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如何提高药学专业实习质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕业实习是药学人才培养的重要阶段,它能使学生通过与社会大课堂的接触,进一步深入理解在学校课堂中所学到的专业知识,培养学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,缩短就业后的工作适应期.这种变化对毕业生的专业素质提出了更高的要求,增大了就业的难度和竞争性,也对药学专业的教学和实习质量提出了新的挑战.因此,如何提高药学专业学生的实习质量具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

实践教学是药学专业人才培养重要的一环,但现行的实践教学模式难以达到该专业人才培养的目标.因此,笔者提出了“导师负责制的实践教学”新模式,并在湘潭大学药学专业实施,解决了实习安排困难的局面,提高了学生实习积极性,保证了实习效果,同时也促进了学生就业.  相似文献   

目的:为提高药学专业毕业实习带教工作水平提供参考。方法:基于笔者多年来药学专业实习生的带教实践工作,分析药学专业学生毕业实习的重要性,总结带教工作的经验与不足。结果与结论:药学专业毕业实习是药学人才培养非常重要的一环,对提高学生综合素质、培养学生创新精神和实践动手能力具有不可替代的作用。通过加强实习生职业道德教育和人际交流及医患沟通能力的培养,针对实习生的不同层次作不同的带教要求,重视实习生动手能力的培养,可提高药学专业学生的毕业实习质量。  相似文献   

做好新时期药学专业学生的医院实习工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄镜娟 《淮海医药》2005,23(6):515-516
药学专业学生进入医院实习的阶段,是从学校走向工作岗位的过渡时期,也是理论与实际相结合的重要阶段。药学专业学生在医院实习包括以下几个组室:药房(调配处方)、制剂室(配制医院制剂)、药库(采购供应)、药检室,还有近年发展起来的临床药学等。对他们来说,是一个很好的岗前训练基地。实习质量很大程度上决定了学生走上工作岗位后能否胜任工作。因此,实习是非常重要的。随着我国加入WTO和劳动人事制度的改革,以及扩招后的药学学生已进入就业高峰期,毕业生就业面临着新的挑战,找工难,函授专科、本科、考研等继续深造都对学生的实习造成一定…  相似文献   

毕业专题实习是学生理论联系实际的重要环节,是培养学生独立思考,适应社会工作以及良好科研创新能力的重要学习阶段。本文论述了建立药学专业毕业专题实习质量监控体系的必要性和重要性,并对质量监控体系进行实践研究,旨在提高药学专业毕业专题实习的质量,让学生学有所得,使师生教学相长。  相似文献   

目的 探索高职高专药学专业顶岗实习模式与就业导向相结合的方法与途径。方法 建立以就业为导向,以“工学结合、校企合作”为特征的顶岗实习模式,开发理论-实践一体化、就业与顶岗实习紧密联系的课程体系,拓宽就业渠道。结果 连续12年毕业生就业率超过95%,明显扩大了办学的社会影响,提高了学生的实践能力、就业能力和就业质量。结论 建立了“资源共享,优势互补,互利双赢”的校企合作机制,形成了企业和学校共同教育、管理和训练学生,顶岗实习与就业相结合的教学模式。  相似文献   

药学专业学生医院药房实习管理探索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
夏泉  许杜娟  孙红玲  谈超  陈飞虎  李俊 《安徽医药》2009,13(9):1151-1152
目的探索药学专业学生医院实习的管理方法。方法通过对药学专业实习学生的实习前培训、实习过程中管理以及实习结束后的考核制定具体的管理措施,并在实习带教中严格遵照执行。结果通过对实习过程中各环节的管理,达到培养学生的专业能力和工作技巧的目的,使之能够调整心态,适应社会的需要。结论通过加强实习管理,可以提高学生的实习效果。  相似文献   

随着医疗体制改革的深入进行和公众健康保健意识的逐步提高,医院实施了以患者为中心,提高医疗质量,规避医疗风险,实现医院的可持续发展犤1犦。因此使药学专业毕业学生面临了更严峻的就业竞争和双向选择等挑战;而药学教育后期实习是培养药学人才的一个重要环节,也是学生从学校步入社  相似文献   

