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患儿 女 22月 因生后反复间歇性呕吐,呕吐物含有胆汁,加剧3d而入院。体检:营养发育尚好,心肺(一),腹平,右上腹扪及肠型,无压痛,叩诊呈鼓音,肠鸣音不亢进。 X线检查:腹部平片,冒充气扩张伴中等大小液平。中上腹可见2组肠曲充气扩张呈管形伴3个中小液平,余腹部气体甚少,腹部未见钙化影,示  相似文献   

目的 探讨根据肠及肠系膜损伤CT表现判断是否需要手术治疗的指导价值.方法 回顾性分析48例肠及肠系膜损伤患者的临床资料及CT表现,26例手术治疗,保守治疗22例.2名放射科医师根据CT表现判断是否需要手术治疗,以患者的最终诊断和治疗结果为标准,使用SPSS13.0进行ROC曲线分析.阅片者间差异性评价采用Kappa一致性检验.结果 肠管连续性中断和肠系膜血管内造影剂外溢只见于手术组,腹腔游离气体多见于手术组.2位医师根据CT图像判断是否需要手术治疗,ROC曲线分析准确性较高(曲线下面积Az值均>0.9).2位医师之间一致性分析结果为中、高度一致.结论 根据CT征象可较准确地判断肠及肠系膜损伤的手术指征.  相似文献   

目的 探讨直接数字X线摄影(DR)在立位脊柱全长摄片中的应用.方法 177例患者按就诊时间先后分2组分别使用CR和DR技术拍摄全脊柱正侧位片,由放射科经验丰富的医师技师各2名对所有全脊柱影像进行评析.结果 (1)DR摄影成像的密度对比优于CR.(2)DR图像的拼接成功率低于CR.结论 使用DR进行全脊柱摄片,图像质量优于CR摄片.  相似文献   

婴儿肠旋转不良合并中肠扭转X线诊断(附16例报告)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的: 评价腹部平片对婴儿肠旋转不良合并中肠扭转的诊断价值。材料与方法: 经手术证实的婴儿肠旋转不良合并中肠扭转共16 例,结合手术病理回顾性分析其腹部平片表现。结果: (1) 十二指肠完全性梗阻16 例,呈双球征13 例,三球征3 例。(2) 管状充气、狭细短跨度伴肠壁增厚肠段15 例。局限于右中上腹9 例,中上腹5 例,左上腹1 例。(3) 广泛充气扩张管形壁厚肠段,腔内有浅液面,类似小肠低位梗阻1 例。结论: 腹部平片简便易行,能迅速提供肠道气体的异常信息。通过腹部平片反映本病的两个特殊病理,包括十二指肠机械梗阻和中肠扭转的动力性损害。结合空肠袢异位征象,即肠袢局限偏侧分布特征,能对本病作出早期诊断,及时手术避免肠坏死的致命后果  相似文献   

与上述技术相反,非创伤性、普及的胸部平片在肺水肿检测上已被证明有颇大的临床价值。Milne根椐胸部平片作出的肺血管外液体的估计数及对比了同时用Chinard指示剂稀疏技术得出的测定数,首先客观地证实了放射科医师能够根椐胸部平片对肺水肿进行定量。后来,Pistolesi和Gluntini用更为客观和系统的摄片方法以及改良的指  相似文献   

作者在临床常规 IVU 检查中筛选20例病人,女性10例(39~78岁),男性10例(19~56岁)行数字减影检查。记录身高、体重以预估肌酐清除率。采血标本和收集24小时尿,测定尿素、肌酐和肌酐清除率。摄腹平片后摄两帧减影蒙片。蒙片_1为在肾区放一锡的梯度楔,以去除肠内气体或骨影;蒙片_2为同一位置但不使用梯度楔的影象。造影剂用碘异酞醇250mg/kg,快速静注。拟行减影片与蒙片在同一部位摄取,开始4.5分钟每15s 摄1帧,然后5和10分钟再各摄1帧,共21帧。从蒙  相似文献   

