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Proper extension and adjustment of denture borders is a critical component in successful removable prosthodontic treatment. Unfortunately, commonly marketed disclosing media may not provide appropriate viscosities for the accurate assessment of denture border extensions. This article provides a technique for the mixing, unit-dose packaging, and utilization of a disclosing medium that is extremely well-suited for denture border applications. The technique employs commonly available materials and complies with current "unit-dose" guidelines.  相似文献   

Identification of individuals in crime or mass disaster is a daunting task for the forensic experts. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of using a memory card for the forensic identification of dentures. The memory card was programmed with all the relevant information regarding the patient identification and the photograph of the patient. A recess was made in the maxillary denture’s polished surface on the palatal aspect. The card was wrapped in cellophane, placed in the recess and then covered with pink auto polymerizing acrylic resin. On retrieval of the card from the denture, the entire data could be read as before without any distortion. The identification cards did not pose any problems in function and speech and were esthetically acceptable by the patients.  相似文献   

目的 介绍黏接式套筒冠可摘义齿的制作方法.制作方法 用钴铬钼合金、瓷聚合体和金属黏接剂制作具有多个基牙的套筒冠可摘义齿,先按常规方法完成金属内冠,送门诊试戴合适后戴内冠取模、研磨抛光内冠.制作环状外冠,然后采用黏接方法将环状外冠和金属支架黏接成一整体.结论 黏接式套筒冠可摘义齿可提高其适合性及固位能力.  相似文献   


Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reinforcing effect of differently oriented fibers on the load-bearing capacity of three-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Materials and methods. Forty-eight composite FDPs were fabricated. Specimens were divided into eight groups (n = 6/group; codes 1–8). Groups 1 and 5 were plain restorative composites (Grandio and Z100) without fiber reinforcement, groups 2 and 6 were reinforced with a continuous unidirectional fiber substructure, groups 3 and 7 were reinforced with a continuous bidirectional fiber and groups 4 and 8 were reinforced with a continuous bidirectional fiber substructure and continuous unidirectional fiber. FDPs were polymerized incrementally with a handheld light curing unit for 40 s and statically loaded until final fracture. Results. Kruskal–Wallis analysis revealed that all groups had significantly different load-bearing capacities. Group 4 showed the highest mean load-bearing capacity and Group 7 the lowest. Conclusion. The results of this study suggest that continuous unidirectional fiber increased the mechanical properties of composite FDPs and bidirectional reinforcement slowed crack propagation on abutments.  相似文献   

The importance of an in depth review of impression making for complete dentures lies in the assessment of the historical value of all the factors related to physical, biologic and behavioral areas and the time in which they were discussed and taught as well. This review documents the historical development of knowledge associated with scientific advancement from 1845 to the present year, i.e. 2009 related to impression procedures in conventional complete denture prosthesis. Search for articles was done through electronic media the Pubmed.  相似文献   

Wearing complete dentures can be an extremely uncomfortable experience for the people with Xerostomia. Various treatment modalities have been suggested in the literature to overcome the problem of xerostomia in complete denture patients. Incorporating reservoirs containing salivary substitutes, into dentures, is one of these treatment modalities. This paper presents case report of a patient suffering from xerostomia who was successfully treated with a new form of reservoir dentures. This new split denture technique resulted in a reservoir denture that provided good lubrication of the oral tissues, was easily cleaned by the wearer and was produced from routine denture materials. Details of its design, construction and other potential applications are also presented.  相似文献   

