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Attentional performance in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with and without comorbid disorders was examined using the Covert Orienting of Visuospatial Attention Task (COVAT) and the Continuous Performance Task (CPT). The relationship between these two tasks was also examined. The results showed no overall differences on the attention tasks between children with ADHD alone and those with ADHD plus other disorders. Compared to non-ADHD control children, children with ADHD showed a deficit in the disengage operation of covert visuospatial attention, suggesting a difficulty in the endogenous mode of orienting. The ADHD children also showed a general performance deficit on the CPT. Although there was a general slowing on both attention tasks in the ADHD group, there was no relationship between invalid cue effect sizes on the COVAT and the CPT measures. These results indicate that these two attention tasks may be tapping both similar and independent underlying cognitive processes in ADHD.  相似文献   

Problematic family dynamics are common among youth with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Multiple mechanisms, including diathesis-stress (vulnerability) and differential susceptibility Gene × Environment interaction effects (G × E), have been proposed to account for this association. G × E effects for ADHD were examined via interactions between a genetic marker hypothesized to influence sensitivity to the environment (the promoter polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene ?5HTTLPR) and family conflict and cohesion in predicting ADHD symptoms. There were 498 youth ages 6–17 years (251 ADHD, 213 non-ADHD) and their parents who completed a multistage, multi-informant assessment (including parent and youth reports on the Family Environment Scale), and saliva sample collection for genotyping. Linear regression analyses examined interactions between 5HTTLPR genotype and the Family Environment Scale scales of conflict and cohesion reported by parent and child. Criteria laid out by Roisman et al. (2012 Roisman, G. I., Newman, D. A., Fraley, R. C., Haltigan, J. D., Groh, A. M. &; Haydon, K. C. (2012). Distinguishing differential susceptibility from diathesis–stress: Recommendations for evaluating interaction effects. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 389409. doi:10.1017/s0954579412000065[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) were applied to evaluate diathesis stress versus differential susceptibility G × E mechanisms. Results demonstrated interactions between 5HTTLPR genotype and both conflict and cohesion in predicting inattention but not hyperactivity-impulsivity. Both interactions were highly consistent with differential susceptibility models of G × E effects. 5HTTLPR genotype appeared to moderate the relationship between family conflict/cohesion and inattentive symptoms. Interactions highlight the role of 5HTTLPR genotype as a potential marker of environmental sensitivity and provide support for differential susceptibility models of G × E effects for ADHD.  相似文献   

Psychologists have long assumed a connection between traumatic experience and psychological dissociation. This hypothesis is referred to as the trauma model of dissociation. In the past decade, a series of papers have been published that question this traditional causal link, proposing an alternative fantasy model of dissociation. In the present research, the relationship among dissociation, suggestibility, and fantasy proneness was examined. Suggestibility was measured through the Gudjonsson Scale of Interrogative Suggestibility (GSS) as well as an autobiographically based version of this measure based on the events of September 11, 2001. Consistent with prior research and with the trauma model, dissociation correlated positively with trauma severity (r = .32, p < .01) and fantasy proneness (r = .60, p < .01). Inconsistent with the fantasy model, dissociation did not correlate with the neutral form of the GSS and correlated negatively (r = –.24, p < .05) with the trauma-focused form of this suggestibility measure. Although some participants did become quite emotional during the procedure, the risk/benefit ratio was perceived by almost all participants to be positive, with more reactive individuals evaluating the procedure more positively. The results consistently support the trauma model of dissociation and fail to support the fantasy model of dissociation.  相似文献   

