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In this study, we examined how risk and delay influence rats' decision‐making, and the role of the ventral hippocampus (VHC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in the valuation of these two factors. We used a touchscreen testing method in which rats with VHC lesions, OFC lesions and sham control surgery made choices in two decision‐making tasks. In the delay discounting task, rats chose between two visual stimuli, one of which indicated a small, immediate reward, and the other of which indicated a large, delayed reward. In the probability discounting task, two stimuli indicated, instead, a small, certain reward or a large, uncertain reward. The two lesion groups showed a double dissociation with respect to the two tasks. Rats with VHC lesions were intolerant of delay, and were strongly biased towards the small, immediate reward. However, the same rats were indistinguishable from sham controls in the probability discounting task. The opposite pattern was observed for rats with OFC lesions; they performed normally in the delay discounting task, but showed a reduced tolerance for uncertainty as compared with sham‐operated controls. These data support the conclusion that the VHC and OFC contribute differentially to decision‐making that involves delayed or uncertain outcomes. This provides a means for understanding the neural basis of a range of neurological and psychiatric patients who show impaired decision‐making and executive dysfunction.  相似文献   

In order to provide an animal model of the impulsivity observed in Huntington's disease, the effects of bilateral neostriatal lesions in rats were evaluated in an operant delayed reinforcement task. When given a choice between responding to one lever for a small but immediate reward and a second lever for a larger delayed reward, normal rats exhibit a marked preference for responding to the high reward lever when the imposed delay is short, but progressively choose the lever associated with immediate small reward as the delays increase. Following striatal lesions, the animals continue to express similar preferences, but the lesions initially impose a distinct flattening of the delay-preference function, suggesting a relative insensitivity to the increasing delay parameter in making their response choices. However, this deficit declines with extend retraining on the task, such that 1-2 months after lesion the delay-dependent shift of preference from the delayed to the immediate lever as the delays lengthened was comparable in lesion and sham animals. Amphetamine further disinhibited all animals, apparent as a further increase in the number and reduction of the latencies of responses made to the lever associated with immediate reward. Striatal lesions had little influence on the effects of amphetamine on task performance, other than the increase in the numbers of omissions of lever and panel responses induced by the drug was more marked in the lesion than sham animals, and the lesioned animals exhibited less delay-dependency than the controls in their preference for responding to the lever associated with the larger delayed reinforcement at the highest (1.5 mg/kg) dose tested. The present results indicate small but clear effects of dorsal striatal lesions in an operant delayed reinforcement task, suggestive of an initial impairment in response selection and a reduction in their sensitivity to the delay interval itself. This deficit recovered with further training, which may be dependent upon relearning choice response procedures disrupted by the lesion, but might be reinstated by treatment with stimulant drugs. This article is part of a special issue entitled 'Behavioural, Anatomical, and Genetic Characterisation of Mouse and Rat Models of Huntington's Disease.'  相似文献   

Both humans and non-humans discount the value of rewards that are delayed or uncertain, and individuals that discount delayed rewards at a relatively high rate are considered impulsive. To investigate the neural mechanisms that mediate delay discounting, the present study examined the effects of excitotoxic lesions of the nucleus accumbens (NAC) on discounting of reward value by delay and probability. Rats were trained on delay (n=24) or probability discounting (n=24) tasks. Following training, excitotoxic lesions of the NAC were made by intracranial injections of 0.5 microl 0.15 M quinolinic acid (n=12) or vehicle (n=12) aimed at the NAC (AP +1.6, ML +/-1.5, DV -7.1). NAC lesions did not alter performance in animals tested with a constant delay (4s) or probability (0.4) of reinforcement. However, when tested with between session changes in the delay (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8s) of reinforcement, the lesioned rats had flatter discount curves than the sham group, indicating that they were less sensitive to frequent changes in the delay to reward. In contrast, the NAC lesions did not affect discounting of probabilistic rewards. NAC lesions impaired the ability to adapt to frequent between session changes in the delay to reward but did not increase or decrease discounting when the delay was held constant across sessions. NAC lesions may disrupt the ability of the animals to predict the timing of delayed rewards when the delay to reward is changed frequently.  相似文献   

