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A rat's proclivity to explore a novel environment presents a behaviorally rich paradigm to investigate the role of the hippocampus in spatial navigation. Here we describe a novel technique of behavioral analysis that is derived from a single exploratory trip. An exploratory trip was defined as a rat's departure from the home base that ended when the rat returned to the home base. The behavior observed on a single exploratory trip by a control animal is highly organized into outward and homeward segments. An outward segment is characterized by a slow circuitous progression from the home base marked by several stops. A homeward segment is characterized by a rapid direct return to the home base. The velocity attribute of the exploratory trip was quantified by estimating the point of inflection associated with the trip's cumulative moment-to-moment velocity distribution. The heading direction and variance of the homeward trip segment was analyzed with circular statistics. A comparison of the exploratory behavior of control animals and animals with damage to the fimbria-fornix indicated that the velocity and heading direction of the homeward portion of the trip depends upon the hippocampal formation. While control and fimbria-fornix rats had similar outward segments, the return paths of the fimbria-fornix rats were significantly slower, more circuitous, and more variable compared with that of the control rats. This result was also independent of testing in light or dark conditions. The lack of dependence on allothetic cues suggests that rats employ dead reckoning navigational strategies to initiate the homeward portion of exploratory movements. Methods to quantify exploratory behavior in terms of velocity and angular components provide an assessment of control behavior and the assessment of the behavior of rats with hippocampal formation damage that is easy to implement.  相似文献   

The vestibular system contributes to the performance of various spatial memory tasks, but few studies have attempted to disambiguate the roles of the semicircular canals and otolith organs in this performance. This study tested the otolithic contribution to spatial working and reference memory by evaluating the performance of otoconia‐deficient tilted mice on a radial arm maze and a Barnes maze. One radial arm maze task provided both intramaze and extramaze cues, whereas the other task provided only extramaze cues. The Barnes maze task provided only extramaze cues. On the radial arm maze, tilted mice performed similar to control mice when intramaze cues were available, but committed more working and reference memory errors than control mice when only extramaze cues were available. On the Barnes maze task, control and tilted mice showed similar latency, distance, and errors during acquisition training. On the subsequent probe trial, both groups spent the greatest percentage of time in the goal quadrant, indicating they were able to use extramaze cues to guide their search. Overall, these results suggest signals originating in the otolith organs contribute to spatial memory, but are not necessary for all aspects of spatial performance. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability to perceive one's position and directional heading relative to landmarks is necessary for successful navigation within an environment. Recent studies have shown that the visual system dominantly controls the neural representations of directional heading and location when familiar visual cues are available, and several neural circuits, or streams, have been proposed to be crucial for visual information processing. Here, we summarize the evidence that the dorsal presubiculum (also known as the postsubiculum) is critically important for the direct transfer of visual landmark information to spatial signals within the limbic system.  相似文献   

