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Luks TL  Simpson GV 《NeuroImage》2004,22(4):1515-1522
We used event-related fMRI to test the hypothesis that preparatory attention modulations occur in higher-order motion-processing regions when subjects deploy attention to internally driven representations in a complex motion-processing task. Using a cued attention-to-motion task, we found preparatory increases in fMRI activity in visual motion regions in the absence of visual motion stimulation. The cue, a brief enlargement of the fixation cross, directed subjects to prepare for a complex motion discrimination task. This preparation activated higher-order and lower-order motion regions. The motion regions activated included temporal regions consistent with V5/MT+, occipital regions consistent with V3+, parietal-occipital junction regions, ventral and dorsal intraparietal sulcus, superior temporal sulcus (STS), posterior insular cortex (PIC), and a region of BA 39/40 superior to V5/MT+ involving the angular gyrus and supramarginal gyrus (A-SM). Consistent with our hypothesis that these motion sensory activations are under top-down control, we also found activation of an extensive frontal network during the cue period, including anterior cingulate and multiple prefrontal regions. These results support the hypothesis that anticipatory deployment of attention to internally driven representations is achieved via top-down modulation of activity in task-relevant processing areas.  相似文献   

Breckel TP  Giessing C  Thiel CM 《NeuroImage》2011,55(4):260-1762
The ability to sustain attention over prolonged periods of time is called vigilance. Vigilance is a fundamental component of attention which impacts on performance in many situations. We here investigate whether similar neural mechanisms are responsible for vigilant attention over long and short durations of time and whether neural activity in brain regions sensitive to vigilant attention is related to processing irrelevant information. Brain activity was measured by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a 32 min visual vigilance task with varying inter-target intervals and irrelevant peripheral motion stimuli. Changes in neural activity were analysed as a function of time on task to capture long-term aspects of vigilance and as a function of time between target stimuli to capture short-term aspects of vigilance. Several brain regions including the inferior frontal, posterior parietal, superior and middle temporal cortices and the anterior insular showed decreases in neural activity as a function of time on task. In contrast, increasing inter-target intervals resulted in increased neural activity in a widespread network of regions involving lateral and medial frontal areas, temporal areas, cuneus and precuneus, inferior occipital cortex (right), posterior insular cortices, the thalamus, nucleus accumbens and basal forebrain. A partial least square analysis revealed that neural activity in this latter network covaried with neural activity related to processing irrelevant motion stimuli. Our results provide neural evidence that two separate mechanisms are responsible for sustaining attention over long and short durations. We show that only brain areas involved in sustaining attention over short durations of time are related to processing irrelevant stimuli and suggest that these areas can be segregated into two functionally different networks, one possibly involved in motivation, the other in arousal.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of stimulus complexity on the macro network of visual areas involved in 'cue invariant' form perception. Functional MRI imaging on 14 healthy, adult volunteers was performed during a two alternative forced choice (2-AFC) form discrimination task. The functional load imposed onto the visual system was varied by using simple and complex shapes. The figures were defined using a luminance, a chromatic or a motion contrast cue. The three cues activated the same visual areas in the ventral pathway, including area 'LO'. Activation of visual area 'V3v' but not area 'KO' in the dorsal pathway was observed to the motion contrast cue. The simple shapes induced a larger BOLD response in BA18 than the complex shapes, reflecting the selectivity of this region for the features in the stimuli such as edges and vertices. The brain regions yielding a larger BOLD signal to the complex shapes were areas know to be selective to the orthographic content of our complex stimuli. The processing requirement was assessed by comparing the subjects' reaction time. We found no significant difference in the reaction times to the simple and complex shapes. The reaction times to the luminance contrast cue and the chromatic contrast cue were identical but that to the motion contrast cue were 200 ms longer. This finding concurs with neurophysiological studies, reporting a longer onset latency for motion contrast stimuli. It further lends support to the idea that the motion contrast cue requires auxiliary processing by the visual areas of the dorsal pathway before entry into the ventral pathway.  相似文献   

