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目的:探讨四肢深部软组织血管瘤和血管畸形的 X 线及 MRI 表现。方法回顾性分析经手术病理及 DSA 证实的89例四肢深部软组织血管瘤和血管畸形患者的临床、影像资料,其中89例均行 X 线平片检查,33例行 MRI 检查。结果 X 线检查中,骨质及软组织影未见异常者54例(60.7%),软组织异常者14例(15.7%),可见静脉石者30例(33.7%);骨质异常者32例(36.0%),其中伴骨膜反应者13例,皮质破坏16例,髓腔受累者10例,三者均受累者为7例弥漫性病灶。MRI 图像上,病灶呈蜂窝状或海绵状,T1 WI 上呈等低信号者25例(75.8%),低信号5例(15.2%),不均匀稍高信号3例(9.0%);T2 WI 上病灶为不均匀高信号伴低信号分隔,范围及边界显示清楚,其中9例内部可见低信号区伴血管流空影;检出静脉石10例(30.3%),呈低信号;增强后病变不均匀明显强化。骨质异常者18例(54.5%),均可见病灶紧邻骨质或呈半包绕、包绕改变,其中12例髓腔内可见异常信号影,3例为迂曲血管流空影。在15例(45.5%)骨质无改变患者中,3例病灶邻接骨质,余12例病灶与骨间隔以脂肪或肌肉组织。结论四肢深部软组织血管瘤和血管畸形可引起邻近骨质的异常,掌握其 X 线及 MRI 表现特征,有助于提高对本病的诊断与鉴别诊断能力。  相似文献   

_目的:探讨四肢原发性血管源性恶性肿瘤的影像学表现特点,提高其影像诊断水平。方法:回顾性分析11例经病理证实的四肢原发性血管源性恶性肿瘤的影像学表现。结果:11例四肢原发性血管源性恶性肿瘤中8例位于软组织,3例位于骨骼。位于软组织者的影像表现:X 线平片及 CT 上病灶多表现为较大软组织肿块,3例瘤内可见点片状、条索样钙化影,3例侵犯相邻骨质;T1 WI 图像上肿瘤呈等信号或低信号,T2 WI 呈混杂高信号,增强扫描肿瘤呈明显不均匀强化。位于骨组织者的影像表现:2例为单发病灶,1例为多中心发病,2例 X 线可见地图样溶骨性骨质破坏,1例肿瘤呈皂泡状膨胀性生长,瘤内可见不规则钙化影;肿瘤呈等 T1、长 T2信号影,增强扫描肿瘤呈明显不均匀强化。结论:四肢原发性血管源性恶性肿瘤相对少见,其瘤内钙化、CT 与 MRI 增强扫描表现对判定肿瘤起源有一定提示作用,确诊需依靠病理检查。  相似文献   

Summary A pair of craniopagus twins was examined with CT, angiography and MRI, to preoperatively assess their cerebral anatomy and blood flow. Angiography revealed a common venous sinus and a venous cross-flow from one brain to the other. This common sinus was also identified in magnetic resonance images. The significance of accurately evaluating the veins and sinuses in craniopagus twins is stressed.  相似文献   

Objective This study was undertaken to describe the imaging characteristics of synovial hemangioma, with the goal of improving the disappointing rate (22%) of clinical diagnosis of this condition. A review of the literature and the differential diagnosis of intra-articular lesions, including synovial osteochondromatosis and pigmented villonodular synovitis, are also presented.Patients The subjects of the study were 8 patients (4 males, 4 females; age range: 5–47 years; mean age: 19 years) with histologically confirmed synovial hemangioma involving the knee (n=7) or wrist (n=1). We retrospectively examined the imaging studies performed in these patients, including plain radiography (n=8), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; n=4), angiography (n=3), arthrography (n=2), and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT; n=2).Results Plain radiographs showed a soft tissue density suggesting either joint effusion or a mass in all patients. Phleboliths and bone erosions on plain films in four patients with extra-articular soft tissue involvement pointed to the correct diagnosis. Angiography, showing fine-caliber, smooth-walled vessels, contrast pooling in dilated vascular spaces, and early visualization of venous structures, was diagnostic in two patients. Neither arthrography nor CT yielded specific enough findings. MRI was consistently effective in allowing the correct diagnosis to be made preoperatively, showing an intra-articular or juxta-articular mass of intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and of high signal intensity on T2or T2*-weighted images with low-signal channels or septa within it. A fluid-fluid level was found in two patients with a cavernous-type lesion.Conclusion Despite the limited nature of this study, it shows clearly that MRI is the procedure of choice whenever an intra-articular vascular lesion such as synovial hemangioma is suspected. Nonetheless, phleboliths and evidence of extra-articular extension on plain radiographs point to angiography as an effective procedure of first resort because it can be combined with embolotherapy.  相似文献   

Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a pathological entity first described in 1971. Other more subtle cortical malformations found in patients with epilepsy include microdysgenesis (MD), and glioneuronal hamartias. Although these glial and neuronoglial malformations have distinct histological features, there is terminological confusion in the radiological literature. Few cases have been reported in adults with both imaging and histology. We address these issues, giving a radiological-pathological correlation of histologically proven cortical malformations in adults. We describe clinical, radiological and histological features of 12 cases (five FCD, five MD with glioneuronal hamartias, and two hamartomas), unassociated with other conditions, and discuss them in the light of the literature. FCD is usually seen on MRI as cortical thickening, with or without signal change, which may extend into the adjacent white matter. On histology, abnormal neurons and/or glial cells, blurring of the grey-white matter interface, myelin pallor, demyelination, and gliosis may be found. Glioneuronal hamartias and hamartomas usually appear as complex masses on MRI. FCD and hamartias may be associated, and a combination of imaging findings may be seen on MRI. Atrophy of the ipsilateral hippocampus may be present on MRI in patients with hamartias, and minor cell loss on histology, but not definitive hippocampal sclerosis. Although the imaging findings of cortical malformations are protean, some characteristic MRI features, with histological correlates, may be found. The relevance of most of these observations remains unclear. Received: 14 December 1998/Accepted: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

Three cases of foreign-body granulomas arising from soft tissues of the extremities or trunk are reported. All patients had a history of having undergone surgery 19 to 35 years ago. It was difficult to distinguish these granulomas from malignant soft-tissue tumors preoperatively by magnetic resonance (MR) images, as the tumors were over 10 cm in diameter and degenerated foreign bodies could not be detected on MR images. Finally, a histological diagnosis of foreign-body granuloma was made by preoperative or intraoperative biopsy in all cases. A palpable tumor adjacent to a previous surgery scar is therefore a warning that it might represent a granuloma, in spite of various image findings.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of four channel multidetector row CT angiography (MDCTA) of the abdominal aorta and lower extremities arteries compared with digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Materials and methods: In our prospective study 42 patients with peripheral vascular occlusive disease (27 M, 15 F, age range 40–79 years) underwent MDCTA and DSA within 5 days. Images were blindly interpreted by two radiologists. Maximum intensity projections (MIP), multiplanar (MPR) reformations, three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions as well as axial images were available for analysis of MDCTA. DSA were analyzed on hard copies. Results: Overall sensitivity and specificity of MDCTA were 93 and 95%, respectively, with positive and negative predictive values of 90 and 97%. Overall diagnostic accuracy was 94%. Normal arterial segments and 100% occlusions were correctly identified in all cases by MDCTA. Moderately stenotic segments interpretation in the calves appeared to be more controversial, but no statistical difference in accuracy of MDCTA in the infrapopliteal district arteries was noted with respect to accuracy in the more proximal arterial bed. Good to excellent interobserver and intraobserver agreement were observed, with k values greater than 0.80. Conclusions: MDCTA of the abdominal aorta and lower extremities is an accurate imaging modality in clinical practice when compared with DSA.  相似文献   

Objective. To compare information gained by ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in chronic achilles tendinopathy with regard to the nature and severity of the lesion. Design. Imaging of both achilles tendons with ultrasonography and MRI was performed prior to unilateral surgery. Operative findings and histological biopsies together served as a reference. Patients. Twenty-seven patients (22 men, 5 women; mean age 44 years; 21 athletes) suffering from chronic achilles tendinopathy participated in the study. Eighteen patients had unilateral and 9 had bilateral symptoms. Results and conclusions. Surgical findings included 4 partial ruptures, 21 degenerative lesions and 2 macroscopically normal cases. Microscopy revealed tendinosis (degeneration) in all tendon biopsies, including cases with a partial rupture, but only slight changes in the paratendinous tissues (paratenon). Ultrasonography was positive in 21 of 26 and MRI in 26 of 27 cases. Severe intratendinous abnormalities and a sagittal tendon diameter >10 mm suggested a partial rupture. In tendons with a false negative result histopathological changes were mild and a tendency towards a better clinical outcome was noted in the sonographic cases. Assessment of the paratenon was unreliable with both methods. Ultrasonography and MRI give similar information and may have their greatest potential as prognostic instruments.  相似文献   

