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B超中的轨迹球使用率高,易磨损。文章探讨了对轨迹球的维修方法;着重论述了用廉价的鼠标器替换B超轨迹球的改制方法。  相似文献   

我院在九六年下半年购入HP10 0 0型彩色B超 ,并投入使用。至九八年上半年出现故障 ,现象为向左、向右、向下滚动轨迹球 ,屏幕标尺坐标位移正确 ,向上滚动轨迹球 ,标尺坐标向下移动或不动。因机器购入不久 ,未将轨迹球拆下检修 ,只是将面板打开 ,用洗耳球对轨迹球盒底的孔中吹气 ,(可将盒中少量灰尘去除 )。机器复原 ,开机故障消失。使用半年后 ,轨迹球又出现失灵 ,且控制面板4、 5个常用键也出现接触不良现象。从现象分析 ,是灰尘所为 ,打开轨迹球盒 ,里面果然充满了绒絮和尘埃。清除轨迹球盒内杂物 ,转动部分加入少许变压器油 ,面板按键…  相似文献   

B超使用时间久了常会出现轨迹球不灵活、屏幕光标不移动的现象,这时轨迹球就是出故障了。轨迹球的故障常有两种情况,即转动滚轴上光栅片旁的发光接收管被灰尘污染,导致接收不了光栅脉冲信号和由于长期摩擦的缘故,轨迹球与转动轴之间的海绵圈已破损,从而无法带动光栅片转动。通常更换一只进口轨迹球少则三、五千,多则上万元。而为了节约成本,其实大多数情况下我们可以不更换它,而将其拆开做些处理就可以与新的一样用了。  相似文献   

故障现象光标上下运动正常 ,左右运动异常。左右转动轨迹球 ,可见光标在原地微动 ,不能正常移动。检修轨迹球控制光标的测量动作 ,当左右运动异常时 ,无法测量脏器、病灶等的大小 ,影响了检查报告。轨迹球是一个组件 ,无维修资料可供参考。打开控制台键盘 ,取下轨迹球组件 ,拆开组件外壳 ,可见其内部结构。有两只圆盘状光栅 ,分别控制光标的上下、左右运动 ,光栅置于一对光电耦合组件中间 ,切割光路 ,光栅与一团海绵同置于一根轴上。当转动轨迹球时 ,通过海绵传动 ,带动光栅转动 ,使光电组件产生电脉冲 ,控制光标移动。轨迹球组件内控制光标…  相似文献   

轨迹球操作灵巧、快捷,常用于超声诊断仪中测量定位、文字注解定位及菜单选项等。轨迹球失灵或损坏将给超声定量诊断及使用带来极大的不便。本文将彩超和B超维修中关于轨迹球典型故障及排除方法介绍如下。例一:ALOKa500型B超诊断仪光标失控一例。故障现象:操作轨迹球时测量标记移动失灵,星形标记移动速度时快时慢,时有时无,有时在某一方为完全不受控制。分析检修:该机前面板有光标移动控制小键盘,轨迹球为选件,外接于主机后背板,功能相同,经检查发现主机面板上光标控制键盘可以正常控制光标,轨迹球失灵,拆开轨迹球外…  相似文献   

1 故障现象 在检查病人时,使用轨迹球移动显示屏上定标时,定标左右能移动,上下无法移动。2 分析检修 由于其他部件工作一切都属正常,所以电路出现问题的可能性不大,很可能是轨迹球出现故障。由于没有备份轨迹球,为应急不影响使用,直接把该机打开取出轨迹球盒子。打开盒盖,轨迹球盒内只有2根机械转动杆子,随着轨迹球的滚动,通过套在杆子一头的软刷子,使杆子转动,然后在杆子另一头有个传感器,由其传感控制定标信号,横杆控制定标上下移动,纵杆控制定标左右移动,定标没有移动是因传感器没有动作信号。由于软刷子已经损坏,无法…  相似文献   

故障现象 :在检查病人时 ,使用轨迹球移动显示屏上定标时 ,定标左右能移动 ,上下无法移动。分析检修 :由于该机其他部件工作一切都属正常 ,所以电路出现问题的可能性不大 ,很可能轨迹球出现故障。由于没有备份轨迹球 ,为应急不影响使用 ,直接把该机打开取出轨迹球盒子。打开盒盖 ,轨迹球盒内只有两根机械转动杆子 ,随轨迹球的滚动 ,通过套在杆子一头的软刷子传动杆子 ,使杆子转动 ,然后在杆子另一头有个传感器 ,这样传感控制定标信号 ,横杆控制定标上下移动 ,纵的控制定标左右移动 ,定标没有移动是因传感器没有动作信号。由于软刷子已经损坏…  相似文献   

