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Respirable dustiness represents the tendency of a powder to generate respirable airborne dust during handling and therefore indicates the propensity for a powder to become an inhalation hazard. The dustiness of 14 powders, including 10 different nanopowders, was evaluated with the use of a novel low-mass dustiness tester designed to minimize the use of the test powder. The aerosol created from 15-mg powder samples falling down a tube were measured with an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS). Particle counts integrated throughout the pulse of aerosol created by the falling powder were used to calculate a respirable dustiness mass fraction (D, mg/kg). An amorphous silicon dioxide nanopowder produced a respirable D of 121.4 mg/kg, which was significantly higher than all other powders (p < 0.001). Many nanopowders produced D values that were not significantly different from large-particle powders, such as Arizona Road Dust and bentonite clay. In general, fibrous nanopowders and powders with primary particles >100 nm are not as dusty as those containing granular, nano-sized primary particles. The method used here, incorporating an APS, represents a deviation from a standard method but resulted in dustiness values comparable to other standard methods.  相似文献   

Worker exposure to airborne particulates was stimulated in a laboratory under controlled conditions. Small volumes, 3.8 L (1 gal.), of finely divided powders were transferred at 1-min intervals to 23-L (6-gal.) containers over 30-min time intervals. A high-volume filter array in the exit vent of the specially designed exposure laboratory was used both to control the ventilation rate and to determine the emission factor of the pouring operation. The room ventilation rate, method of transfer, and drop height were varied, and the resulting particulate concentrations were monitored by personal and area samplers. The four powders studied were talc, sodium chloride, Portland cement, and Direct Yellow 4 dye. Based on this study, a model was developed to predict potential worker exposure from the pouring of small volumes of powders. The model is based on the following major conclusions. First, the space- and time-averaged concentration of suspended particulate matter at breathing height agrees well with the mean concentration of suspended particulate matter in the room air effluent. Second, material-specific suspended particulate emission factors vary approximately in direct proportion to the drop height. Third, emission factors for scooping/dumping operations agree well with factors for pouring operations for a given drop height. Fourth, emission factors compare well with dustiness indexes that were determined using a bench-scale dustiness test chamber described in a companion paper. Parameters of the exposure model include dustiness index, drop height of the pouring operation, total quantity of material poured, averaging time, and the fraction of respirable material. For the validation of the model, additional data would be necessary.  相似文献   

A task-specific exposure matrix was designed for workers installing building insulation materials. A priori, a matrix element was defined by type of task (installer or helper), type of work area (attic spaces or wall cavities) and type of insulation material (slabs from mineral wool, fiberglass or flax; loose-fill cellulosic material or perlite). In the laboratory a mock-up (full scale) of a one-family house was used for simulated installation of insulation materials (four replicates per matrix element). Personal exposure to dust and fibers was measured. The dust was analyzed for content of endotoxin and some trace elements (boron and aluminum) from fire-retardant or mold-resistant additives. Fibers were characterized as WHO fibers or non-WHO fibers. In support of the exposure matrix, the dustiness of all the materials was measured in a rotating drum tester. For installers in attic spaces, risk of exposure was low for inhalation of dust and WHO fibers from slab materials of mineral wool or fiberglass. Slab materials from flax may cause high risk of exposure to endotoxin. The risk of exposure by inhalation of dust from loose-fill materials was high for installers in attic spaces and for some of the materials risk of exposure was high for boron and aluminum. Exposure by inhalation of cellulosic WHO fibers was high but little is known about the health effects and a risk assessment is not possible. For the insulation of walls, the risk of installers' exposure by inhalation of dust and fibers was low for the slab materials, while a high risk was observed for loose-fill materials. The exposure to WHO fibers was positively correlated to the dust exposure. A dust level of 6.1 mg/m3 was shown to be useful as a proxy for screening exposure to WHO fibers in excess of 10(6) fibers/m3. In the rotating drum, slabs of insulation material from mineral wool or fiberglass were tested as not dusty. Cellulosic loose-fill materials were tested as very dusty, and perlite proved to be extremely dusty.  相似文献   