目的提高对儿童Kasabach-Merritt综合征(KMS)的临床及其CT和(或)MRI表现的认识。方法分析总结6例KMS患儿的临床表现及其CT和(或)MRI特点。结果6例患儿均有血小板减少等消耗性凝血功能异常。3例MRI分别显示后纵隔脊柱旁、右侧心包及左上臂皮肤及皮下软组织T1WI等、低信号,T2WI等、高信号病灶,增强呈不均匀显著强化;1例脾脏异常增大,CT平扫为均匀稍低密度,增强呈弥漫性不均匀强化,MRT1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,增强后呈不均匀显著强化;1例除多根长骨干骺端骨质稀疏、骨皮质变薄外,脾脏亦增大,CT平扫见多个大小不等低密度灶,增强早期见病灶周边强化,延迟相部分病灶有对比剂逐渐充填;1例肝左叶巨大低密度肿块,增强早期病灶周边强化,延迟相部分病灶见对比剂逐渐充填。结论血小板减少及凝血功能障碍提示可能合并大面积血管瘤;脾脏增大伴密度或MRI信号弥漫、局灶性降低应考虑血管瘤可能。  相似文献   

目的:对足踝部X线平片表现阴性痛风患者的CT和MRI表现进行对比研究,评估其隐匿性骨质破坏及其他影像学表现。方法:收集于我院就诊的36例X线平片阴性痛风患者,于2周内均行CT与MRI平扫,分析骨质破坏、关节内和/(或)周围痛风石、软组织肿胀、关节腔积液、滑膜增厚和骨髓水肿等征象。结果:36例CT平扫可见骨质破坏23例,MRI可见13例,二者差异有统计学意义(P=0.002)。CT平扫可见关节内和/(或)周围痛风石23例,MRI可见27例,二者差异无统计学意义(P=0.289);其中21例CT、MRI均见痛风石表现,6例仅MRI可见,2例仅CT可见。CT与MRI平扫分别有11例和15例可见关节腔积液表现,二者差异无统计学意义(P=0.125)。2种检查均见软组织肿胀24例,差异无统计学意义(P=1.000)。另外,36例的MRI平扫中,4例可见滑膜增厚,30例见骨髓水肿表现。结论:CT与MRI平扫可显示X线平片无法显示的隐匿性骨质破坏及微小痛风石,CT平扫对于早期骨质破坏的显示优于MRI,但MRI可提供更多影像信息。对于足踝部X线表现阴性痛风性关节炎,CT与MRI相结合为最佳检查手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨体部表皮样囊肿的 CT 和 MRI 影像特征。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的78例患者共81个病灶的临床、影像及病理资料,其中75例行 CT 扫描,17例行 MRI 检查。结果75例单发,3例多发。病灶主要发生于头面部(26/78)和躯干部(37/78),其次为四肢(14/78),盆部(3/78)和腹膜后(1/78)者较少。53例56个病灶(69.1%)CT 图像表现为类圆形或椭圆形囊性低密度肿块,囊壁菲薄,无强化,MRI 图像上 T1 WI 呈低信号或等低信号、T2 WI 呈高信号影,DWI 呈高信号。25例(30.9%) CT 表现不典型,其中囊壁增厚并强化者15例,呈片状软组织密度影者5例,呈高密度结节者3例,呈完全钙化者2例。结论典型体部表皮样囊肿影像表现具有明显特征性,CT 及 MRI 能够反映病灶炎症、感染、钙化等病理变化,有助于加深对体部表皮样囊肿少见征象的认识。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腮腺基底细胞腺瘤(BCA)的CT和MRI表现。方法:回顾性分析10例腮腺BCA的CT和MRI表现。10例中男3例,女7例;右侧腮腺4例,左侧6例。结果:10例肿瘤均为单发,肿瘤最长径平均为2.4cm。10例肿瘤中不规则形或深分叶状2例,圆形或类圆形8例;边缘均光滑清楚。MRI检查2例,表现为长T1、短T2信号实性肿块,伴稍低信号包膜,增强扫描后病灶呈均匀明显强化。CT检查8例:6例呈实性,2例呈囊实性、内有大片液化囊变,实性部分明显强化。结论:腮腺BCA的CT和MRI表现有一定特征,结合临床,有助于本病的诊断和鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