现象转动轨迹球 ,“十”字标尺无移动迹线。检查首先用纱布蘸些有机溶剂(如无水酒精等)清除轨迹球体表面的油污 ,以增大轨迹球表面的摩擦力。然后快速转动轨迹球 ,偶见标尺有上下或左右的动作迹线。因此 ,基本上排除了光耦控制电路及外围元件故障的可能性 ,最大可能是带动光耦凹口中的遮光园盘的转轴与轨迹球体表面的摩擦力不够 ,至使“十”字标尺静止不动。修复将轨迹球组件从机器中拆下。小心拆出轨迹球壳体 ,发现组件内部灰尘较多 ,用毛刷予以清除。另外 ,X轴和Y轴上的二块灰黑色轴状海绵与球体接触面严重磨损 ,必须更换。现成的轴状…  相似文献   

B超轨迹球磨损后的检修江苏省建湖县人民医院器械科周建国B超机的轨迹球的磨损会给操作带来很大误差,找厂方或外商代理修理或更换,较麻烦而且价格也比较贵。我试着对日产KT-2800型B超机轨迹球进行了修理,效果比较满意。现将其修理方法介绍给同行们。先将轨迹...  相似文献   

1 故障现象 在正常开机状态下,上下拨动操作面板上的轨迹球,屏幕上测距游标可上下正常移动,但左右拨动轨迹球,游标均只向右移动,偶尔能恢复正常。2 检修过程 因该机无任何图纸资料,给检修带来很大难度,但它和修理其它机器一样,首先得根据上述故障现象确定故障点大致的位置,是轨迹球装置本身的问题还是主机电路板的问题。选择分析检测轨迹球定标装置的输出信号。该输出接插件共6个脚,黑线为地线,红线为+5V电源;剩下的4个脚(兰、灰、黄、白)应为轨迹球装置控制游标左右上下移动送到主机板的信号输出脚。因为是脉冲信号,保持…  相似文献   

目的 使用2009年、2012年、2015年3个年份的样本量来分析重庆地区在2009—2015年间的肥胖检出情况、肥胖对学生的身体机能和常见疾病的影响情况,为改善学生生理机能、降低相关疾病寻找依据和方法。方法 通过分析2009年、2012年、2015年重庆市学生体质健康监测的累加数据,观察肥胖对学生血压、肺活量、肺活量指数、视力等身体机能的影响以及对近视、龋齿等常见疾病的影响。结果 2009年、2012年、2015年学生累计样本数为202 235人,体质量指数为肥胖的学生9 529人,肥胖率为4.71%,其中男生肥胖率为5.79%,女生肥胖率为3.73%,男生肥胖率高于女生,差异有统计学意义(χ2=473.66,P<0.01);城市学生肥胖率为5.88%,乡村学生肥胖率为3.66%,城市学生肥胖率高于乡村学生,差异有统计学意义(χ2=551.30,P<0.01)。在生理功能方面,非肥胖组学生右眼视力、左眼视力、收缩压、舒张压、肺活量、肺活量指数均优于肥胖组学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。肥胖组学生龋失补总牙数均值与非肥胖组学生比较,差值为-0.22颗/人,差异有统计学意义(t=-16.31,P<0.01);肥胖组与非肥胖组的龋齿检出率分别为13.43%和20.54%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=113.34,P<0.01);肥胖组近视检出率右眼左眼分别为57.45%、 57.00%,非肥胖组近视检出率右眼左眼分别为51.86%、51.47%,肥胖组近视检出率与非肥胖组近视检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2右眼=113.34,P<0.01;χ2左眼=109.11,P<0.01)。结论 2009年、2012年、2015年重庆市中小学生肥胖检出率均处于一个较低水平,肥胖表现出了显著的性别间、城乡间差异;肥胖易使学生视力降低、血压升高、肺功能储备降低。  相似文献   

Researchers determining the prevalence of homosexuality in nationally representative samples have focused upon determining the prevalence of homosexual behavior, ignoring those individuals whose sexual attraction to the same sex had not resulted in sexual behavior. We examine the use of sexual attraction as well as sexual behavior to estimate the prevalence of homosexuality in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France using the Project HOPE International Survey of AIDS-Risk Behaviors. We find that 8.7, 7.9, and 8.5% of males and 11.1, 8.6, and 11.7% of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, respectively, report some homosexual attraction but no homosexual behavior since age 15. Further, considering homosexual behavior and homosexual attraction as different but overlapping dimensions of homosexuality, we find 20.8, 16.3, and 18.5% of males, and 17.8, 18.6, and 18.5% of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France report either homosexual behavior or homosexual attraction since age 15. Examination of homosexual behavior separately finds that 6.2, 4.5, and 10.7% of males and 3.6, 2.1, and 3.3% of females in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, respectively, report having had sexual contact with someone of the same sex in the previous 5 years. Our findings highlight the importance of using more than just homosexual behavior to examine the prevalence of homosexuality.  相似文献   