目的 探讨直接淋巴管造影术后CT(PLCT)在不同分型的特发性乳糜尿中的影像特征.方法 回顾性分析临床确诊为特发性乳糜尿的患者51例,所有患者均行PLCT检查,由两名放射科医师盲法阅片,包括:(1)泌尿系统及腹膜后异常对比剂分布;(2)腹盆部其他部位异常对比剂分布;(3)反流;(4)胸部及颈部异常对比剂分布;(5)水肿...  相似文献   

患者 男 ,5 1岁。因“左腰部酸胀不适 2年余”就诊。临床查血、尿常规及肝肾功能未见异常 ,血沉正常。体检示左肾区轻微叩痛。腹平片及静脉肾盂造影示 :左肾区及输尿管走行区气体铸型 ,形态与肾盂、输尿管一致。右侧肾盂及输尿管、膀胱显示正常 ,膀胱内未见气体影 (图 1)。CT扫描及MPR图像示 :未见正常左肾实质 ,左肾区及输尿管走行区为气体取代 ,边界为膜状薄壁 ,逐层观察示左输尿管接近膀胱层面为细索状结构 ,其内未见气体影 ,右肾及输尿管未发现明显异常 (图 2、3)。核素肾功能检查 :右肾肾小球滤过率 (GFR)及有效肾血浆流量 (ERPF)值轻度代偿性升高 (GFR 6 6 .1ml/min ,ERPF 4 2 4 .3ml/min) ,左肾此二值趋向于 0。诊断 :左肾及输尿管完全性气囊变畸形。讨论 肾脏发育异常临床并不少见 ,但肾及输尿管完全性气囊变则非常罕见。本例患者临床仅出现左腰部轻微不适而无其他特殊症状 ,血尿素及肌酐水平因为右侧肾脏功能代偿而维持正常左肾及输尿管完全性气囊变一例@张火俊!200433$上海长海医院放射科 @生晶!200433$上海长海医院放射科 @吕桃珍!200...  相似文献   

K.  Kitajima  K.  Murakami  E.  Yamasaki  Y.  Kaji  K.  Sugimura  杨秀娟 《国际医学放射学杂志》2009,32(4):415-415
MRI诊断报告的准确性要被认可。本研究分析了不同观察者对半月板病变、软骨病变程度及前交叉韧带完整性诊断的可信度,同时考虑放射科医生工作经验及MRI设备场强的影响。52例膝关节由11名放射科医师独立阅片。1.0T22例,1.5T20例,3.0T10例,放射科医师4人有5年以上的工作经验.7人有3~5年的工作经验。影像所见与术中所见进行了对照。对于不同场强,评价观察者之间的差异以及敏感度、特异度。软骨病变观察者间的一致性为0.370,  相似文献   

目的:探讨摄片前触诊的价值及作用。方法:乳腺包块分别由妇产科及放射科医师于摄片前触诊。结果:311例乳房包块患者,198例临床及摄片前触及包块,113例仅患者自触有“包块”。讨论:(1)融及乳房包块时应注意月经情况.尽可能在月经后三日复查;(2)摄片前的触诊能减少不必要的X线照射且不影响诊断;(3)摄片前触诊常能避免副乳的漏检;(4)触诊引导包块活检可提高诊断的准确性;(5)摄片前触诊的挤压可发现乳头溢液。  相似文献   