Summary ¶Background: A recent epidemiological analysis on premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) in the community revealed increased rates of DSM-IV posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women suffering from PMDD. Aims: To explore whether this association is artifactual or might have important pathogenic implications. Methods: Data come from a prospective, longitudinal community survey of an original sample of N=1488 women aged 14–24, who were followed-up over a period of 40 to 52 months. Diagnostic assessments are based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) using the 12-month PMDD diagnostic module. Data were analyzed using logistic regressions (odds ratios) and a case-by-case review. Results: The age adjusted odds ratio between PTSD and threshold PMDD was 11.7 (3.0–46.2) at baseline. 10 women with full PTSD and at least subthreshold PMDD were identified at follow-up. Most reported an experience of abuse in childhood before the onset of PMDD. Some had experienced a life-threatening experience caused by physical attacks, or had witnessed traumatic events experienced by others. 3 women reported more than one traumatic event. Conclusions: A case-by-case review and logistic regression analyses suggest that women with traumatic events and PTSD have an increased risk for secondary PMDD. These observations call for more in-depth analyses in future research.Received March 3, 2003; accepted August 4, 2003 Published online October 22, 2003  相似文献   

Do patients with primary insomnia differ from good sleepers with respect to the number or duration of awakenings or to the stages from which awakenings occur? To address this question, polysomnography (PSG) records were evaluated in 10 good sleepers (GS) and 10 primary insomnia patients (PI). PSG records were evaluated for occurrence and duration of awakenings and for the stage immediately preceding each awakening. PIs woke more frequently and for longer durations than did GSs. PIs' awakenings tended to occur from Stages 1 or 2; GSs' occurred from epochs scored as movement times. The data from this study represent the first attempt to characterize the stages from which awakenings occur in sleep maintenance insomnia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although previous research has examined comorbidity in principal Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), few studies have examined the disorders for which those with comorbid SAD seek treatment. Further, studies have shown that depressive disorders often are associated with SAD, but few have examined the clinical characteristics of patients with this particular comorbidity. METHOD: The current study examined the prevalence of various principal Axis I disorders in 577 individuals diagnosed with comorbid SAD. RESULTS: Consistent with previous research, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) was the most frequent principal diagnosis in patients with comorbid SAD. Those with principal MDD and comorbid SAD (MDD-SAD) were compared to those with MDD without SAD (MDD) on demographic and clinical characteristics. Patients with MDD-SAD versus those with MDD were more severe in terms of social functioning, duration of depressive episode, suicidal ideation, time out of work, presence of current alcohol abuse/dependence, and age of onset of MDD. Social functioning, duration of episode, suicidal ideation, and age of onset of MDD remained significant even after controlling for additional comorbid disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest the need for future research to determine how treatments could be adapted for this commonly occurring comorbidity.  相似文献   

ObjectiveGuidelines recommend that patients with non-metastatic rectal cancer receive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy (XRT) after surgery (especially if stage II and III). Studies reported that 90% of stage II and III patients received surgery, and 70% received adjuvant treatment. In states where socioeconomics and limited medical resources may hinder treatment, cancer care is understudied. The objective is to describe initiation and completion of rectal cancer treatment in Alabama.MethodsMedicare claims were obtained for 675 stage I to III rectal cancer patients diagnosed in 1999–2003, enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare, and with at least 9 months of follow-up. Logistic regressions were used to identify significant differences by sex, age, and race in the likelihood of initiating treatment and receiving an incomplete course of chemotherapy or XRT (< 120 days of chemotherapy and < 28 days of XRT).ResultsOverall, 90% received surgery, of which 43% received some adjuvant treatment. Among stage II to III patients, 58.8% received adjuvant treatment. Except for patients aged 75 years and greater being less likely to start chemotherapy, there were no significant differences in initiation by age, sex, and race. Depending on concurrent administration of chemotherapy and XRT, 29% to 35% received incomplete chemotherapy, and 16% to 23% incomplete XRT. Women were more likely to have incomplete chemotherapy than men.ConclusionsAdjuvant treatment was less than reported in previous studies. Treatment initiation and completion did not differ across demographic factors. Future studies should explore reasons why older rectal cancer patients in Alabama are less likely to receive recommended treatment.  相似文献   

