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We examined inhibitory mechanisms in dysphoria using direct measures of attentional control. Dysphoric and non-dysphoric participants performed standard and delayed versions of the antisaccade and prosaccade tasks with facial expressions as stimuli. Results showed higher error rates in the standard antisaccade task than in the delayed tasks, with the dysphoric group having higher error rates in response to emotional facial expressions, in particular happy expressions. Our findings indicate impaired attentional processing in response to emotional facial expressions, in particular happy expressions, in dysphoria. Implications for understanding the mechanisms underlying attentional control in dysphoria are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate memory performance in tasks with and without affective content (to confirm the mood congruency phenomenon) in acutely admitted patients with bipolar I disorder (BD) and major depression disorder (MDD) and in healthy participants. Seventy-eight participants (24 BD, 29 MDD, and 25 healthy controls) were evaluated. Three word lists were used as the memory task with affective content (positive, negative and indifferent). Psychiatric symptoms were also evaluated with rating scales (Young Mania Rating Scale for mania and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale for depression). Patients were selected during the first week of hospitalization. BD patients showed higher scores in the word span with positive tone than MDD patients and healthy controls (P = 0.002). No other difference was observed for tests with affective tone. MDD patients presented significantly lower scores in the Mini-Mental State Exam, logical memory test, visual recognition span, and digit span, while BD patients presented lower scores in the visual recognition test and digit span. Mood congruency effect was found for word span with positive tone among BD patients but no similar effect was observed among MDD patients for negative items. MDD patients presented more memory impairment than BD patients, but BD patients also showed memory impairment.  相似文献   

Controversy exists about whether non-episodic irritability (operationalized as severe mood dysregulation, SMD) should be considered a developmental presentation of pediatric bipolar disorder (BD). While assessments of brain function may address this controversy, only one fMRI study has compared BD versus SMD. We compared neural activation in BD, SMD, and controls during a motor inhibition task, since motor disinhibition is an important clinical feature in both BD and SMD. During failed inhibition, BD youths exhibited less activation in the right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and right nucleus accumbens relative to both SMD and healthy youths. Exploratory analyses indicate that, in BD youths, reduced activation in the right ACC may be independent of comorbid ADHD. These findings highlight neural distinctions between the phenotypically related BD and SMD populations.  相似文献   



Poor adherence rates in Bipolar Disorder type I (BDI) and Schizoaffective Disorder, bipolar type (SAD) may be high This study was aimed at comparing the clinical correlates of adherence to treatment and the course of illness in BDI and SAD patients.


75 SAD and 150 BDI DSM-IV outpatients were included. Adherence was assessed on the basis of patients’ and care-givers’ reports and serum levels, when available. Socio-demographic, clinical and treatment variables were collected and compared between diagnostic subsamples and then between goodly and poorly adherent patients. Multiple logistic regressions were performed, controlling for diagnostic subsample differences, to identify correlates of adherence in BDI and SAD groups.


Poor adherence was highly prevalent both in BDI (32%) and in SAD patients (44%), with no significant differences between diagnostic categories. Presence of psychotic symptoms (p=0.029), higher number of manic relapses (p<0.001), comorbidity with personality disorders (p=0.002), and lithium therapy (p=0.003) were associated with poor adherence to treatment. Diagnostic subgroup analyses showed different predictive models, with the BDI poorly adherent subsample being more likely to include comorbid personality and manic recurrences and the SAD poorly adherent subsample being less clinically predictable.


The cross-sectional nature of the study limits de capacity to ascertain the direction of the relationship between certain variables.


Rates of poor adherence to oral treatments are similar in SAD and BDI. BDI patients with comorbid personality and substance use disorders are likely to be poorly adherent. Treatment adherence may be more difficult to predict in SAD patients.  相似文献   



The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) has been recommended as an index of reward sensitivity, which is elevated in bipolar disorder. We conducted a meta-analysis of IGT performance in euthymic bipolar I disorder compared with control participants. Findings indicated that people with bipolar disorder make more risky choices than control participants, though the effect is small (g=0.35). It is not clear which of the many processes involved in IGT performance are involved in producing the observed group difference.


