the infection and preserve dialysis are of major importance. METHODS: Thirteen patients with chronic exit-site and tunnel infections underwent surgical salvage consisting of unroofing the tunnel tract and shaving of the superficial catheter cuff. A control group of 138 patients implanted during the same time span as the study group was used for infection rate and survival comparisons. RESULTS: The salvage procedure cured the infection in all patients. No dialysate leaks occurred. Peritoneal dialysis was not interrupted. Surgical salvage provided successful long-term peritoneal dialysis that was equivalent to the cohort dialysis population. CONCLUSION: Surgical salvage by unroofing/cuff shaving is an effective long-term solution for chronic exit-site and tunnel infection.  相似文献   

Omental entrapment of the peritoneal dialysis catheter remains a common cause of flow dysfunction. Prophylactic omentectomy during catheter implantation is still followed with an incidence of flow obstruction as high as 10%. We describe indications and a technique for selective performance of omentopexy during laparoscopic catheter implantation that resulted in only a 0.7% obstruction rate in 153 consecutive patients as compared with a 12.8% rate in a preceding group of 78 consecutive patients. Laparoscopic omentopexy was performed during 9.2% of implant procedures and only when the omentum was found to extend to the retrovesical space. The procedure is simple, quick, and inexpensive to perform. Employing selective criteria for omentopexy eliminates the performance of unnecessary procedures. Actuarial analysis demonstrates that an operative strategy of selectively performing omentopexy for redundant omentum significantly improves catheter survival free of flow dysfunction (P < 0.0001).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Maintaining long-term peritoneal catheter function for peritoneal dialysis is commonly threatened by problems with catheter obstruction. Multiple methods have been used to salvage nonfunctioning catheters, including omentopexy, catheter repositioning, and omentectomy. We report on our experience with a laparoscopic method of omentectomy and catheter fixation for salvage of nonfunctioning peritoneal dialysis catheters. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen patients with nonfunctioning peritoneal dialysis catheters underwent 16 laparoscopic procedures with the intent to restore function. Clinically, all patients presented with outflow obstruction. At initial presentation, all patients underwent diagnostic laparoscopy and a definitive procedure. In 12 patients, catheters were enveloped by omentum, and we performed laparoscopic omentectomy and catheter fixation to the anterior pelvic wall. In one patient, we identified a broken catheter and performed a laparoscopic omentectomy at the time of catheter replacement. One 10-mm and two 5-mm trocars were utilized. Omentectomy was performed using either endo-GIA stapled resection (2 patients) or the Harmonic Scalpel (11 patients). All trocar incisions (including the 5-mm site) were closed with a suture-passing (Carter-Thomason) device to provide water-tight closure in anticipation of immediate return to peritoneal dialysis. Patients were followed postoperatively for an average of 17 months (range 4-35 months). RESULTS: All patients' catheter function was restored intraoperatively with laparoscopic omentectomy and catheter fixation. Eight catheters remained functioning following omentectomy without further intervention. Five patients (38%) experienced repeat catheter malfunction and underwent laparoscopic exploration. Of these, three catheters (60%) were restored to function with laparoscopic manipulation alone. Three catheters were found encased in extensive adhesions. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis was successful in one patient and unsuccessful in one patient, who converted to hemodialysis. One patient failed laparoscopic salvage and required open laparotomy and fibrin clot removal to restore catheter function. One catheter was found to be obstructed within a pericolic hematoma. One catheter was found within residual omentum at the hepatic flexure. Both of these catheters were freed laparoscopically and continued to function at 12 and 16 months' follow-up. Complications included one episode of peritonitis, one case of postoperative ileus, and one trocar site hernia necessitating repair. The nephrologists were instructed that they could begin peritoneal dialysis on postoperative day 1. Seven patients resumed peritoneal dialysis without leak from trocar sites. The remaining patients received temporary hemodialysis through a central venous catheter and returned to peritoneal dialysis at the discretion of their nephrologists. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic omentectomy with catheter fixation is a minimally invasive means of salvaging peritoneal dialysis catheters with outflow obstruction. Complications are few, and closure of laparoscopic incisions in water-tight fashion allows rapid return to peritoneal dialysis.  相似文献   

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an integral part of the practice of most nephrologists, and a life-sustaining therapy for many of our patients. As in hemodialysis, the success of PD is often determined by the success of the access device. For the nephrologist placing and removing PD catheters, or for the nephrologist advising surgeons in this role, this article provides a review of the types of PD catheters and differences in function and complications, methods of insertion of PD catheters and relation to catheter outcomes, techniques for burying the external portion of the PD catheter and benefits of this technique, and techniques for removing PD catheters.  相似文献   



Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is preferred over hemodialysis. The aim of this study was to evaluate our experience with laparoscopic PD catheter placement and omentectomy in children.


We reviewed all children (N = 21) who underwent laparoscopic placement of PD catheters and omentectomy. Ages ranged from 3 months to 16 years. Five children had previous major abdominal surgery and required extensive lysis of adhesions. During the same intervention, other surgical procedures were performed using laparoscopy or open technique, including umbilical hernia repair in 3, bilateral inguinal hernia repair in 3, ventral hernia repair in 2, gastrostomy in 4, kidney biopsy in 2, and cholecystectomy in 1.