上颌前牙区骨量不足时牙种植技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床上对上颌前牙区骨量不足时牙种植常感到束手无策。本文通过对24例这类患者种植36颗BLB种植体进行总结,将种植区骨缺损分为四类,即唇侧齿槽嵴沟状凹陷性骨缺损;种植区骨量宽度不足;上颌前分牙槽后缩以及唇侧齿槽骨进基底部凹陷。采用邻位骨瓣转移术、牙槽膨胀技术、联合正颌外科种植技术等进行牙种植,临床跟踪6至24月均未发现牙龈萎缩及种植体松动,功能行使正常,X线片示:种植体骨界面愈合良好。作者认为,该手术方法简单,创伤小,改善了种植区条件,拓宽适应证,有利于推广使用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨三维打印β-磷酸三钙(β-Tricalcium Phosphate, β-TCP)颌骨修复支架的生物学特性及体内成骨作用。方法:采用自动注浆技术制作β-TCP支架,将前成骨细胞(MC35T3-E1)接种在支架上,扫描电镜(SEM)观察材料结构与细胞黏附,CCK-8法检测细胞增殖,ALP法检测碱性磷酸酶活性。将2种支架复合重组人骨形成蛋白-2(recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2, rhBMP-2)后植入大鼠体内,发泡法制作的β-TCP支架为对照组,6周后取材行组织学观察。结果:三维打印支架具有规则多孔的立体结构,适合细胞黏附,且增殖及分化能力均高于对照组(P<0.05)。组织学显示复合rhBMP-2后三维打印支架新骨生成量高于发泡法制作的β-TCP支架(P<0.05)。结论:三维打印TCP支架生物相容性良好,复合rhBMP-2后可异位成骨。  相似文献   

本研究介绍了基于引导骨组织再生技术与三维骨增量onlay植骨技术的一种新技术。这个技术分为两阶段:首先用自体皮质骨板与胶原膜形成屏障,再用该屏障将包括脱蛋白牛骨基质、自体血液与口内移植骨在内的混合物加以包裹。五位患者接受了该技术的治疗。术后6个月,可观察到平均骨体积增大值为1062mm3。平均最大线性增量为3.65mm。对再生区域进行组织学检查,可见有新生密质骨的形成,并不伴有炎症征象。共计13颗种植体被植入,所有患者均对效果表示满意,且未观察到并发症出现。  相似文献   

<正>颌骨是口腔颌面部重要组成部分,对于维系面容,行使咀嚼、语言、吞咽、表情等功能起着重要作用。颌骨缺损必然导致面容与这些特定功能的严重毁损,势必给患者带来严重的心理和生理障碍,为此  相似文献   

The technique in this article was developed to provide a means to create prepared guide planes of proper dimension to ensure a more stable and retentive removable partial denture prosthesis (RPDP) framework when providing this service for a patient. Using commonly found clinical materials, a paralleling device can be fabricated from the modified diagnostic cast of the patient's dental arch requiring an RPDP. Polymethyl methacrylate or composite added to an altered thermoplastic form can be positioned intraorally and used as a guide to predictably adjust tooth structure for guide planes. Since it can potentially minimize the number of impressions and diagnostic casts made during the procedure, this can help achieve the desired result more efficiently and quickly for the patient.  相似文献   

Purpose : This study involved an extensive search for randomized controlled clinical trials comparing bilateral balanced and canine‐guided dentures, and questioned whether a bilateral balanced occlusion is imperative for successful denture treatment. Materials and Methods : Studies were identified by searching electronic databases (PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, LILACS, and BBD). The keywords “denture” and “occlusion” were used. The minimum inclusion requirements were (1) randomized controlled trials with patients of any age wearing both maxillary and mandibular conventional complete dentures (CDs), (2) comparison between bilateral balanced and canine‐guided dentures, and (3) assessment of masticatory function and/or patients’ satisfaction. Results : The search resulted in the identification of 5166 articles. Subsequently, 5156 articles were excluded on the basis of title and abstract. By the end of the search phase, seven randomized controlled trials were considered eligible. Conclusions : Current scientific evidence suggests that bilateral balanced occlusion is not imperative for successful treatment with conventional CDs in average patients. More studies are necessary to identify if specific clinical conditions may benefit from a balanced occlusion.  相似文献   

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