In this study, we show the different dustiness characteristics of four molecular pharmaceutical powder candidates and evaluate the performance of HEPA filters damaged with three different pinhole sizes and exposed to dust using real industrial powders in a miniaturized EN15051 rotating drum dustiness tester. We then demonstrate the potential use of such data using first-order exposure modeling to assess the potential worker exposure and transmission of active powder ingredients into ventilation systems. The four powders had highly variable inhalable dustiness indices (1,036 – 14,501 mg/kg). Dust particle size-distributions were characterized by three peaks; the first occurred around 60–80 nm, the second around 250 nm, and the third at 2–3 μm. The second and third peaks are often observed in dustiness test studies, but peaks in the 60–80 nm range have not been previously reported. Exposure modeling in a 5 times 20 kg powder pouring scenario, suggests that excessive dust concentrations may be reached during use of powders with the highest dustiness levels. By number, filter-damage by three pinhole sizes resulted in damage-dependent penetration of 70–80 nm-size particles, but by volume and mass the penetration is still dominated by particles larger than 100 nm. Whereas the exposure potential was evident, the potential dust concentrations in air ducts following the pouring scenario above were at pg/m3 levels. Hence, filter penetration at these damage levels was assumed to be only critical, if the active ingredients were associated with high hazard or unique product purity is required.

[Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene for the following free supplemental resource: An example of a typical particle number time-series of a complete dustiness test. It provides information on the HEPA-filter used including a scanning electron microscopy image of it. It also provides APS-measurements of particles penetrating the damaged HEPA-filter.]  相似文献   

Laboratory bench tests, known as dustiness tests, have been used to evaluate and compare the potential of various powders to cause occupational dust exposure. Dustiness tests are used to develop products with reduced dust emissions. The correlation between dustiness test results and dust exposures was evaluated at two bag dumping and bag filling operations. At one bag dumping and one bag filling operation, there was evidence of a relationship between dustiness test results and dust exposures. In one case, regression analysis showed that dust exposures could be predicted to within nearly one order of magnitude. The variability in this prediction was caused by the inherent variability in the occupational dust exposures. In the other case, there was evidence of a correlation after the data had been adjusted for the effect of varying drop height. At the remaining two operations, no correlation between dust exposures and dustiness test results were observed. These results indicate that the relevance of dustiness tests to occupational dust exposure needs to be evaluated at each site. Because a better option does not exist, manufacturers should continue to use empirical dustiness tests to develop better products in the laboratory. The conclusions reached in the laboratory need to be validated by dust exposure measurements in the field, however.  相似文献   

The trend among pharmaceutical companies to develop selective drugs of high potency has pushed the industry to consider the potential of each hazardous ingredient to become airborne. Dustiness issues are not unique to the pharmaceutical industry, but are relevant to any industry where powdered materials are mixed, transferred and handled. Interest in dustiness is also driven by concerns for worker health, the potential for plant explosions and the prevention of product loss. Unlike other industries, the pharmaceutical industry is limited by the milligram quantity of powdered material available for testing during product development. These needs have led to the development of a bench-top dustiness tester that requires only 10 mg of powder and fully contains the generated aerosol. The powder is dispersed within a 5.7 liter glass chamber that contains a respirable mass sampler and a closed-face sampler to quantify the respirable and total dust that are generated with a given energy input. The tester distinguished differences in dustiness levels of five different powders. Finer powders were dustier, and the respirable dust percentage was always less than that for total dust. Four testers have been built and evaluated using pharmaceutical grade lactose. Dustiness measurements determined using all four testers were comparable. The pharmaceutical industry uses surrogates such as lactose to represent active compounds in tests that estimate the dust concentration likely to occur in a new manufacturing operation. Differences between the dustiness of the active compound and its surrogate challenge the relevance of the surrogate tests to represent true exposures in the workplace. The tester can determine the dustiness of both the active compound and its surrogate, and the resultant ratio can help to interpret dust concentrations from surrogate tests. Further, dustiness information may allow the pharmaceutical researcher to select powder formulations that present low airborne concentrations in the workplace.  相似文献   

The classification of Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) as carcinogenic for humans has drawn greater attention to crystalline silica exposure in the workplace in recent years, leading to recommendations by safety and health bodies in Europe and the U.S. for lower occupational exposure limits. In view of this new scenario, the present study examined quartz dustiness, as quartz handling is a major source of crystalline silica in the workplace. The study was conducted on test samples with different mean particle sizes, prepared from several commercial quartzes. The quartz particle samples were characterised and the influence of certain quartz particle parameters on quartz dustiness was determined.

