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目的:分析社区卫生服务患者满意度调查研究中,第三方评价对社区卫生服务患者满意度研究的意义.方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,利用自制的调查问卷,对潍坊市6个社区的502名居民进行了拦截式的调查.结果:科室设置、医疗设备完备性、人员配置、医生数量、老年人健康教育、慢性病康复六个服务项目差别有统计学意义,P值分别为0.034、0.019、0.004、0.050、0.039、0.035,其他项目差别无统计学意义.结论:社区卫生服务患者满意度实施第三方评价更有利于社区卫生服务质量的提高和基层卫生事业的发展.  相似文献   

目的建立一套符合医院实际情况的住院病人满意度第三方测评指标体系,并通过满意度评价,为医院决策提供科学依据。方法采取第三方调查的形式,围绕医院设施、技术水平、服务态度、医疗收费、医德医风等方面设计问卷,针对某综合医院展开调查。结果该问卷的信度、效度较好,某院总体评价较高。影响病人满意度总评分的因素主要是医院设施、医院流程、后勤服务等。结论该问卷可尝试作为量表使用;提高住院病人满意度应该从硬件、服务、效率和费用等方面入手。  相似文献   

近年来,各大医院为提高医院服务质量,满足患者需求,逐步开展了患者满意度调查。本文结合2012年深圳市中医院患者满意度调查的内容、结果,探讨第三方测评在医院患者满意度调查中的优势及不足。  相似文献   

开展第三方调查与评价是现代医院管理建设的一项重要内容。西安交通大学第一附属医院引入第三方调查与评价,连续3年探索患者满意度的测量方法。文章重点阐述医疗机构与第三方评价机构合作,开展患者满意度调查的实施路径,分析第三方调查与评价的关键问题,旨在更客观地了解患者满意度,有效提升医院管理与服务质量。  相似文献   

南京市急救中心以第三方满意度调查为抓手,建立健全第三方评价机制,通过第三方满意度调查发现院前急救管理中的薄弱环节,查找改进方向,不断提高院前急救医疗服务水平.  相似文献   

目的了解康复患者在住院期间对医院的真实满意度及存在的问题,为提高康复患者服务质量、提高医院服务水平提供科学的依据。方法采用第三方满意度调研方法,运用自行设计的调查问卷,于2016年8月对所有住院康复患者进行调查。结果患者对医院整体的满意度是(3.72±1.29)分,病房布局和设施方面的得分是(2.23±1.56)分,医院饮食方面得分是(2.48±1.63)分。结论康复病人住院期间的娱乐活动、与医务人员多交流、个性化饮食方案的制定是康复住院病人的主要需求。  相似文献   

目的:探索开展第三方满意度评估对提升医院服务质量的影响。 方法:本研究选取2011年9月至2012年4月的出院患者为研究对象,采取分层随机抽样的方法,每月、每病室随机抽取20名出院患者,调查其对医疗、护理方面的满意度,并描述满意度变化的趋势,并用方差分析对满意度进行分析。 结果:2011年9月至2012年4月满意度分别为86.60%、87.63%、89.56%、90.31%、90.77%、89.56%、90.91%、90.50%,平均满意度为89.49%,不同月份之间的满意度差别有统计学意义(P<0.001),每月总体满意度呈上升趋势。 结论:开展第三方满意度评估对医院医疗、护理工作有促进作用。  相似文献   

目的 分析影响第三方满意度调查结果的原因并逐步改进,提高患者满意度.方法 由专业的第三方评价机构对出院患者进行电话回访,拟出分析报告,由医疗机构相关负责人通过电话回访录音结合分析报告,汇总分析影响出院患者满意度的原因,并从多方面进行持续改进.结果与结论 在第三方满意度调查中,出院患者满意度的高低与医院服务质量,就医环境,调查者的素质和责任心,调查时机,患者的个性、素质、需要、期望,以及对服务缺陷的认知水平和耐受性均有关系.  相似文献   