Acetabular fractures: optimal imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Scott  WW  Jr; Fishman  EK; Magid  D 《Radiology》1987,165(2):537-539
In 19 cases of acetabular fracture, computed tomography (CT) with volumetric three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions displayed as video loops about horizontal and vertical axes of rotation replaced the traditional imaging combination of CT and multiple plain radiographs, while offering significant advantages. Overlying bowel content or foreign matter obscured detail in 36 of 45 plain radiographic views, and positioning or radiographic technique was suboptimal in 21. Three-dimensional reconstructions completely eliminated these problems. These 3D reconstructions accurately simulated oblique, inlet, and tangential views in all cases. In ten of 19 cases a nonconventional oblique view, and in 13 of 19 cases a cephalocaudal angulation other than the inlet, tangential, or anteroposterior view, best demonstrated the fracture. Elimination of five plain radiographs resulted in a skin radiation dose savings of 5 rad (50 mGy). No difficult or painful patient positioning was required beyond that necessary for the standard CT examination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of isolated small bowel dilatation on abdominal radiographs in patients with colonic fecal impaction and also to elucidate the cause of this finding. METHODS: A computerized search of radiology files revealed 515 patients with colonic fecal impaction on abdominal radiographs. The radiologic reports described isolated small bowel dilatation not related to other known causes of ileus or obstruction in 18 (3.5%) of the 515 patients. The films were reviewed to determine the distribution of fecal impaction and the degree and extent of small bowel dilatation. In 16 cases, medical records were reviewed to determine the clinical presentation, treatment, and course. Finally, follow-up radiographs were reviewed in four cases to determine the response to treatment of the impaction. RESULTS: All 16 patients with available medical records had abdominal symptoms. The average diameter of the dilated small bowel on abdominal radiographs was 3.7 cm. Fourteen patients (78%) had a diffuse colonic fecal impaction (nine) or a predominantly right-sided fecal impaction (five) that involved the cecum, and the remaining four (22%) had a left-sided colonic fecal impaction. All 12 patients with clinical follow-up had resolution of symptoms and all four with follow-up radiographs had resolution of small bowel dilatation after treatment of the underlying impaction. CONCLUSION: Fecal impaction should be considered in the differential diagnosis of small bowel dilatation on abdominal radiographs, as treatment of the underlying impaction usually produces a dramatic clinical response with resolution of the small bowel dilatation on follow-up radiographs.  相似文献   

The finding of a gasless abdomen on the abdominal radiograph of an infant over 12 hr old is usually abnormal and may reflect a serious pathologic disorder. Accurate diagnosis is important to plan appropriate therapy. A careful review of the clinical history and the plain chest and abdominal radiographs will often permit an accurate diagnosis to be made. In cases where the diagnosis remains in doubt, contrast studies of the bowel with metrizamide have proved helpful. This report presents six infants with gasless abdomens of unknown cause. In each case, a metrizamide contrast study of the bowel was helpful in providing an accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

Summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis is an immunologic disease that occurs only in Japan. It is a form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in which the clinical symptoms appear in the summer and subside spontaneously in mid autumn. The purpose of our study was to determine the CT findings in this condition, to compare the CT findings with those on chest radiographs, and to assess the variations in the CT findings over time. Accordingly, high-resolution CT scans and chest radiographs of 15 patients with summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis were retrospectively studied. Seven patients had sequential CT examinations 18-37 days apart. The CT scans and chest radiographs were reviewed by two observers independently. CT findings included diffuse micronodules (n = 15), slightly elevated lung density (n = 13), and patchy air-space consolidation (n = 13). In one patient, the findings on a chest radiograph were normal, while CT showed parenchymal abnormalities. In two cases, follow-up CT showed micronodular abnormalities after findings on the chest radiograph had returned to normal. Our results show that high-resolution CT findings of summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis include pulmonary micronodules, increased lung density, and air-space consolidation. High-resolution CT appears to be more useful than plain chest radiographs in the evaluation of pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities in this condition.  相似文献   

Lams  PM; Cocklin  ML 《Radiology》1986,158(1):11-19
Thirty-eight selected clinical radiographs were digitized and displayed on a 1,024-line monitor at pixel sizes of 1.6, 0.8, 0.4, and 0.2 mm. Eighteen experienced radiologists assessed the radiographs and digital images, which included 12 examples of abnormal solitary nodular density, ten examples of septal lines, and 16 controls, six of which showed diffuse lung abnormalities. For each level of spatial resolution and for film reading, observers gave their decision confidence on a sliding scale of probability. Receiver operating characteristic curves were generated from these data. It was found that while spatial resolution requirements for solitary nodules were not critical for pixel sizes at or below 0.8 mm, the requirement for septal lines was likely to be 0.4 mm (1.25 line pairs/mm).  相似文献   