Amyloidomas involving bone are rare. The 67-year-old man reported here had a large amyloidoma of the left frontal, parietal, sphenoid (greater wing) and temporal bones causing neural compression. Plain radiographs CT and MRI are shown.  相似文献   

肝脏肺吸虫病变综合影像特征与病理对照分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:研究肝脏肺吸虫病变的MRI、CT和超声(US)检查的影像特征及其病理组织学基础。材料与方法:回顾性分析了经病理证实的7例直径3cm以下肝脏肺吸虫病变的MRI、CT和US征象,并与病理结果进行了对照研究。结果:7例均为单发病变。US均表现为低回声,彩色多普勒示病变内未见血流频谱;CT上6例呈低密度,1例为等密度,注射造影剂后病变内大部分无强化,周边轻度强化;MRI上4例呈稍长T1、稍短T2信号,3例呈稍长T1、等和稍长T2信号;5例注射Gd-DTPA,病变周边均可见轻或中度强化,病变内大部分无强化。大体标本上病变呈边界清楚的灰黄或灰白色结节,4例呈多结节融合状,有部分或完整的纤维包裹;大体和组织切片示:病变内有含凝固坏死物的多房性小囊腔或穴道形成及较多的夏科雷登结晶和嗜酸粒细胞。结论:稍短T2信号是肝脏肺吸虫病变的重要征象。稍短T2信号的病理基础为凝固坏死。凝固坏死多呈稍长T1、稍短T2信号,也可呈稍长T1、稍长T2信号。  相似文献   



To compare the usefulness of four imaging modalities in visualizing various foreign bodies of different sizes.


Foreign bodies of four sizes (0.5, 1, 2 and 3 mm) including metal, tooth, wood, plastic, stone, glass and graphite were embedded in six fresh sheep heads on bone surface between the corpus mandible and muscle, and inside the tongue muscle. A human dry skull served as an air-filled space. Plain radiography, CT, MRI and ultrasonography were used, and four skilled radiologists rated the findings individually.


All embedded foreign bodies except wood were best visualized using CT. Wood could only be detected using ultrasonography, and then only when fragments were >0.5 mm in size. Plain radiography and CT were almost equally accurate in visualizing metal and graphite. MRI was the least useful imaging technique.


In cases with suspected foreign bodies in the maxillofacial region, CT seems to be the optimal initial imaging study. Wood, however, could only be detected using ultrasonography.  相似文献   

Deep cerebral vein thrombosis can present with acute, severe neurological symptoms and may be rapidly fatal as in the 20-year-old woman reported here. Although MRI is superior for establishing the diagnosis, CT is usually the first examination performed in the clinical setting. It is therefore important to recognise certain indicators such as extensive bithalamic low density. These and certain other less specific signs are correlated with the MRI and autopsy findings. Received: 14 October 1996 Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