The results indicate that quartz dustiness may be significantly affected by mean particle size, specific surface area, the Hausner ratio, and fine particle content. The study shows that, in order to minimise the adverse health effects associated with the inhalation of crystalline silica, quartz dustiness may be deemed a key factor in controlling the generation of fugitive quartz emissions during quartz processing, both into the outside atmosphere (air pollution) and inside the facilities (occupational health).  相似文献   

Exposure to organic dust originating from biofuels can cause adverse health effects. In the present study we have assessed the dustiness in terms of microbial components and particles of various biofuels by using a rotating drum as a dust generator. Microbial components from straw, wood chips, wood pellets and wood briquettes were quantified by several methods. Excellent correlations (r >/= 0.85, P < 0.0001) were found: between lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (as determined by 3-hydroxy fatty acid analysis) and endotoxin (as determined by a Limulus test), cultivable bacteria, total number of bacteria and muramic acid; between endotoxin and cultivable bacteria, total number of bacteria and muramic acid; between total number of bacteria and muramic acid; between cultivable fungi and total number of fungi. Straw was dustier than the other biofuels in terms of actinomycetes, bacteria, muramic acid, endotoxin, LPS, particle mass and number of particles. One of the wood chips studied and the straws had comparatively high dustiness in terms of fungi, while both wood pellets and wood briquettes had comparatively low dustiness in terms of all microbial components. An initially high particle generation rate of straw and wood chips decreased over time whereas the particle generation rate of wood briquettes and wood pellets increased during a 5 min rotation period. Particles of non-microbial origin may be the determining factor for the health risk in handling briquettes and pellets. Straw dust contained significantly more microorganisms per particle than did wood chip dust, probably because bacteria were most abundant in straw dust. The concentrations of endotoxin and fungi were high in wood and straw dust; dust from one of the straws contained 3610 EU/mg and dust from one of the chips contained 7.3 x 10(6) fungal spores/mg. An exposure to 3 mg of straw or wood chips dust/m(3) (the Swedish and Danish OEL of unspecific inhalable dust) could cause exposures to endotoxin and fungi higher than levels were health symptoms are seen to develop. The very different levels of dustiness in terms of particles and microbial components of different biofuels shows that dustiness is an important health-relevant factor to consider when choosing among biofuels and when designing worksites for handling of biofuels.  相似文献   

A stratified random sample of 580 workers aged between 18 and 50 years representing each sub-occupation in the brassware industry was studied for the prevalence of chronic bronchitis in relation to occupational and environmental factors. The findings were compared with those obtained in a reference group (N = 131) belonging to similar socio-economic status and unexposed to a dusty environment. Although the exposed group showed higher prevalence of chronic bronchitis in comparison to that observed in the controls (10.5 vs 5.3%), the difference was not significant at the 5% level. It was observed that the workers engaged in non-dusty occupations such as brass sheet cutting and engraving showed the lowest prevalence of the disease (5.0%) while those engaged in the dusty occupations viz., casting, soldering, electroplating and polishing showed the highest prevalence (12.0%). The smoking adjusted odds ratios calculated in various sub-occupations showed the highest risk of developing chronic bronchitis among the polishers (2.74). Though the risk in other occupational sub-groups was double, it did not attain a level of significance. The smoking adjusted odds ratios in relation to length of exposure showed that the risk was significantly higher among the workers exposed for over 10 years compared to those who worked for less than 10 years in the grinding, soldering and brass ingot making operations. The study thus showed a dose-response relationship between length of exposure and chronic bronchitis while effect of age on the disease was not discernible probably due to the small number of cases and the young age of the study group. The concentration of various metals in the air samples drawn from the work environment where main processes were in operation, was low compared to the prescribed level by ACGIH.  相似文献   