Rihs TA  Michel CM  Thut G 《NeuroImage》2009,44(1):190-199
Voluntarily directing visual attention to a cued position in space leads to improved processing of forthcoming visual stimuli at the attended position, and attenuated processing of competing stimuli elsewhere, due to anticipatory tuning of visual cortex activity. In EEG, recent evidence points to a determining role of modulations of posterior alpha-band activity (8-14 Hz) in such anticipatory facilitation (alpha-power decreases) versus inhibition (alpha-power increases). Yet, while such alpha-modulations are a common finding, the direction of modulation varies to a great extent across studies implying dependence on task demands. Here, we reveal opposite modulation of posterior alpha-power with early/initiation versus later/sustained processes of anticipatory attention orienting. Marked alpha-decreases were observed during shifting of attention (initial 700 ms) over occipito-parietal areas processing to-be-attended visual space, while alpha-increases dominated in the subsequent maintenance phase (>700 ms) over occipito-parietal cortex tuned to unattended positions. Notably, the presence of alpha-modulation strongly depended on individual resting alpha-power. Overall, this provides further support to an active facilitative versus inhibitory role of alpha-power decreases and increases and suggests that these attention-related changes are differentially deployed during anticipatory attention orienting to prepare versus maintain the cortex for optimal target processing.  相似文献   

Target detection paradigms have been widely applied in the study of human cognitive functions, particularly those associated with arousal, attention, stimulus processing and memory. In EEG recordings, the detection of task-relevant stimuli elicits the P300 component, a transient response with latency around 300 ms. The P300 response has been shown to be affected by the amount of mental effort and learning, as well as habituation. Furthermore, trial-by-trial variability of the P300 component has been associated with inter-stimulus interval, target-to-target interval or target probability; however, understanding the mechanisms underlying this variability is still an open question. In order to investigate whether it could be related to the distinct cortical networks in which coherent intrinsic activity is organized, and to understand the contribution of those networks to target detection processes, we carried out a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study, collecting data from 13 healthy subjects during a visual oddball task. We identified five large-scale networks, that largely overlap with the dorsal attention, the ventral attention, the core, the visual and the sensory-motor networks. Since the P300 component has been consistently associated with target detection, we concentrated on the first two brain networks, the time-course of which showed a modulation with the P300 response as detected in simultaneous EEG recordings. A trial-by-trial EEG-fMRI correlation approach revealed that they are involved in target detection with different functional roles: the ventral attention network, dedicated to revealing salient stimuli, was transiently activated by the occurrence of targets; the dorsal attention network, usually engaged during voluntary orienting, reflected sustained activity, possibly related to search for targets.  相似文献   

Thiel CM  Zilles K  Fink GR 《NeuroImage》2004,21(1):318-328
The identification of brain systems contributing to different aspects of visuospatial attention is of both clinical and theoretical interest. Cued target detection tasks provide a simple means to dissociate attentional subcomponents, such as alerting, orienting or reorienting of attention. Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to study neural correlates of these distinct attentional processes. Volunteers were scanned while performing a centrally cued target detection task. Four different types of trials (no cue, neutral cue, valid cue and invalid cue trials) with targets appearing either in the right or left hemifield were randomly intermixed. Behaviourally, the data provided evidence for alerting, spatial orienting and reorienting of attention. Neurally, the alerting effect was seen in bilaterally increased extrastriatal blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) activity in neutral as compared to no cue trials. Neural correlates of spatial orienting were seen in anterior cingulate cortex, which was more active during valid as compared to neutral cue trials. Neural correlates of reorienting of attention, that is, higher BOLD activity to invalid as compared to validly cued trials were evident in several brain regions including left and right intraparietal sulcus, right temporo-parietal junction and middle frontal gyrus bilaterally. The data suggest that frontal and parietal regions are specifically involved in reorienting rather than orienting attention to a spatial position. Alerting effects were seen in extrastriate regions which suggest that increased phasic alertness results in a top-down modulation of neural activity in visual processing areas.  相似文献   