The role of limbic system structures in spatial orientation continues to be debated. The hippocampus (HPC) has been implicated in encoding symbolic representations of environments (i.e., cognitive map), whereas entorhinal cortex (EC) function has been implicated in self‐movement cue processing (i.e., dead reckoning). These distinctions largely depend on the electrophysiological characteristics of cells within these regions and behavioral tasks that typically fail to dissociate environmental and self‐movement cue processing. Topographic and kinematic characteristics of exploratory trip organization have been shown to differentially depend on environmental and self‐movement cue processing. The present study examines the effects of either HPC or EC lesions on exploratory trip organization under varying lighting conditions. HPC lesions selectively impaired all measures of performance under dark conditions, but spared all measures of performance under light conditions. EC lesions impaired kinematic measures related to distance estimation under all conditions and impaired all measures of performance under light conditions. These results provide evidence that the HPC is involved in processing self‐movement cues but not environmental cues, and EC is involved in processing distance estimates generated from either self‐movement or environmental cues. These observations provide further support for serial processing of self‐movement cues through limbic system structures that converge on the HPC. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The neurobehavioral dissociation between place navigation and cued navigation has been central to contemporary thinking regarding the psychological processes involved in spatial behavior. In cases where locale (place) cues and taxon cues (e.g., beacons) are present it has been suggested that navigation may be controlled by either stimulus type in isolation, or, alternatively, by both simultaneously. In this report we provide evidence that place cues and beacons sequentially control navigation during a single trip to a visible goal. Rats were trained to navigate to a visible escape platform in a circular swimming pool surrounded by numerous visual cues and the kinematics and accuracy of the trajectories to the platform were analyzed. Shortly after initiating a trajectory to the visible platform, animals routinely engaged in stimulus sampling behaviors (e.g., horizontal head scans) which were consistently associated with changes in accuracy (heading error) and swim velocity. Subsequently, animals swam quickly and accurately to the visible platform suggesting that the sampling behaviors correspond to a shift in exteroceptive stimulus control. Consistent with this idea, removal or relocation of the platform disrupted navigation following the stimulus sampling behaviors, whereas the initial trajectory was unaffected. In contrast, changes in the distal cue constellation selectively disrupted the initial trajectory. The results showing that navigation to a visible goal is controlled sequentially by locale and taxon cues are discussed in relation to contemporary theories of navigation.  相似文献   

Rats, like other crepuscular animals, have excellent auditory capacities and they discriminate well between different sounds [Heffner HE, Heffner RS, Hearing in two cricetid rodents: wood rats (Neotoma floridana) and grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster). J Comp Psychol 1985;99(3):275-88]. However, most experimental literature concerning spatial orientation almost exclusively emphasizes the use of visual landmarks [Cressant A, Muller RU, Poucet B. Failure of centrally placed objects to control the firing fields of hippocampal place cells. J Neurosci 1997;17(7):2531-42; and Goodridge JP, Taube JS. Preferential use of the landmark navigational system by head direction cells in rats. Behav Neurosci 1995;109(1):49-61]. To address the important issue of whether rats are able to achieve a place navigation task relative to auditory beacons, we designed a place learning task in the water maze. We controlled cue availability by conducting the experiment in total darkness. Three auditory cues did not allow place navigation whereas three visual cues in the same positions did support place navigation. One auditory beacon directly associated with the goal location did not support taxon navigation (a beacon strategy allowing the animal to find the goal just by swimming toward the cue). Replacing the auditory beacons by one single visual beacon did support taxon navigation. A multimodal configuration of two auditory cues and one visual cue allowed correct place navigation. The deletion of the two auditory or of the one visual cue did disrupt the spatial performance. Thus rats can combine information from different sensory modalities to achieve a place navigation task. In particular, auditory cues support place navigation when associated with a visual one.  相似文献   

