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OBJECTIVE: This study examines student alcohol use and associated problems, including drinking and driving, at U.S. colleges that ban alcohol for all students on campus. METHOD: A nationally representative sample of students (N = 11,303, 61% women) attending U.S. colleges completed questionnaires regarding alcohol use and related behaviors in the spring of 1999. The responses of 2,252 students at 19 ban schools were compared with those of 9,051 students at 76 nonban schools. RESULTS: Students at ban colleges were 30% less likely to be heavy episodic drinkers and more likely to abstain from alcohol. The lower rates of heavy episodic drinking apply to students whether or not they were heavy episodic drinkers in high school. However, among drinkers, students at ban schools engaged in as much extreme drinking as drinkers at schools that do not ban alcohol and experienced the same rate of alcohol-related problems. At schools that ban alcohol, fewer students experienced secondhand effects of the drinking of others than did students at nonban schools. Students at ban schools were not more likely to drink and drive than were students at nonban schools. CONCLUSIONS: A campus ban on alcohol may support abstention from alcohol use and reduce heavy episodic drinking and the associated secondhand effects in college. Since this is a correlational study, we cannot determine whether the lower rates of heavy episodic drinking are due to the ban or to other factors (e.g., self-selection of students to these schools). Ban schools do not enroll fewer high school heavy episodic drinkers.  相似文献   

Volatile substance misuse (VSM) among Israeli youth has been identified as widespread and growing. Using data from the 2009 National School Survey of 12-18 year olds (N = 7,166), this study describes VSM prevalence among Jews and Arabs, examining relationships between past-month VSM and sociodemographic, behavioral, psychological, and interpersonal characteristics. Past-month VSM, reported by 7.5% of respondents, was significantly associated with other risky behaviors including past-month illicit drug use (Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) = 5.41, 95% CI: 3.5-8.1), Internet gambling (AOR = 2.12, 95% CI: 1.5-3.1), smoking, binge drinking, and truancy. National drug policy must address VSM and develop strategies to reduce demand and supply. Potential study limitations are noted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examines and compares the drinking patterns and problems of members of four Hispanic groups (Cubans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics) in the United States, with information presented by gender and age. METHOD: The 1993 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, a recent national probability sample of the household population aged 18 and over in the United States, is used. Data are obtained through in-person interviews. The sample includes 4,462 Hispanics of Cuban (n = 620), Mexican (n = 2,467), Puerto Rican (n = 619) and Central and South American (n = 756) origin. Analyses are conducted using SUDAAN. RESULTS: There are significant differences across the Hispanic groups in their drinking patterns and problems. Among men, Mexican Americans report the most frequent and heavy drinking, and the greatest prevalence of drunkenness and alcohol-related problems. Cubans report the lowest percentages of such respondents, and Puerto Ricans and other Hispanics are in between the other two groups. For women, fewer ethnic differences are evidenced than for men. In general, Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans drink more often and heavily and experience more problems than the other groups. Even after controlling for predictors of adult alcohol use, some ethnic differences in drinking persist. CONCLUSIONS: The four Hispanic groups have different drinking patterns. More research is necessary to determine the factors associated with differences in drinking across Hispanic groups.  相似文献   

At the end of the survey, respondents were asked whether their departments planned to make changes affecting the IDS within the next one to two years. Fifty-nine percent had made plans, and most of these plans included an expansion or streamlining of investigational services. Thirty-five percent planned to increase the scope of services offered, or extend present services to cover areas previously not reached, such as a specific medical service, or an outpatient clinic. More than 39 percent planned to begin using computers in the operation of the IDS, or expand their present use of computers. Twenty-six percent planned to increase staffing in some way; these plans included designating a staff pharmacist to handle study drugs and budgeting a few hours per week, hiring a pharmacist, nurse, technician, or student, or adding clerical help. Five institutions (less than 2%) planned to scale back services; this was due to budgetary cuts in three hospitals and one hospital closure, but in one case, plans were to limit enrollment of new patients to hours when a pharmacist is available. Clearly, many factors are involved in the operation of an IDS. The information obtained from this survey is by no means a complete list of the services that may be provided; however, the information and ideas gathered from this survey were useful in planning for service expansion at St. John's Hospital. It is hoped that this information might be useful to other pharmacists and pharmacy administrators as well.  相似文献   