Jantzen KJ  Steinberg FL  Kelso JA 《NeuroImage》2005,25(4):1031-1042
Growing evidence suggests that interval timing in humans is supported by distributed brain networks. Recently, we demonstrated that the specific network recruited for the performance of rhythmic timing is not static but is influenced by the coordination pattern employed during interval acquisition. Here we expand on this previous work to investigate the role of stimulus modality and coordination pattern in determining the brain areas recruited for performance of a self-paced rhythmic timing task. Subjects were paced with either a visual or an auditory metronome in either a synchronized (on the beat) or syncopated (off the beat) coordination pattern. The pacing stimulus was then removed and subjects continued to move based on the required interval. When compared with networks recruited for auditory pacing and continuation, the visual-specific activity was observed in the classic dorsal visual stream that included bilateral MT/V5, bilateral superior parietal lobe, and right ventral premotor cortex. Activity in these regions was present not only during pacing, when visual information is used to guide motor behavior, but also during continuation, when visual information specifying the temporal interval was no longer present. These results suggest a role for modality-specific areas in processing and representing temporal information. The cognitive demands imposed by syncopated coordination resulted in increased activity in a broad network that included supplementary motor area, lateral pre-motor cortex, bilateral insula, and cerebellum. This coordination-dependent activity persisted during the subsequent continuation period, when stimuli were removed and no coordination constraints were imposed. Taken together, the present results provide additional evidence that time and timing are served by a context-dependent distributed network rooted in basic sensorimotor processes.  相似文献   

Knowing what is going to happen next, that is, the capacity to predict upcoming events, modulates the extent to which aversive stimuli induce stress and anxiety. We explored this issue by manipulating the temporal predictability of aversive events by means of a visual cue, which was either correlated or uncorrelated with pain stimuli (electric shocks). Subjects reported lower levels of anxiety, negative valence and pain intensity when shocks were predictable. In addition to attenuate focus on danger, predictability allows for correct temporal estimation of, and selective attention to, the sensory input. With functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that predictability was related to enhanced activity in relevant sensory-discriminative processing areas, such as the primary and secondary sensory cortex and posterior insula. In contrast, the unpredictable more aversive context was correlated to brain activity in the anterior insula and the orbitofrontal cortex, areas associated with affective pain processing. This context also prompted increased activity in the posterior parietal cortex and lateral prefrontal cortex that we attribute to enhanced alertness and sustained attention during unpredictability.  相似文献   

A growing literature indicates that visual cortex areas viewed as primarily responsive to exogenous stimuli are susceptible to top-down modulation by selective attention. The present study examines whether brain areas involved in biological motion perception are among these areas-particularly with respect to selective attention towards human movement goals. Fifteen participants completed a point-light biological motion study following a two-by-two factorial design, with one factor representing an exogenous manipulation of human movement goals (goal-directed versus random movement), and the other an endogenous manipulation (a goal identification task versus an ancillary color-change task). Both manipulations yielded increased activation in the human homologue of motion-sensitive area MT+ (hMT+) as well as the extrastriate body area (EBA). The endogenous manipulation was associated with increased right posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) activation, whereas the exogenous manipulation was associated with increased activation in left posterior STS. Selective attention towards goals activated a portion of left hMT+/EBA only during the perception of purposeful movement-consistent with emerging theories associating this area with the matching of visual motion input to known goal-directed actions. The overall pattern of results indicates that attention towards the goals of human movement activates biological motion areas. Ultimately, selective attention may explain why some studies examining biological motion show activation in hMT+ and EBA, even when using control stimuli with comparable motion properties.  相似文献   

William James posited that comparable brain regions were implicated in the anticipation and perception of a stimulus; however, dissociable networks (at least in part) may also underlie these processes. Recent functional neuroimaging studies have addressed this issue by comparing brain systems associated with the expectancy and perception of visual, tactile, nociceptive, and reward stimuli. In the present fMRI study, we addressed this issue in the domain of pictorial emotional stimuli (IAPS). Our paradigm involved the experimental conditions emotional expectancy, neutral expectancy, emotional picture perception, and neutral picture perception. Specifically, the emotional expectancy cue was uncertain in that it did not provide additional information regarding the positive or negative valence of the subsequent picture. Neutral expectancy and neutral picture perception served as control conditions, allowing the identification of expectancy and perception effects specific for emotion processing. To avoid contamination of the perception conditions by the preceding expectancy periods, 50% of the pictorial stimuli were presented without preceding expectancy cues. We found that the emotional expectancy cue specifically produced activation in the supracallosal anterior cingulate, cingulate motor area, and parieto-occipital sulcus. These regions were not significantly activated by emotional picture perception which recruited a different neuronal network, including the amygdala, insula, medial and lateral prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, and occipitotemporal areas. This dissociation may reflect a distinction between anticipatory and perceptive components of emotional stimulus processing.  相似文献   