近年来,医药产业持续快速发展取得长足进步,医药经济趋向股份化、规模化、区域化发展,新产品开发能力有所提高,药品质量管理水平整体提高,中药材种植趋向基地化、规范化、规模化发展,医药营销产业迎来了快速发展机遇,对高素质技能型药学专业人才的需求量日趋增加.药学专业高职毕业生就业形势良好.用人单位对不同方向的就业岗位对课程体系设置要求有所不同,不同岗位技能要求既有共同的基本技能要求,也有各自不同的岗位技能要求.用人单位对高职药学专业实习生基本满意的占绝大部分,但非常满意的却不多,高职生的技术水平还有待于在工作中不断提高,学校对学生的技能训练与岗位要求仍然存在差距.因此,要组织教师和行业专家编写系列实训教材,按照高职药学专业职业技能标准及实训要求,强化学生职业技能培训,实现教学与岗位的无缝对接,规范药学高职生准入顶岗实习及毕业生在专业技能方面的标准,服务学生的实习与毕业后的工作.大力推行工学结合,深入而广泛地开展药学专业教学改革,突出学生实践能力培养,才能满足社会对高素质技能型药学专门人才的需求.为了及时了解区域经济的发展,掌握医药卫生行业对药学专业人才的岗位群、工作任务和需求情况,把握药学专业的办学方向,找准药学专业高职人才培养的定位,合理制定人才培养方案和课程内容,真正体现就业为导向、能力为本位的办学方针,特对福建地区医药卫生行业的人才需求及对培养的人才应具备的知识、能力和素质结构进行调查.结果报道如下.  相似文献   

药学专业毕业生就业情况分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着医药行业的迅速发展,从事医药行业工作人员的不断增多,医药招生规模的不断扩大,近几年药学市场出现人才逐渐饱和的现象,药学专业毕业生将面临就业竞争激烈的严峻挑战。该文分析药学专业毕业生就业现状,对完善药学专业实习指导工作、提高药学专业在校生的综合素质、药学专业毕业生就业水平进行探讨。  相似文献   

临床药学专业学生的实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹桂华 《中国药房》2011,(4):381-383
目的:为培养临床药学专业学生的临床实践能力提供参考。方法:借鉴美国培养临床药学专业学生的实践经验,结合我国临床药学专业学生轻实践重就业的现状,提出培养临床药学专业学生临床实践能力的方法。结果:我院临床药学专业学生教育分为3个阶段:临床轮转阶段、药学实践阶段和毕业论文撰写阶段。经过3个阶段的学习实践,我校学生能达到临床药学的实践要求,基本独立完成医疗机构的工作任务。结论:重视临床药学专业学生的实践,能提高药学专业学生的知识应用能力,适应医院发展的需求。  相似文献   

目的:为提高高等职业药学专业学生实践能力提供参考。方法:我院根据医院药房和药品经营企业工作岗位的职责要求,开设了药学专业综合技能实训课程,使学生学会综合运用药学专业各学科的理论知识。结果:药学专业综合技能实训课程可以使学生了解药品生产、流通等各个环节,掌握合理用药、科学介绍药品、处方审核及调配的技能。结论:高等职业药学专业综合技能实训课程激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的从业能力,为学生今后从事相关工作奠定了基础,有利于培养医药行业高素质高技能人才,实现了与就业岗位的"零对接"。  相似文献   

面对药学学科发展的新特点和药学生就业流向新趋势,加强药学生职业道德教育,应从药学专业教学、社会实践活动、药学生自我教育和同伴教育等环节,全方位形成共识,提高药学生的职业道德素质,促进药学生职业发展.  相似文献   

药剂学是药学专业中的一门重要学科,具有很强的综合性、实践性和应用性。根据该学科特点,本校药剂学实践教学以就业为导向,依据技能性、实用性和适应性原则,创建"模拟药厂"和"模拟药房",采用场景式教学模式,突出对学生灵活运用药剂学知识的实践能力、思维应变能力的培养,把培养学生独立分析问题、解决问题的心智技能和灵活运用专业技术的操作技能作为实践教学的培养目标,使专业教学和素质教育有机融合,构建"知识、素质、能力"三位一体的实践教学模式,初步满足学生生产及临床用药的实践需求,为学生今后走上各大药厂、药店的实习和工作岗位做好铺垫,为学生将来职业生涯的可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

潘卫东  孙爱宝  赵琰玲  陈春 《中国药房》2012,(44):4217-4219
目的:了解连云港市药学类高职学生实习及就业情况,并对高职学校人才培养提出建议。方法:对连云港市药学类5年制高职学生及实习接收单位进行问卷调查,包括学生就业意向、用人单位岗位需求、对学生的能力需求、对实习生满意度等内容。在调研的基础上分析学生在实习过程中存在的问题,并提出针对性建议。结果:用人单位提供给药学类高职毕业生的岗位数较多,对实习生总体满意度较好;同时,用人单位对毕业生各项能力要求也较高。学生对就业意向的调查结果显示,90%的学生愿意在医院工作,且用人单位对个人的发展空间是其择业的首要考虑因素。学生对学校教学的满意度也总体较好。结论:药学类高职教育应立足于基层岗位的职业观教育,注重对学生良好的职业道德的培养和社会阅历、工作经验的提升。  相似文献   

目的了解药学专业药事管理方向本科生对药事管理专业的认知情况,找出药事管理人才培养中存在的不足。方法采用问卷调查方法,对120名本科生进行了有关药事管理专业认知情况、课程设置、实践教学方式、未来就业趋向等调查研究及统计分析。结果学生对药事管理专业认识不多,对未来发展前景缺乏信心,在课程设置方面,希望增加实践教学时间。结论医药院校应重视药事管理人才培养,积极探索药事管理人才培养模式。  相似文献   