The dustiness of 12 test powders was determined using three different measuring methods. One of the methods, the continuous drop method, is a reference test method according to the EN 15051 'Workplace atmospheres--Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials--Requirements and reference test methods'. A test of equivalence between the reference test method and the other two methods, the modified Heubach Dustmeter, a rotating drum method and the Palas Dustview, a single-drop method, has been carried out as provided in Annex D of the European standard. No equivalence was found between any of the test methods. An applied best-case scenario yielded a slightly better outcome, but the results lead to the conclusion that it is impossible to generate viable values using the test of equivalence provided in the standard. This outcome was expected and is due to the different handling procedures applied-which, however, relates to the reality of the variety of material-handling procedures in the workplace.  相似文献   

Associations between stomach cancer and occupational exposure to rubber remain uncertain, and thus far only a few studies have been carried out to investigate risks of stomach cancer in different jobs in the rubber industry, and confounding of the risk/exposure relationship by non-occupational risk factors, especially by the economic status. This study was aimed to explore these questions. Following a case-cohort design, we used the data of 36 stomach cancer deaths in 1973-95 and a random sample (sub-cohort) of 188 from among 1598 subjects employed in a rubber plant in Shanghai, China. We analysed stomach cancer risks by the economic status, smoking, alcohol consumption, and residential exposure to coal burning-related pollution, etc., and assessed by jobs and years, unadjusted and adjusted. The rate ratios for stomach cancer were found to be 1.70 for 1-19 yr of employment and 1.79 for 20 or more yr of employment in the inner tire tube department. After the economic status was adjusted, the rate ratios were 1.54 and 1.64, respectively. Although the front processing of rubber was also included in our analysis no evidence of any excess risk of stomach cancer was found. Rate ratios adjusted for four job groups were the highest in the low income group. The association followed a pattern of a dose-response relationship--increasing rate ratios correlated with decreasing annual income (statistic trend: chi 2(1) = 8.35, p = 0.004). The data obtained suggest that excess risks of stomach cancer in the rubber workers were mainly related to their economic status and only slightly (some 1.6) to the talc powder exposure. Results of this study fail to provide any statistically significant evidence to support the hypothesis that there was high risk of death from stomach cancer among the rubber workers employed in high dusty departments.  相似文献   

Bladder cancer and occupational exposure to leather   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large case-control study of bladder cancer (2982 cases; 5782 controls) included information about occupational exposure to leather. Occupational histories of exposed white study subjects were reviewed and 150 were determined to have had "true" on the job exposure to leather. The odds ratio estimate (OR) of bladder cancer associated with such exposure in white subjects (n = 8063) was 1.4 (95% confidence limits = 1.0, 1.9) after adjustment for sex, age, and cigarette smoking. The risk was highest in those first employed in a leather job before 1945, although no dose-response relation with duration of leather employment was found. Subjects employed in "dusty" leather jobs had a slightly higher risk than those with other types of leather jobs. Our results are consistent with reports of an increased risk of bladder cancer associated with exposure to leather. Although the agents responsible have not been identified, our findings of an increased risk associated with exposure in the earlier years of this century and in dusty jobs suggest that leather dusts may be important.  相似文献   

Bladder cancer and occupational exposure to leather.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A large case-control study of bladder cancer (2982 cases; 5782 controls) included information about occupational exposure to leather. Occupational histories of exposed white study subjects were reviewed and 150 were determined to have had "true" on the job exposure to leather. The odds ratio estimate (OR) of bladder cancer associated with such exposure in white subjects (n = 8063) was 1.4 (95% confidence limits = 1.0, 1.9) after adjustment for sex, age, and cigarette smoking. The risk was highest in those first employed in a leather job before 1945, although no dose-response relation with duration of leather employment was found. Subjects employed in "dusty" leather jobs had a slightly higher risk than those with other types of leather jobs. Our results are consistent with reports of an increased risk of bladder cancer associated with exposure to leather. Although the agents responsible have not been identified, our findings of an increased risk associated with exposure in the earlier years of this century and in dusty jobs suggest that leather dusts may be important.  相似文献   

The standard thermal precipitator has been modified for field surveys of airborne dust exposure so as to make it more portable. A microprojector is used when assessing the samples and for coal-mine dusts the counts are restricted to the range 0·5 to 5 microns.