Animal studies have shown that bilateral vestibular deafferentation (BVD) causes deficits in spatial memory that may be related to electrophysiological and neurochemical changes in the hippocampus. Recently, human studies have also indicated that human patients can exhibit spatial memory impairment and hippocampal atrophy even 8–10 yr following BVD. Our previous studies have shown that rats with unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) showed an impairment at 3 months after the surgery on a food foraging task that relies on hippocampal integration of egocentric cues, such as vestibular information; however, by 6 months postop, they showed a recovery of function. By contrast, the long‐term effects of BVD on spatial navigation have never been well studied. In this study, we tested BVD or sham rats on a food foraging task at 5 months postop. Under light conditions, BVD rats were able to use visual cues to guide themselves home, but did so with a significantly longer homing time. However, in darkness, BVD rats were severely impaired in the foraging task, as indicated by a significantly longer homing distance and homing time, with more errors and larger heading angles when compared with sham rats. These results suggest that, unlike UVD, BVD causes long‐term deficits in spatial navigation that are unlikely to recover, even with repeated T‐maze training. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human navigation studies show that landmarks are used for orientation, whereas objects contribute to the contextual representation of an environment. What constitutes a landmark? Classic rodent studies show that hippocampal place fields are controlled by distal, polarizing cues. Place fields, however, are also influenced by local cues. One difficulty in examining mechanisms by which distal and local cues influence the activity of hippocampal cells is that distant cues are necessarily processed visually, whereas local cues are generally multimodal. Here, we compared the effects of 90° rotations under different cue conditions in which cues were restricted to the visual modality. Three two‐dimensional visual cue conditions were presented in a square open field: a large vertical cue on one wall, a large floor cue in a corner abutting two walls, and a smaller complex floor cue in a corner adjacent to two walls. We show that rotations of large distal cues, whether on the wall or floor, were equally effective in controlling place fields. Rotations of the smaller floor cues were significantly more likely to result in remapping, whether or not animals were also exposed to the distal polarizing cues. Responses of distal and local cues were affected differently by extended experience. Our data provide evidence that hippocampal place cell responses to visual cues are influenced by perspective, salience of the cue, and prior experience. The hippocampus processes visual cues either as stable landmarks useful for orientation and navigation or as nonstationary objects or features of the local environment available for associative learning or binding items in context. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As first demonstrated in the patient H.M., the hippocampus is critically involved in forming episodic memories, the recall of “what” happened “where” and “when.” In rodents, the clearest functional correlate of hippocampal primary neurons is the place field: a cell fires predominantly when the animal is in a specific part of the environment, typically defined relative to the available visuospatial cues. However, rodents have relatively poor visual acuity. Furthermore, they are highly adept at navigating in total darkness. This raises the question of how other sensory modalities might contribute to a hippocampal representation of an environment. Rodents have a highly developed olfactory system, suggesting that cues such as odor trails may be important. To test this, we familiarized mice to a visually cued environment over a number of days while maintaining odor cues. During familiarization, self‐generated odor cues unique to each animal were collected by re‐using absorbent paperboard flooring from one session to the next. Visual and odor cues were then put in conflict by counter‐rotating the recording arena and the flooring. Perhaps surprisingly, place fields seemed to follow the visual cue rotation exclusively, raising the question of whether olfactory cues have any influence at all on a hippocampal spatial representation. However, subsequent removal of the familiar, self‐generated odor cues severely disrupted both long‐term stability and rotation to visual cues in a novel environment. Our data suggest that odor cues, in the absence of additional rule learning, do not provide a discriminative spatial signal that anchors place fields. Such cues do, however, become integral to the context over time and exert a powerful influence on the stability of its hippocampal representation. © 2014 The Authors. Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Effective navigation depends upon reliable estimates of head direction (HD). Visual, vestibular, and outflow motor signals combine for this purpose in a brain system that includes dorsal tegmental nucleus, lateral mammillary nuclei, anterior dorsal thalamic nucleus, and the postsubiculum. Learning is needed to combine such different cues to provide reliable estimates of HD. A neural model is developed to explain how these three types of signals combine adaptively within the above brain regions to generate a consistent and reliable HD estimate, in both light and darkness, which explains the following experimental facts. Each HD cell is tuned to a preferred head direction. The cell's firing rate is maximal at the preferred direction and decreases as the head turns from the preferred direction. The HD estimate is controlled by the vestibular system when visual cues are not available. A well‐established visual cue anchors the cell's preferred direction when the cue is in the animal's field of view. Distal visual cues are more effective than proximal cues for anchoring the preferred direction. The introduction of novel cues in either a novel or familiar environment can gain control over a cell's preferred direction within minutes. Turning out the lights or removing all familiar cues does not change the cell's firing activity, but it may accumulate a drift in the cell's preferred direction. The anticipated time interval (ATI) of the HD estimate is greater in early processing stages of the HD system than at later stages. The model contributes to an emerging unified neural model of how multiple processing stages in spatial navigation, including postsubiculum head direction cells, entorhinal grid cells, and hippocampal place cells, are calibrated through learning in response to multiple types of signals as an animal navigates in the world. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Path integration in mammals   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Etienne AS  Jeffery KJ 《Hippocampus》2004,14(2):180-192
It is often assumed that navigation implies the use, by animals, of landmarks indicating the location of the goal. However, many animals (including humans) are able to return to the starting point of a journey, or to other goal sites, by relying on self-motion cues only. This process is known as path integration, and it allows an agent to calculate a route without making use of landmarks. We review the current literature on path integration and its interaction with external, location-based cues. Special importance is given to the correlation between observable behavior and the activity pattern of particular neural cell populations that implement the internal representation of space. In mammals, the latter may well be the first high-level cognitive representation to be understood at the neural level.  相似文献   