临床药学专业实习作为成长为合格临床药师的第一次实践活动,夯实其基础显得很重要。当前的各医院临床药学实习存在诸多问题。效果往往达不到期望。结合我院的情况,采用更符合临床药学专业特点的实习方式,即三阶段培养模式,可以提高临床药学实习生的实习效果,为培养合格临床药师打下基础。  相似文献   

药学学科发展视野下的西部药学生就业指导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
解决西部药学毕业生就业难问题,应改革药学人才培养模式,提高药学生的就业竞争力;加强药学生的就业指导,拓宽药学生的就业渠道;完善就业服务体系;提高就业服务质量,提高学生综合素质,提升药学生就业能力。  相似文献   

Pharmacy students typically become more focused on career planning and assessment in the final year of their PharmD training. Weighing career options in the advanced pharmacy practice experience year can be both exciting and stressful. The goal of this article is to provide a primer on how pharmacy students can assess how a residency can fit into career planning. This article will describe the various career paths available to graduating students, highlight ways in which a residency can complement career choices, review the current state of the job market for pharmacists, discuss the current and future plans for residency programs, and present thoughts from some current and former residents on why they chose to complete a residency. Most career paths require some additional training, and a residency provides appropriate experience very quickly compared to on-the-job training. Alternative plans to residency training must also be considered, as there are not enough residency positions for candidates. Directors of pharmacy must consider several factors when giving career advice on pharmacy residency training to pharmacy students; they should provide the students with an honest assessment of their work skills and their abilities to successfully complete a residency. This assessment will help the students to set a plan for improvement and give them a better chance at being matched to a pharmacy residency.Students typically become more focused on career planning and assessment in the final year of their PharmD training. That year is reserved for advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs), in which students rotate for a minimum of 1,500 hours at 9 often unique practice sites under the guidance of a preceptor and additional staff. Throughout this year, the students are exposed to many different aspects of pharmacy including community, ambulatory care, hospital/health system, inpatient/acute care, and elective rotations. The exposure to the different pharmacy practice settings often causes the students to reevaluate or reconsider their chosen career path. In addition, family members, preceptors, friends, and colleagues often inquire about the students’ job plans, further education, or training. This time of exploring career options can be exciting, as well as stressful, for students on the verge of graduation. Often the decisions students make during the final year of the PharmD program are binding for many years following graduation, possibly even limiting their future career goals. Some students may make decisions based on the necessity to pay off a heavy school loan debt or the desire to work in a particular geographic area due to family concerns.Students often request career advice from pharmacy directors, who are acting as either their APPE preceptor or in connection with their employment. The pharmacy profession and job market have changed drastically in the last 10 to 15 years, making a student’s viewpoint on career planning and assessment very different from that of a pharmacy director who has been in the profession for many years. Acting as a mentor, the pharmacy director can help the students explore the following questions: How much school debt do I have? What personal concerns will influence my career plan? What aspects of pharmacy do I enjoy? Where do I see myself in 20 years? How is the profession of pharmacy changing? Should I pursue a residency?To the last question, and as part of the career planning and assessment process, students need to decide whether to pursue a residency or an entry-level pharmacist position upon graduation. Postgraduate residencies are becoming an increasingly popular option as the competition in the job market increases; the additional years of training may provide better preparation for a specific position.Despite the increase in students pursuing residency training, most PharmD students have chosen to work in community practice upon graduation. These practice areas do not require the completion of postgraduate training. According to the 2014 Pharmacy Student Graduating Survey conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), 5,827 of 9,527 (61%) responding students indicated that they planned to work in a chain community pharmacy upon graduation.1 For those students entering hospital pharmacy, 3,147 of 9,527 (33%) responding students planned to pursue a staff position. There were 2,461 (25%) responding students who had plans to pursue a pharmacy residency program upon graduation.1Residency training provides knowledge and experience at a faster pace and in a more systematic manner than can be obtained in an entry-level pharmacist position. Residency training also provides the opportunity for interprofessional collaboration, instills personal and professional confidence, provides avenues in which to advocate for the profession of pharmacy, and broadens clinical decision-making abilities. With the profession of pharmacy becoming an increasingly clinically focused profession, residency training enables a pharmacist to practice at the “top of their license” and provide exceptional patient care. It can also enable a pharmacist to become a sought after candidate by employers.The goal of this article is to provide a primer on how pharmacy students can evaluate the role of a pharmacy residency in their career planning. The article will describe the various career paths available to graduating students, highlight ways in which a residency can compliment career choices, review the current state of the job market for pharmacists, discuss the current and future plans for residency programs, and present thoughts from some current and former residents on why they chose to complete a residency. The information in this article will help students in deciding whether or not to pursue postgraduate education. In addition, this article may provide a helpful student perspective for pharmacy directors as they serve as mentors for students and young pharmacists.  相似文献   

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