In industrial environments the dust concentration appears to vary with a standard deviation of more than 50% of the mean. Part of this variability is due to errors of the thermal precipitator. The standard error of a count of a sample is about 10% to 15% in practical work and the combined effect of this and other errors is that the standard error of a single result is about 15%. However, in practice this can be neglected since the dust concentration itself is so variable. A more important source of error is the bias, due to overlapping among the particles on the cover glasses. The count may give a serious underestimate of the number of airborne particles if high sample densities are used.

The product of average concentration and duration of exposure is probably a good index of the dose of dust retained in a man's lungs. The duration of exposure is measured by a simple time study made at the same time as the concentration is measured.

Samples are taken near workers chosen at random to give unbiased estimates of the dust exposure. Ideally successive samples are taken alongside different workers. However, in a survey at a colliery it was not possible to do this and each day had to be spent with one collier. The mean dust exposure of the coal-getters was 2,860 particle-hours per shift, of those on stone work 2,250 particle-hours per shift, and the remainder had a mean dust exposure of 1,010 particle-hours per shift.

In a survey at a steel works successive samples could be taken alongside different workers. It was found that the dustiness was unrelated to the apparently dusty processes and as the dust was very fine it was suspected that it was the normal atmospheric pollution of the neighbourhood. This was confirmed by samples taken outside.

The cost of such surveys is found to lie between £1 and £2 per sample taken and consequently alternative instruments are being developed which can run unattended for long periods. In future research studies respiratory ventilation as well as dust exposure may be measured over many years, which, combined with periodic medical examinations, would enable the relation between dust exposure and its effects on the men to be determined.


A dustiness test has been developed that performs both a single-drop and a continuous rotation test using a 6-g sample. Tests were completed on pigment-grade and ultrafine TiO2, two grades of corundum (Aloxite), yttrium-stabilized zirconia (Y-zirconia) granules, fumed silica, goethite, talc and bentonite. The generated particles were quantified by counting and sizing at 1-s time resolution using the TSI Fast Mobility Particle Sizer and the TSI Aerodynamic Particle Sizer and by collecting the particles on a filter for weighing. The method generated reproducible amounts and size distributions of particles. The size distributions had two more or less separated size modes >0.9 microm and in addition all materials except TiO2 pigment-grade and Aloxite F1200 generated a size mode in the range from approximately 100 to approximately 220 nm. Pigment-grade TiO2 had the lowest dustiness and ultrafine TiO2 the highest dustiness as measured by particle number for both the single-drop and rotation test and as measured by mass for both tests combined. The difference was a factor of approximately 300. Three types of dust generation rate time profiles were observed; brief initial burst (talc, both grades of corundum), decaying rate during rotation period (fumed silica, TiO2 ultrafine and pigment grade, bentonite) and constant rate (Y-zirconia, goethite). These profile types were in agreement with the differences in the ratio of amount of particles generated during the single drop to the amount generated during the single-drop and rotation test combined. The ratio ranged a factor approximately 40. The new test method enables a characterization of dustiness with relevance to different user scenarios.  相似文献   

A wide variety of raw materials, involving more than 20 samples of quartzes, feldspars, nephelines, carbonates, dolomites, sands, zircons, and alumina, were selected and characterised. Dustiness, i.e., a materials' tendency to generate dust on handling, was determined using the continuous drop method. These raw materials were selected to encompass a wide range of particle sizes (1.6–294 µm) and true densities (2650–4680 kg/m3).

The dustiness of the raw materials, i.e., their tendency to generate dust on handling, was determined using the continuous drop method. The influence of some key material parameters (particle size distribution, flowability, and specific surface area) on dustiness was assessed. In this regard, dustiness was found to be significantly affected by particle size distribution.

