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Differences in clinical pharmacology of the currently marketed phosphodiesterase (PDE)5 inhibitors sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil are largely determined by their pharmacokinetic (PK) properties and their PDE5 inhibitory activity profile. This review outlines the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationships and their relevance to dose selection and applied pharmacotherapy. It is followed by a detailed comparative discussion on the pharmacokinetics and exposure-response relationship of the currently available PDE5 inhibitors, including known drug-drug interactions and dosage adjustments in special populations. The review is aimed at providing a critical assessment of the pharmacokinetics of PDE5 inhibitors, which may assist clinicians in tailoring drug and/or treatment regimens to the unique needs of each individual patient with erectile dysfunction.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence has accumulated demonstrating that a common pathway in conditions such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, and erectile dysfunction (ED) is endothelial dysfunction. Although a complete pharmacological cure for ED is currently unavailable, the phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil are efficacious oral therapy for ED. Results from recent studies suggest that regular treatment with a PDE5 inhibitor may lead to enhanced erectile function (EF) beyond that observed with on-demand usage, possibly through improvement of endothelial function. Such an effect may be viewed as rehabilitation of damaged erectile tissue. The present review focuses on several recent studies which provide evidence for the beneficial effect of regular PDE5 inhibitor administration on the improvement of EF by rehabilitation of vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

5型磷酸二酯酶(phosphodiesterase type 5,PDE5)抑制剂———西地那非、他达拉非和伐地那非是治疗勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)的一线药物。给予患者尝试所有三种药物的机会可以大大提高患者的治疗依从性,同时大多数患者会偏好使用其中一种药物。ED患者普遍偏好使用他达拉非,而且不受ED病情、病因、给药顺序、患者年龄以及剂量的影响。女性伴侣与ED患者的药物选择偏好基本一致,并影响男性伴侣的药物选择。他达拉非起效时间长达36 h,患者可以在较为自由的治疗时间窗内达到勃起,无需刻意安排服药与性活动尝试,性活动时压力明显下降,有助于改善患者的心理状态以及与伴侣的关系。女性伴侣感到回归轻松、自然的性活动,性生活质量得到了整体改善。临床医师开具PDE5抑制剂处方时应考虑患者及其伴侣的药物选择偏好。  相似文献   

Sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, has become a first-line therapy for diabetic patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). The efficacy in this subgroup, based on the Global Efficacy Question, is 56% vs 84% in a selected group of non-diabetic men with ED. Two novel PDE5 inhibitors, tadalafil (Lilly ICOS) and vardenafil (Bayer), have recently completed efficacy and safety clinical trials in 'general' and diabetic study populations and are now candidates for US FDA approval. A summary analysis of the phase three clinical trials of sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil in both study populations is presented to provide a foundation on which the evaluation of the role of the individual PDE5 inhibitors for the treatment of patients with ED and DM can be built.  相似文献   

目的:观察与比较同期内使用3种PDE5抑制剂治疗ED患者的疗效,满意情况和不良反应。分析影响患者疗效、接受度、倾向性的因素。方法:11个月在门诊应用3种PDE5抑制剂治疗ED患者331例。使用西地那非134例,他达拉非88例,及伐地那非109例。医师详细指导药物的应用,注意事项,观察的内容等,并互留电话,列表登记、随访。结果:复诊或电话随访时间,结果为:①获得良好的疗效及满意率为西地那非72例(79.12%),他达拉非52例(78.78%),伐地那非63例(81.81%)。②PDE5抑制剂单纯或交叉应用的资料分析显示:青年患者或新婚者,偏好伐地那非;③中青年患者倾向于他达拉非;中老年及较长期应用PDE5抑制剂的患者多选用西地那非。3种PDE5抑制剂用于早泄均有一定疗效。④对不能继续用此类药治疗ED的原因进行了分析,分别为:价高,不治本,效果差,耽心不良反应。结论:①同期3种PDE5抑制剂治疗ED的疗效基本相近。亦各有一些优势和特点。②3种PDE5抑制剂的安全性均好,一般、轻度不良反应相近,中度、特殊的不良反应少,严重不良反应均无发生。③PDE5抑制剂的疗效观察,目前众多的问卷、量表实际均仍以主观的感受为主。对同一个人以相同形式、相同问题、繁简一致阐述,获得的有关疗效满意情况、感受等简易回答是有可比性、可信度和实用性的。  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitors, such as sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil are first line treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). These PDE5 inhibitors are known to increase cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) concentrations in the smooth muscle cells of the corpora cavernosa penis by inhibiting PDE5, leading to smooth muscle relaxation. This mode of action is also believed to result in prostatic smooth muscle relaxation and to improve lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Randomized controlled trials have shown beneficial effects on LUTS and on objective parameters such as maximum urinary flow rate (tadalafil). Based on these data tadalafil was recently approved for treatment of patients with male LUTS; however, the mechanisms leading to improvement of symptoms are still under debate.  相似文献   