Fifty-five euthymic people with bipolar disorder and 39 control participants completed the IGT. The Expectancy Valence Model was used to examine differences in IGT. We also examined whether variation in IGT performance within the bipolar group was related to current mood, illness course, impulsivity, or demographics.


Bipolar and control groups did not differ on the total number of risky choices, rate of learning, or any of the parameters of the Expectancy Valence Model. IGT performance in bipolar disorder was not related to any of the examined individual differences.


It is possible that there are group differences that are too small to detect at our sample size or that are not amenable to study via the Expectancy Valence Model.


We were unable to identify group differences on the IGT or correlates of IGT performance within bipolar disorder. Though the IGT may serve as a useful model for decision-making, its structure may make it unsuitable for behavioral assessment of reward sensitivity independent of punishment sensitivity.  相似文献   



Anxiety disorders are common among the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (BD). This study investigated the nature of the association between anxiety disorders and mood disorders in a prospectively studied high-risk cohort.


High-risk offspring were identified from families in which one parent had confirmed BD based on SADS-L interviews and best estimate diagnostic procedures. All agreeable offspring aged 8–25 years were enrolled in a longitudinal study involving repeated KSADS-PL format clinical assessments. Control (C) offspring from families in which neither parent met lifetime criteria for a psychiatric disorder were similarly assessed. All DSM-IV diagnoses in the offspring were confirmed on blind consensus review. Cumulative incidence and adjusted Cox Proportional Hazards models were used to calculate the risk of anxiety disorders and the predictive association with mood disorders.


The cumulative incidence of anxiety disorders was higher (23.40% vs. 10.42%; HR=2.136; p=.0382) and occurred earlier (9.79 vs. 14.84 years; p=.0125) in high-risk compared to C offspring. In high-risk offspring generalized anxiety disorders (GAD) followed by social phobia were the most incident anxiety subtypes; while high emotionality (HR 1.111; p=.0096) and shyness (HR 1.144; p=.0053) increased the risk of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders increased the adjusted risk of mood disorders (HR 2.166; p=.0004), on average 8.49 years later (SD 5.97).


The cumulative incidence of BD is relatively low, as the cohort is still in the period of risk.


Findings highlight the need for longitudinal surveillance of symptomatic high-risk children and suggest anxiety disorders are an important early intervention target.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with significant impairment and lowered quality of life. The emotional Stroop task (EST) has been one means of elucidating some of the core deficits in PTSD, but this literature has remained inconsistent. We conducted a meta-analysis of EST studies in PTSD populations in order to synthesize this body of research. Twenty-six studies were included with 538 PTSD participants, 254 non-trauma exposed control participants (NTC), and 276 trauma exposed control participants (TC). PTSD-relevant words impaired EST performance more among PTSD groups and TC groups compared to NTC groups. PTSD groups and TC groups did not differ. When examining within-subject effect sizes, PTSD-relevant words and generally threatening words impaired EST performance relative to neutral words among PTSD groups, and only PTSD-relevant words impaired performance among the TC groups. These patterns were not found among the NTC groups. Moderator analyses suggested that these effects were significantly greater in blocked designs compared to randomized designs, toward unmasked compared to masked stimuli, and among samples exposed to assaultive traumas compared to samples exposed to non-assaultive traumas. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with bipolar disorder (BD) have affect recognition deficits. Whether affect recognition deficits constitute a state or trait marker of BD has great etiopathological significance. The current study aims to explore the interrelationships between affect recognition and basic neurocognitive functions for patients with BD across different mood states, using the Diagnostic Analysis of Non-Verbal Accuracy-2, Taiwanese version (DANVA-2-TW) as the index measure for affect recognition. To our knowledge, this is the first study examining affect recognition deficits of BPD across mood states in the Han Chinese population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite cerebrovascular diseases having been reported as one of the major causes of death among patients with bipolar disorder, there is scant information on the risk of stroke among this patient population. This study estimated the relative risk of developing stroke among patients with bipolar disorder in 6 years following hospitalization for an acute mood episode compared with patients undergoing appendectomy. METHODS: Two study cohorts were identified from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database for the year 1998: patients hospitalized with bipolar disorder, and patients undergoing an appendectomy. Follow-up was undertaken to determine whether sampled patients had utilized emergency medical services for the management of any type of stroke in the period 1998-2003. RESULTS: Stroke occurred among 2.97% of patients with bipolar disorder and 1.50% of patients undergoing appendectomy between 1998 and 2003. The adjusted odds ratio of developing stroke, by cohort, shows that after adjusting for demographic characteristics, comorbid medical disorder, and substance or alcohol dependence, patients with bipolar disorder were more likely to develop stroke (OR=2.05; 95% CI=1.73-3.54). LIMITATIONS: The validity of diagnoses, lacking of information on smoking, body mass index, and socioeconomic status, and possible selection bias might compromise the findings. CONCLUSIONS: During the six-year follow-up period, the likelihood of developing stroke was twice as great amongst patients with bipolar disorder as patients undergoing an appendectomy. A requirement exists for the initiation of research providing an understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of the association between stroke and bipolar disorder.  相似文献   