海绵窦影像检查方法比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对正常CS的CT和MRI序列比较研究,探讨CS实用影像检查方法.方法60例鞍区及CS正常的病人分为三组①20例行SET1WI、FSET2WI、脂肪抑制SET1WI、GRET1WI和SET1WI增强扫描;②20例行3DSPGR和高分辨FSET2WI;③另20例行冠状CT增强扫描.采用双盲法评价并比较(秩和检验)8种检查方法对CS区正常解剖结构的显示能力和伪影程度.结果(1)显示CS内第Ⅲ、Ⅴ1和Ⅵ对颅神经SET1WI增强扫描和CT增强扫描优于其他6种序列(Ρ<0.05);(2)显示CS边缘GRET1WI和3DSPGR不如其他6种方法(Ρ<0.05);(3)显示CS间隙GRET1WI、3DSPGR和高分辨FSET2WI不如其他5种方法(Ρ<0.05);(4)显示ICAGRET1WI、3DSPGR、高分辨FSET2WI和CT增强扫描不如其他4种方法(Ρ<0.05);(5)显示骨结构CT优于MRI各序列(Ρ<0.05);(6)磁敏感伪影GRET1WI、3DSPGR和高分辨FSET2WI多于其他序列(Ρ<0.05);(7)ICA相位方向伪影GRET1WI和3DSPGR多于其他序列(Ρ<0.05).结论CS区首选检查为冠状位SET1WI和FSET2WI;脂肪抑制SET1WI和SET1WI增强扫描可在必要时使用;疑有骨结构改变时,需使用CT或CT增强扫描;GRET1WI和3DSPGR不适于CS区检查.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to compare the value of respiratory-triggered fast spin-echo, breath-hold single-shot fast spin-echo, and breath-hold fast-recovery fast spin-echo sequences in detecting hepatic lesions. Fat-suppressed T2-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained with the three sequences in 36 patients with 138 lesions and nine patients without lesions were prospectively analyzed. Quantitative and qualitative analyses, including receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses, were performed. The mean lesion-to-liver contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) for hepatic lesions was highest with the respiratory-triggered fast spin-echo sequence. On the basis of receiver-operating characteristic analyses, tumor detection rates were higher with the breath-hold fast-recovery fast spin-echo sequence (Az = 0.94) than with the respiratory-triggered fast spin-echo sequence (AZ = 0.80, P < 0.0001) or the single-shot fast spin-echo sequence (Az = 0.77, P < 0.0001). The image quality with the breath-hold fast-recovery fast spin-echo sequence was acceptable in all patients. The breath-hold fast-recovery fast spin-echo sequence provided the highest tumor detection in a short imaging time, although the mean lesion-to-liver CNRs were inferior to those of the respiratory-triggered fast spin-echo and the breath-hold single-shot fast spin-echo sequences.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic performance of CT angiography (CTA) and MR angiography (MRA) for preoperative hepatic vascular evaluation in living liver donors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-eight living donor candidates underwent preoperative CTA and MRA. Two blinded radiologists evaluated the anatomic types of the hepatic artery (HA) and portal vein (PV), and the number of aberrant hepatic veins (HVs) on both CTA and MRA, independently. Four grades of confidence levels were used to indicate the clarity of depiction of the HA and PV. Surgical findings were used as a standard of reference. RESULTS: For determining the anatomic types of the HA and PV, and the number of aberrant HVs, CTA and MRA did not significantly differ in terms of accuracy ([89%, 96%, and 68% on CTA] vs. [86%, 93%, and 68% on MRA] for reader 1, P>0.05; and [93%, 100%, and 86% on CTA] vs. [89%, 93%, and 79% on MRA] for reader 2, P>0.05). Confidence for the depiction of major branches of HA and PV did not differ between CTA and MRA, except for a better depiction of the left HA (LHA) on CTA (P<0.05) CONCLUSION: In living donor candidates, both CTA and MRA can provide a complete evaluation of the hepatic vascular anatomy.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The authors compared diagnostic accuracy of maximum intensity projection (MIP), multiplanar reformatting (MPR), and three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering (VR) in the evaluation of gadolinium-enhanced 3D magnetic resonance (MR) angiography of the renal arteries. They hypothesized that VR is as accurate as or more accurate than MIP and MPR at depicting renal artery stenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group comprised 28 consecutive patients who underwent gadolinium-enhanced 3D MR angiography of the renal arteries. Studies were postprocessed to display images in MIP, MPR, and VR formats. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA), when performed (nine of 28 patients), was the standard for comparison. For each main renal artery, an estimate of percentage stenosis was made for any stenoses detected by three independent radiologists. For calculation of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, MR angiographic stenosis estimates were categorized as mild (0%-39%), moderate (40%-69%), or severe (> or = 70%). DSA stenosis estimates of 70% or greater were considered hemodynamically significant. RESULTS: Analysis of variance demonstrated MIP estimates of stenosis were statistically greater than VR estimates in two readers and greater than MPR estimates in all readers for all patients. MIP images also showed the largest mean difference from DSA stenosis estimates for all three readers. For both VR and MPR, mean differences between MR angiographic stenoses estimates and DSA estimates reached significance for only one reader, whereas, for MIP versus DSA, mean differences reached significance for all three readers. Although not statistically significant compared with DSA, accuracies of VR (87%) and MPR (89%) were greater than that of MIP (81%). CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, MIP was the least accurate of the three image display algorithms tested. VR and MPR yielded similar values for each method of comparison.  相似文献   

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