Space and time are both essential features of episodic memory, for which the hippocampus is critical (Howard & Eichenbaum, 2015). Spatial tasks have been used effectively to study the behavioral relevance of place cells. However, the behavioral paradigms utilized for the study of time cells have not used time duration as a variable that animals need to be aware of to solve the task. Therefore, the behavioral relevance of this cell firing is unclear. In order to directly study the role of the hippocampus in processing elapsed time, we created a novel time duration discrimination task. Rats learned to make a decision to turn left or right depending on the preceding tone duration (10 s, left turn; 20 s, right turn). Once the rats reached criterion performance of 90% correct on two out of three consecutive days, they received either an excitotoxic hippocampal lesion or a sham‐lesion surgery. After recovery, rats were tested to determine hippocampal involvement in discriminating time duration. Rats with hippocampal lesions performed at chance level on their first testing day postlesion, and they were impaired relative to the sham‐lesioned rats. Although the hippocampal‐lesioned rats began discriminating at above chance level, their performance never returned to criterion even with 50 days of postoperative testing. Furthermore, while sham rats showed no difference in the number of errors they made on 10‐ versus 20‐s delay trials, hippocampal lesion rats similarly improved their performance under the 10‐s delay condition, but not under the 20‐s delay condition. Results indicate that hippocampal lesions resulted in a selective impairment in discriminating elapsed time only during the longer delay trials. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to the limits of working‐memory capacity and to the role of sustained hippocampal time cell activity in memory performance depending on the perceived relevance of the delay period.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine whether post-training excitotoxic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus would disrupt retention of fear conditioned using a trace procedure. Rats were trained using one of six procedures. Forward trace conditioning consisted of 10 trials in which a 16-s tone conditional stimulus (CS) was followed by a 28-s stimulus-free trace interval and then a mild footshock unconditional stimulus (US). We used two forms of delay conditioning where the tone and footshock co-terminated. Short delay used a 16-s tone and long delay used a 46-s tone. Backward trace conditioning was the same as forward trace, except that the order of the CS and US was reversed. CS-only and US-only were similar to forward trace except that the footshock or tone, respectively, was eliminated. One day later, animals received either an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced lesion of the dorsal hippocampus or sham surgery. One week later, the rats were tested for freezing to the tone in a novel context. The next day, they were tested for freezing to the original training context. Hippocampal lesioned trace conditioned rats showed significantly less freezing during the tone compared with their sham lesioned controls. The lesion did not affect freezing during the tone in delay conditioning, nor in the other training conditions. During the 1-min period after tone offset, there was a trend in all hippocampal lesioned animals toward a deficit in freezing, compared with their corresponding sham lesioned controls, although only short delay, forward and backward trace groups showed a significant deficit. Hippocampal lesions also attenuated contextual conditioning. Thus, the hippocampus is critical for the consolidation and/or expression of a trace fear conditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

Spatial working memory is important for foraging and navigating the environment. However, its neural underpinnings remain poorly understood. The hippocampus, known for its spatial coding and involvement in spatial memory, is widely understood to be necessary for spatial working memory when retention intervals increase beyond seconds into minutes. Here, we describe new evidence that the dorsal hippocampus is not always necessary for spatial working memory for retention intervals of 8 min. Rats were trained to perform a delayed spatial win shift radial arm maze task with an 8‐min delay between study and test phases. We then tested whether bilateral inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus between the study and test phases impaired behavioral performance at test. Inactivation was achieved through a bilateral infusion of lidocaine. Performance following lidocaine was compared to control trials, in which, sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was infused. Test performance did not differ between the lidocaine and PBS conditions, remaining high in each. To explore the possibility that this insensitivity to inactivation was a result of overtraining, a second cohort of animals received substantially less training prior to the infusions. In this second cohort, lidocaine infusions did significantly impair task performance. These data indicate that successful performance of a spatial win‐shift task on the 8‐arm maze need not always be hippocampally dependent.  相似文献   

Rats with extensive lesions to the mammillary body region, the hippocampus, or rats which had received a control operation were trained postoperatively on two visuo-spatial conditional associative learning tasks in which they had to learn to associate spatial cues with particular visual/auditory stimuli. The animals were subsequently trained on a spatial working memory task, the eight-arm radial maze. Rats with lesions to the mammillary body region were able to acquire the conditional associative learning tasks at a rate comparable to that of operated control animals, whereas those with hippocampal lesions were not. By contrast, rats with a lesion of the mammillary body region or the hippocampus were significantly impaired in comparison with the operated control animals in the radial maze. The findings suggest that lesions to the mammillary body region impair spatial working memory without affecting the capacity to associate particular exteroceptive cues with spatial locations.  相似文献   