Path integration, the constant updating of the navigator's knowledge of position and orientation during movement, requires both visuospatial knowledge and memory. This study aimed to develop a systems‐level understanding of human path integration by examining the basic building blocks of path integration in humans. To achieve this goal, we used functional imaging to examine the neural mechanisms that support the tracking and memory of translational and rotational components of human path integration. Critically, and in contrast to previous studies, we examined movement in translation and rotation tasks with no defined end‐point or goal. Navigators accumulated translational and rotational information during virtual self‐motion. Activity in hippocampus, retrosplenial cortex (RSC), and parahippocampal cortex (PHC) increased during both translation and rotation encoding, suggesting that these regions track self‐motion information during path integration. These results address current questions regarding distance coding in the human brain. By implementing a modified delayed match to sample paradigm, we also examined the encoding and maintenance of path integration signals in working memory. Hippocampus, PHC, and RSC were recruited during successful encoding and maintenance of path integration information, with RSC selective for tasks that required processing heading rotation changes. These data indicate distinct working memory mechanisms for translation and rotation, which are essential for updating neural representations of current location. The results provide evidence that hippocampus, PHC, and RSC flexibly track task‐relevant translation and rotation signals for path integration and could form the hub of a more distributed network supporting spatial navigation. Hum Brain Mapp 37:3636–3655, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc .  相似文献   

The specific roles of hippocampal subfields in spatial information processing and encoding are, as yet, unclear. The parallel map theory postulates that whereas the CA1 processes discrete environmental features (positional cues used to generate a “sketch map”), the dentate gyrus (DG) processes large navigation‐relevant landmarks (directional cues used to generate a “bearing map”). Additionally, the two‐streams hypothesis suggests that hippocampal subfields engage in differentiated processing of information from the “where” and the “what” streams. We investigated these hypotheses by analyzing the effect of exploration of discrete “positional” features and large “directional” spatial landmarks on hippocampal neuronal activity in rats. As an indicator of neuronal activity we measured the mRNA induction of the immediate early genes (IEGs), Arc and Homer1a. We observed an increase of this IEG mRNA in CA1 neurons of the distal neuronal compartment and in proximal CA3, after novel spatial exploration of discrete positional cues, whereas novel exploration of directional cues led to increases in IEG mRNA in the lower blade of the DG and in proximal CA3. Strikingly, the CA1 did not respond to directional cues and the DG did not respond to positional cues. Our data provide evidence for both the parallel map theory and the two‐streams hypothesis and suggest a precise compartmentalization of the encoding and processing of “what” and “where” information occurs within the hippocampal subfields.  相似文献   

In tasks for allothetic navigation, animals should orientate by means of distal cues. We have previously shown that mice use several forms of information to navigate, among which geometry, i.e. the shape of the environment, seems to play an important role. Here we investigated whether geometric features of the environment are necessary for allothetic navigation in mice. Mice were trained to navigate in a circular water maze by means of four distal landmarks distributed either symmetrically (symmetry group) or asymmetrically (asymmetry group) around the maze. Thus, mice could locate a hidden platform by either differentiating the landmarks based on their intrinsic features (symmetry group) or in addition by geometric information, i.e. based on the relative distances between landmarks (asymmetry group). Data indicated that place learning occurred only in the asymmetry group. The results support the idea that mice navigate by using the relational properties between distal landmarks and that geometric information is required for proper allothetic navigation in this species.  相似文献   