Oral agents are relatively non-invasive, reversible, readily administered and well tolerated; hence, they are emerging as first-line treatments for patients with erectile dysfunction. Two medications have been licensed in Europe: the dopamine agonist sublingual apomorphine, which influences central regulatory mechanisms, and the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor sildenafil citrate, which affects local regulation of erectile function by potentiating the effects of nitric oxide. Two other potent, selective, reversible PDE5 inhibitors (tadalafil and vardenafil) are under regulatory review in Europe, the United States and other countries. In double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, these compounds significantly enhanced erectile function and increased the likelihood of successful sexual intercourse largely irrespective of etiology or severity of erectile insufficiency. Apomorphine and PDE5 inhibitors also significantly improved scores in the erectile function, orgasmic function, intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction domains of the International Index of Erectile Function. Oral agents were well tolerated; adverse events were generally mild or moderate, prompting premature treatment discontinuation in a small minority of patients. The chief adverse effects with apomorphine were nausea and headache, and with PDE5 inhibitors, headache, dyspepsia and flushing. Because of a potential pharmacodynamic interaction between PDE5 inhibitors and nitrates or nitric oxide donors that has been associated with hypotension, concomitant nitrate use is an absolute contraindication. However, the actual incidences of myocardial infarction in sildenafil and tadalafil patients are similar to those in placebo controls.  相似文献   

他达拉非治疗勃起功能障碍:卓越的36小时疗效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
磷酸二酯酶5(PDE5)抑制剂是治疗勃起功能障碍(ED)的一线口服药物,与其他两种PDE5抑制剂(西地那非和伐地那非)相比,他达拉非有着起效快、服用方便和疗效显著的特点,但更为突出的是其较长的血浆清除半衰期带来的36h的持续药效,可以使患者和伴侣能更加自由地安排用药时间。患者和伴侣对他达拉非治疗的高满意度可能主要源于对用药时间顾虑的减少和对性生活时程关注度下降等社会心理收益。同时,他达拉非的安全性和耐受性良好,符合安全、有效、方便的用药原则,使其成为大多数ED患者及其伴侣偏爱的首选用药。  相似文献   

Study Type – Therapy (RCT)
Level of Evidence 1b What’s known on the subject? and What does the study add? There is a positive effect of PDE5 inhibitors on several aspects of the men’s sex lives, chiefly erectile function, personal self‐esteem, and satisfaction from their sex lives. To our knowledge, our study is the first study to evaluate the effects of PDE5 inhibitors on erectile variables simultaneously in a laboratory setting. In the present study, significant penile rigidities were obtained with PDE5 inhibitors in a short period, with no sexual stimulation, in laboratory conditions. Our findings might support the use of PDE5 inhibitors in the men who need penile rehabilitation.


To investigate the effects of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors on erectile variables during a period with no sexual stimulation in a laboratory setting double‐blind study.


In all, 80 men without erectile dysfunction (ED) but with lifelong premature ejaculation (PE) were included in the study. The men were divided equally in to four groups and received either placebo, vardenafil (10 mg), sildenafil (50 mg) or tadalafil (20 mg) in a double‐blind study design. The men attended the laboratory following 3 days of sexual abstinence and placebo or one of the PDE5 inhibitors was ingested after ≥2 h of fasting and non‐smoking. The men were then immediately placed in a silent room and real‐time penile rigidity and tumescence monitoring with Rigiscan Plus (Rigiscan Plus® System, Osbon Medical Systems, Augusta, GA, USA) began. The men read some magazines or newspapers that contained no sexually stimulating material for 1.5 h. There was no interaction between the men and observer during the test period. Times to first measured and total durations of base and tip rigidities, and also total and per minute rigidity were evaluated.


The recorded base and/or tip rigidity ratios were 40% (eight of 20), 71% (12/17), 47% (nine of 19) and 70% (14/20) in men who took placebo, sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil, respectively (P= 0.126). The ratio of men who could obtain ≥60% base and/or tip rigidities were 10% (two of 20), 41% (seven of 17), 26% (five of 19) and 55% (11/20) in placebo, sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil groups, respectively (P < 0.05). The median time to first measured base rigidity was 58.0, 21.5, 54.5 and 57 min with placebo, sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil, respectively (P= 0032). The median total duration of recorded base rigidity was 4.0, 27.5, 10.0 and 11.5 min in men who took placebo, sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil, respectively (P= 0.013). The median total base rigidity (area under the curve) was 72.8, 699.0, 360.5 and 553.0 with placebo, sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil, respectively (P= 0.016).