Our ability to recognize the actions of others is subserved by a complex network of brain areas, including the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), inferior parietal lobe (IPL) and superior temporal sulcus (STS). An unresolved issue is whether the activity within these regions requires top-down control or whether it arises relatively automatically during passive action observation. Here we used fMRI to determine whether cortical activity associated with action observation is modulated by the strategic allocation of selective attention. Participants observed moving and stationary images of reach-to-grasp hand actions, while they performed an attentionally demanding task at the fovea. We first defined regions-of-interest (ROIs) in the IFG, IPL and STS which responded to the perception of these actions. We then probed these ROIs while participants observed the identical, but now task-irrelevant, actions and instead performed an easy (low attentional load) or difficult (high attentional load) visual discrimination task. Our data indicate that the activity of the left IFG was consistently attenuated under conditions of high attentional load, while the remaining action observation areas remained relatively unaffected by attentional manipulations. The suppression of the left IFG was unique to the observation of hand actions, and did not occur during the observation of non-biological control stimuli, in the form of coherent dot motion. We propose that the left IFG is the site at which descending inhibitory processes affect the processing of observed actions, and that the attentional modulation of this region is responsible for filtering task-irrelevant actions during ongoing behavior.  相似文献   

Amidst a barrage of sensory information in the environment, the impact that individual stimuli have on our behaviour is thought to depend on the outcome of competition that occurs within and between multiple brain regions. Although biased competition models of attention have been tested in visual cortices and to a lesser extent in auditory cortex, little is known about the nature of stimulus competition outside of sensory areas. Given the hypothesized role of multiple pathways (cortical and subcortical) and specialized brain regions for processing valence information, studies involving conflicting basic emotional stimuli provide a unique opportunity to examine whether the principles of biased competition apply outside of sensory cortex. We used fMRI to examine the neural representation and resolution of emotional conflict in a sample of healthy individuals. Participants made explicit judgments about the valence of happy or fearful target facial expressions in the context of emotionally congruent, neutral, or incongruent distracters. The results suggest that emotional conflict is reflected in a dissociable manner across distinct neural regions. Posterior areas of visual cortex showed enhanced responding to congruent relative to neutral or incongruent stimuli. Orbitofrontal cortex remained sensitive to positive affect in the context of conflicting emotional stimuli. In contrast, within the amygdala, activity associated with identifying positive target expressions declined with the introduction of neutral and incongruent expressions; however, activity associated with fearful target expressions was less susceptible to the influence of emotional context. Enhanced functional connectivity was observed between medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala during incongruent trials; the degree of connectivity was correlated with reaction time costs incurred during incongruent trials. The results are interpreted with reference to current models of emotional attention and regulation.  相似文献   

Attention can profoundly shape the experience of pain. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that support directed attention to nociceptive information. In the present study, subjects were cued to attend to either the spatial location or the intensity of sequentially presented pairs of painful heat stimuli during a delayed match-to-sample discrimination task. We hypothesized that attention-related brain activation would be initiated after the presentation of the attentional cue and would be sustained through the discrimination task. Conjunction analysis confirmed that bilateral portions of the posterior parietal cortex (intraparietal sulcus [IPS] and superior parietal lobule) exhibited this sustained activity during attention to spatial but not intensity features of pain. Analyses contrasting activation during spatial and intensity attention tasks revealed that the right IPS region of the posterior parietal cortex was consistently more activated across multiple phases of the spatial task. However, attention to either feature of the noxious stimulus was associated with activation of frontoparietal areas (IPS and frontal eye fields) as well as priming of the primary somatosensory cortex. Taken together, these results delineate the neural substrates that support selective amplification of different features of noxious stimuli for utilization in discriminative processes.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to investigate activation patterns within the cingulate region during tasks based on spatial attention. Subjects were asked to detect targets which appeared either at the site indicated by a cue or on the opposite side. A “cue effect” was identified by the presence of shorter reaction times to validly than invalidly cued targets, showing that an anticipatory bias had been generated in the direction of the cue. Target detection accuracy was consistently above 90% although cue effects and reaction times displayed substantial variations, from one task session to another. Activation within the anterior cingulate region was seen in 16 of the 26 sessions but showed no correlation with reaction time. Posterior cingulate activation was seen in only 6 of the 26 sessions. However, a random effects analysis showed that the task-related signal change in this region was strongly correlated with the speed of target detection. A post hoc analysis indicated that this correlation was significant only when cue effects were present. No other part of the cerebral cortex displayed significant correlations with reaction times or cue effects. These results suggest that the cingulate component of the attentional network has at least two functionally segregated sectors, an anterior one in BA 24/32 and a posterior cingulo-retrosplenial one in BA 23/29/30. The posterior sector appears to be associated with the speed of detecting spatial targets, especially when attention is under the influence of a cue-induced anticipatory bias. The anterior cingulate focus did not display such a relationship in our tasks and is likely to mediate other aspects of attentional deployment such as performance monitoring, response selection or target identification.  相似文献   