Children are exposed to animated cartoons at an early age, and the gender, class, and race-related messages are likely to be influential in the development of children’s beliefs and attitudes about gender roles, class, and racial groups. Although representations of females and minority children in animated cartoons have improved over the years, stereotypical and racially biased portrayals of females and racial minority groups remain. Using an intersectionality theoretical lens, a textual analysis was conducted to examine the representation of the two current leading, minority female characters in children’s animated cartoons: Doc McStuffins and Dora the Explorer. Character portrayals, stereotypes, challenges to traditional stereotypes, and the intersecting role of race, gender, and class on the representations of the characters are explored in this analysis.  相似文献   

Medical journals and other sources do not show evidence that cholera occurred in Haiti before 2010, despite the devastating effect of this disease in the Caribbean region in the 19th century. Cholera occurred in Cuba in 1833-1834; in Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Nevis, Trinidad, the Bahamas, St. Vincent, Granada, Anguilla, St. John, Tortola, the Turks and Caicos, the Grenadines (Carriacou and Petite Martinique), and possibly Antigua in 1850-1856; and in Guadeloupe, Cuba, St. Thomas, the Dominican Republic, Dominica, Martinique, and Marie Galante in 1865-1872. Conditions associated with slavery and colonial military control were absent in independent Haiti. Clustered populations, regular influx of new persons, and close quarters of barracks living contributed to spread of cholera in other Caribbean locations. We provide historical accounts of the presence and spread of cholera epidemics in Caribbean islands.  相似文献   

窦鏐琰  桂立辉 《中国校医》2018,32(7):488-490
目的 了解新乡市某高校大学生肥胖相关健康知识态度行为的情况,为提高大学生健康状况水平、养成良好的饮食生活方式提供科学依据。方法 参考相关资料的基础上自行设计调查问卷,在全校新生入学体检中随机抽取402名大学生进行调查研究。结果 新乡市某高校大一新生健康知识较为缺乏,平均得分为(3.71±1.55)分,体质量超标及肥胖组与对照组得分差异无统计学意义。但体质量超标及肥胖组体型自我评价与BMI一致性的正确率为56.7%,对照组体型自我评价与BMI一致性的正确率为67.2%,差异有统计学意义(P=0.03)。健康相关态度方面,体质量超标及肥胖组与对照组差异无统计学意义。健康相关行为方面,体质量超标肥胖组吃油炸食品的频率、吃饭速度、运动强度、运动量与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 某高校新生总体健康知识知晓率普遍偏低,存在较多不良饮食行为习惯。对体质量超标肥胖大学生加强健康知识宣教的同时注重体质正常大学生的健康教育,增设健康教育课程积极开展各项课外活动,督促体质量超标肥胖大学生养成良好的生活习惯,降低体质量超标肥胖的发生。  相似文献   