The clinical phenotype of bipolar disorder (BPD) is heterogeneous and the genetic architecture of the disorder is complex and not well understood. Given these complications, it is possible that the identification of intermediate phenotypes (“endophenotypes”) will be useful in elucidating the complex genetic mechanisms that result in the disorder. The examination of unaffected relatives is critical in determining whether a particular trait is genetically-relevant to BPD. However, few dimensional traits related to BPD have been assessed in unaffected relatives of patients.


We assessed affective temperament and schizotypy in 55 discordant sibling pairs and 113 healthy controls (HCs) using the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego, Auto-questionnaire version (TEMPS-A) to assess affective temperament and the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) to assess schizotypy.


BPD patients scored significantly higher than HCs on all subscales of the SPQ and on all but one subscale (hyperthymic) of the TEMPS-A (all p<0.01). Siblings demonstrated scores that were significantly intermediate to patients and HCs on the anxious subscale of the TEMPS-A and on the interpersonal deficits and disorganized subscales of the SPQ.


We did not investigate the BPD spectrum as most patients were diagnosed with BPD I (n=47). Most of the patients had experienced psychosis (n=42) and so we were unable to examine whether psychosis status impacted upon affective temperament or schizotypy in patients or their siblings.


These data suggest that schizotypy and affective temperament represent dimensional traits that are likely to underlie the genetic risk for BPD.  相似文献   

We examined whether startle abnormalities are present in bipolar disorder (BD) patients and their unaffected siblings. Twenty‐one remitted patients with BD, 19 unaffected siblings, and 42 controls were presented with 18 pleasant, 18 unpleasant, and 18 neutral pictures. Acoustic probes (104 dB) were presented during 12 of 18 pictures in each affective category at 300, 3000, and 4500 ms after picture onset, so that there were 4 pictures per valence per probe onset type. Baseline startle was assessed during blank screens and was found reduced in patients and sibling groups. We found startle inhibition with the 300 probes and a linear increase in amplitude with valence with the late probes in controls; these effects were absent in patients and their siblings. Low startle and blunted startle reactivity may represent trait deficits in remitted BD patients and their relatives, possibly associated with attentional deficits and adaptive down‐regulation of emotion.  相似文献   



Previous reports have highlighted perfectionism and related cognitive styles as a psychological risk factor for stress and anxiety symptoms as well as for the development of bipolar disorder symptoms. The anxiety disorders are highly comorbid with bipolar disorder but the mechanisms that underpin this comorbidity are yet to be determined.


Measures of depressive, (hypo)manic, anxiety and stress symptoms and perfectionistic cognitive style were completed by a sample of 142 patients with bipolar disorder. Mediation models were used to explore the hypotheses that anxiety and stress symptoms would mediate relationships between perfectionistic cognitive styles, and bipolar disorder symptoms.


Stress and anxiety both significantly mediated the relationship between both self-critical perfectionism and goal attainment values and bipolar depressive symptoms. Goal attainment values were not significantly related to hypomanic symptoms. Stress and anxiety symptoms did not significantly mediate the relationship between self-critical perfectionism and (hypo)manic symptoms.