The goal of the present experiments was to use a disconnection paradigm to test the interactions between the hippocampus and parietal cortex (PC) during an object-place paired associate learning task, dry-land water maze task, and a reaction-to-change task. Previous research indicates that these tasks are sensitive to hippocampal or PC disruption. Unilateral lesions were made to the dorsal hippocampus or posterior PC in contralateral hemispheres or ipsilateral hemispheres. It was hypothesized that if the hippocampus and PC interact, then contralateral lesioned animals should be markedly impaired compared to ipsilateral lesions. The results indicate that contralateral lesioned animals were significantly more impaired than animals with ipsilateral lesions during object-place paired-associate learning; however, both groups readily learned single discriminations (i.e., objects or places). Furthermore, contralateral lesioned animals traveled further to find the reward during acquisition of the dry-land water maze task and spent less time in the rewarded quadrant during the probe trial. Conversely, contralateral lesioned animals' performance matched ipsilateral lesioned animals during the reaction-to-change paradigm. Thus, the hippocampus and PC interact during some tasks, presumably when tasks require multiple trials across days, but not during the detection of novelty within a single day.  相似文献   

Effects of hippocampal lesions on patterned motor learning in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Motor skill learning in rats has been linked to cerebellar function as well as to cortical and striatal influences. The present study evaluated the contribution of the hippocampus to motor learning. Adult male rats received electrolytic lesions designed to selectively destroy the hippocampus; a sham-lesioned group of animals served as a control. The animals with hippocampal lesions acquired a patterned motor learning task as well as sham controls. In contrast, rats with hippocampal lesions were impaired in spatial, but not cued, learning in the Morris water maze. In addition, lesioned rats showed profound impairment in the novel object recognition memory task, when a 1-h delay was used between training and testing. Taken together, these results suggest that the hippocampus is not necessary during acquisition of the motor learning task.  相似文献   

Jangjin Kim  Inah Lee 《Hippocampus》2011,21(6):609-621
The role of the hippocampus in processing contextual cues has been well recognized. Contextual manipulation often involves transferring animals between different rooms. Because of vague definition of context in such a paradigm, however, it has been difficult to study the role of the hippocampus parametrically in contextual information processing. We designed a novel task in which a different context can be parametrically defined by the spatial configuration of distal cues. In this task, rats were trained to associate two different configurations of distal cue‐sets (standard contexts) with different food‐well locations at the end of a radial arm. Experiment 1 tested the role of the dorsal hippocampus in retrieving well‐learned associations between standard contexts and rewarding food‐well locations by comparing rats with neurotoxic lesions in the dorsal hippocampus with controls. We found that the hippocampal‐lesioned rats were unable to retrieve the context‐place paired associations learned before surgery. To further test the role of the hippocampus in generalizing altered context, in Experiment 2, rats were trained in a task in which modified versions of the standard contexts (ambiguous contexts) were presented, intermixed with the standard contexts. Rats were able to process the ambiguous contexts immediately by using their similarities to the standard contexts, whereas muscimol inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus in the same animals reversibly deprived such capability. The results suggest that rats can effectively associate discrete spatial locations with spatial configuration of distal cues. More important, rats can generalize or orthogonalize modified contextual environments using learned contextual representation of the environment. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Anhedonia (lack of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli) and a negatively skewed view of the future are important components of depression that could affect economic decisions in depressed individuals. Delay discounting paradigms might be useful for probing putative affective and cognitive underpinnings of such decisions. As a first step to evaluate whether difficulties experiencing pleasure might affect delay discounting, 36 undergraduate students with varying levels of anhedonia performed a delay discounting task in which they made choices between a small immediate and larger future monetary reward. Increasing levels of anhedonia (Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale) were negatively associated with delay discounting rate, indicating that anhedonic individuals tended to choose the larger, albeit delayed reward. These correlations remained after controlling for variables previously linked to delay discounting (working memory capacity and impulsivity) and pessimistic future-directed thinking. The current findings provide preliminary evidence indicating that anhedonic individuals make less myopic decisions about their future, possibly due to their decreased responsiveness to immediate rewards.  相似文献   

The effect of hippocampal aspiration lesions on trace eyeblink conditioning was examined in young, freely-moving F1 hybrid rats (Fisher 344 x Brown Norway). Rats which received either bilateral neocortical or bilateral hippocampal aspiration lesions were compared with each other or with sham lesioned control rats. The rats were trained with a 250 ms tone conditioning stimulus (CS), a 250 ms stimulus free trace interval and a 100 ms corneal airpuff unconditioned stimulus (US). Rats with lesions of the hippocampus were significantly impaired relative to the neocortical and sham lesioned control rats. Analyses of different behavioral parameters (e.g. percent conditioned responses, amplitude, and area of response) indicated that all of the measures for the conditioned response were significantly impaired by the hippocampal lesion. The unconditioned response was not significantly affected by the lesion, and there was no significant difference among the groups after 2 days of subsequent conditioning with the delay paradigm (zero trace interval). We conclude that the hippocampus is required for rats to learn the association between a tone CS and an airpuff US when a 250 ms trace interval is interposed between the two stimuli.  相似文献   