Data analysis enabled development of a model for predicting the dustiness of the studied materials, assuming that dustiness depended on the particle fraction susceptible to emission and on the bulk material's susceptibility to release these particles. On the one hand, the developed model allows the dustiness mechanisms to be better understood. In this regard, it may be noted that relative emission increased with mean particle size. However, this did not necessarily imply that dustiness did, because dustiness also depended on the fraction of particles susceptible to be emitted. On the other hand, the developed model enables dustiness to be estimated using just the particle size distribution data. The quality of the fits was quite good and the fact that only particle size distribution data are needed facilitates industrial application, since these data are usually known by raw materials managers, thus making additional tests unnecessary.

This model may therefore be deemed a key tool in drawing up efficient preventive and/or corrective measures to reduce dust emissions during bulk powder processing, both inside and outside industrial facilities. It is recommended, however, to use the developed model only if particle size, true density, moisture content, and shape lie within the studied ranges.  相似文献   

For registration of agricultural pesticides, the risks for humans, animals, and the environment must be determined. The risk assessment is based on an appraisal of the levels of exposure and the hazards of the active substance(s) in the plant protection product, that is, the agricultural pesticide. Funded by the European Commission (AIR3 CT93-1370), the EUROPOEM database has been developed by a group of experts, representing governments, industry, and academia. The currently available exposure database reflects exposure to operators (mixer/loaders and applicators). The EUROPOEM approach is based on a harmonized protocol for conduct of field studies of operator exposure (presently published as an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] Guidance Document) and a tiered approach to exposure and risk assessment. The database is constructed from exposure data obtained in representative field studies. These field studies are considered according to criteria reflecting the quality of documentation, study design, adequate methodology, number of replicates, and QA/QC elements, for use of the inhalation and dermal exposure data. The resulting exposure data were combined according to comparable use scenarios. From the resulting databases typical surrogate potential exposure values have been obtained, which are determined by their use for either acute or chronic health effects, and the size of the database. For large databases (over 50-100 data points), from many different field studies (10 or more), the 75th percentile is taken if the exposure is considered leading to chronic effects. For smaller databases, a more conservative 90th percentile is taken as surrogate value, or none at all for very small databases (15-20 or less data points from 3 or less different field studies). The choice for the 75th percentile is based on the assumed or observed lognormal distribution of the exposure data, as being the most relevant typical value for long-term effects, since the 75th percentile of log-normal distributions is nominally very similar to a calculated arithmetic mean (AM). The AM, as such however, is irrelevant for log-normal distributions.  相似文献   

The influence of site-specific conditions on contaminant bioavailability and toxicity to benthic invertebrates is a key consideration in the environmental risk assessment process. This is particularly relevant for contaminants with complex speciation chemistries, such as arsenic. The present study addressed uncertainties regarding arsenic toxicity to a mayfly (Baetis tricaudatus) under low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions characteristic of many contaminated sites. Arsenic toxicity (arsenite, As(III); arsenate, As(V)) to mayfly nymphs was assessed under two DO scenarios (68 and 84% saturation). Arsenic speciation ratios were determined during testing to confirm the nature of arsenic exposure. The present study found that As(III) was more lethal and bioaccumulated to a greater degree in B. tricaudatus compared to As(V), but the sublethal toxicities of the two arsenic species were similar. Nymph growth and development were significantly inhibited after 12 d of exposure to both 1 mg/L of As(III) and As(V). Exposure to arsenic under low DO conditions (6.5 mg/L, 68% saturation) did not significantly affect As(III) or As(V) toxicity and bioaccumulation over 12 d. The DO level of 6.5 mg/L, however, appeared to be marginally lethal to B. tricaudatus. Results indicate that the Canadian arsenic criterion for the protection of aquatic life (5 microg/L) is protective of B. tricaudatus and is low enough to accommodate differences in arsenic toxicity because of the interconversions between As(III) and As(V). These findings provide insight regarding the toxicity and speciation of arsenic under DO conditions considered to be low for this lotic mayfly species and representative of existing conditions at mine sites in northern Canada.  相似文献   