During 1990 a survey was conducted of the self-reported drinking habits and alcohol-related knowledge and beliefs of a national sample of 7009 Scottish teenagers. The study group were age 14-16. Results indicated that only 3% of respondents had never consumed alcohol. The great majority of teenagers reported consuming only moderate quantities of alcohol. Even so 18.9% of males and 10.3% of females reported consuming 11 or more units on their last drinking occasion. The proportion of teenagers classified as 'heavy drinkers' increased markedly between the ages of 14 and 16. This study confirmed earlier findings indicating that Scottish teenagers are more likely than those in England to drink heavily and rather less frequently.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess primary care physician perceptions of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and aspirin-associated toxicity. METHODS: A group of gastroenterologists and internal medicine physicians created a survey, which was administered via the Internet to a large number of primary care physicians from across the US. RESULTS: One thousand primary care physicians participated. Almost one-third of primary care physicians recommended 325 mg rather than 81 mg of aspirin/day for cardioprotection. Fifty-nine percent thought enteric-coated or buffered aspirin reduced the risk of upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Seventy-six percent believed that Helicobacter pylori infection increased the risk of NSAID ulcers but fewer than 25% tested NSAID users for this infection. More than two-thirds were aware that aspirin co-therapy decreased the GI safety benefits of the cyclo-oxygenase 2 selective NSAIDs. However, 84% felt that aspirin with a cyclo-oxygenase 2 selective NSAID was safer than aspirin with a non-selective NSAID. When presented a patient at high risk for NSAID-related GI toxicity, almost 50% of primary care physicians recommended a proton pump inhibitor and cyclo-oxygenase 2 selective NSAID. CONCLUSIONS: This survey has identified areas of misinformation regarding the risk-benefit of NSAIDs and aspirin and the utilization of gastroprotective strategies. Further education on NSAIDs for primary care physicians is warranted.  相似文献   

The authors describe the current drug and alcohol scene in Czechoslovakia, with references to historical developments. Drug abuse is divided into nine groups: from drugs most frequently abused (opiates and speed) to illegally cultivated hemp (hashish and marijuana). In 1985 there were 9,900 registered drug addicts and 720 are added to this number annually. There are approximately 15 nonregistered drug addicts for every registered one. In the consumption of alcoholic beverages, Czechoslovakia holds 13th place in the world (average annual per capita consumption is in the vicinity of 9.5 litres of 100% alcohol). In 1985 there were 239,385 registered alcoholics (of this number, 18,746 were women). In conclusion the authors describe the Czechoslovak system of treatment of addictions: detoxification departments, outpatient treatment, and institutional care, as well as treatment for prisoners and forced treatment. They also mention the effectiveness of these treatment programs.  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe the profile of clients seen across the broad spectrum of dedicated alcohol and drug treatment services in New Zealand. METHODS: 217 randomly selected alcohol and drug treatment workers in New Zealand were interviewed by telephone, yielding a randomly selected sample of 291 clients. Workers were asked to identify the age, gender, ethnicity, main substance use problem and geographical location of clients. RESULTS: 60% of clients were male, 28% were Maori, the mean age was 31 years and the largest group of clients were seen for alcohol related issues (45%), followed by cannabis (27%) and opioids (17%). None of these variables differed significantly across residential/non-residential services. Significant trends to emerge were: that Maori clients were more likely to live rurally and to be in treatment for cannabis use, women were more likely to be in treatment for benzodiazepine use and less likely for cannabis use, opioid users were more likely to be seen at Crown Health Enterprise funded services, and cannabis users were (on average) younger than other clients, while alcohol users were older. CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol and drug treatment services are dominated by clients seeking assistance with alcohol and cannabis use problems. Women are not under-represented in this population. Maori are over-represented. This contrasts with the absence of Asian clients and an under-representation of Pacific Island clients. There are some significant variations in the types of drugs used by different demographic treatment seeking populations. In contrast, client differences across treatment settings are minimal.  相似文献   

Alcohol is a very recent introduction to the long history of Aboriginal occupation of Australia. The patterns of drinking have arisen as a copy of binge drinking which was and still is a common form of drinking in outback Australia. Grafted onto this is the cultural heritage of sharing as well as the tension release obtained for those at the lowest rung of Australia's socio-economic ladder.