We recorded magnetoencephalographic responses from seven healthy humans during the presentation of stationary and rotating radial gratings. Rotations lasting 1 s evoked movement-specific sustained activity in the parieto-occipitotemporal border area, in agreement with the activation of the V5 complex specialized for the analysis of movement. The source areas of the movement-specific sustained fields were transiently active 100–130 ms after the onsets of both rotating and stationary stimuli, suggesting that movement-related cortical areas respond to any transient changes in the visual environment. Transients were evoked also in other brain areas 60–200 ms after onsets of both stimuli. Four subjects displayed additional motion-related sustained activity in the rolandic region. Sustained activity continued after the stimulus movement in several subjects during perception of the movement aftereffect. The transient activity may evoke visual attention while sustained activity of the V5 complex may be related to the conscious perception of movement.  相似文献   

Browning M  Harmer CJ 《NeuroImage》2012,59(2):1942-1948
Attention is preferentially deployed toward those stimuli which are threatening and those which are surprising. The current paper examines the intersection of these phenomena; how do expectations about the threatening nature of stimuli influence the deployment of attention? The predictions tested were that individuals would direct attention toward stimuli which were expected to be threatening (regardless of whether they were or not) and toward stimuli which were surprising. As anxiety has been associated with deficient control of attention to threat, it was additionally predicted that high levels of trait anxiety would be associated with deficits in the use of threat-expectation to guide attention. During fMRI scanning, 29 healthy volunteers completed a simple task in which threat-expectation was manipulated by altering the frequency with which fearful or neutral faces were presented. Individual estimates of threat-expectation and surprise were created using a Bayesian computational model. The degree to which the model derived estimates of threat-expectation and surprise were able to explain both a behavioral measure of attention to the faces and activity in the visual cortex and anterior attentional control areas was then tested. As predicted, increased threat-expectation and surprise were associated with increases in both the behavioral and neuroimaging measures of attention to the faces. Additionally, regions of the orbitofrontal cortex and left amygdala were found to covary with threat-expectation whereas anterior cingulate and lateral prefrontal cortices covaried with surprise. Individuals with higher levels of trait anxiety were less able to modify neuroimaging measures of attention in response to threat-expectation. These results suggest that continuously calculated estimates of the probability of threat may plausibly be used to influence the deployment of visual attention and that use of this information is perturbed in anxious individuals.  相似文献   

We studied the functional neuroanatomy of attention to speed of motion using functional magnetic resonance imaging in eight healthy subjects, who performed a speed discrimination (SID) task using a random textured pattern moving at a reference speed of 6 deg/s. During the control condition (DIM), with retinal stimulation identical to that during SID, subjects detected the dimming of the central fixation point. Attention to speed (SID compared to DIM) activated mainly ventral V3 and V4, dorsal V3 and V3A. Compared to a fixation control condition, speed discrimination recruited a large visuomotor network, including hMT/V5+. However, hMT/V5+ was only marginally more active during speed discrimination than during dimming detection. Thus hMT/V5+ is involved in speed discrimination, in line with the speed discrimination impairments following hMT/V5+ lesions, but our results suggest that this activity simply reflects the processing of motion rather than attention to speed. Manipulating the difficulty of the speed discrimination task over a large range of the psychometric curve revealed that increasing difficulty linearly increases activity in right frontal regions, as well as in lateral occipital and dorsal parietal regions. A weak effect of difficulty was also observed in dorsal V3.  相似文献   