某医院住院病人满意度调查及其影响因素分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的了解医院住院及出院病人的满意度情况,为提高医疗服务质量提供参考。方法采用自制的调查表,分别调查医院的住院及出院病人满意度。结果本调查表测得克朗巴哈的α信度系数为0.98.调查表总分与各项目分的相关系数绝大部分大于0.5。绝大部分病人的满意度评分在8分以上。行风情况得分最高,医护人员(包括医生、护士和其它医务人员)次之,出入院处理和工作效率及辅助检查位居第3,后勤管理是第4位,收费情况得分最低。住院病人与出院病人对医院的评价没有统计学差异。影响病人总评分的关键因素是护士的技术水平、等候手术时问、经治医生检查是否认真负责、病房的整洁安静程度和是否有乱收费现象等指标。病人的建议集中在后勤管理方面。结论①本调查表的信度和效度较高,可尝试作为量表使用;②病人对该医院的总体评价较高,但对后勤管理和收费方面的评价相对较低并要求改进;③出院病人和住院病人对医院的评价没有差别;④提高病人满意度应该从技术、服务、效率和费用等方面入手。  相似文献   

介绍了PDCA循环(计划、执行、检查、处理)的概念、PDCA循环在医院评审工作中的应用,提出在医院管理过程中全方位引入PDCA循环理念,不仅能够推进医院评审各项工作的开展,而且有助于巩固医院质量管理长效机制,持续改进医疗质量和安全。  相似文献   

目的探讨医疗废物管理的有效方法,从而提高医疗废物管理质量。方法按PDCA循环模式,收集资料、找出存在问题,分析原因,制定整改措施,组织培训、考核检查、反馈改进。结果比较实施PDCA循环前后医务人员的医疗废物知识考试成绩、医疗废物的处置合格率均显著提高(P<0.01)。结论实施PDCA循环管理,有利于提高医务人员对医疗废物的认知,提高医疗废物管理质量。  相似文献   

目的了解患者对医院医疗服务满意度的客观评价及医院各科室满意度真实情况,为加强和改进患者满意度提供针对性依据。方法委托第三方调查服务机构对南通市第三人民医院出院患者通过电话随访进行满意度调查,医院根据每月调查通报的结果进行分析讨论。结果 2013年1月-2018年12月期间出院患者第三方满意度调查回访样本总计11 204例,历年平均值在91以上,其中"伙食标准""收费服务"两个条目满意度低于90。结论出院患者满意度第三方调查的结果较为客观公正,应重视其在改进医院医疗服务过程中的作用。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine whether improved quality of primary physician services, measured by patient satisfaction, leads to fewer admissions to somatic hospitals. We studied differences in hospital admissions at the municipality level in Norway. In addition to the standard explanatory variables for use of hospitals—gender, age, socio-economic status and travelling distance to the nearest hospital—we also included a measure of patient satisfaction with primary physician services in the municipality. Data on patient satisfaction was obtained from an extensive questionnaire survey of 63,798 respondents. We found a statistically significant negative relationship between patient satisfaction and the number of hospital admissions. This conclusion was robust with regard to the empirical specification, and the effect was large.
Jostein GryttenEmail:

OBJECTIVE: To find out the satisfaction of clinical units with laboratory services in a university hospital, to point out the most important problems and defects in services, to carry out corrective actions, and thereafter to identify the possible changes in satisfaction. SETTING: and STUDY PARTICIPANTS: Senior physicians and nurses-in-charge of the clinical units at Oulu University Hospital, Finland. DESIGN: Customer satisfaction survey using a questionnaire was carried out in 2001, indicating the essential aspects of laboratory services. Customer-specific problems were clarified, corrective actions were performed, and the survey was repeated in 2004. RESULTS: In 2001, the highest dissatisfaction rates were recorded for computerized test requesting and reporting, turnaround times of tests, and the schedule of phlebotomy rounds. The old laboratory information system was not amenable to major improvements, and it was renewed in 2004-05. Several clinical units perceived turnaround times to be long, because the tests were ordered as routine despite emergency needs. Instructions about stat requesting were given to these units. However, no changes were evident in the satisfaction level in the 2004 survey. Following negotiations with the clinics, phlebotomy rounds were re-scheduled. This resulted in a distinct increase in satisfaction in 2004. CONCLUSIONS: Satisfaction survey is a screening tool that identifies topics of dissatisfaction. Without further clarifications, it is not possible to find out the specific problems of customers and to undertake targeted corrective actions. Customer-specific corrections are rarely seen as improvements in overall satisfaction rates.  相似文献   

目的:探讨影响住院患者满意度的因素,为进一步提升服务水平提供参考。方法:委托第三方机构,对南通市某三级甲等医院2018年1-12月出院的患者进行电话回访,并对调查结果进行相关分析和多元回归分析。结果:患者对药房服务和护士态度的评价普遍较高,对收费是否放心和伙食标准的评价最低;患者满意度的影响因素主要有护士态度、医生技术、收费是否放心和伙食标准。结论:医生技术水平的提高是提升患者满意度的基础,改善信息不对等是提升患者满意度的核心,非技术服务的提升是提高患者满意度的关键。  相似文献   

在奥运会这一特定活动的医疗服务中,通过满意度调查,发现境内与境外患者对诊疗环境、诊疗流程、医疗服务和诊疗质量的满意度存在差异,境外患者的满意程度低于境内患者;同时表现出境外患者在诊区颜色和私密性、收费方式、语言沟通、病情交代、护士服务态度、护士技术操作等方面满意度较低.通过实时改进,取得明显效果.该满意度调查结果,为今后重大活动中的医疗服务提供了参考资料,也为不断提高服务水平、持续改进医疗质量提供了依据.  相似文献   

A cataract day surgery service for the population of central Norfolk, UK, was provided by the main ophthalmic department in a district general hospital and in an outreach clinic in a community hospital 40 km distant. The outreach clinic aimed to extend the accessibility of this particular service in a rural area where many patients faced long journeys to the main hospital. Samples of 201 patients attending the main hospital for day cataract surgery and 198 patients attending the outreach clinic for the same procedure were identified. Patients were interviewed and given questionnaire forms to establish their general health before the operation, their arrangements to get to hospital and their satisfaction with the clinic and the care they had received. The sample of patients attending the outreach clinic was slightly older, less affluent and in slightly poorer general health than the patients attending the main hospital. The two samples were similar in terms of visual acuity after the operation, complication rates, satisfaction with the outcome of the operation and subsequent use of health services. The journey to hospital was quicker, more convenient and less costly for the outreach clinic patients than the main hospital patients. The net benefit to patients of the outreach clinic was estimated as £39,000 per annum. Satisfaction with administrative matters, facilities at the two clinics and the care received was high in both samples, but patients were significantly more satisfied with arrangements at the smaller outreach clinic. This evidence suggests that an outreach clinic in a small community hospital can provide cataract day surgery under local anaesthesia as effectively as a district centre, at a reduced social cost and with positive social benefits. Further study of heath service costs is vital, but political pressure to acknowledge patient preferences for more local services is growing.  相似文献   

病人满意度调查问卷研制初探   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
病人的满意度评价是评价医疗机构和医务人员诊疗活动结果及诊疗服务质量的指标之一。作者旨在探讨病人满意度调查问卷的研制过程,阐述了研制调查问卷各步骤的关键内容,强调问卷指标选择的科学方法和流程。同时,辅以国内、外数种病人满意度调查问卷的介绍,分析和评价了各种问卷涵盖内容、语言表述、问题排列和信息收集方式的特点,并结合我国相关领域的发展现状和存在的主要问题,提出发展思路和建议。  相似文献   

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