Significant penile rigidities were obtained with PDE5 inhibitors during the short test period, with no sexual stimulation, in laboratory conditions. This finding might support the use of PDE5 inhibitors in men who need penile rehabilitation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil, all phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors used for treating erectile dysfunction, for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mRNA expression of the PDE-5 was determined in rat LUT tissues. The PDE-5 inhibitors were also tested in organ-bath experiments and in a partial bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) rat model in vivo. RESULTS: The highest PDE-5 mRNA expression was in the bladder, followed by the urethra and prostate. PDE-5 inhibitors dose-dependently reduced the contraction of the isolated bladder, urethral and prostate strips. The rank order of potency was vardenafil > sildenafil > tadalafil. In human prostate stromal cells vardenafil inhibited cell proliferation and was more effective than tadalafil and sildenafil. In the BOO model, there was a reduction in the non-voiding contractions after bolus intravenous administration of 3 mg/kg sildenafil and vardenafil. CONCLUSION: These results show that PDE-5 is expressed in LUT tissues. PDE-5 inhibitors induced significant relaxation of these tissues, inhibited the proliferation of human prostate stromal cells and reduced the irritative symptoms of BPH/LUTS in vivo. Therefore, PDE-5 inhibitors could be used as an effective treatment for BPH/LUTS.  相似文献   

Based on the increasing knowledge on both the physiology of penile erection and the pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction, selective phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors have been successfully introduced in the oral treatment of male erectile dysfunction. Because of their central role in smooth muscle tone regulation, PDEs remain an attractive target for drug development in urology. Since the distribution and functional significance of PDE isoenzymes vary in different tissues, selective inhibitors of the isoenzymes have the potential to exert at least partially specific effects on the target tissue. Currently, PDE inhibitors are under investigation with potential uses in urinary stone disease, overactive bladder and the so-called benign prostatic syndrome. The convincing clinical data on the use of the orally active PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (VIAGRA), vardenafil (LEVITRA) and tadalafil (CIALIS) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction are accompanied by boosting research activities on intracellular signal transduction and PDE characterisation in female genital tissues with the aid of immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry and molecular biology. The expression of various PDE isoforms in the human clitoris, vagina and labia minora was shown by means of immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR analyses and it was concluded from functional studies that an increase in cGMP or cAMP might be involved in the regulation of female genital blood flow and the control of genital non-vascular smooth muscle. As a consequence, the efficacy and safety of the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil in the treatment of symptoms of female sexual dysfunction (FSD), including female sexual arousal disorders (FSAD), have been evaluated. Although the experiences from these early clinical studies have so far not been conclusive, they suggest that, after appropriate evaluation of patients, inhibition of PDE5 might be of benefit for selected individuals with FSAD. Such research efforts will possibly allow the identification of efficacious and diagnostic tools for erectile dysfunction and of even more selective drugs in its therapy.  相似文献   

The phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitors sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil are widely used first-line therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED). Since the advent of sildenafil in 1998, more than 40 million men worldwide have been successfully treated with these compounds. The safety and high tolerability of PDE5 inhibitors make them an attractive tool to investigate further physiological functions of PDE5, for example the modulation of intracellular cyclic GMP (cGMP) pools. As cGMP is a key component of intracellular signaling this may provide novel therapeutic opportunities beyond ED even for indications in which chronic administration is necessary. The approval of sildenafil for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in 2005 was a notable success in this area of research. A number of other potential new indications are currently in various phases of preclinical research and development. In recent years, extensive but very heterogeneous information has been published in this field. The aim of this review is to summarize existing preclinical and clinical knowledge and critically discuss the evidence to support potential future indications for PDE5 inhibitors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: PDE5 inhibitors represent the gold standard in the medical therapy of erectile dysfunction (ED). Promising results have been published regarding further urological indications such as treatment of ureteral colic. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the functional effects of the PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (SIL), vardenafil (VAR), and tadalafil (TAD) on tissue tension and cyclic nucleotide levels of human ureteral smooth muscle segments in vitro. METHODS: Relaxant responses of human ureteral smooth muscle were investigated in vitro using the organ bath technique. Cyclic nucleotides cAMP and cGMP were determined by specific radioimmunoassays. RESULTS: Relaxing effects of ureteral muscle tension were observed in the rank order VAR>SIL>TAD. While only VAR significantly elevated cGMP levels 3.3-fold over control, no increase for cAMP levels was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide evidence that cGMP is involved in the control of the normal function of the smooth musculature of the human ureter. Our findings suggest the potential of using selective inhibitors of PDE isoenzymes in the treatment of ureteral colic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This observational study was conducted across Europe to assess health outcomes in men with erectile dysfunction (ED) who took tadalafil, sildenafil citrate (sildenafil), or vardenafil HCl (vardenafil) for 6 mo. METHODS: Therapy effectiveness and patient satisfaction were evaluated using established and new questions on erectile function. Behavioural, psychological, and relationship outcomes were assessed using the short form of the Psychological and Interpersonal Relationship Scales (SF-PAIRS). RESULTS: In nine European countries at 904 sites, 8047 patients were enrolled and 94% (7560) selected either tadalafil (5315), sildenafil (1252), or vardenafil (993) for treatment at baseline. Of the 7560, 3998 (52.9%) took the same drug for 6 mo. Baseline characteristics across the three treatment groups were comparable: mean age approximately 56 yr, moderate or severe ED, and mean International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function domain score about 13. Tadalafil, sildenafil, and vardenafil were therapeutically effective and improved patient satisfaction in the 40-58% of men who completed 6 mo of a single therapy. Patients taking tadalafil consistently had numerically higher levels of therapeutic effectiveness and satisfaction compared with patients who took sildenafil or vardenafil. The three cohorts had statistically significant changes from baseline in response to SF-PAIRS and there were significant differences, in favour of tadalafil, among cohorts in the Time Concerns domain. CONCLUSION: In a large observational study that mimics a routine clinical setting, most patients selected an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 5 to treat ED, which resulted in a high level of therapeutic effectiveness and patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects up to 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 years of age. Sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil have all been shown to be similarly effective in the treatment of men with ED of vary etiologies, to have similar adverse effects profiles, and to improve quality-of-life by similar amounts. As these phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors all increase the hypotensive effects of nitrates, they are not suitable for use in patients taking nitrates for the treatment of ischaemic heart disease. All three inhibitors must be used with caution in patients taking alpha(1)-adrenoceptors antagonists for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Although nonarteritic anterior ischaemic neuropathy has been reported in some users of the PDE5 inhibitors, there is no conclusive evidence that PDE5 inhibitors cause this rare effect. Tadalafil has a longer half-life than sildenafil or vardenafil, and a longer duration of action than sildenafil and vardenafil. Most preference studies have shown tadalafil to be preferred, but there are serious limitations to some of these studies. One approach to treatment is to give each patient a short- and long-acting agent, and for individuals to decide their preference.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors selectively inhibit PDE-5 enzymes that are present in various tissues like penile tissue, platelets, vascular, and smooth muscle tissue. The drug's actions on these tissues have lead to the successful therapeutic use in patients suffering from conditions such as erectile dysfunction (ED) and pulmonary hypertension. PDE-5 inhibitors (PDE-5i) act on the erectile tissue causing penile smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilatation leading to penile erection. In addition, in particular when used in conjunction with prostaglandin inhibitors, PDE-5i cause vasodilatation in pulmonary vasculature hence decreasing both the pulmonary arterial pressure and resistance. PDE-5i have also shown to mildly decrease blood pressure, increase cardiac index, and increase coronary blood flow in experimental animals as well as in human studies. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three PDE-5i for the treatment of ED: sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis) and one for pulmonary hypertension: sildenafil (Revatio). These agents are highly selective for PDE-5 enzymes as compared to other subclasses of PDE enzymes and have the almost identical pharmacological action but slightly different pharmacokinetics. Only little data exist about long-term use of PDE-5i and their effects on different organ system. This paper reviews the current information available on chronic PDE-5 inhibitor use.  相似文献   

This meta-analytic study aims to estimate the likely improvements of erectile dysfunction (ED) measured by the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) at the highest fixed dosages of the three available PDE-5-inhibitors: sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil. MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library were searched electronically for efficacy trials of PDE-5-inhibitors for treating ED. In addition drug manufacturers were contacted to provide unpublished or unrecorded congress proceedings. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, maximum fixed-dose, broad-spectrum efficacy trials using IIEF were included in the analysis. Data were independently extracted by two reviewers. The results were pooled using weighted mean differences. A formal indirect comparison (including Bonferroni-correction) was conducted to estimate the differences between agents. A total of 14 trials were included in the meta-analysis (three with 100 mg sildenafil, eight with 20-25 mg tadalafil, and three with 20 mg vardenafil). All trials were of good methodological quality. Overall heterogeneity was moderate: I(2)=33.2%, chi(2)=19.47, P=0.11. The funnel plot suggested moderate likelihood of publication bias. Pooled results of IIEF-improvement were for sildenafil 9.65 (95% CI: 8.50, 10.79) points, tadalafil 8.52 (7.61, 9.42) points, and vardenafil 7.50 (6.50, 8.50) points, respectively. Sildenafil proved to be significantly more effective than vardenafil (d=2.15, P=0.006), other pairwise comparisons showed no difference in efficacy. All PDE-5-inhibitors are highly effective in the treatment of ED. At maximum dosage they improve erectile function 7-10 points on the IIEF compared to placebo-treatment. There is evidence that sildenafil might be more efficacious than vardenafil, although this is to be interpreted with caution. To prove higher efficacy truly independent comparative trials are needed.  相似文献   

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