These data are cross-sectional; hence the causality implied in the mediation models can only be inferred.
The clinic patients were less likely to present with (hypo)manic symptoms and therefore the reduced variability in the data may have contributed to the null findings for the mediation models with (hypo)manic symptoms.
Those patients who were experiencing current (hypo)manic symptoms may have answered the cognitive styles questionnaires differently than when euthymic.


These findings highlight a plausible mechanism to understand the relationship between bipolar disorder and the anxiety disorders. Targeting self-critical perfectionism in the psychological treatment of bipolar disorder when there is anxiety comorbidity may result in more parsimonious treatments.  相似文献   



To assess the sensitivity and specificity of two self-report instruments for detection of bipolarity in a sample of Argentinean patients.


Spanish versions of the MDQ and the BSDS were administered over four months at 11 sites in Argentina. Diagnoses were made using DSM-IV criteria and the MINI. The study sample consisted of patients diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BD) Types I, II, or NOS. BDNOS diagnoses were made using extended guidelines for bipolar spectrum symptoms. Unipolar patients were used as a control group. Of 493 patients screened, 354 completed evaluation by MDQ and MINI, and 363 by BSDS and MINI.


Specificity of MDQ was 0.97 and BSDS was 0.81. MDQ sensitivity was 0.70 for bipolar type I (BD-I), 0.52 for bipolar II (BD-II) and 0.31 for bipolar not otherwise specified (BDNOS). BSDS sensitivities were 0.75, 0.70 and 0.51 respectively.


This study was performed in specialized outpatient settings and thus its results are not necessarily representative for other clinical settings. There was not a systematic evaluation of comorbid psychiatric disease or test-retest reliability.


The local versions of the MDQ and the BSDS showed a sensitivity and specificity comparable to previous research. Our results indicate that in this sample, MDQ was more specific for BD and BSDS was more sensitive to detect BD-II and NOS. Since BD-I is more readily recognized than bipolar spectrum disorders, enhanced sensitivity of BSDS for soft bipolarity may be an advantage.  相似文献   

We examined heritability of error rate on the antisaccade task among female twin youths. This task appears to be sensitive to prefrontal functioning, providing a measure of individual differences in inhibitory control associated with genetic risk for schizophrenia. The sample consisted of 674 11-year-olds and 616 17-year-olds, comprising the two cohorts of female twins from the Minnesota Twin Family Study, a population-based investigation of substance abuse and related psychopathology. We used biometric model-fitting methods to determine the relative magnitude of genetic and environmental influences on performance. In both age cohorts, the best fitting model contained additive genes and nonshared environment. Despite substantial age-related differences in mean performance levels (effect size = .81), additive genes accounted for greater than half the variance in performance in both age cohorts. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that antisaccade error rate might serve as an endophenotype for behavior disorders reflecting frontal lobe dysfunction or problems with inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Introduction: Hemsley and Garety described the “jumping to conclusions bias” in which patients with delusions may reach unreasonable results with insufficient information. In this study patients with bipolar disorder and healthy volunteers were compared in terms of jumping to conclusions bias using the beads in the jar task.

Methods: 37 patients with DSM-5 diagnosis of bipolar disorder and 30 healthy controls were tested with the Beads Task (BT), Tower of London Test (ToL) and Barrat Impulsiveness Scale (BIS).

Results: In the BT, the mean score of DtD (draws to decision) and JTC (jumping to conclusions) scores were not statistically different between the two groups. In the ToL test, the duration of the total execution and the total time were significantly longer in the bipolar group than the control group. BIS scores were significantly higher in the bipolar group. YMRS (Young Mania Rating Scale) scores were not correlated with BT.

Conclusions: This study is the first clinical study to assess the jumping to conclusions bias in patients with bipolar disorder. No JTC bias was detected in bipolar disorder. Further studies may assess JTC in larger samples to determine the effects of clinical state changes, psychotic symptoms, medication and impulsivity.  相似文献   



A growing body of evidence supports the Behavioral Activation System (BAS) dyresgulation model of bipolar disorder, however its application to bipolar II disorder is limited. The current study examines its potential relevance to bipolar I and II disorders. We specifically sought to determine whether bipolar sub-types would differ in terms of BAS sensitivity, and examined for differential prospective relationships between BAS sensitivity and bipolar I and II symptom expression.