Doctors and nurses are supposed to be the educated members of society and should be expected to go more than half the way in bridging the cultural gap necessary to initiate preventive and curative services to one of the major health problems facing Aborigines and other ethnic groups in Australia.  相似文献   

In recent evidence from the United States, there generally are no male-female differences in the probability of drug use among persons who report an opportunity to try the drugs. This is an important observation that might help us understand male-female differences in later drug use and dependence, but the observation needs to be replicated elsewhere. We begin this replication process using data from a 1996 national school survey of drug involvement among 6,477 students age 12-18 in Panama. We first examine the occurrence of an opportunity to use drugs by grade. We then follow these analyses with an examination of male-female differences in drug opportunity patterns. We found opportunities to use drugs and actual drug use to be greater at higher grade levels. Also, we found the probability of making a transition to use, given an opportunity, to be more likely among upper-grade students. Consistent with results observed in the United States, we found males in Panama to be more likely to have an opportunity to use marijuana, crack-cocaine, and other forms of cocaine, but not more likely than females to make a transition into drug use once an opportunity had occurred to try each drug. These findings are discussed in relation to the epidemiology and prevention of drug use in Panama and elsewhere, and future research on male-female differences in drug involvement.  相似文献   

Context: A cross-sectional school survey on drug use and related attitudes among students to ascertain the prevalence of substance use, and to serve as a baseline from which to develop prevention and education materials for primary school. Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to make recommendations for a drug prevention and education curriculum for primary school. The objectives of the study were to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to substance use and abuse among school children. Setting: Five public schools of the Northern District of Moscow, Russia. Participants: 1099 school students 10-15 years old. Results: Alcohol is the drug of choice among Moscow's students. Extensive experience with alcohol is normal behaviour for many. Tobacco smoking is highly prevalent as well. The use of illicit drugs among students is not at all high in comparison with alcohol use or tobacco smoking. Conclusions: The school survey data suggest that the development of a school-based substance abuse prevention and education programme should be based mainly on promotion of healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Levacetylmethadol was withdrawn from the U.S. market as a treatment for opioid-dependent patients in 2003 due to QT prolongation, leaving methadone as the primary therapy for over 200,000 individuals. Methadone was subsequently shown to prolong the QT interval as well. We hypothesized that opioid treatment program physicians are unaware of these safety concerns. METHODS: To assess awareness of methadone's QT-prolonging properties, we conducted a national mail survey of physicians licensed as medical directors for accredited U.S. opioid treatment programs in 2006. The primary outcome was knowledge of methadone's QT-prolonging effects. Awareness of the cardiac effects of levacetylmethadol and buprenorphine were also assessed. RESULTS: The survey response rate was 66% (692 physicians) of whom 35% were family practitioners, 25% internists, 22% psychiatrists, and 8% self-identified as addiction specialists. While 75% (95% CI, 72-78) correctly identified levacetylmethadol as a QT-prolonging drug, only 41% (95% CI, 37- 45) were aware of methadone's QT-prolonging properties. Just 24% (95% CI, 21-27) were aware of methadone's association with torsade de pointes. In addition, 52% (95% CI, 48- 56) correctly reported the absence of an association between buprenorphine and QT prolongation. Larger program census and academic setting tended to predict greater awareness of methadone's QT-prolonging effects; yet even in these subgroups awareness did not exceed 54%. CONCLUSIONS: Scientific publication alone has been inadequate in raising awareness regarding methadone's QT-prolonging properties, even among those who most often prescribe the drug. Universal education initiatives for all accredited opioid treatment programs seem warranted to enhance the safety of this essential therapy.  相似文献   

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