Prior to forming and refining synaptic connections, axons of projection neurons navigate long distances to their targets. While much is known about guidance cues for axon navigation through intermediate choice points, whether and how axons are organized within tracts is less clear. Here we analyze the organization of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons in the developing mouse retinogeniculate pathway. RGC axons are organized by both eye‐specificity and topography in the optic nerve and tract: ipsilateral RGC axons are segregated from contralateral axons and are offset laterally in the tract relative to contralateral axon topographic position. To identify potential cell‐autonomous factors contributing to the segregation of ipsilateral and contralateral RGC axons in the visual pathway, we assessed their fasciculation behavior in a retinal explant assay. Ipsilateral RGC neurites self‐fasciculate more than contralateral neurites in vitro and maintain this difference in the presence of extrinsic chiasm cues. To further probe the role of axon self‐association in circuit formation in vivo, we examined RGC axon organization and fasciculation in an EphB1?/? mutant, in which a subset of ipsilateral RGC axons aberrantly crosses the midline but targets the ipsilateral zone in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus on the opposite side. Aberrantly crossing axons retain their association with ipsilateral axons in the contralateral tract, indicating that cohort‐specific axon affinity is maintained independently of guidance signals present at the midline. Our results provide a comprehensive assessment of RGC axon organization in the retinogeniculate pathway and suggest that axon self‐association contributes to pre‐target axon organization.  相似文献   

Introduction: Cocaine is a highly addictive drug of abuse for which there are currently no medications. In rats and mice d‐cycloserine (DCS), a partial NMDA agonist, accelerates extinction of cocaine seeking behavior. Since cues delay extinction here, we evaluated the effects d‐cycloserine in extinction with and without the presence of cues. Methods: Two doses of DCS (15 and 30 mg/kg) were studied in C57 mice. Mice self‐administered cocaine (1 mg/kg) for 2 weeks and then underwent a 20‐day extinction period where DCS was administered i.p. immediately following each daily session. Extinction was conducted in some mice with the presence of cocaine‐paired cues; while others were in the absence of these cues. Results: DCS treated mice (either dose) showed significantly reduced lever pressing during extinction with cue exposures when compared with vehicle treated mice. Without cues, animals showed much lower levels of lever pressing but the differences between vehicle and DCS were not significant. Conclusion: DCS accelerated extinction with the presence of cues, but there were no differences on extinction without cues as compared with vehicle. These findings are consistent with DCS disrupting the memory process associated with the cues. Since drug cues are significantly involved in relapse, these findings support research to assess the therapeutic potential of DCS in cocaine addiction. Synapse 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Visual information in the retina is processed via two pathways: ON and OFF pathways that originate from ON and OFF bipolar cells. The differences in the receptors that mediate signal transmission from photoreceptors imply that the response speed to light signals differs between ON and OFF pathways. We studied the initial optokinetic responses (OKRs) of mice using two‐frame motion stimuli presented with interstimulus intervals (ISIs) to understand functional difference of these pathways. When two successive image frames were presented with an ISI, observers often perceived motion in the opposite direction of the actual shift. This directional reversal results from the biphasic nature of the temporal filters in visual systems whose characteristics can be estimated from the dependence on ISIs. We examined the dependence on ISIs in the OKRs of TRPM1?/? mice, whose ON bipolar cells are dysfunctional, as well as in those of wild‐type control mice. Wild type and TRPM1?/? mice showed comparable OKRs in the veridical direction when no ISI was present. Both types of mice showed OKRs that decreased and eventually reversed as the ISI increased, but with a directional reversal at a shorter ISI in TRPM1?/? than wild‐type mice. In addition, the temporal filters of TRPM1?/? mice estimated from dependence on ISIs were tuned for higher frequencies, suggesting that compared with wild‐type mice, the visual system of TRPM1?/? mice responds to light signals with faster dynamics. We conclude that the ON and OFF pathways contribute to initial OKRs by providing visual signals processed with different temporal resolutions.  相似文献   