Bickel S  Dias EC  Epstein ML  Javitt DC 《NeuroImage》2012,62(3):1867-1876
Analysis of neural oscillations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) during cognitive tasks provides valuable information about underlying neuronal processing not accessible by other methods such as event-related potentials (ERPs) and the BOLD signal in fMRI. We investigated neural substrates of motor preparation and expectancy by analyzing neural oscillations of healthy subjects performing the AX continuous performance task (AX-CPT), a task widely used to evaluate processes such as cognitive control, motor preparation and anticipatory and sustained attention. The task consists of letters presented sequentially on a monitor, and subjects are required to respond only when they see the letter A (cue) followed by the letter X (target). In this study, to emphasize expectation and motor preparation, three versions of AX-CPT were used in which the overall propensity to respond was differentially modulated, by changing the probability of the letter sequences. Neural activity was investigated in three time windows following presentation of the cue: sensory, evaluation and preparation. Alpha power was reduced following cue onset similarly in all versions of the task in both the sensory and evaluation periods, but in the later preparation period there were task dependent modulations. Alpha was decreased when an infrequent cue increased the chance of a response, and increased when a propensity to respond had to be overcome, possibly reflecting an anticipatory attentional mechanism to gate visuo-motor processing. Beta power was modulated by task and cue in both evaluation and preparation periods. In the latter, beta power reflected the propensity to respond and correlated both with amplitude of the contingent negative variation (CNV), an ERP that reflects response preparation, and with reaction time. Some clinical populations such as patients with schizophrenia or attention-deficit disorder show specific deficits when performing the AX-CPT. These results provide a basis for investigating the differential neural underpinnings of oscillatory cognitive control deficits observed in various patient populations.  相似文献   

Studies have suggested that the default mode network is active during mind wandering, which is often experienced intermittently during sustained attention tasks. Conversely, an anticorrelated task-positive network is thought to subserve various forms of attentional processing. Understanding how these two systems work together is central for understanding many forms of optimal and sub-optimal task performance. Here we present a basic model of naturalistic cognitive fluctuations between mind wandering and attentional states derived from the practice of focused attention meditation. This model proposes four intervals in a cognitive cycle: mind wandering, awareness of mind wandering, shifting of attention, and sustained attention. People who train in this style of meditation cultivate their abilities to monitor cognitive processes related to attention and distraction, making them well suited to report on these mental events. Fourteen meditation practitioners performed breath-focused meditation while undergoing fMRI scanning. When participants realized their mind had wandered, they pressed a button and returned their focus to the breath. The four intervals above were then constructed around these button presses. We hypothesized that periods of mind wandering would be associated with default mode activity, whereas cognitive processes engaged during awareness of mind wandering, shifting of attention and sustained attention would engage attentional subnetworks. Analyses revealed activity in brain regions associated with the default mode during mind wandering, and in salience network regions during awareness of mind wandering. Elements of the executive network were active during shifting and sustained attention. Furthermore, activations during these cognitive phases were modulated by lifetime meditation experience. These findings support and extend theories about cognitive correlates of distributed brain networks.  相似文献   

The ability to dynamically modulate the intensity of sustained attention (i.e., alertness) is an essential component of the human executive control system, allowing us to function purposefully in accordance with our goals. In this study we examine high-density ERP markers of alert responding during the fixed sequence sustained attention to response task (SART(fixed)). This paradigm has proven to be a sensitive clinical metric in patient populations with deficits in their ability to sustain attention (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In this task subjects withhold a button press to an infrequent no-go target ('3') embedded within a predictable sequence of numbers ('1' to '9'). Our data reveal a complex pattern of effects across the trial sequence of the SART, with clear contributions from frontal and parietal cortices to sustained attentional performance. Over occipito-parietal regions, early visual attention processes were increased during trial 2 (i.e., trial in which the digit '2' was presented) and trial 3, giving rise to the so-called selection negativity (SN). Two prominent late components were manifest during trial 2: LP1 (550-800 ms) and LP2 (850-1150 ms) over occipito-parietal and central sites. We interpret the LP1 component on trial 2 as reflecting retrieval of the task goal and the subsequent LP2 as reflecting competition between the currently relevant go response and the subsequent no-go response. On trial 3, an enhanced "no-go N2" (250-450 ms) was seen fronto-centrally in the absence of the "no-go P3" that typically follows. Fronto-polar activity was also seen across all trials and may be indicative of subgoal processes to integrate the association between stimulus and goal. Prior to a lapse of attention (i.e., failure to inhibit a response to "3") the LP1 was significantly attenuated on the preceding trial 2 indicating a failure of anticipatory goal-directed processing. The results are discussed in terms of models of sustained attention involving frontal and parietal cortices.  相似文献   

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