Normal aging has been associated with cognitive changes, including shifts in responding for time-discounted rewards. The orbitofrontal cortex, an area previously associated with aging-related cognitive changes, is critical for normal discounting. Previously we have shown in a choice task that rats prefer immediate over delayed reward and that neural representations of delayed reward in orbitofrontal cortex were attenuated, whereas immediate reward elicited strong responses. Changes in choice performance were correlated with changes in firing rate in orbitofrontal neurons, suggesting that these reward representations were critical to the rats' ability to wait for reward. Here we asked whether age-dependent changes in discounting behavior were related to changes in the representation of delayed reward in the orbitofrontal cortex. Young (3-6 months) and aged (22-26 months) rats were trained on the same discounting paradigm used previously. We found that aged rats showed less sensitivity to increasing delay preceding reward delivery, shifting behavior away from the delayed reward more slowly than younger rats. This sensitivity was specific to delay, since choice performance did not differ between the two groups when delay was held constant and reward size varied. Aged rats exhibited a corresponding increase in the prevalence of neurons that fired more strongly for delayed reward. Again this change was specific to delay; there was no change in encoding of different-sized rewards. These results suggest that natural aging results in altered representations of reward in orbitofrontal cortex. These changes may relate to the increased ability to delay gratification and reduced impulsivity associated with aging.  相似文献   

Rats with ibotenic acid lesions of the nucleus accumbens (N. Acc) were studied in two spatial learning paradigms: a T-maze and a Morris water maze. Learning of a spatial discrimination task and its reversal in the T-maze were disrupted by the N. Acc lesions. As both original and reversal learning were impaired, there was no evidence of a specific lesion effect on reversal learning. The lesioned rats did not perseverate excessively in their choice of the previously reinforced arm. There was evidence of behavioural inflexibility during extinction when the lesioned rats failed to slow the pace at which they ran the maze in the absence of reward. Spontaneous alternation was not significantly affected by the lesion. Acquisition of the second spatial task, locating the hidden platform in the Morris water maze, was also impaired. The lesioned rats did eventually learn the task and successfully reached the platform with similar latencies and heading errors to controls. Thus, the N. Acc lesion impaired but did not abolish spatial learning in the T-maze and the water maze. The deficits observed in this study may reflect a role for the N. Acc in the reorganisation of behaviour in response to external change.  相似文献   

Rats with hippocampal or sham lesions were trained on a stimulus-response task developed for the 8-arm radial maze. After reaching a stringent learning criterion, different context manipulations were performed. In Experiment I, the different groups were transferred to an identical radial maze in a different room to determine the context specificity of the discrimination learning. Experiment I revealed that although rats with hippocampal lesions did not show a normal context detection effect, the expression of the discrimination was not context dependent for either the lesion or sham groups. In Experiment II, animals were trained to criterion on the discrimination task and then both groups were divided into sub-groups based on whether they would experience reversal training in the same or different context from original training. Experiment II indicated that animals with hippocampal lesions and shams reversed in a different context were significantly enhanced in reaching the learning criterion compared to either counterparts that were reversed in the same context. Reversal learning in rats with hippocampal lesions was faster than sham animals in the same context suggesting that the context-specific inhibition effect was hippocampal-based. After learning the reversal task, the groups of animals trained and reversed in different contexts were brought back into the original training context to test for competitive effects. Animals with hippocampal lesions that were reversed in the different context, did not show a competition between the most recently acquired discrimination and a context-specific association acquired during original training whereas sham animals in the same condition did. Taken together these results suggest that rats with hippocampal lesions do not acquire normal context-specific inhibition during discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Rats trained in an 8-arm radial maze were given electrolytic lesions of the dorsal hippocampus or sham operations. Within 24 h of surgery, approximately half of the rats in each groups began 14 daily oral treatments with the central calcium channel blocker, nimodipine. Retention testing began seven days after surgery. The untreated rats that received the larger hippocampal lesions did not relearn the maze within one month (2.5 times the preoperative mean number of days). The untreated rats that received the smaller lesions relearned within the allotted time but still showed clear deficits. Nimodipine improved the maze scores of the animals with the smaller lesions, but not those of the animals with the larger lesions. It was unclear whether nimodipine led to the sparing of more cells in the hippocampal region, or whether spared-but-affected cells were returning to normal modes of functioning more rapidly in the group with the smaller lesions. These findings suggest that spared hippocampus was mediating behavior, and extend previous findings from this laboratory showing that nimodipine can enhance recovery of function on higher cognitive tasks after hippocampal lesions.  相似文献   