Harrod CG  Baker JF 《Brain research》2003,972(1-2):75-83
The horizontal and vertical vestibulo ocular reflex (VOR) of head tilted (het) mutant mice was compared to C57BL/6 controls. Eye movements were recorded in darkness using a temporarily attached search coil. Contributions of semicircular canal versus otolith organ signals were investigated by providing a canal only (vertical axis) or canal plus otolith organ (horizontal axis) stimulus. In controls, rotations that stimulated only the canals (upright yaw and on tail roll) produced accurate VOR timing during middle frequency rotations at 0.5 Hz (gain 0.27, phase error 6 degrees), and a phase advanced VOR during low frequency rotations at 0.05 Hz (0.05, 115 degrees). In het mutant mice, these rotations produced a highly attenuated VOR response and phase errors at both 0.5 Hz (0.11, 42 degrees) and 0.05 Hz (0.01, 36 degrees). In controls, rotations that stimulated both the otolith organs and semicircular canals (upright roll and on tail yaw) produced higher VOR gains overall than were elicited during vertical axis rotations, with phase accurate VOR at both 0.5 Hz (0.52, 4 degrees) and 0.05 Hz (0.34, 9 degrees). In het mutant mice, these rotations produced a highly attenuated VOR response and phase errors at both 0.5 Hz (0.14, 51 degrees) and 0.05 Hz (0.01, 43 degrees). During constant velocity rotations about an earth horizontal axis, eye velocity bias and modulation were virtually absent in het mutant mice, while robust in controls. Control mice produced compensatory ocular deviations in response to static head tilt, but responses in het mice were weak and inconsistent. These results show that het mice not only lack all aspects of otolith mediated VOR, but also are deficient in canal mediated VOR. Because semicircular canals are normal in het mice, we conclude that central neurons of the canal VOR are dependent on otolith organ signals for normal performance.  相似文献   

Debate surrounds the role of the limbic system structures’ contribution to spatial orientation. The results from previous studies have supported a role for the mammillary bodies and their projections to the anterior thalamus in rapid encoding of relationships among environmental cues; however, this work is based on behavioral tasks in which environmental and self‐movement cues could not be dissociated. The present study examines the effects of mammillothalamic tract lesions on spatial orientation in the food hoarding paradigm and the water maze. Although the food hoarding paradigm dissociates the use of environmental and self‐movement cues, both sources of information are available to guide performance in the water maze. Mammillothalamic tract lesions selectively impaired performance on both tasks. These impairments are interpreted as providing further evidence for the role of limbic system structures in processing self‐movement cues.  相似文献   

Hippocampal 'place cells' discharge when a rat occupies a location that is fixed in relation to environmental landmarks. A principal goal of this study was to determine whether hippocampal place cell activity could be influenced by inertial cues. Water-deprived rats were trained in a square-walled open field in a dark room. The behavioural task required alternating visits to water reservoirs in the centre and in the four corners of the arena. The rat and arena were rotated in total darkness through ±90, 180 or 270°. The next water reward was then presented in the corner at the same position relative to the outside room as before the rotation. A cue card was later illuminated in this corner as a visual cue for the extra-arena (room) reference frame. Fifteen out of 97 recorded hippocampal CA1 complex spike cells had spatially selective discharges in non-central parts of the arena. After arena rotations, the firing fields of three units shifted between corners of the arena to maintain a fixed orientation relative to the room. This indicates that the hippocampus updated its representation of the position and heading direction of the rat using vestibular-derived inputs concerning rotation angle. Other spatially selective discharges were guided to landmark cues (cue card or position of the reward: two units) or arena-locked 'substratal' cues (eight units). In six cells, place cell activity suddenly ceased or appeared following rotations. These results provide evidence for contributions of inertial as well as substratal and landmark information to hippocampal spatial representations.  相似文献   

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