Recurrent tracheo-esophageal fistula: a protocol for investigation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D A Stringer  S H Ein 《Radiology》1984,151(3):637-641
Following repair of esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal (TE) fistula, the fistula may recur in approximately 10% of patients and is often difficult to diagnose. The authors review the clinical and radiographic findings in 16 cases. Clinical findings are nonspecific; however, recurrent TE fistula may be suspected when the plain radiograph reveals an air esophagram (44% of cases), gas in the abdominal portion of the bowel (50% of those who had abdominal radiographs), or a "beaked" appearance of the anterior wall of the esophagus (50% of negative barium examinations). Oral barium studies resulted in 17 false negatives and 4 true positives, while a right lateral decubitus esophagram with a vertical beam gave 2 false negatives and 2 true positives, and a prone esophagram with a horizontal beam gave 2 true positives and no false negatives. Despite the small number of cases, the authors suggest that a prone view with a horizontal beam, rather than a decubitus examination, is the procedure of choice for recurrent TE fistulas.  相似文献   

The plain abdominal radiographs of 28 patients with acute gastrointestinal graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD) were examined to determine the plain radiographic findings associated with this disorder. These findings, in order of decreasing frequency, included air-fluid levels, bowel wall/mucosal fold thickening, gasless abdomen, bowel dilatation, pneumatosis intestinalis, and ascites. When a number of these findings are present, the plain abdominal radiographs may be sufficiently characteristic to suggest gastrointestinal GVHD. Differentiating acute gastrointestinal GVHD from small-bowel obstruction is often of major clinical importance. Fortunately, the bowel gas pattern in acute gastrointestinal GVHD rarely suggests obstruction and, thus, bowel obstruction can usually be excluded on the basis of plain radiographs alone.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the quality assurance of image-processing techniques in plain radiographs of skeletal structures. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-two patients were studied, each with one osteolytic metastasis. Accuracy and precision of tube voltage and timer were confirmed. The mean value of grey-level histograms in plain radiographs (MVGLHs) was assessed. The deviation was monitored after five sets of sequential X-rays retaining the same settings for each radiograph. RESULTS: Deviation was significantly higher in anatomical areas of thorax (21.2%) and abdomen (42.4%), while the consistency of MVGLH for weight-bearing bones was satisfactory with a maximum deviation of 2.9% (P<0.001, Kruskal-Wallis test). CONCLUSION: Assessment of MVGLH in plain radiographs is a reliable method for the extremities and generally for regions without superimposed movable tissues.  相似文献   

儿童小肠机械性梗阻的CT诊断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨CT检查对儿童小肠机械性梗阻的诊断价值。方法 分析31例手术确诊为小肠机械性梗阻患者的腹部X线平片与CT表现。年龄9个月至14岁,男17例,女14例。急性小肠梗阻29例,慢性小肠梗阻2例。其中7例有腹部手术史。结果 腹部X线平片与CT准确显示梗阻程度分别为19例和29例。CT准确显示梗阻病因18例,包括小肠石4例,肠套叠5例,腹腔局部感染渗出粘连6例,腔内型肠重复畸形1例,先天性脐疝1例,先天性肠旋转不良1例。本组7例有腹部手术史者全部为粘连性梗阻,结合手术史,CT准确判断病因25例。腹部X线平片与CT假阴性诊断分别为4例和2例。结论 CT对发现肠绞窄和肠壁积气的敏感性较腹平片高。CT显示狭窄移行段的形态有助于判断病因,对梗阻病因的判断CT明显优于腹部X线平片。可为临床确定治疗方案提供比较可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Johnson  JF; Woisard  KK 《Radiology》1989,170(2):483-486
The ability to detect ileocolic intussusception on the supine cross-table lateral radiograph of the abdomen in infants was prospectively evaluated in 12 cases (including two recurrences) over a 2-year period. The intussusceptions (including one recurrence) were directly depicted on five radiographs as a homogeneous water-density mass producing a convex interface with bowel gas at the anterior part of the abdomen. In another four patients, the intussusception produced an inappropriate craniocaudal separation of gas-filled bowel loops in the upper part of the abdomen, caudal to the liver shadow. The intussusception was prospectively recognized on the supine cross-table lateral radiograph in nine of 12 cases.  相似文献   

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