Participants were recruited from the Sydney-based Black Dog Institute. Diagnostic groups were derived on the basis of agreement between clinician and DSM-IV diagnoses from structured interviews. Baseline measures of BAS sensitivity, mood symptoms and anxiety were completed. Self-rated mood was assessed over a 6-month period. Clinician-rated mood status was re-assessed at follow-up to determine the predictive utility of BAS scores.


The sample comprised 151 bipolar participants (69 bipolar I, 82 bipolar II). BAS-Drive and Reward Responsiveness scores were significantly higher in bipolar I disorder participants. BAS sub-scale scores were uniquely positively associated with mood variability in bipolar I and II disorder. BAS-Drive and Reward Responsiveness scores were positively associated with bipolar I hypo(mania), and with the former also positively associated with bipolar II depression. BAS scores did not predict bipolar I or II mood episode status at 6-month follow-up.


BAS sensitivity was self-reported; inability to establish independence of BAS scores from residual symptoms; lack of controlling for medication effects; inability to determine the influence of life events; length of follow-up period may have not been sufficient to evaluate the predictive utility of BAS sensitivity for mood episodes or detect course of illness differences across bipolar sub-types.


Differences in BAS sensitivity and associations with mood variability were quantified in bipolar I and II disorder, suggesting the need for tailored treatments for these separate conditions. Further investigation of the role of the BAS in bipolar sub-types is warranted.  相似文献   



Individuals with bipolar disorder lead a sedentary lifestyle associated with worse course of illness and recurrence of symptoms. Identifying potentially modifiable predictors of exercise frequency could lead to interventions with powerful consequences on the course of illness and overall health.


The present study examines baseline reports of exercise frequency of bipolar patients in a multi-site comparative effectiveness study of a second generation antipsychotic (quetiapine) versus a classic mood stabilizer (lithium). Demographics, quality of life, functioning, and mood symptoms were assessed.


Approximately 40% of participants reported not exercising regularly (at least once per week). Less frequent weekly exercise was associated with higher BMI, more time depressed, more depressive symptoms, and lower quality of life and functioning. In contrast, more frequent exercise was associated with experiencing more mania in the past year and more current manic symptoms.


Exercise frequency was measured by self-report and details of the exercise were not collected. Analyses rely on baseline data, allowing only for association analyses. Directionality and predictive validity cannot be determined. Data were collected in the context of a clinical trial and thus, it is possible that the generalizability of the findings could be limited.


There appears to be a mood-specific relationship between exercise frequency and polarity such that depression is associated with less exercise and mania with more exercise in individuals with bipolar disorder. This suggests that increasing or decreasing exercise could be a targeted intervention for patients with depressive or mood elevation symptoms, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Limited information is available on the outcome of bipolar disorder in developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To describe the symptomatic and functional outcome of bipolar disorder. METHODS: The psychoses and affective disorder modules of the CIDI were used to screen 68,378 individuals by a door-to-door survey of a defined district in Ethiopia. In addition, key informants were used to identify individuals with probable major mental illnesses. SCAN interviews were completed at the second stage to confirm the diagnosis. A total of 315 cases of bipolar disorder were identified, of which 264 (69 recent-onset and 195 prevalent cases) were prospectively followed for a mean of 2.5 (range 1-4) years by baseline and annual clinical assessments using symptom rating scales. Functional dimensions of the SF-36 scale were used to describe functional outcome. Random coefficient analyses were used to evaluate potential correlates of outcome. RESULTS: The magnitudes of mania and depression symptoms were elevated at baseline but improved with follow-up, although the improvement was less marked for depression. Sociodemographic or clinical variables were not associated with the improvements in symptomatic outcome. Between 35% and 47% of the recent-onset cases had functional role restrictions, while 42-52% of long-standing cases had such restrictions during the follow-up years. Similarly, social and physical functioning deficits were also present in 52-86% and 35-47% of recent-onset and long-standing cases, respectively. The magnitude of depression and mania symptoms was associated with poor functional outcome, while male sex, rural residence and being married were associated with better functional outcome. CONCLUSION: Although there were improvements in function with follow-up, between one-third and one-half of cases continued to have functional deficits.  相似文献   

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