The sources and intensity of lead exposure in utero and in early childhood were determined using stable lead isotopic ratios and lead concentrations of incisal and cervical sections of deciduous teeth from 30 exposed and nonexposed children from the Broken Hill lead mining community in Australia. Incisal sections, consisting mostly of enamel, generally have low amounts of lead and isotopic compositions consistent with those expected in the mother during pregnancy. Cervical sections, consisting mostly of dentine with secondary dentine removed by resorption and reaming, generally have higher amounts of lead than the enamel and isotopic compositions consistent with the source of postnatal exposure. There are statistically significant differences in lead concentrations between incisal and cervical sections, representing within-tooth variation, for children with low and high lead exposure (p = 0.0007, 2 x 10(-6), respectively) and for those who have ingested leaded paint (p = 0.009). Statistically significant differences between incisal and cervical sections in these three exposure groups are also exhibited by the three sets of lead isotope ratios (e.g., p = 0.001 for 206Pb/204Pb ratio in the low exposure group). There are statistically significant differences between the low and high lead exposure groups for lead concentrations and isotopic ratios in incisal (p = 0.005 for lead concentration and 6 x 10(-6) for 206Pb/204Pb ratio) and cervical sections (p = 5 x 10(-5) for lead concentration and 6 x 10(-6) for 206Pb/204Pb ratio). The dentine results reflect an increased exposure to lead from the lead-zinc-silver mineral deposit (orebody lead) during early childhood, probably associated with hand-to-mouth activity. Leaded paint was identified as the source of elevated tooth lead in at least two cases. Increased exposure to lead from orebody and paint sources in utero was implicated in two cases, but there was no indication of previous exposure from the mothers' current blood leads, suggesting an acute rather than a chronic exposure for the mothers. Permanent teeth from one subject had lower amounts of lead in the roots compared with the crowns, and the isotopic composition of the crowns were consistent with the data for the deciduous teeth from the same subject. Based on changes in the isotopic composition of enamel and dentine, it is provisionally estimated that lead is added to dentine at a rate of approximately 2-3% per year.  相似文献   

The prevalence of byssinosis was measured in a population of 189 male and 780 female workers employed in three coarse and two fine cotton mills. Ninety-eight per cent. of the male and 96% of the female population were seen.

The workers were graded by their histories as follows:

Grade 0—No symptoms of chest tightness or breathlessness on Mondays

Grade ½—Occasional chest tightness on Mondays, or mild symptoms such as irritation of the respiratory tract on Mondays

Grade 1—Chest tightness and/or breathlessness on Mondays only

Grade 2—Chest tightness and/or breathlessness on Mondays and other days

The dust concentrations to which the workers were exposed were measured with a dust-sampling instrument based on the hexhlet. Altogether 505 working places were sampled. In the card-rooms of the coarse mills 63% of the men and 48% of the women had symptoms of byssinosis. In the card-rooms of the fine mills the corresponding prevalences were 7% for the men, and 6% for the women. Prevalences were low in the spinning-rooms in the coarse mills. The mean dust concentrations in the different rooms ranged from 90 mg./100 m.3 in one section of the card-room in a fine mill, to 440 mg./100 m.3 in one of the card-rooms of the coarse spinning mills. The prevalence of byssinosis in the different rooms was closely related to the overall dustiness (r = 0·93). For the three main constituents of the dust, namely, cellulose, protein, and ash, the prevalence of byssinosis correlated most highly with protein, particularly with the protein in the medium-sized dust particles, i.e., approximately 7 microns to 2 mm.

The symptoms of byssinosis may be caused by something in the plant débris which affects the respiratory tract above the level of the terminal bronchioles. This is the site where the medium-sized dust deposits. The possible importance of the fine dust is discussed.

For routine measurements in industry, it is necessary to have a method of assessing dustiness in which the sampling equipment is simple and assessment rapid. As total dust concentration is relatively easy to measure, and correlates closely with the prevalence of byssinosis, permissible levels of dustiness have been expressed in terms of total dust. On comparing the prevalence of byssinosis among workers with short and long exposures and low and high concentrations (Table 11), it appears that a mill with a concentration of 100 mg./100 m.3 or less would be reasonably safe, but in dusty card-rooms it seems that such levels are not possible to achieve at present. As it is necessary to adopt a realistic target that can be achieved, it is suggested that dust concentrations in cotton mills should be less than 250 mg./100 m.3 and that periodic medical examinations should be adopted to protect susceptible workers who can be advised to leave their dusty environment before they are permanently disabled.


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