Lesions of the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus often lead to impairment of the same behavioural tasks (e.g., allocentric as well as egocentric spatial orientation and spatial delayed alternation). In case of allocentric and egocentric spatial orientation we have previously found that the two structures mutually contribute to the posttraumatic functional recovery of such tasks. We therefore presently tested the hypothesis that this would even be true in case of spatial delayed alternation. The acquisition of a spatial delayed alternation task in a T-maze was studied in four groups of rats: animals in which the fimbria-fornix had been transected bilaterally, rats who had received bilateral ablations of the anteromedial prefrontal cortex, animals in which both of these structures had been lesioned, and a sham operated control group. All three lesion groups demonstrated an impaired task acquisition. The group given prefrontal cortical lesions in isolation underwent a complete functional recovery. Both of the fimbria-fornix transected groups were significantly impaired even when compared to the group given prefrontal cortical ablations in isolation. The two fimbria-fornix lesioned groups did, however, exhibit levels of functional recovery. The group in which both structures had been lesioned demonstrated a task acquisition, which was significantly inferior to that of the group given fimbria-fornix transections in isolation. After completion of the task acquisition period, all animals were subjected to two behavioural challenges including a session on which the duration of the inter-trial delay was doubled. This expansion of the inter-trial delay rather selectively impaired the task performance of the group given fimbria-fornix transections in isolation. Consequently, both during the acquisition period and in one of the challenges a differentiation of functional recovery was seen between the combined lesioned group and the group given fimbria-fornix lesions only. This indicates that even in case of a spatial delayed alternation task the prefrontal cortex normally contributes significantly to mediation of posttraumatic functional recovery after isolated lesions of the fimbria-fornix. The results are discussed in the context of models of posttraumatic functional recovery.  相似文献   

BackgroundChoices requiring delay of gratification made during adolescence can have significant impact on life trajectory. Willingness to delay gratification can be measured using delay discounting tasks that require a choice between a smaller immediate reward and a larger delayed reward. Individual differences in the subjective value of delayed rewards are associated with risk for development of psychopathology including substance abuse. The neurobiological underpinnings related to these individual differences early in life are not fully understood. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we tested the hypothesis that individual differences in delay discounting behavior in healthy youth are related to differences in responsiveness to potential reward.MethodNineteen 10–14 year-olds performed a monetary incentive delay task to assess neural sensitivity to potential reward and a questionnaire to measure discounting of future monetary rewards.ResultsLeft ventromedial caudate activation during anticipation of potential reward was negatively correlated with delay discounting behavior. There were no regions where brain responses during notification of reward outcome were associated with discounting behavior.ConclusionsBrain activation during anticipation of potential reward may serve as a marker for individual differences in ability or willingness to delay gratification in healthy youth.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to compare the effect of hippocampal neurotoxic lesions in rats on two behavioral tasks, one a test of spatial learning, and the other an operant discrimination task that is acquired by forming nonspatial configural associations. Lesions of the hippocampus were made with microinjections of ibotenic acid. After postoperative recovery, rats were trained initially to locate a camouflaged escape platform in a water maze using distal spatial cues. Rats also were trained in the maze apparatus with a visible escape platform under conditions in which spatial information was made irrelevant to performance, i.e., cue learning. In an operant task, the same rats were then trained on a discrimination that included simultaneous feature positive and feature negative components (trial types XA+, A-, XB-, B+). After completion of this nonspatial configural learning task, rats received additional training in the water maze using a new platform location for spatial learning. To the extent that proficient performance in both the maze and operant tasks depends on a common function of the hippocampus, i.e., configural learning, the expectation was that hippocampal lesions would prove equally detrimental to performance in both tasks. Contrary to this expectation, lesioned rats were severely impaired in spatial learning but readily acquired the operant discrimination, even exhibiting some evidence of enhanced performance on this nonspatial configural learning task. Performance of the lesioned rats during cue training in the water maze was also enhanced relative to the control group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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