Previous research characterizes obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as a complex neurobehavioral disorder that may have multiple etiologies (den Braber et al., 2008 den Braber, A., Ent, D., Blokland, G. A., van Grootheest, D. S., Cath, D. C., Veltman, D. J. and Boomsma, D. I. 2008. An fMRI study in monozygotic twins discordant for obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Biological Psychology, 79(1): 91102. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This study analyzed neurocognitive function and change in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) to characterize OCD. Neurocognitive function and rCBF were examined in medically naïve patients with OCD and contrasted with controls. Results of this study indicated that the neurocognitive functions impaired in OCD are memory, attention, and executive function, which are primarily associated with the frontal and occipital lobes. Dysfunction in the basal ganglia and occipital lobes were associated with OCD and may be an etiological factor in the disorder.  相似文献   

Poor sleep is a serious burden for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of this study is to assess whether the association between sleep quality and disability in MS patients is direct or mediated by depression, pain, and fatigue. We collected data from 152 patients with MS who filled out the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory and one item of the Short Form-36 regarding pain. The relationship between poor sleep and disability was found to be indirect, mediated by depression (p < 0.05), pain (p < 0.001) and physical fatigue (p < 0.01). Treatment of sleep disturbances may have beneficial effects beyond improving sleep. It may reduce depression, pain, and physical fatigue, which in turn may lessen disability.  相似文献   



Bleakley C, McDonough S, MacAuley D. The use of ice in the treatment of acute soft-tissue injury: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Am J Sport Med. 2004; 32:251–261.

Clinical Question:

What is the clinical evidence base for cryotherapy use?

Data Sources:

Studies were identified by using a computer-based literature search on a total of 8 databases: MEDLINE, Proquest, ISI Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) on Ovid, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED) on Ovid, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, and Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (Central). This was supplemented with citation tracking of relevant primary and review articles. Search terms included surgery,orthopaedics,sports injury,soft tissue injury,sprains and strains,contusions,athletic injury,acute,compression, cryotherapy,ice,RICE, andcold.

Study Selection:

To be included in the review, each study had to fulfill the following conditions: be a randomized, controlled trial of human subjects; be published in English as a full paper; include patients recovering from acute soft tissue or orthopaedic surgical interventions who received cryotherapy in inpatient, outpatient, or home-based treatment, in isolation or in combination with placebo or other therapies; provide comparisons with no treatment, placebo, a different mode or protocol of cryotherapy, or other physiotherapeutic interventions; and have outcome measures that included function (subjective or objective), pain, swelling, or range of motion.

Data Extraction:

The study population, interventions, outcomes, follow-up, and reported results of the assessed trials were extracted and tabulated. The primary outcome measures were pain, swelling, and range of motion. Only 2 groups reported adequate data for return to normal function. All eligible articles were rated for methodologic quality using the PEDro scale. The PEDro scale is a checklist that examines the believability (internal validity) and the interpretability of trial quality. The 11-item checklist yields a maximum score of 10 if all criteria are satisfied. The intraclass correlation coefficient and kappa values are similar to those reported for 3 other frequently used quality scales (Chalmers Scale, Jadad Scale, and Maastricht List). Two reviewers graded the articles, a method that has been reported to be more reliable than one evaluator.

Main Results:

Specific search criteria identified 55 articles for review, of which 22 were eligible randomized, controlled clinical trials. The articles'' scores on the PEDro scale were low, ranging from 1 to 5, with an average score of 3.4. Five studies provided adequate information on the subjects'' baseline data, and only 3 studies concealed allocation during subject recruitment. No studies blinded their therapist''s administration of therapy, and just 1 study blinded subjects. Only 1 study included an intention-to-treat analysis. The average number of subjects in the studies was 66.7; however, only 1 group undertook a power analysis. The types of injuries varied widely (eg, acute or surgical). No authors investigated subjects with muscle contusions or strains, and only 5 groups studied subjects with acute ligament sprains. The remaining 17 groups examined patients recovering from operative procedures (anterior cruciate ligament repair, knee arthroscopy, lateral retinacular release, total knee and hip arthroplasties, and carpal tunnel release). Additionally, the mode of cryotherapy varied widely, as did the duration and frequency of cryotherapy application. The time period when cryotherapy was applied after injury ranged from immediately after injury to 1 to 3 days postinjury. Adequate information on the actual surface temperature of the cooling device was not provided in the selected studies. Most authors recorded outcome variables over short periods (1 week), with the longest reporting follow-ups of pain, swelling, and range of motion recorded at 4 weeks postinjury. Data in that study were insufficient to calculate effect size. Nine studies did not provide data of the key outcome measures, so individual study effect estimates could not be calculated. A total of 12 treatment comparisons were made. Ice submersion with simultaneous exercises was significantly more effective than heat and contrast therapy plus simultaneous exercises at reducing swelling. Ice was reported to be no different from ice and low-frequency or high-frequency electric stimulation in effect on swelling, pain, and range of motion. Ice alone seemed to be more effective than applying no form of cryotherapy after minor knee surgery in terms of pain, but no differences were reported for range of motion and girth. Continuous cryotherapy was associated with a significantly greater decrease in pain and wrist circumference after surgery than intermittent cryotherapy. Evidence was marginal that a single simultaneous treatment with ice and compression is no more effective than no cryotherapy after an ankle sprain. The authors reported ice to be no more effective than rehabilitation only with regard to pain, swelling, and range of motion. Ice and compression seemed to be significantly more effective than ice alone in terms of decreasing pain. Additionally, ice, compression, and a placebo injection reduced pain more than a placebo injection alone. Lastly, in 8 studies, there seemed to be little difference in the effectiveness of ice and compression compared with compression alone. Only 2 of the 8 groups reported significant differences in favor of ice and compression.


Based on the available evidence, cryotherapy seems to be effective in decreasing pain. In comparison with other rehabilitation techniques, the efficacy of cryotherapy has been questioned. The exact effect of cryotherapy on more frequently treated acute injuries (eg, muscle strains and contusions) has not been fully elucidated. Additionally, the low methodologic quality of the available evidence is of concern. Many more high-quality studies are required to create evidence-based guidelines on the use of cryotherapy. These must focus on developing modes, durations, and frequencies of ice application that will optimize outcomes after injury.  相似文献   

Adrenal androgens dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; prasterone) and its sulphated form (DHEA-S) are among the most abundant hormonal steroids in men and nonpregnant women. Deficiencies of these adrenal androgens are associated with autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Recent studies from our laboratory have also identified low levels of adrenal androgens in the serum and synovial fluid of patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). These findings support and complement those already published for RA and other autoimmune diseases. Because of the paucity of data on the hormonal status of patients with JRA, studies on the relationship between hypoandrogenicity and predisposition to develop JRA, and/or disease progression have not been conducted. In addition, despite the rapid expansion of research in the clinical use of these adrenal androgens in hyperlipidaemia, atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance and hypertension, their potential beneficial effects in JRA/RA have not been fully investigated. In fact, clinical trials of adrenal androgens in RA have only been conducted for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. Further studies using prospective approaches are necessary to provide a unified consensus on the hormonal status of patients with JRA (as well as those with RA). This overview of our knowledge of the putative role(s) of hormones in arthritis will hopefully stimulate researchers in basic science and rheumatologists to synergistically collaborate in the effective translation of such knowledge to new clinical approaches.  相似文献   

The epidemiological synergy between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) is a major threat to public health. However, the association between HIV and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is not clear. To explore the association between HIV and MDR-TB infection, a case-control study was performed in Korea. A total of 1606 culture-proven TB patients (45 HIV vs. 1561 non-HIV) from January 2006 to October 2014 were included in this analysis. MDR-TB rates were 11.1% and 8.2% in the HIV and non-HIV groups, respectively (p=0.42), thus indicating that MDR-TB was not significantly associated with HIV infection in Korea.  相似文献   



To determine if Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for suicide attempts.


Data were drawn from the National Comorbidity Replication Survey (NCS-R), a nationally representative sample of adults (N = 8098).


Of the 365 adults with current ADHD, 16% attempted suicide. After controlling for the presence of comorbid disorders, logistic regression analyses revealed that the ADHD was not a not a strong predictor of suicide attempts; having one or more comorbid disorders was associated with fourfold to twelvefold elevated risk.