Occupation and industry codes on death certificates from 23 states for 1984–1988 were used to evaluate mortality risks among white and nonwhite, male and female farmers. Proportionate mortality and proportionate cancer mortality ratios were calculated using deaths among nonfarmers from the same states to generate expected numbers. Among farmers there were 119,648 deaths among white men, 2,400 among white women, 11,446 among nonwhite men, and 2,066 among nonwhite women. Deficits occurred in all race-sex groups for infective and parasitic diseases, all cancer combined, lung cancer, liver cancer, diseases of the nervous system, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, and emphysema. As reported in other studies, white male farmers had excesses of cancer of the lymphatic and hematopoietic system, lip, eye, brain, and prostate. Excesses of cancers of the pancreas, kidney, bone, and thyroid were new findings. Regional patterns were evident, particularly among white men. Significant excesses for accidents, vascular lesions of the central nervous system (CNS), and cancers of the prostate tended to occur in most geographic regions, while excesses for mechanical suffocation, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and cancers of the lip, brain, and the lymphatic and hematopoietic system were limited to the Central states. Increases among nonwhite men were similar to those in white men for some causes of death (vascular lesions of the CNS and cancers of the pancreas and prostate), but were absent for others (lymphatic and hematopoietic system, lip, eye, kidney, and brain). Women (white and nonwhite) had excesses for vascular lesions of the CNS, disease of the genitourinary system (white women only), and cancers of the stomach and cervix (nonwhite women only). Cancer of the buccal cavity and pharynx was slightly elevated among women, and white women had nonsignificant excesses of multiple myeloma and leukemia. Excesses for leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma occurred among white men and women, but not among nonwhites. Excesses for several types of accidental deaths were seen among all race-sex groups. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This review summarizes recent medicinal chemistry investigations in vitro and in vivo in search for new phenothiazines of promising biological activities. New phenothiazine derivatives (over 50 main structures) contain dialkylaminoalkyl, cycloaminoalkyl and aminoalkyl substituents and their acyl and sulfonyl derivatives, and other substituents with varied the monocyclic (pyrazole, thiazole, oxadiazole, thiadiazole, tetrazole) and bicyclic (quinolizine, pyrazolopyrimidine, thiazolopyridine, azabicyclononane and spiro[chromanpyrimidine] heterocycles linked directly or via the alkyl chain with the thiazine nitrogen atom or with the benzene ring. The modifications of the tricyclic ring system with the bicyclic homoaromatic ring (naphthalene) and monocyclic and bicyclic azine rings (pyridine, pyrimidine, pyrazine and quinoline) led to compounds of significant biological activities. Recently obtained phenothiazines exhibit promising antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, antifilarial, trypanocidal, anticonvulsant, analgesic, immunosuppressive and multidrug resistance reversal properties. These activities were the results of the actions of phenothiazines on biological systems via the interaction of the pharmacophoric substituent (in some cases of strict length), via the interaction of the multicyclic ring system (π-π interaction, intercalation in DNA) and via the lipophilic character allowing the penetration through the biological membranes. The activities were examined by using various biological systems such as cell lines, bacteria, viruses, parasites, laboratory mice, rats and rabbits, and monolayer and bilayer membranes. Some mechanisms of the actions are discussed. This review shows current tendency in the phenothiazine synthesis (without synthetic routes) and reveals the phenothiazine core to be very potent pharmacophoric moiety which can be a rich source of new compounds having desirable biological activities.  相似文献   


In developed countries, changes in the nature of work and the workforce may necessitate recalibrating the vision of occupational safety and health (OSH) researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to increase the focus on the most important issues. New methods of organizing the workplace, extensive labor contracting, expansion of service and knowledge sectors, increase in small business, aging and immigrant workers, and the continued existence of traditional hazards in high-risk sectors such as construction, mining, agriculture, health care, and transportation support the need to address: 1) broader consideration of the role and impact of work, 2) relationship between work and psychological dysfunction, 3) increased surveillance basis for research and intervention, 4) overcoming barriers to the conduct and use of epidemiologic research, 5) information and knowledge transfer and application, 6) economic issues in prevention, and 7) the global interconnectedness of OSH. These issues are offered to spur thinking as new national research agendas for OSH are considered for developed countries.  相似文献   

重症监护中心患者感染病原菌及耐药谱分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
目的探讨某院重症监护中心(ICU)患者感染病原菌种类、对常用抗菌药物耐药谱等,为临床和医院感染科管理提供第一手资料。方法采用K-B法对28种常用抗菌药物进行耐药率测定、纸片扩散初筛和确证试验检测ESBLs、并进行MRSA、MRCNS和VRE测定。结果在201份阳性标本中共培养出264株菌,其中G-杆菌192株,占72.7%,主要为PAE、ABA、KPN、ECO和SMA;G 菌43株,占16.3%,主要为EC、SAU和CNS;真菌29株,占11.0%,主要为白色念珠菌;病原菌抗药性强,G-杆菌对IPM、AZT、CAZ、FEP、CFS、AMK、CIP不同程度敏感,G 菌对VAN、SXT、RIF、NIF不同程度敏感;KPN、ECO的ESBLs为64.7%和64.3%、MRSA80.0%、MRCNS 66.7%、VRE 22.2%。结论ICU患者感染病原菌以G-杆菌为主,提示临床医生提高标本送检率,控制抗菌药物滥用,降低细菌耐药性,提高治愈率。  相似文献   

目的 以"源头化管理"为切入点,消除射线探伤生产销售行业的辐射安全隐患,切实保障环境安全和公众健康,维护社会安定,同时促进行业产业健康发展。方法 对射线装置生产销售企业分布、规模、管理制度、场所安全和防护、个人防护、售后回收等开展调研,找出存在的问题,提出适度的管理要求和有效对策。结果 通过调研全国范围内辽宁丹东和湖北黄石两个X射线探伤机生产销售企业最为集中的区域,研究相关企业的涉及生产、销售、维修、调试、进口、转让等行为的规范。结论 通过对现有管理各环节认真细致的分析,提出完善法律法规、强化日常监督管理、建立部门联动机制等切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

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