Thirteen children received successful kidney transplantation and no longer needed dialysis. Two children still have functioning PD catheters. One patient developed membrane failure and was converted to hemodialysis. Four patients recovered enough renal function and no longer need dialysis. There were no complications related to the laparoscopic procedure.


Laparoscopy is ideal for PD catheter placement. It facilitates omentectomy, and it allows for the catheter to be placed in the proper position under direct vision and for lysis of adhesions to increase peritoneal surface. Other abdominal procedures can be performed laparoscopically at the same time.  相似文献   

The continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is a routine measurement under certain circumstances in nephrological units, which is preferentially performed in patients who cannot be adapted to haemodialysis. Certain risks are inherent in this method. They are dependent on the patient himself as well as on measurement used. Typical complications are canalicular infections along the catheter loop, intra- and extraabdominal dislocations of the catheter tube, abdominal wall leaking and the CAPD-peritonitis. Our own patients are analyzed according to this aspect; the value of a standardized technique of implantation of the Oreopoulos-Zellermann-Catheter is described with regard to the reduction of surgical risks.  相似文献   

Currently at our institution more than 90% of the children with end-stage renal disease are managed with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) in preference to hemodialysis until a successful transplant is accomplished. Recent refinements in CAPD catheters and dialysis techniques have greatly added to the many medical, psychological, and economic advantages of CAPD compared with chronic hemodialysis. Ninety-three patients less than 21 years of age underwent insertion of 167 peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheters over a 5-year period. A variety of PD catheters were used, including 121 (73%) double-cuff Tenckhoff catheters, 22 (13%) single-cuff, and 24 (14%) column disc catheters (Lifecaths, Physio-Control Corp, Redmond, WA). There were three (3%) noncatheter-related mortalities and minimal significant morbidity during the 1,819 patient-months of catheter use. Exit site infections (61%) and peritonitis (59%) were frequent but minor complications, occasionally requiring catheter replacement. Other noninfectious complications included abdominal hernias (42%), dialysis leaks (14%), distal cuff extrusion (11%), catheter obstruction (7%), and hydrothorax (2%). Forty-five of the 60 hernias (75%) were surgically repaired in patients while receiving CAPD. Persistent or recurrent peritonitis was common with Pseudomonas, Serratia, and fungal infections and often resulted in catheter removal and loss of the peritoneal dialysis membrane. Catheter survival for the double-cuff Tenckhoff was significantly better (P .005) than the single-cuff or Lifecath. Based on this experience we have found that using specific operative techniques for CAPD catheter placement and early surgical management for severe peritonitis reduces the incidence of complications and modality failure.  相似文献   

The experience with CAPD using the Tenckhoff catheter in 115 patients over a 7 year period has been reviewed. The general indications for CAPD in the patient with chronic renal failure are the mental and physical ability of the patient or his relatives to perform CAPD. In our series, diabetes mellitus has been a relative indication for CAPD, because diabetic patients often have vascular disease severe enough to make long-term hemodialysis difficult. The general contraindications are abdominal problems such as hernias, abdominal wall infections, inflammatory bowel disease, adhesions, and gastrointestinal stomas. Other contraindications are lumbar disk disease and respiratory insufficiency. The surgical principles of catheter insertion have been described. Complications associated with the Tenckhoff catheter were either mechanical (intraabdominal organ injury, incisional hernia, catheter leakage, catheter occlusion, or catheter dislodgement), or infectious (peritonitis or abdominal wall infection). The single most common organism isolated from effluent dialysate in 65 patients with peritonitis was Staphylococcus epidermidis in six patients (9.2 percent), and in 20 patients (30.8 percent), no organism could be isolated. For those patients who had peritonitis, the average frequency was at 8.9 months of CAPD. There were only three deaths (3 percent) directly related to the Tenckhoff catheter and these were due to peritonitis and sepsis. Only 22 (19 percent) of the 115 patients in this series had to discontinue CAPD because of its ineffectiveness or the patient's or relative's inability to perform CAPD.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Renal failure occurs in children with moderate frequency. Surgical aspects of establishing and maintaining dialysis access in small infants are exceptionally challenging. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the authors' experience with dialysis access for infants less than 10 kg, particularly with respect to the surgical care required. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted between 1991 and 1999 of all pediatric dialysis patients weighing 10 kg or less (n = 29). Age at start of dialysis, duration of dialysis, modes of dialysis, and complications specific to peritoneal (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) were examined. RESULTS: The mean age at start of dialysis was 10.4 months and continued for an average duration of 16.3 months. Seventy-two percent of all patients required both modes of dialysis. HD and PD duration averaged 7.8 and 10.5 months, respectively. Catheter durability was 3.1 and 4.5 months per catheter for HD and PD, respectively. There was no significant difference in complications when comparing HD and PD. Patients who weighed 5 to 10 kg had significantly longer PD catheter durability than patients 0 to 5 kg (P = .001). Forty-one percent of patients terminated dialysis after transplantation, whereas 24% died awaiting transplantation. CONCLUSION: Despite a large number of operations required, infants less than 10 kg can be bridged successfully, by surgical intervention and subsequent dialysis, to transplantation.  相似文献   

Ventilation of premature and newborn infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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