The small sample size of respondents with ADHD who attempted suicide significantly reduced the probability of determining which specific comorbid disorders were correlated with parasuicide.


Early treatment of ADHD and comorbidity may reduce the risk of suicide attempts and improve its prognosis.  相似文献   

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology - Objectives. To establish the characteristics of the influence of alcoholization on cognitive functions in patients with schizophrenia, Materials and...  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo validate an approach to measuring professional identity formation (PIF), we explore if the Professional Identity Essay (PIE), a stage score measure of medical professional identity (PI), predicts clinical communication skills.MethodsStudents completed the PIE during medical school orientation and a 3-case Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) where standardized patients reliably assessed communication skills in 5 domains. Using mediation analyses, relationships between PIE stage scores and communication skills were explored.ResultsFor the 351 (89%) consenting students, controlling for individual characteristics, there were increases in patient counseling (6.5%, p<0.01), information gathering (4.3%, p = 0.01), organization and management (4.1%, p = 0.02), patient assessment (3.6%, p = 0.04), and relationship development (3.5%, p = 0.03) skills for every half stage increase in PIE score. The communication skills of lower socio-economic status (SES) students are indirectly impacted by their slightly higher PIE stage scores.ConclusionHigher PIE stage scores are associated with higher communication skills and lower SES.Practice implicationsPIE predicts critical clinical skills and identifies how SES and other characteristics indirectly impact future clinical performance, providing validity evidence for using PIE as a tool in longitudinal formative academic coaching, program and curriculum evaluation, and research.  相似文献   

Desmoid fibromatosis, although histologically benign, infiltrates local structures. The involvement of neural structures can lead to difficult neuropathic pain and the escalating use of analgesics. We report a patient with desmoid fibromatosis of the chest wall causing brachial plexus infiltration. As the tumor was locally invasive and unresectable, he was treated with radiation therapy and oral tamoxifen. On follow-up, there was significant pain relief, sustained reduction in the tumor size, and reduced analgesic requirement. Antineoplastic treatments like local radiation therapy and targeted systemic therapy with hormones or other agents can be considered in the management of selected unresectable desmoid fibromatosis to improve symptom control and reduce polypharmacy.  相似文献   

Limited evidence suggests that depression is associated with poorer outcomes in behavioral weight loss programs; however, people with major depression are typically excluded from weight loss intervention trials. This study examined the effect of depression on women's participation and weight loss in behavioral treatment. Non–treatment seeking obese women over 40 years of age with major depressive disorder (MDD, n = 65) and without MDD (n = 125) were recruited into a 26-session group intervention. Primary analyses compared participants' mean weight change from baseline to 6 and 12 months; at 6 months, women with MDD lost a mean of 3.8 kg vs 4.3 kg for women without MDD (t = 0.54, p = .59). At 12 months, women with MDD lost 3.0 kg and women without MDD lost 3.6 kg (t = 0.44, p =.66). Women who attended at least 12 treatment sessions lost more weight than women who attended fewer sessions, regardless of depression status (ie, there was no significant interaction between depression and session attendance). Results suggest that depression should not be an exclusion criterion for weight loss intervention programs.  相似文献   

Preliminary evidence suggests a possible association between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Restless Legs Syndrome with or without Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep. When comorbid, Restless Legs Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep might aggravate Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms. Pharmacological treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder may be associated, at least in some cases, with adverse cardiovascular events, including clinically significant elevation in heart rate and systemic blood pressure. However, the characteristics of patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder at risk for cardiovascular events during pharmacological treatment are poorly understood. Here, we hypothesize that Restless Legs Syndrome and/or Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep comorbid with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder increase cardiovascular risk via imbalance in activity of the autonomic nervous system. Such an imbalance of the could be related to alterations of sleep microarchitecture also detected by cyclic alternating pattern analysis. If empirical studies confirm our hypothesis, the clinician would be advised to systematically screen for and effectively treat Restless Legs Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep even before starting treatment with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder drugs. The management of Restless Legs Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movements during Sleep might reduce cardiovascular risk during pharmacological treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.  相似文献   

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